• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 1,897 Views, 365 Comments

A Past Returned - TacoTues4Eva

A past Sunset doesn't remember comes searching for her, but will it be for the better or for the worse.

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Wednesday Dec 21 b

Matt was having a hard time keeping his eyes off the girl sitting in front of him as she slowly sipped on her cola while he already finished his. They were sitting in the food court after standing in like for what seemed like hours yet the search for an empty table seemed to take much less time surprisingly considering what time of year it was. While he kept feeling Shagon in the back of his mind, the thing that shared his body was weakening drastically as it hadn’t fed on hate for awhile. After all you don’t get much hate when protecting someone which worried Matt.

Just what was Nerissa up to? The blocks in place preventing him from telling anyone about what was going on was still in place as was his orders to protect Sunset. He had no choice in protecting her yet he was pretty sure his want to do so wasn’t just because of Nerissa, there was just something about the beautiful, talented and funny young woman that was making him feel things he hasn’t felt since Will was gone.

Will, he was now sure that she was dead which hurt yet he couldn’t help feeling that he was with her being around this girl who had occupied his thoughts. He was free to be with his family and friends when Nerissa didn’t have use for him which he was thankful for even if he hated her for forcing him to hurt the girls. There were times he was sure Shagon was going to kill them, but now things had somehow changed. Nerissa had sped up her plans yet wasn’t telling him anything about them. She just gave him orders to protect the new keeper of the heart and since Khor was under his command being Mr. Huggles, he was also on protection detail. Why go from seemingly trying to possibly be trying to kill the guardians to just distracting them when he was watching over Sunset?

“So, like what you see?” Sunset asked, twirling a lock of hair around her finger as she looked a little nervous while sporting a blush. She was obviously teasing him as he got lost in his thoughts staring at her.

“Would you be mad if I said yes?” Matt asked, his mouth feeling a little dry making him wish he hadn’t finished his soda already.

“Not really.” Sunset said looking down breaking eye contact as he could see her blush deepen. He had to admit it made her look really cute yet he somehow had a feeling she normally didn’t act this way.

“That’s good.” Matt smiled, feeling as if she was a piece of him and didn’t want to live without her. It was strange and he hated that he wasn’t entirely sure if this was real or just some kind of twisted feelings Nerissa’s orders caused. “Do you like what you see?”

“Maybe.” Sunset squeaked out, the wince flashing across her face showing how embarrassed she was from not only what she admitted but how she said it making Matt chuckle softly.

“Hey Matt, who’s your friend?” A familiar voice asked startling the pair getting them to look over to see Hay Lin standing there looking back and forth while Irma seemed conflicted and Taranee looked unsure of herself. It was Cornelia’s look of rage that worried Matt.

“Hitting on a stupid crayon now, Matt?” Cornelia asked with a sneer, “What about Will?”

“Will?” Sunset asked confused.

“Matt’s girlfriend, you pastel freak.” Cornelia snapped making the three girls accompanying her drop their bags in shock while the blonde already sat hers down to cross her arms and look down her nose at Sunset angering Matt. He could feel Shagon rising and barely could keep from losing control to it as the damage would be very bad here as well as possible casualties with how crowded the place was.

“Cornelia, that is enough!” Irma snapped.

“You know your thinking the same thing! One of those freaks took Martin from you!” Cornelia hissed rounding to glare at her friend.

“Martin is my fault, don’t you dare blame someone else for that.” Irma hissed with a hurt look.
“How can you say that?” Hay Lin asked in utter shock.

“Am I a freak too?” Taranee asked as she seemed to be near tears. “Do you hate me because I’m darker than you?”

The entire group froze before turning to stare at Sunset who was laughing as she stood with a fire in her eyes as she stared at the blonde as her eyes swept over her body as Sunset stalked around the girl like a predator about to pounce.

