• Published 27th Jan 2023
  • 3,078 Views, 108 Comments

I am Ruin - XHunter

Perpetual failure Adam Merkur accepts a deal from Discord: To be the next Lord of Chaos.

  • ...

Chapter 12 - Meanwhile

"Yes! Yes, it's beautiful!" Twilight cheered, looking over her hoofwork—Sparkle Plan 6503: A Few Sparks.

She had spent the morning scheming in the library basement, papers and diagrams littering every surface. However, most of the clutter originated from past plans to reform Discord.

6503 was elegant and simple: Twilight would have her and her friends each spend time getting to know Dizzy, hopefully spawning personal commitments that would blossom into friendships. She already had ideas for herself, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.

Twilight herself would become Dizzy's personal tutor. She would assess the foal with an exam and teach Dizzy what she didn’t know. Dizzy seemed well versed already, knowing things even Twilight didn't know—going by her proclamation to spread chaos non-disruptively.

Fluttershy would go second to last after the others had broken the ice. It was going to be a…difficult event. The two would have a lot to talk about. If Twilight was being honest, It was mostly for Fluttershy's sake. The poor girl would need closure, and the sooner the better.

And finally, Pinkie could show the filly a fun time—maybe bake a cake? Most importantly, when Twilight felt Dizzy was ready, Pinkie would introduce her to all of Ponyville at a welcoming party. For now, a huge crowd was too risky.

Satisfied with the plan, Twilight tidied up her scattered notes and climbed the stairs out of the basement, eager to begin. There was a pep in her steps as the prospect of getting to teach again was invigorating. She hadn't taught ever since Spike turned twelve, as she had accidentally accelerated his schooling past the average adult. Nine years of gifting knowledge to someone younger had left an impression.

"Spike you can tak-'' Twilight began, exiting the basement. The dragon should've been tending to the front desk, however, he was missing. Now where did he get off to? She wondered.

A folded paper on the counter caught her eye. She unfolded it to find a note from Spike.

"Well, the more the merrier," Twilight said approvingly as she learned that Spike was showing Dizzy around.

It was also nice to find out the filly was the studious type, seeking knowledge herself. Her choice of history books was curious though, all detailing the pre-classical era.

It was unconventional to let someone leave with books without a library card, but the paperwork was filled so it was fine.

Twilight, deciding to rectify the card problem, rifled through a drawer and pulled out card-making supplies. She made each card personally, as she believed it led to more appreciation of the library and its books.

As she gathered materials, her stomach rumbled loudly. "Maybe Spike had a point about putting a fridge down there," she chuckled.

In the kitchen area, Twilight threw together a few daisy sandwiches with the last of the fresh ingredients. "Right on time," she remarked. She teleported a scroll and quill and listed what needed restocking-eating one of her three sandwiches all the while.

Glancing around, Twilight noticed many shelves looking emptier than her projections estimated. Hmm, maybe I shouldn't leave the pantry open all the time, she thought. She made a note to be less lax about offering the pantry.

Once she was done, snacks on hoof, she went back to the desk and got to work on the library card. It did take some time as Twilight made most of the card by hoof, only using magic to give it a unique signature for verification.

With the card finished, Twilight grabbed her saddlebags and stored it, along with her grocery list. She was going to deliver the card to Rarity's, check on Fluttershy, and then head to the markets to restock the kitchen.

Rarity stared despondently at the paper that lay before her. Her desk was covered in sheets that had the beginnings of a hat, each drawing discarded in frustration. Designs had eluded her since Discord’s arrived in Ponyville.

She idly doodled a patterned hatband on her current page. "Perhaps...no…not quite..." With a frustrated huff, she crumpled it up to join the overflowing bin.

At least I had the foresight to clear my schedule, she reminded herself.

Knock Knock Knock

Three perfectly spaced knocks sounded from outside her workroom.

"~Just a moment!~" Rarity sang out sweetly. It had to have been one of her friends or it was something important, otherwise, the pony knocking had trouble reading signs.

Leaving her frustrated efforts, Rarity trotted to the front door where another three knocks greeted her. "Coming darling!"

Opening the door revealed Twilight waiting patiently. "Oh, Twilight, what brings you here?"

"Nothing urgent. Just wanted to drop this off for Dizzy," Twilight said, levitating a laminated card - a library membership.

