• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 1,897 Views, 365 Comments

A Past Returned - TacoTues4Eva

A past Sunset doesn't remember comes searching for her, but will it be for the better or for the worse.

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Wednesday Dec 21 e

Dinner went pretty quick as Susan already had it done which included a nice salad, some breadsticks and spaghetti which Sunset had to admit was the best she had ever tasted. Sure Granny Smith was a great cook, but her home cooked meals never consisted of anything Italian as far as Sunset knew. The only time she ever had Italian was at school and pizzas the girls ordered. It wasn’t something she made at home unless they were cheap microwavable dinners in those small green boxes.

“You really loved it that much?” Susan asked ecstatically as Sunset nodded while wiping the corners of her mouth with the napkin.

“It was the best!” Sunset gushed wondering if perhaps her decision to stay based on this woman’s cooking would be ok or not if everything else went wrong.

“Well, I’ll get the dishes loaded into the dishwasher if you want to go find something to watch while we decorate.” Susan said with a large smile as she was very happy her daughter was having a good time.

“What if I bring out a music CD with Christmas songs? I know most people like them and they have kind of grown on me. Well, that is, if you don’t mind my singing. I recorded them with my friends back in Canterlot.” Sunset suggested figuring if they were going to be doing Christmas decorations maybe a little festive music would be good. It would also save her the embarrassment of admitting that while she knew how to use the TV, the sheer amount of apps on the thing was intimidating.

“I’d love to hear that darling!” Susan said in excitement as Sunset excused herself from the table to go to her room. Pulling out her old laptop Rarity had given her when her family bought new ones, she pulled the disc out of the drive and went back to put the CD into the blu ray player and loaded up the MP3s to play. It was the last CD they made together before Anon-A-Miss started and now Sunset knew why Rainbow Dash kept insisting on making what she called studio quality tracks. Not that Sunset would call it studio quality as most of the time they were done in the music room or Rainbow Dash’s garage.

The first song started up which Sunset ranked in her top five songs they did based on the holiday songs. Jingle Bell Rock began blaring through the TV speakers just as Susan came in bobbing hr head to the music. “I knew you had a beautiful voice, but your singing voice is something else! The video I saw of you singing at the Battle of the Bands was too hard to hear, hearing you this clearly is so much better!”

“Thanks.” Sunset said with a blush as she turned to look at the bare tree already standing a little off from the TV with numerous bags and boxes not far off from it. “I know you mentioned putting up the tree, but it looks like it is already up.”

“I meant decorating it silly!” Susan giggled, giving Sunset a side hug as she walked by her and toward the pile of items near the tree.

“Want to help me spread this stuff out on the coffee table and couches to see what we have to work with?” Susan asked as she grabbed a few things and started pulling them out of the bags, showing packages of lights and garland as she started spreading them out. Sunset did the same finding more lights and some ornaments for the tree as she looked over the stuff, then back to the tree trying to remember just how the trees at the girls’ home looked.

“How do we do this?” Sunset asked as she looked to Susan for an explanation.

“There is no right or wrong way really dear. We string the lights and garland around the tree best we can, then hang up the ornaments and candy canes where we think they will look good. Then I guess put either the star or angel on the top. After that I have a special blanket to wrap around the base with silver glitter to kind of make it look like snow.” Susan explained as she looked over to Sunset, who sucking on a candy cane from one of the boxes she found in another bag.

“Wait, these are decorations?” Sunset asked looking aghast making Susan giggle a little.

“We hang them up and when someone gets a sweet tooth they take one and eat it.” Susan said taking one herself. “Let’s get started.”

It took about two hours for them to finish the tree and decide to wait until tomorrow when they either could borrow a ladder or get one of Susan’s friends to help hang the wreathes, mistletoe and lights around the walls. Susan wanted to smack her own forehead that she didn’t think of that sooner.

Something was bothering her though as Sunset started out really happy as they talked about their likes and dislikes as well as their hobbies. Mostly just having fun and learning about each other, but the longer it went on the more Sunset kept zoning out and looking a little sad. It hurt to see her little girl looking like that and decided she was going to make sure she found out what was wrong. There would be no secrets like the ones that destroyed her relationship with Will. She understood that somebody was messing with her mind, but the lies and hiding things didn’t help in any way.

“Sweetie?” Susan said as she brushed the trash from the packages off the couch and sat down before patting the place next to her. “Please come sit with me.”

