• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 1,897 Views, 365 Comments

A Past Returned - TacoTues4Eva

A past Sunset doesn't remember comes searching for her, but will it be for the better or for the worse.

  • ...

Sunday Dec 25

“Wake up honey, it’s Christmas morning.” Susan tried again, gently shaking her daughter trying to get the girl awake. A part of her wanted to leave the girl to sleep in a little longer, but Cornelia had already been up for nearly a half hour and Susan was getting a little impatient wanting to share this day with her daughter and soon to be daughter. She had always wanted a big family, and their family was growing, she just wasn’t sure how to feel about how it was coming about. Cornelia should have never had to go through the things she did with Elizabeth, just as Sunset should never have had to go through what she did with that pony princess of hers.

“Nngghh…just five more minutes.” Sunset groaned, turning away as she pulled the blanket up over her head.

“I guess Cornelia and I will just have to enjoy waffles by ourselves.” Susan sighed heavily, trying to add as much theatrics to the action as she placed the back of her hand on her forehead and feigned feeling faint.

“I’m up.” Sunset groaned, sitting up and tossing the covers off.

“Good girl, hurry up and get ready. We will open presents and have a nice breakfast.” Susan said, smiling at seeing the teen brighten up a little at that.

“I’ll be out in a few minutes.” Sunset said, trudging from her bed after Susan kissed her on the head and left the girl to prepare for the day. Sunset moved over to her desk and pulled out a small wrapped package that she had stayed up late finishing up after arriving home. It was beautiful, much more than she thought it would end up being as Martin and Twilight had provided two covers for it to make it look like a simple bracelet with one larger gem set in the middle with a smaller one on either side. There were also several more on the bottom that would provide skin contact with the wearer that wouldn’t be seen unless you take the bracelet off. The covers were made with the same material, electrum, but one was a silver color and the other gold. It had taken most of the night to finalize the enchantments, though they already had some which not only made it easier to assemble, but easier to do what was needed.

Walking out into the living room she found Cornelia sitting at the couch, listening to her disc of music Sunset made with the Rainbooms of Christmas music and seemed to really be enjoying it. Dropping down next to the girl, Sunset gave her a quick hug saying, “Good morning and Merry Christmas.”

“Good morning to you too, sleepyhead.” Cornelia grinned, “And a Merry Christmas too.”

“Merry Christmas to both of you!” Susan said, coming out to do a spin in front of the two with a bit of a giggle showing off her silly looking Santa outfit minus the beard. “How do you like it?”

“You look like Mrs. Clause.” Cornelia giggled a little. “And Merry Christmas…Mom.”

“Merry Christmas mom, you look great.” Sunset added.

“Well, let’s get to the presents shall we?” Susan asked, turning to look at the mountain of presents under the tree, cocking her head in confusion. “I don’t recognize some of them.”

“Of course not, those are the ones I got you.” Sunset grinned, sticking her tongue out.

“Oh sweetie, you didn’t have to.” Sunset said, a little misty eyed.

“I sneaked them out here last night before I went to bed.” Sunset said, “Or, well early this morning.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t get you two anything.” Cornelia said, a little surprised when a few presents were set down in front of her by Susan before the women went back, retrieving some of Sunset’s.

“Just being here with us is all we need, honey.” Susan said, making another trip to hand out the remaining presents before retrieving hers and returning as Sunset scooted over so she could sit between the two girls.

“I can believe dad got a couple presents for me, and Lillian, but no way did mom get these for me.” Cornelia said as she looked at the tags.

“That’s because she didn’t, I did.” Susan said, “Unless you changed your mind about calling me mom.”

“Never!” Cornelia squeaked out, hugging Susan tightly. “Thank you so much mom! It’s just going to take getting used to, but I’m very happy with you being my new mom!”

“Thank you sweetie, and I’m sure I speak for both of us saying we are very happy having you here.” Susan said, kissing the top of the blonde’s head.

“I know I am. I’ve always really wanted a big family. Most of my life I dreamed of any family, but I always kind of had a wish for a big one.” Sunset admitted.