"Oh, is Dizzy no longer present at the library?" Rarity asked.

Twilight shook her head. "Spike is showing her and Fast Pace around town."

"How nice, perhaps she can make a friend or two while out," Rarity remarked. "She'll surely need them..." she added under her breath.

Twilight's brow furrowed. "Why's that?"

"W-well you see, Fast Pace doesn't seem too inclined towards her.” Rarity explained hesitantly. “And considering he's supposed to care for the dear…" she trailed off pointedly.

Twilight's face fell into a concerned frown. "He hasn't done anything terrible, has he?"

Rarity waved a hoof dismissively. "Oh no, nothing like that. He's just rather...cold towards the poor girl."

"If anything happens, please let me know," Twilight said seriously. "I have plans to help guide Dizzy, and a bad home environment would be extremely detrimental. For any child really."

Rarity nodded. "Of course, darling. You have my word." She paused thoughtfully. "Have you visited dear Fluttershy yet today? To check on her?"

Shaking her head, Twilight said, "I was going to after dropping off the library card."

"Then I insist on coming along," Rarity declared, stepping outside. "Our friend needs us right now, I'm certain of it."

"For sure," Twilight agreed

Together, the two mares set off down the sunlit street. A heavy silence hung between them as they made their way towards Fluttershy's cottage on the edge of town. Each was lost in her own worried thoughts about their gentle friend.

Rarity replayed the awful scene from the day before in her mind. She should have done something and been there for Fluttershy in the immediate aftermath. But the shock had warped her priorities.

Glancing at Twilight, she saw the same guilt and concern etched on the mare’s face. They had all failed Fluttershy when she needed them most. But not anymore—today, they would be there to support her through her loss.

Twilight and Rarity walked through the thinning streets of Ponyville. With the boutique on the opposite side of town from Fluttershy's forest cottage, their walk stretched nearly half an hour to cross the town of two-thousand ponies. But the two mares didn't mind the scenic stroll on such a pleasant day.

"Rainbow…" Twilight groaned. “I can’t believe she did that. Dizzy wasn't hurt was she?"

"I'm afraid so," Rarity answered gravely. "Sprained both her legs rather badly."

Twilight raised a skeptical eyebrow. "But Dizzy's out walking around town just fine?"

"Indeed. I tried convincing her to rest, but she insisted the pain had passed," Rarity explained. "I only relented because Fast Pace examined and cleared her."

A notebook and quill floated out of Twilight's saddlebags, surrounded by her glowing magenta aura. "Hmm, perhaps enhanced healing abilities?" she mused, jotting notes.

Rarity shot her a wry smile. "Twilight, I know that look. You are not to dissect the dear.”

Twilight chuckled. "Oh come now, how else will I thoroughly research draconequus physiology? All my current books are based on studies from fifteen centuries ago!"

Rarity fixed her with a flat stare, however, she was unable to contain her own smile as Twilight batted her eyes innocently. Their mutual giggling dispelled the lingering tension.

"In all seriousness though," Twilight continued, "I am intrigued by her rapid recovery. If it's biological magic, there's so much to uncover!" She practically vibrated with scholarly excitement.

Rarity just shook her head in amusement. Trust Twilight to find the scientific silver lining.

"Um, excuse me, Twilight?" a soft voice spoke up from behind them.

Twilight and Rarity turned around to see no one, but the flapping of wings tipped them to look up. Hovering in the air was the cross-eyed pony, Derpy, in her mailmare uniform.

"Hello, Derpy! What can we do for you?" Twilight greeted warmly.

The cross-eyed pegasus landed. "Is it true that Discord destroyed the elements, hypnotized Celestia," she tilted her head, "and turned into a filly?"

Twilight sputtered, caught off guard. "I-uh-NO?"

Derpy's confusion grew more. "Oh. Okay then, who's the new girl with Spike and the guard?"

Rarity stepped in diplomatically. "That would be Discord's…daughter."

"His daughter? Wow, draconequuses work fast! Who's the mom?" Derpy asked innocently.

"Mom?" Twilight echoed in confusion before realizing her mistake.

Derpy's good eye glanced up in thought. "Well, all the stories say he's the last one, so which lucky...or unlucky pony was it?"

Twilight and Rarity hesitated, unsure how to properly explain. Misinterpreting their silence, Derpy gasped.