“Is everything okay?” Susan asked as she pulled Sunset into her and started stoking the girl’s head and running fingers through her beautiful fiery locks. “Please, if something is wrong tell me. I don’t want either of us to have any secrets from each other since all it does is cause trouble.”

Sunset sat there for a few minutes thinking about what to say as she was used to being alone and not really having someone expecting her to tell them everything. Sure she had the girls, but at the end of a day they were a poor replacement for an actual family wanting to be a part of your life.

“I met a boy today at the mall.” Sunset sighed making Susan freeze up a little bit.

“I kind of wish it had longer before you found somebody, but with your brains and beauty it was bound to happen.” Susan said wistfully, “Did you two hit it off?”

The memory of having a mini battle of guitars and the time in the food court flashed through her mind making her wonder if it really was just all a lie. Matt seemed like he was genuinely having fun, so could he have been distancing himself when he realized they were getting too close? No, that didn’t seem right to her. Yet it also didn’t seem right that he had broke her heart like that which was a whole other level of confusion.

“Is it normal to get close to someone so fast that it feels like you knew them already? That you just want to be with them so much because it feels like they truly get you and care for you?” Sunset asked.

“Well, of course there is love at first sight or even soul mates which I’m not to fond of either really. When it comes to romance, of course you might feel a really strong attraction to someone but without getting to know them to see if you are really compatible. It’s alright to feel that way as long as you don’t move too fast.” Susan explained slowly as she tried to figure out just how to say it.

“Soul mates?” Sunset snorted. “Like that destiny crap?”

“I take it you don’t believe in destiny?” Susan giggled at Sunset’s reaction.

“I’m really sorry to be crass, but I kind of like this saying someone I knew in Canterlot told me. Her name was Gilda and she was probably one of the toughest girls I knew there. She once asked me if I wanted to be destiny’s bitch or if I wanted to be the bitch to kick fate’s teeth in.” Sunset laughed. “Personally, I want to be the bitch to kick fate’s teeth in.”

“That’s my girl!” Susan laughed giving Sunset a squeeze. “Is that what has you down, your worried about your feelings?”

“A little, but not that I like him. Well, that’s not what has me down, he told me he was only giving me the time of day because his Mistress ordered him to protect me.” Sunset said bracing herself for Susan’s reaction.

“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” Susan asked in a frightened tone as she pushed the teen away to look over her closely to make sure there was no injuries which Sunset found pointless as they had a nice dinner and had fun putting up the Christmas tree.

“No, but he said as soon as his Mistress rescinds her orders he will be coming after me just like the other guardians.” Sunset said.

“What was his name?” Susan asked urgently.

“Matt, he’s Mr. Olsen’s grandson.” Sunset said noticing the color draining away from her mother’s face. “He turns into this dark angel like thing that calls himself Shagon.”

“No. No, no, no. This isn’t good.” Sunset said as she almost leaped from the couch and started pacing in front of Sunset biting her thumbnail.

“What’s wrong?” Sunset asked as she looked up at the woman who was so calm and collected look so scared and worried at the same time.

“Shagon is one of the girl’s enemies, one of Nerissa’s generals I guess you would say.” Susan said, “Are you sure you are okay honey? I swear if that witch had her pet hurt you I will tear her apart with my bare hands!”

“I’m fine, really.” Sunset said.

“I want your permission to do this honey, I won’t betray your trust. This is very important though and I need to call Yan Lin to let her know who Shagon is. He might either be mind controlled or Nerissa might have the real Matt.” Susan explained, “I’ll ask her not to tell the girls about you until you are sure what you want to do about that. I know you don’t know them and I won’t let them be forced on you, but they need to know about Shagon.”

“Thanks, I don’t mind you calling Yan Lin about it. I know she’s your friend and you want to protect her granddaughter and her friends from getting hurt.” Sunset said now worried for Matt though she was still going to have words with him as he hurt her very badly.

“Thank you honey.” Susan said as she leant over to kiss the top of Sunset’s head. “If I had my way I’d whisk you away from here away from all this craziness.”

Sunset heard what Susan said and she believed it and was also thankful that it wasn’t what she was trying to do. Despite feeling as if none of this really had anything to do with her she still felt some kind of urge to take care of it. To stop what ever evil was threatening those girls and protect her mother. She just didn’t know if she believed Nerissa was as evil as everyone seems to think if it was the same woman she ate with not all that long ago.

Author's Note:

I wanted to thank Sunny Scriber for proof reading and all the great ideas and help HarmonicPriest has given as well as the awesome new omake he wrote in the comments of the last chapter so check it out everyone.