“You know what? You’re pathetic.” Sunset said making the blonde’s jaw to drop in shock as well as the rest. “You think just because I look the way I do I’m going to be your punching bag? That I’m going to be cowed in submission by some self entitled, chicken legged, bleached blonde airhead?”

“How dare you?” Cornelia growled as she tried to pull away from Irma and Taranee who grabbed her before she could attack Sunset. “I’ll have you know I’m a natural blonde!”

“Yeah, way to go Corny.” Irma grumbled sarcastically.

“You can let her go, I’m not afraid of her. I’ve faced things a thousand times worse than some egotistical drama queen. Things that would give you nightmares.” Sunset snorted, “Heck, I was one of those things at one time!”

“Hey Sunset, please calm down, I’m sure she didn’t mean it. I expect an apology from you Cornelia.” Matt said as he moved beside Sunset and put a hand on her shoulder to support and comfort her though she shrugged it off.

“Whatever, I need to use the ladies room.” Sunset snorted as she stalked off down the hallway to the restrooms.

“What is your deal, Cornelia?” Matt demanded as Irma hurried after Sunset worrying the boy a little though he knew both of them could take care of themselves.

“My deal is you are betraying Will!” Cornelia cried as most of the gathered crowd who was likely hoping for a fight dispersed.

“We aren’t talking about Will, we are talking about you! You had no right to say those things! I never pegged you for a racist.” Matt growled actually feeling disappointed in the girl. The surprising thing was Cornelia wasn’t feeling hatred as he wasn’t automatically absorbing it so something else was up.

“I’m not, I mean I would never.” Cornelia gasped out, tears already calling as she looked to her friends stopping at Taranee who looked really hurt. “Taranee, I would never.”

“I know, you were broadcasting so loud I couldn’t block you out if I tried.” Taranee sighed taking Cornelia’s hands and rubbing the back of them with her thumbs in circles trying to calm her down. “You felt like Matt was betraying Will because you still can’t accept she’s gone. You need to stop blaming yourself for what happened, none of us was exactly supportive of Will that night. It doesn’t give you an excuse though to attack Matt’s new girlfriend the way you did.”

Matt started to deny the fact that Sunset was his girlfriend but was interrupted before he could even get a word out.

“Cornelia, we all miss her, but we have to learn to accept that she’s gone. She’s in a world we can’t get to and to be honest it might be for the best. She’s probably happy there.” Hay Lin said softly. “It is never acceptable to do what you just did though.”

“Tell her I’m sorry, I have to go.” Cornelia huffed, hurt and confusion on her face.

“Are you okay, Matt?” Hay Lin asked giving the boy a sad look.

“You know she isn’t usually like this, Matt. I don’t know what got into her.” Taranee said as Matt ran his fingers through his hair.

“I’ve known you girls a long time and I know Cornelia has hang-ups, but I don’t believe she is a bigot. I do expect an apology from her to Sunset later.” Matt said earning a gasp from Hay Lin.

“What’s her name?” Hay Lin asked a little shaky.

“Sunset Shimmer.” Matt said.

“Oh crap.” Hay Lin said as she looked about ready to pass out.

“Are you okay?” Matt asked helping the girl to a chair that she gladly took.

“Just low blood sugar.” Hay Lin said with a sheepish grin that screamed lies. Matt did know them and knew when they were like this they wouldn’t talk which always annoyed him. They would tell him in their own time and maybe with Shagon it was best they didn’t.

Sunset cursed herself for losing control like that since she hadn’t done something like that since her bully days. She didn’t like how it made her feel, not that the words from the blonde made her feel any better. She was breathing a little heavy as she splashed water in her face trying to wash away the tears that wouldn’t stop ever since her adrenaline ran out. While the boy at the music store was kind of mean and she had heard rude comments a few times so far, she had never dealt with actual all out vitriol that the blonde spewed.

“Hey, you okay?” Irma asked as she steeped into the bathroom a little surprised it was empty other than the two of them so locked the door to give them privacy.