"Is she not a pony? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for assuming!" she apologized profusely.

"No no, it's okay!” Twilight assured. “There is no mother. How did you hear those crazy rumors anyway? Didn’t the Guard explain?"

"No guards came to tell me anything," Derpy said.

Twilight frowned. "Then who told you?"

"My little Dinky," Derpy answered. "At first I thought she was just being imaginative, but everyone else was saying the same thing."

Rarity's face soured with distress. "It seems some dreadful rumor mill has sparked."

"This fast? But how?" Twilight exclaimed.

Rarity set her jaw with determination. "It matters not. Derpy dear, we require your assistance."

"Absolutely! What can I do?" the mailmare asked eagerly.

"What you heard from Dinky and others is untrue," Rarity stated firmly. "Dizzy is just an innocent child who unfortunately happens to be Discord's daughter. Right now she desperately needs help dispelling these nasty rumors and animosity. Explain to everyone that she's the result of the elements…salvaging the little bits of good in Discord. Please, do what you can to spread the truth."

Derpy saluted. "You got it!” With that, she shot back into the sky.

"Thank you, darling!" Rarity called

Twilight looked at Rarity miffed. "Rarity, that bit about the Elements salvaging Discord's good parts wasn't exactly true. Why say that?"

"Because 'just trust us' won't suffice, dear,” Rarity explained patiently as they resumed walking. “These rumors no doubt exist because of ponies wanting answers. I've merely provided an alternative narrative that causes no harm while satisfying curiosity."

"I think Applejack would disagree with 'no harm,'" Twilight pointed out.

"Of course. But let's continue this on the way, shall we? Rather than standing idle in the road." Rarity suggested.

Twilight nodded reluctantly and they set off again. Rarity’s white lie was a noble one and she believed Twilight would understand its necessity to combat misinformation. The ease with which it had spread was concerning, and she worried about the havoc rumors could wreak on their efforts with Dizzy.

Rainbow held Fluttershy close with a wing as they sat before the makeshift grave she'd dug for Angel in the cottage backyard. Occasionally one of Fluttershy's menagerie would come pay respects.

"Sorry, this was the best I could do for now," Rainbow said, nodding to the simple plot. "I'll pay for a nice headstone when I get the chance."

Fluttershy sniffled, eyes downcast. "You don't have to..."

Rainbow Dash didn't argue but fully intended to do it regardless.

The faint sound of three perfectly spaced knocks carried from the front door.

"I'll get that. You take your time," Rainbow said gently before flying up to the roof.

Peering down, she saw Twilight and Rarity at the entrance. Neither noticed Rainbow Dash overhead as Twilight knocked again, calling for Fluttershy.

"Up here!" Rainbow called, alerting the two mares. "Hey Twilight. Rarity," she added tersely.

Rainbow dropped down to properly greet them. "You guys here to see Fluttershy?"

Rarity nodded graciously. "Of course, darling."

"Well, do her a favor—don't mention Discord," Rainbow warned.

Twilight shifted awkwardly. "Actually Rainbow, can we talk about that? Privately, of course."

"Let me guess, is it over how we’ll take Discord down?" Rainbow asked skeptically.

Twilight slowly shook her head. "Actually, it's about how you tackled Dizzy."

Rainbow groaned loudly. "Oh come on, not you too! Why are you all buying his act?"

"Because there is no act!" Rarity insisted. "Why must you be so paranoid, Rainbow?"

"Paranoid? I'm finally using my head like you guys always tell me to," Rainbow fired back. "Explain where this random filly came from if it's not Discord. How can she just exist?"

Twilight shrank under Rainbow's glare. "I'm...still working that out," she admitted quietly.

"Exactly! It's impossible!" Rainbow pressed on. "We all saw him get hit by the Elements. So either he secretly overpowered them, or he dodged and we didn't notice. And if he could overpower them now, why not before?"

Neither Rarity nor Twilight had a good response, leaving an uncomfortable silence hanging. Rainbow did raise an unsettling point - there was a logical gap they couldn't explain.

But Rarity remained unshaken.

"Be that as it may, it doesn’t matter," she stated firmly.

Confusion consumed Rainbow Dash's face. She wasn't expecting that kind of answer.

"I know that filly isn't Discord because I've spoken with her—seen just how different she is. And unlike you, I'm upholding my tenant as an element. Have you done that? Have you given her a chance and extended a branch of friendship?" Rarity asked.

