• Published 27th Jan 2023
  • 3,078 Views, 108 Comments

I am Ruin - XHunter

Perpetual failure Adam Merkur accepts a deal from Discord: To be the next Lord of Chaos.

  • ...

Chapter 8 - Snowball

Adam grunted as Fast Pace lowered him onto the plush sofa inside Rarity's boutique.

"I simply can't believe Rainbow Dash would do this," Rarity fretted, watching anxiously as Fast Pace examined Adam.

"I can," Fast Pace replied bluntly. "Her voice was filled with a soldier's conviction. She cares deeply for you all."

Adam sank into the sofa's soft cushions, eyes closed in relief. After the cold harshness of the armor, the fabric felt like heaven against his aching back. If Discord had killed a pony rather than a pet, who knows what she would have done to me, he thought grimly, pain still throbbing through him.

With a surface-level examination, Fast Pace commented, "She's not bleeding, so that's a good start."

"My chest and legs hurt the most," Adam told him.

Fast Pace nodded his head and placed a hoof out Adam's chest. He gently pushed into it and asked, "How much does this hurt—One to Ten."

"Three," Adam answered.

"How about now?" Fast Pace asked as he pushed a little harder.

"Still Three."

Fast Pace placed an ear to Adam’s chest. "Deep breaths, please." Adam obliged him and took several steady breaths.

After listening intently, Fast Pace said, "Nothing sounds out of the ordinary." He moved down to Adam's legs, carefully probing and bending each one. "Pain?"

Adam winced. "Four...seven now," he corrected quickly as Fast Pace manipulated his leg into an extreme position. The other leg elicited the same spike in pain at its limits.

"Well, kid, you got off lucky," Fast Pace finally pronounced, sitting back. "No breaks, just bruised ribs and sprained legs most likely."

"How is that lucky!?" Adam asked incredulously.

"Because Rainbow Dash could have easily inflicted far worse," Fast Pace replied matter-of-factly.

Adam scoffed in disbelief. "Having varying degrees of injury isn't 'luck'. Just different shades of unlucky."

Fast Pace raised an eyebrow smugly. "But it is, from a certain point of view."

"Whatever," Adam said, dismissing the coincidental misquote.

"Well, I consider it lucky," Rarity interjected. Dizzy dear, I do hope you can find it in your heart to forgive Rainbow, on my behalf. She's a good pony, despite her—violent introduction."

Adam crossed his arms. "No promises," he replied. He could empathize and understand Rainbow Dash to an extent, but unwarranted violence was inexcusable.

Rarity's face fell. "Oh please, just give her a chance, once she's calmed down I know we can make her understand."

"I'm sure we can, but what is there to convince her with? Not even your princess' verdict dissuaded her. Hell, she hasn't even convinced you!" Adam said, agitated at Rarity's hypocrisy.

Rarity looked away guiltily. "I...I don't think you're Discord, not anymore," she admitted softly.

"W-what?" Adam asked, confused.

Rarity met his gaze resolutely. "You are not Discord."

Adam searched her eyes but saw only earnest sincerity. "So earlier you weren't just…saying shit?"

"Of course not, Dizzy. I meant it," she affirmed with a gentle smile.

Adam knew he should feel relieved, but bitterness lingered. It takes me getting attacked to convince these people? He thought.

He turned to Fast Pace and asked, "What about you?"

"What about me," he responded.

"Do you think I'm Discord or not?" Adam pressed.

"My opinion is irrelevant,” Fast Pace deflected. “I'll take care of you one way or another,".

So he doesn't trust me, Adam realized resentfully. He's just playing nice because it's his job.

"By 'one way or another' you mean take me out, right?" Adam accused.

Fast Pace raised a defensive hoof. "That's not what I said."

"Well then what exactly are you saying?" Adam shot back. "Doesn't really sound ambiguous to me."

Fast Pace stood firm, meeting his gaze unflinchingly. "I'm saying your future depends on you. I can be your ally or your warden - your actions will determine which. Whether you are Discord or not makes no difference to me."

