• Published 27th Jan 2023
  • 3,078 Views, 108 Comments

I am Ruin - XHunter

Perpetual failure Adam Merkur accepts a deal from Discord: To be the next Lord of Chaos.

  • ...

Chapter 10 - Fight or Flight

Retellings of Equestrian Heroes: Gold Heart

By Yesteryear

Adapted from the memography of

Gold Heart

The two-month voyage home was as smooth as silk. Not a storm nor sea monster dared test our ship as if the very winds and waves trembled before our buoyant spirits. We ponies were the predators of the open ocean now, that's how it felt leastways.

My men had steeled themselves for the long war ahead. Prepared to be honored sacrifices for the sake of our young nation. But Star Swirl had spared them that fate with his silver tongue. Talked the griffins down from ravaging our lands and forged a strong new alliance instead.

I couldn't wait to bring the glad tidings to our Queen. And beg her pardon while I was at it, she'd picked a fine envoy in Star Swirl. I doubted her judgment no more.

We celebrated dawn to dusk every day. Rations once meant for war now fueled our revelry instead. The unicorns were puzzled by our Pegasus ways, I could tell. Trained for battle they may be, but stuck-up as the rest. Not a lick of partying in them. But the Earth Ponies, now they knew how to live it up!

The grog and song flowed freely as we sailed. Days were spent whooping and hollering as we shared bawdy tales on deck. Come sundown, we broke out the instruments and danced away under the starry skies. Many a friendship was forged on that voyage home, bonding ponykinds in ways never seen before.

As we neared home, the lookout in the crow's nest spotted an ill omen—no welcoming battalion awaited us at port. Disastrous it was not, but it put me on edge all the same. The Queen always arranged a heroes' welcome for returning soldiers. She valued and loved her brave ponies, despite being no fighter. She'd not have missed our arrival.

We convened to decide our course. We'd continue on to Centum Ventini nearby on hoof, and leave a quarter crew to guard the ships.

As we journeyed, Starswirl and I worked to keep spirits high amongst the men. We all sensed something amiss, but nerves would only hinder us. Still, unease mounted when Ventini came into view—or where it should have been. It took high vantage to see where it was, Grounded in ruin. Our proud cloud kingdom razed and wrecked.

Many a stalwart Pegasus broke down weeping for our lost home. Tens of thousands must have perished in the assault.

Were it not for Starswirl's steady words, my soldiers may well have deserted. But he unified them, gave them purpose amidst sorrow. We would press on, discover what evil had befallen our land, and exact justice.

On we galloped, morale flagging but determination rising just the same. We were war-trained after all, sadness could wait. Action must come first lest more lives be lost.

A foul stench assailed us as we neared the fallen city. Scattered ahead were what appeared as corpses—piles of pony-shaped flesh and viscera. Organs and bones lay exposed as if their hides had been stripped away.

Investigating revealed a curse at work, one so awful it could be described as a work of Grogar. The "bodies" were still warm...still breathing. One wretched soul slowly turned my way, begging wordlessly for aid. They yet lived, but turned inside-out by dark magic.

Starswirl desperately tried reversing the spell, to no avail. But he discerned the caster; lifelong foes, the draconequi Lords of Chaos, Mayhem, and his son Discord—disgraces to Harmony itself.

Mayhem, Spirit of Destruction, possessed the power to reshape mountains and life alike to his whims. A being of pure carnage who craved only violence and despair. A malignancy that arose during the times of the Unending Blizzard to plague ponykind.

His son Discord, Spirit of Disharmony, was, thankfully, weaker. Still an impish scamp tutored in cruelty by his father. Taught to see the world as a playground for indulging sadistic desires.

We ended the cursed ponies' suffering as mercy demanded. Then prepared to act. Starswirl would contact the Queen and Princess for assistance with the help of his unicorns'. Together they would recast the spell banishing the draconequi, brought long ago from lands east of the minotaurs.

Mayhem and his child would not go unpunished for long. The Royal Sisters would ensure that. But many more might suffer before the beasts were driven back.

So we continued onwards, seeking survivors with rising desperation. All we discovered were more warped horrors, casting doubt that anypony had endured the chaos. Still, we had to try - giving up would only hand victory to the enemy.