"It's been two days, Rarity," Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"And that's enough for me," Rarity said.

Twilight spoke up hesitantly. "Rainbow, your doubts are fair…and I agree somewhat.”

Rarity looked shocked. "Twilight, surely you believe—"

Twilight rose a hoof to stop Rarity. “But..." She took a breath. "What if it really is a new pony, and we harm her over baseless suspicion? We can't risk that either."

Rainbow hesitated for a moment before saying, "It's impossible she's real.”

Twilight thought a moment before suggesting, "How about this, each of us will individually befriend Dizzy while Rainbow and I discreetly supervise. I'll learn that advanced barrier spell Celestia taught the guards. If anything seems off, I can trap her long enough for Rainbow to gather the other girls to use the Elements."

"I don't think we should be taking any risks," Rainbow Dash argued.

"Rainbow Dash for Celestia’s sake, if Discord wanted to act, why wait!?" Rarity pointed out. "Celestia's gone, he's unguarded with just Fast Pace, and we're not grouped to use the Elements again."

Twilight nodded. "She's right. And Rainbow, I do share your doubts, but let's avoid actions we'll regret."

Rainbow sighed reluctantly. "Alright, I'll trust you guys for now. But remember, Ponyville's safety is on us. We can't let anypony else get hurt."

Twilight gave her hoof a reassuring bump. "That won't happen, I promise."

Seeming placated for the moment, Rainbow headed back around the cottage. "I'll ask if Fluttershy wants to see you two."

Once alone, Rarity turned on Twilight. "So you really think she could be Discord?" she accused angrily.

"No, I do think they're different. I want them to be different," Twilight said earnestly. "But something is up. I'll explain what I'm thinking when we can get the other girls together."

Fluttershy gazed mournfully at Angel's makeshift grave, tears occasionally trailing down her fur Angel was the first animal she had cared for ever since she had gotten her cutie-mark. He had been her very first animal friend, the one who helped her earn her cutie mark so long ago. Angel had stood steadfastly by her side through every trial and tribulation, a source of comfort when she hid herself away from the world. And now he was gone, because of her naive trust.

The sound of wingbeats announced Rainbow Dash's return. "Twilight and Rarity are here," she said gently. "Want me to let them back?"

Fluttershy managed a small nod. Amidst the pain, she felt a swell of gratitude that her beloved friends had come to support her. They were the bedrock that kept her afloat whenever she sank into despair and isolation. Especially Rainbow, her oldest friend, who never backed down from defending Fluttershy no matter what. It was as if Rainbow had made a lifelong pact to stand beside her. Following Fluttershy to Ponyville nearly a decade ago was proof of that dedication.

Soon the three joined Fluttershy around the modest grave, wrapping her in silent comfort and companionship.

"I'm so sorry, Fluttershy," Twilight finally murmured, voice thick with emotion.

Fluttershy quickly shook her head. "It's alright. It's not your fault," she whispered. Because deep down, she knew the blame lay with her alone for trusting so foolishly.

"Yes, it is!" Rainbow retorted angrily. "We should've done something instead of sitting around like helpless puppies"

Fluttershy silenced her with a stern glare before turning it on the others too. "No. None of you could've predicted this. Not even me." Her fire quickly faded. "It's my fault for bringing Angel. And for trusting Discord..."

Rarity laid a gentle hoof on her shoulder. "You couldn't have known either, dear. Please don't torment yourself so."

"Seriously, how many times do I have to say it wasn't your fault before you believe me?" Rainbow added earnestly. "Discord's the only one to blame here!"

Fluttershy's eyes hardened at the mention of his name. "Where is he now?" she asked coldly.

"Discord is-" Rainbow started to explain before Twilight quickly cut her off with a raised hoof and discreet head shake.

"It's complicated," Twilight said evasively. "I'll explain when we get the rest of the girls. But if you're worried, we're safe."

Fluttershy studied her friend's guilty expression but simply murmured "Okay." She was too emotionally drained to pry further.

The group sat in heavy silence then, taking solace in each other's company. Fluttershy found herself leaning into the support of Rarity on one side, and Rainbow's wing on the other. She was undeserving of their devotion after her reckless lapse in judgment. But their closeness was a bright ray piercing her dark shroud of grief and guilt.