“Great minds think alike dear.” Susan said, wrapping an arm around Sunset and pulling her into a sideways hug and kissing the top of her head as well. “I’m so sorry you spent so many years thinking that nobody loved you, honey. I never stopped loving you no matter if you are Will or Sunset as you both are my daughters, and now we have Cornelia.”

“Here mom, this is a special present from Twilight, Martin, Cornelia and me.” Sunset said as she handed over the package she brought out with her getting a raised eyebrow from the blonde who leaned back to give Sunset a questioning look behind Susan’s back. Sunset only smiled and motioned for her to shush about it.

“Oh thank you dears, it’s beautiful!” Susan said, as she inspected the bracelet after unwrapping it.

“It’s also special, it has something that diffuses low level spells and absorbs it along with any ambient magic to charge itself. It will keep you from getting mind controlled ever again. I’ll show you how to use a force bolt to protect yourself later on. It also converts a small trickle of the energy it captures and sends it into your body to give you more vitality and make you feel more energized. It should also help you heal a lot quicker if you ever get hurt.” Sunset explained, earning another teary side hug for both of the girls.

“Thank you girls, next to you two, this is the best Christmas gift I ever had!” Susan “Come on girls, get to opening your presents and we’ll get some breakfast!”

The day had gone by greatly as the three had breakfast and put up their gifts, each one thankful for their presents and the thoughts put into them. It was later in the day after lunch when Susan came into Sunset’s room where the girl just finished trying one of her new games, the woman having a worried look on her face.

“Sunset, sweetie, can we talk?” Susan asked softly, sitting on the edge of the bed and motioning for Sunset to join her. They sat sideways looking at each other and Sunset grew a little worried about what was bothering her mother.

“Anytime you want mom, but what’s wrong?” Sunset asked.

“Sweetie, we ran into a little snag getting the paperwork we need for you.” Susan said, squeezing Sunset’s leg comfortingly when she noticed the scared look. “It doesn’t mean we can’t get it, in fact we might be able to get it a lot easier.”

“How?” Sunset asked, her voice low.

“Your father found out about you and magic and he wants to meet you. While I’m weary of him, he has agreed to claim you as his and we can say that we thought you died at childbirth.” Susan explained, “I don’t like lying, but the people responsible for a scandal has already been punished and unless we press charges, nothing will happen.”

“What kind of scandal?” Sunset asked, a little shocked. She wasn’t too sure how to feel about meeting her father as she didn’t know much about him other than he hurt Susan and Will deeply when he left them.

“Will would have been your age so we can’t say one of you was the little sister or big sister. I was at Canterlot Central Hospital giving birth to Will during the timeframe of when a nurse and doctor were taking the babies of mixed couples and saying that they died since they didn’t want non-Canterlot people raising them. It was discovered a few years ago that it was happening and a lot of children have since been reunited with their parents.” Susan explained, “Tony’s mother was from Canterlot, but none of us looked that part, so I guess we escaped that fate. If we claim that happened to you and we prove that you are related to us by blood, which I already have for our DNA test, all we have to do is sign a few papers and be done.”

“And if I don’t want to see him?” Sunset asked.

“Then I will talk to Tony and see if we can’t come to a compromise or find some other way around him. I really didn’t want to involve him at all, but Night Light thinks he may have truly changed and might actually deserve a second chance.” Susan sighed.

“Do you think he changed?” Sunset asked.

“Honestly? I don’t want to believe it, but that is because of the problems between me and him. If he did change, I don’t want to be the cause of him not getting to know you and you missing out on a father figure in your life.” Susan said, leaning over to hug Sunset.

“...Can I think about it?” Sunset asked.

“Of course you can honey. I didn’t even want to bring it up now, but Night called a few minutes ago to let me know Tony called him again. He really wants to meet you.” Susan said.

“I guess I could at least meet him and give him a chance.” Sunset sighed.

“That’s all he asks, a chance.” Susan sighed.

“... I’m going to go for a walk if you don’t mind.” Sunset said.

“That’s ok, just make sure you are back by dinner then we can all watch some Christmas movies.” Susan said with a bright smile.