Adam lethargically turned another page, the old soldier's 'memography' was interesting, but not quite enough to hold his wandering focus after reading for so long.

I think I've got a decent grasp now anyway, he decided, closing the book. The rest could wait for later perusal. Adam thought as he sorted through what he had and read.

"Done reading?" Fast Pace called from his post by the entrance, taking notice.

"Yeah, sorry for making you wait around," Adam replied, a touch of irritation in his tone. Not like I asked you to come along.

Fast Pace trotted over, eyeing the sizable stack Adam was organizing. "You read all that in three hours?" he asked, sounding vaguely impressed.

"Uh, no, Just half,” Adam clarified “I want to check out the rest…if that's allowed."

Fast Pace nodded toward the front desk. "Go ask."

Spike was lounging at the desk, lazily flipping through a comic. Adam dropped his stack of books and rapped a claw on the wood to get his attention. "Hey Spike, any chance I could check some of these out?"

"Sure thing," Spike said, sitting up straight. "Just gotta get some paperwork done with Fast Pace real quick, adult signature and all that.”

Adam quirked a brow. "I can fill stuff out myself you know."

"Well yeah, but you're like..." Spike trailed off at the look on Adam's face.

"O-oh," Adam said as he turned red with embarrassment. He had forgotten that, despite him being of similar height to ponies, he was thought to be fourteen. Knowing he had lost some of his independence aggravated him, but he kept that from showing on his face. "Right, of course."

The urge to dispute Celestia's claim crossed Adam's mind. But a history book had mentioned her fighting teenage Discord before. She'd recognize a young draconequus' looks. Spike likely knew that too.

Spike gave him an apologetic look. "Bureaucracy stuff, you know how it is. I'll try to make it quick."

Adam managed a small smile. "No worries, appreciate you letting me check these out at all."

After being called over, Fast Pace signed the papers without complaint. A few of the info-gathering sections had to be left blank, such as home address, which Spike let slide and assured Twilight would as well.

"Speaking of, where is Twilight?" Fast Pace asked.

Spike rolled his eyes. "Downstairs doing her thing as usual," Spike said, pointing to a back room.

At Adam's questioning look, he explained, "She's planning for every possible scenario involving…"

"Me," Adam said curtly.

Spike rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, sorry."

Adam let out an audible sigh. "No need. Makes sense."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, it's mostly about making sure you have a good life here," Spike said.

"She must be planning my whole life then," Adam said sarcastically.

Chuckling, Spike answered, "Yep." When he saw Adam's unamused face, he added, "She's never going to use any of them—after the first week."

"Yeah, no," Adam said deadpanned.

That got a laugh from Spike and even a smirk from Fast Pace.

"Let's get going, we've got places to be," Fast Pace said as he lifted the checked-out books onto his back.

"You've got places to be," Adam corrected.

Fast Pace snorted. "I told you earlier, you're not leaving my side."

"I'd rather not be sitting around bored waiting for you to sign a bunch of papers in an office," Adam replied. "Nothing is going to happen if you leave me alone." He knew the sooner he was out of Fast Pace's sight, the sooner the pony would trust him. Fast Pace was looking for Adam to give him a reason to distrust him, so why not create a situation that Adam could prove himself with?

"I've got an idea!" Spike chimed in. "How about I go with you guys and give a tour as we go about," Spike offered. "Twilight won't mind…much."

"You sure, Spike?" Adam asked.

Spike went around the desk to join the two. "Yeah!"

Adam gestured to Fast Pace for confirmation on whether it was okay, the pony simply shrugged and started heading out.

The tour was going as well as could be expected. As they passed landmarks, Spike gave brief overviews and answered Dizzy's occasional questions, with Fast Pace also asking his own at times.

Occasionally, the tour would be paused as Fast Pace took the group into buildings for one reason or another. The stallion struck Spike as someone who was overly proactive, especially since he went to the town hall to confirm residency before even having his own house.

Dizzy seemed to shrink between Spike and Fast Pace as they walked, trying to avoid the eyes and murmuring gossip of passing ponies as they walked.