"Why don't I show you two where you'll be staying?" Rarity interjected brightly, easing the tension.

The sky above Ponyville had never been clearer than today. To the ponies below, it seemed Rainbow Dash was working overtime busting clouds. But she had a different motive behind her relentless efforts.

"Rrrraagh!" Rainbow yelled, spearing through a lone wispy cloud. Ever since confronting Discord, she'd been clearing the skies to vent her frustration. What is a Royal Guard going to do against Discord; Nothing! she fumed internally.

With a final explosive strike fueled by anger, she obliterated the last cloud, draining the last of her energy. She didn't want Fluttershy to see her rage while already grieving. As Rainbow hovered, catching her breath, the smoldering fire of her temper gradually cooled. Once re-energized, she headed toward Fluttershy's cottage.

As she flew, she thought about how heartbroken Fluttershy was. She didn't deserve it, none of her friends deserved to lose a beloved pet. Why didn't I just sock him? Why did I wait so long and let Angle get killed? If I had fought him I could've…I—

I could've died instead, he realized with a chill. AJ could've died! Anyone of us…

“Hey, Rainbow Dash!” A voice called down from below, interrupting her dark musings.

Shaking off those thoughts, Rainbow looked down to see Scootaloo waving excitedly up at her. She flew down to greet the eager young filly. "Hey squirt, what's up?"

“What’s going on Dash?” Scootaloo blurted. “Why was the Princess here? Why the lockdown? Why-” Scootaloo asked.

Rainbow raised a hoof, cutting off the barrage of questions. "Take it easy, kiddo. Let me explain." She paused, considering how to break the news gently. "So you know how Princess Celestia wanted us to reform Discord, right?"

Scootaloo nodded vigorously. "Mhm! Mayor Mare said not to worry about it." Her face fell slightly. "But something bad happened, didn't it?"

Rainbow's expression darkened. "Yeah. Discord went berserk and...killed Angel Bunny."

“What?!" Scootaloo gasped.

"And now he's pretending to be a filly," Rainbow continued through gritted teeth.

“That mons—wait wha’. Why would he do that?” Scootaloo asked, confused.

“To avoid punishment of course,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, throwing up her hooves. “After he killed Angel, we blasted him with elements…or at least tried to. I don’t know how he got out, but now he’s pretending that the elements turned him into a completely different filly or something.”

Scootaloo frowned thoughtfully as she processed this. “Maybe Discord did become a filly,” she slowly said. “What if it’s like with Princess Luna, and that’s his true form.”

Rainbow snorted dismissively. "As if! Why wouldn't the Elements change him the first two times then?"

Scootaloo's ears drooped in embarrassment. "Oh yeah, good point. Dumb theory." She perked back up. "So should I go around warning everyone about him?"

“Great idea, squirt," Rainbow praised. "It'll make whatever he's scheming way harder if everyone knows the truth. Grab Sweetiebelle and Applabloom and spread the word.”

"Sweetiebelle's out of town, but I can get Applebloom!" Scootaloo promised dutifully.

"That's fine, just get it circulating and it'll spread fast. I'm gonna go check on Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash said. The two pounded hooves before parting ways.

It didn’t take long for Rainbow Dash to reach the quaint cottage. She entered the cottage, not bothering to knock as she knew no one would answer. The inside was messy and dimly lit as every curtain had been closed. On the living room couch slept Fluttershy wrapped in covers. Tear streaks from prior crying staining her face.

“I’m sorry Fluttershy, I should’ve done better,” Rainbow Dash muttered to herself. She searched the living room for a small pillow, finding one and placing it into the splayed-out hooves of Fluttershy. Fluttershy gripped the pillow tightly and slowly awoke from her sleep.

“Angel?” Fluttershy asked.

“I—No Fluttershy, it’s just me…” Rainbow Dash solemnly replied.