“Come to pick up where your friend left off?” Sunset asked as she refused to meet Irma’s eyes.

“No, what Cornelia said was wrong on so many levels. I truly don’t believe she meant a word of what she said deep down though.” Irma said leaning back against the door as it was obvious she didn’t know what to do in this situation.

“So she just tosses out racist stuff like that at random?” Sunset snarked.

“You aren’t exactly innocent of insults either, but I don’t blame you after what she said. It’s no excuse, but I think I know why she went off the handle like that.” Irma sighed lightly hitting the door with the back of her head. “We lost someone very important to us three years ago and the last time we were all together we were tired and agitated and things were said that we would give anything to take back. Cornelia was the worst though and she blames herself the most out of all of us. It isn’t an excuse, I know, but when she saw you with Matt she flipped because accepting him moving on means that we will never see our friend again since Matt was dating her.”

“And how do you know how she feels?” Sunset asked finally looking up as she wiped the last traces of tears away.

“Because on some level I felt the same, but not like her. I felt hurt seeing you two together because it really does mean Matt is moving on and we really need to try to do the same. I’ll always miss our friend and I pray that she’s safe and happy, but if it means dragging her back into the mess that is our lives then maybe it is best she stays where she is if she is happy.” Irma said as she closed her eyes as she felt tears rolling down her cheeks. She was shocked when she was pulled from the door and into an embrace.

“Why am I the one comforting you when I get the feeling you came in here to comfort me?” Sunset asked bemused, she really did wonder that question but she did feel for the girl. Especially since she know who she is and who the girl was talking about.

“I better get back to my friends, but I really am sorry for how we met.” Irma sighed as she pulled back from Sunset.

“Yeah, me to.” Sunset said as Irma opened the door and walked past Matt who had Sunset’s bags waiting for her.

“You okay?” Matt asked.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to tear your friend apart like that.” Sunset said.

“Don’t apologize, she deserved it. I will make sure she apologizes soon.” Matt said taking Sunset’s hand which to her somewhat surprise she didn’t shake it off as they carried bags in each of their free hands. “So, girlfriend huh?”

“In your dreams pretty boy.” Sunset snarked while wondering if perhaps that would be such a bad thing after all. Until she figured out the whole angel and magic thing perhaps it would be best to stay friends.

“Oh, I’m pretty sure you will be in my dreams. I’m not so sure I’m not dreaming now.” Matt teased before feeling a tug in his mind meaning that Nerissa was summoning him. “Do you know the time?”

“Yeah, let me check.” Sunset said letting go of his hand to pull her phone out to check. “It’s almost two, wow it’s a lot later than I thought.

“Yeah, Gramps is going to kill me. I was supposed to be back to help him at one. I’m so sorry, do you think you will be okay by yourself.”

“Of course, tell him I said hi.” Sunset said before Matt kissed her on the cheek shocking her and handing her the bags before running away.

“Well, that was different.” Sunset sighed

Irma didn’t tell Sunset the other part of why the girls may feel more raw than they would have a few weeks ago. With a girl looking just like Will in guardian form hanging around somewhere it had opened up wounds that were on the way to healing and in Cornelia’s case, it blasted the wound open and made it even bigger. As she reached Hay Lin and Taranee she knew something was wrong as they were looking pretty agitated.

“We need to go, Cornelia just called and said she’s being attacked by Ember.” Hay Lin whispered urgently as the girl had her own bags and Cornelia’s meaning the blonde must have left them and ran off.

“Well let’s go save her royal pain in the butt.” Irma groaned not wanting to deal with guardian stiff right now.

Author's Note:

Wow, I had enough time to finish this chapter off tonight. Don't look for me to do this too often because usually it is pretty hard to be left alone long enough to get even one done. I just hope everyone is enjoying the story so far and I hope the interactions are believable and the story is flowing good as I know this isn't the greatest. It is keeping my mind off things so I will be writing and hopefully the more I write the better the story will become.