"Why hasn't the Guard done anything yet?" Spike overheard one pony whisper.

"Maybe they are," another answered. "That one looks like he's leading Discord to the barracks."

"So it's a trap?"

"Maybe? Captain Silver Eye did say he'd address this."

Spike nudged Dizzy reassuringly. "Don't listen too much. Once everyone knows you're not Discord, they'll welcome you."

Dizzy scowled. "Personal experience?"

"Not by me, a friend,” Spike explained. “She's a zebra—everyone used to hide from her.”

"But aren't zebras equine too?" Dizzy asked. "What made them so afraid?"

"Zecora always had this big spooky cloak on," Spike said. "Made her seem like she was hiding something sinister. Ponies jumped to conclusions."

Dizzy nodded. "Guess I’m not the most… innocent-looking thing then," she growled out. "Skittish bunch…"

Spike sighed. "Yeah…but that's what happens when your ancestors were prey. Took me a week to convince foals I wasn't going to eat them."

"That's racist," Dizzy remarked, to which Spike rubbed the back of his head in response.

"But they came around eventually," he added positively. "Just takes time for fears to fade."

Dizzy simply grunted, eyes unfocused in thought. Spike wished he could say more to raise her spirits. But empty platitudes wouldn't help, only real change would prove her worth.

They arrived at the guard barracks on the town's outskirts, near the train station. Two armored guards scrutinized them from the entrance.

Noticing Dizzy lagging behind, Fast Pace called calmly, "Hurry up, slowpoke."

Dizzy glanced between the looming barracks and the town behind them. "Um, can I just wait out here while you go in?" she asked nervously.

"Why?" Fast Pace responded flatly.

It was clear to Spike that the ponies from earlier were on her mind so he jumped in. "Look, dude, I can keep an eye on her for you. She doesn't want to go in."

Fast Pace looked ready to argue but paused, reconsidering. "Fine. I'll be thirty minutes, at most," he finally said.

Once the guard was inside, Spike shook his head. "Yikes, you have to live with him?"

"Yep.” Dizzy huffed. “Everyone at the library was willing to give me a chance. You'd think he and Celestia would too.”

Spike raised a skeptical eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure the Princess trusts you."

Dizzy scowled. "Doubt it. She’s just trusting Fast Pace will keep me in line."

Spike pondered Dizzy's pessimism as they walked to a nearby bench.

"It's like Celestia didn't even tell anyone I could be trusted," Dizzy grumbled, sitting down. "They don't even know the dumb name she gave me."

"She named you?" Spike asked, surprised.

Dizzy nodded, embarrassed. "It was either 'Dizzy' or 'Discord Jr.'"

Spike burst out laughing. "Discord Jr! That's amazing."

Dizzy just groaned. "'Dizzy' isn't much better."

It took a moment for Spike's laughter to simmer down. "Well, what do you want to be called," he inquired.

Dizzy opened and closed her mouth several times, failing to answer. "I-I don't know…" she finally admitted, shoulders slumping as she stared at the ground.

Spike gave her an encouraging pat. "No rush! You can pick something you like later."

Contemplation painted Dizzy's face before she smiled. "True," she said.

The calls of a nearby ice cream vendor caught Spike's attention. "I've got a few bits, want some ice cream?"

"Bits…that's money, right?" Dizzy asked. Spike nodded. "Um sure, if you don't mind. I'll pay you back later."

Spike waved off her offer. "My treat! What flavor?"

"Orange, please," Dizzy requested with a smile.

Spike went over to the colorful cart and noticed a group of ponies loitering nearby, whispering and stealing glances at Dizzy. Just curious, probably, he guessed with uncertainty.

The line at the stand was short, mostly just guards and the odd local. Within minutes it was Spike's turn to order.

"Two cones please!" he requested, placing some bits on the stand.

"Gotcha, what'll ya have?" the vendor asked.

Spike held up two claws. "Double scoop orange and double scoop sapphire."

The pony grimaced apologetically. "Sorry big guy, no gem flavors here. Can do blueberry though?"

"Yeah that's fine," Spike answered.

As the vendor scooped the cones he asked, "So who's the lucky filly?"

Spike sputtered, "Uh, what?"