Tears began to slowly pour from Fluttershy’s eyes as her hopes were crushed. “It’s my fault, Rainbow Dash,” she murmured.

“No, it’s not,” Rainbow Dash reassured.

“You were all right,” Fluttershy sobbed. “I shouldn’t have trusted him.”

Rainbow Dash quickly hopped onto the sofa and pulled Fluttershy into a hug. She held Fluttershy tight as she broke down, soothingly rubbing the crying pegasus’ back. “It’s all my fault. Angels gone because of me.”

Rainbow Dash’s gut twisted from guilt. It wasn’t Fluttershy’s fault, it was hers. She should’ve been the one to take the blow as she was tough enough to shrug it off.

The two held each other in silence for some time, Fluttershy’s sobbing eventually reducing to whimpers. “I’m going to make him pay, I promise, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said aloud.

Fluttershy tensed at Rainbow Dash’s words. She pulled back, fresh alarm in her eyes. "Rainbow, you can't hurt Discord. Violence will only make things worse."

Rainbow frowned. Even after all this, Fluttershy was still defending him?

"But he has to be stopped!" Rainbow argued. "Who knows what he'll do next? I can't let him hurt anypony else."

Fluttershy shrank back, lowering her head. "I...I understand. Just please, be careful," she whispered.

Rainbow nodded, swallowing back further arguments. Right now her friend needed comfort, not fuel for more conflicts. She would bring justice her own way, on her own terms. For now, Fluttershy's wellbeing was all that mattered.

A soft, lilting tune floated from the boutique's kitchen as Rarity hummed while cooking. On the stove, an aromatic soup simmered, filling the air with its savory aroma. Rarity added a final dash of spices and gave the pot a slow stir. Hours had passed since Rarity had shown Fast Pace and Dizzy their room. Just before the sun began to touch the horizon, Rarity had started preparing a meal for her guests.

If only the markets were open, She thought. I would've shopped around to make a divine first meal for Dizzy. Hopefully, my mother's minestrone will do!

She lifted the ladle and tasted the soup. "Perfection!" she gushed.

The kitchen door opened and an orange stallion entered, his short black mane damp from the shower. A single white forelock hung over one eye. "Thank you again for the use of your shower, Miss Rarity," he said.

"Of course, Fast Pace," she said, reducing the heat of the stove to a simmer. She turned to properly look him over. "So this is the stallion underneath all that armor and glamor."

Fast Pace rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "If you're about to say what I think, you'll be the twenty-third mare," he joked.

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "And what would that be?"

"That I'm handsome," he said, smirking.

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "How presumptuous. I was merely noting how different you look without the illusion spell. Like an entirely new pony."

The Royal Guards’ armor was enchanted to conceal identity, giving the wearer a generic white coat and blue mane. This allowed the guard to remain anonymous while being easily recognized by citizens and intimidating to foes.

"Besides," Rarity continued airily, "it takes far more than a charming face to sway this mare's heart." She learned that lesson well enough from Prince Blueblood

Fast Pace eyed the simmering pot curiously. "Is that for us?" He asked.

"But of course, darling! What kind of host would I be if I didn't feed my guests?" Rarity floated a bowl over, ladling a generous portion into it. "Could you please bring this up for Dizzy?" she asked, placing it on a saucer with a spoon.

"Sure thing," he said, taking the saucer in his mouth and heading out.

While he was gone, Rarity dished up two more bowls and set them on the table. The cozy kitchen also served as a dining nook since the boutique's front was occupied by the store.

Fast Pace trotted back in just as Rarity settled onto her cushion. "Mission complete. Time for me to dig in," he said eagerly, taking the seat opposite her.

Upon his first bite, Fast Pace hummed in satisfaction. "Wow, this is amazing. Rivals my own mother's cooking," he complimented.

"You’re too kind, darling," cheerily replied Rarity.

They ate in comfortable silence for several minutes before Fast Pace suddenly asked, "What really made you change your mind about Dizzy?"