Sunset wasn’t sure what to think about Tony as she walked down the mostly empty street. A part of her was curious, she knew better than to always take a story at face value from one person. Even if you loved that person very much, sometimes the story had more to it than the person’s own memories, or possibly biased opinions. She really hoped Tony was a good person now.

Turning to go down a dirt path, Sunset jumped back as several vines shot up from the ground blacking her path. “What the heck, Cornelia?”

“Don’t worry, you stupid crayon, this won’t take long!” Cornelia chuckled darkly, her eyes looking remorseful as she hovered into view in her guardian form. She flicked her eyes to the side as if trying to tell Sunset something, which made her realize Cornelia was just acting which helped set her growing fear of betrayal at ease.

“I should have known you would turn against Sunset, just like you did Will!” Shagon growled out as he landed between the two girls.

“Oh, what’s the matter, pretty boy? Afraid I’ll mess up her cute face?” Cornelia sneered, though Sunset could tell it was hurting the blonde to say that. Just what was she up to? She didn’t have time to think as Shagon was gathering energy in his mask to fire off a beam of energy at the blonde.

“Leave my sister alone!” Sunset snapped, throwing a bolt of energy at Shagon’s back, interrupting his attack and drawing his attention. It was those few moments that Cornelia was looking for as vines sprouted from the ground and wrapped around Shagon’s form, binding him, a hand made of rock coming from the ground to grab each leg.

“Now Sunset!” Cornelia huffed out, looking very drained.

“What?” Sunset asked, confused.

“Kiss him! I can’t hold him for long, this is all the energy I have left in my battery!” Cornelia hissed out, sweating heavily from the strain of holding Shagon in place.

“Why can’t I get free!” Shagon growled, Sunset feeling the energy buildup for a teleport of some kind, though he seemed unable to activate it. Swallowing nervously, Sunset nodded her head and tentatively moved to Shagon and gently pulled his mask off. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but seeing an older looking version of Matt’s face relaxed her a little. “How dare you take my mask off!”

“I hope this works.” Sunset sighed, her nerves a wreck as she leaned up and kissed him. At first it seemed that nothing happened, but Cornelia’s energy finally ran out, reverting her to normal and causing the vines and stone hands to crumble away leaving Shagon to wrap his arms around Sunset to deepen the kiss. Shagon slowly started shrinking and reverting to normal as well, the energy that created him draining away and into the charm Nerissa had given her.

“Wow.” Matt gasped as they broke apart before he was kneed in the gut and crumpled to the ground whimpering, holding his groin as Sunset lowered her leg.

“Don’t you ever say things like that to me again.” Sunset sniffed as she stormed away.

“Wow, remind me never to piss her off.” Cornelia choked out, completely in shock at what just happened. “You okay down there, Matt?”

“Just…peachy.” Matt groaned, “I’ll be fine, go after her and tell her I’m sorry, it wasn’t me.”

“I know Matt.” Sunset sighed as she stepped back in view. “I wanted to leave you there, but I just couldn’t abandon my sister here and leave you there in case I actually hurt you.”

“Only thing you hurt was my pride.” Matt squeaked out, “Are we even?”

“I suppose. Though if you really want to even things out you can take me out later this week.” Sunset grinned as the boy climbed up.

“I can’t wait, and it will give me time to buy a cup.” Matt groaned, earning a snicker from Cornelia and an exasperated head shake from Sunset.

Author's Note:

I wanted to thank Sunny Scriber for once again doing such a great job proof reading because no matter how much I try to find all the mistakes I still manage to miss a bunch of them. I also want to thank him for all the advice on improving my writing and scenes in the story to make it better as well as writing the descriptions for the girls new transformation. I also want to thank HarmonicPriest for all the help and story ideas he has given as well as the awesome omakes that can be found in the comment sections of Tuesday Dec 20 d, Wednesday Dec 21 d, Thursday Dec 22 b, Friday Dec 23 c, and the newest one on Saturday Dec 24 j as they are awesome! Thank you both very much!

I also wanted to thank HarmonicPriest for the suggestions on materials to use in making Susan's bracelet from the metals to the gems and the newest addition of alternate covers.