"Pretty obvious one cone's for your girl," the pony chuckled. "What's her name?"

Spike flushed, thoroughly embarrassed by the assumption. "Oh, she's not my girlfriend. I literally just met her."

"Ah, so trying to get there then?" the vendor pried with a smirk.

"No!" Spike insisted, rather offended. His interests lay elsewhere already. "She's—new in town, I was just showing her around. She's had a rough go so far."

"Gotcha, my bad," the pony quickly apologized, passing Spike the tray of finished cones. "Here you are, sir!"

"Thanks," Spike muttered, grabbing the tray hastily.

"Happy to serve!" the cheerful vendor called as Spike hurried off.

The moment Spike turned around, he heard a distinct yell.

Turning around, Spike was alarmed to hear Dizzy shriek "I'm not Discord!" Whipping towards the bench, he saw the loitering ponies had cornered her.

A unicorn stepped closer, forcing Dizzy back against the bench. "We aren't stupid! We know you can shapeshift, Discord!"

Dizzy looked unsure whether to bolt, stand her ground, or cower. Spike rushed over as fast as he could without upending the cones.

Why me!? Adam internally raged. He wanted today to be better, but these ponies seemed intent on antagonizing him.

He had dealt with this before, back when he was a kid, and he had found a way to end it immediately. But he couldn't resort to that again, it would make him a hypocrite after promising himself to control his temper.

From the corner of his eye, Adam saw Spike rushing back with the ice cream. No, this is still salvageable, he told himself, taking a deep breath to calm down.

"W-what will it take to prove I'm not Discord?" he asked the ponies.

They exchanged uncertain glances, not expecting the question. After a long pause full of muttered discussion, a mare demanded, "Show us your soul!"

Adam balked. "I-I—WHAT—I can't fucking do that!"

"Then leave!" the lead unicorn ordered.”Or we’ll make you Discord!”

"Yeah, what Panik said!" another stallion cheered.

What kind of backward society is this? Adam fumed. No wonder Discord called them misguided.

"H-hey now, let's all calm down and, uh, talk," Adam said to appease the crowd. "I read up on Discord. If it's any consolation, I'm sorry for what he's done."

"Not good enough!" a mare yelled.

Adam barely held back a string of curses at her. He wanted this resolved quickly and easily. His instincts said to fall back on old reliable methods, but that would undoubtedly make it worse.

Option B it was: Run.

"Fine, I'll leave!" Adam declared angrily. A twisted sense of satisfaction rippled through the crowd.

He spun on his heel and started walking blindly away. "Dizzy! What's go—"


Adam found himself sprawled on the ground, covered in a sticky orange mess. Sitting up with a groan, he saw he had walked right into Spike and upended the ice cream tray.

"Oww," Spike groaned before scrambling to his feet. "You okay?"

Adam just stared numbly at the ruined treat, another gift wasted. No matter what he wanted, today was just like yesterday.

He felt a pressure build up inside of him, demanding to be released, either through his eyes or his fists.

Spike leaned in, concerned. "Dizzy?" he asked, laying a claw on Adam's shoulder.

Adam angrily brushed it off and stood, fists clenched. He turned to the lead unicorn, who yelled, "What're you waiting for? Get lost!"

A small voice in Adam's mind whispered ‘he could still walk away,’ be the better man. He silenced it. Adam had tried being the ‘better man’ with these people, to uphold the principles of being civilized. The smug unicorn deserved what he was getting. Adam needed this catharsis.

With a primal yell, he charged the unicorn with full force. Every ounce of deep, negative emotion he had been holding back poured into the punch.


The hit connected hard and the pony stumbled back before crashing down, stunned. The whole crowd froze in shock.

"That's what you get, Dupek!" Adam shouted, panting heavily. "That's what you…fucking…get…"

But as the pain set in on his knuckles, icy horror doused his fiery temper. He watched a dark welt form on the unicorn's muzzle as blood trickled from his nose.

Adam staggered back, his throat constricted. "No-no-no. I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it," he choked out as he realized what he had done. Another bad decision.

The pony looked up at him with teary, fearful eyes. Adam felt a pit form in his stomach. There was no going back now.