Rarity looked up, startled by the abrupt question. She dabbed her mouth daintily with a napkin. "I've already said why before."

Fast Pace shook his head. "I know there's more to it than that.”

Rarity glanced down, absently stirring her soup. "It was her eyes—Dizzy’s eyes," she finally said softly. "My little sister was attacked by a timberwolf once. I'll never forget the sheer terror in her eyes afterward."

Seconds passed as the two remained silent. "I see…" Fast Pace said gently. "Is she alright, your sister?"

"Oh yes," Rarity said with a fond smile. "I didn't give that brute a chance to actually harm her."

Fast Pace's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You fought off a timberwolf yourself?"

Rarity proudly nodded. "Indeed I did, darling."

Fast Pace chuckled. "Then what do you need me here for?"

"Har har," Rarity laughed. "A timberwolf is one thing, but Discord? That's more your area of expertise my—" she mimicked Fast Pace’s voice, "—'Knight in Shining Armor.'"

Fast Pace stroked his chin thoughtfully. "True...though I bet together we could take him down." He smiled playfully.

Rarity returned the smile. The comfortable rapport between them was a pleasant change from the tension and mistrust of earlier. For the first time, she felt a spark of hope about the situation.

After being shown the guest room, Adam decided to nap the rest of the day away. Sleep was his usual escape when things went poorly. However, the alluring aroma of Rarity's cooking eventually roused him. The moment Fast Pace entered the room, he nearly lunged at the stallion from the bed he had rested upon, not noticing his color change.

Within minutes, Adam greedily gulped down the last spoonful, only then realizing how famished he was. Placing the empty bowl on the nightstand, he sighed in satisfaction. "God, I need more of that."

Testing his legs, he found the pain had dulled enough to slowly shuffle around. Climbing carefully off the bed, he turned and froze. There floating by the door was the spectral form of Discord.

Anger reignited inside Adam at the sight. "Enjoying your first day in Equestria?" Discord asked mockingly.

"You said this was all just a misunderstanding," Adam accused with a growl.

Discord leaned back, looking confused. "What?"

"You know, Angel? The friend you killed and now I'm paying for," Adam clarified angrily.

Discord's eyes lit with realization. "Oh right, that little pest of Fluttershy's. Didn't think I swatted him that hard," he said with a casual shrug.

"Well, you did!" Adam snapped. "And now I'm stuck dealing with your screw-up. I got slammed into a damn wall because of you!"

"Yes, I've been watching through your eyes," Discord said, amusement in his tone. "So what do you want me to do about it now?" He wrapped loosely around Adam's shoulders. Despite enveloping him completely, Adam felt no pressure or weight.

"These are your problems to handle now," Discord continued lightly. "No more running away like you wanted to on Earth. You signed the contract. Everything that has and will come is your responsibility now.”

Adam bristled. “No! You’re supposed to guide me like the contract said. You’re responsible as well.”

Discord waved a dismissive paw. "I taught you how to be a Lord of Chaos™ in transit. I've fulfilled my obligations."

Adam's breath grew shaky as his anger shifted to fear and guilt. He didn't know how to convince anyone here that he wasn't Discord. He didn't understand how to spread chaos or what that even meant. He didn’t even know his body anymore.

Y-You're an asshole," Adam mumbled weakly.

Discord smirked. “Hi, Kettle, I’m Pot. You’re the one who abandoned his own world. Imagine how disappointed your parents will be when they find you missing. And your friends? Does a good person make loved ones suffer because of one little test?”

Adam remained silent, stewing in his shortcomings as Discord listed them.

"Why don't we start over?" Discord then suggested cheerily. "Be a little nicer this time, and maybe I'll help you with your impending problems. Just like mommy and daddy always did, right?" he added mockingly.

Adam nodded reluctantly. Discord uncoiled from around him and asked again, "So, enjoying your first day in Equestria?"

“N-no…” Adam mumbled sitting down and leaning against the mattress of the bed.

Discord gave an exaggerated sympathetic pout. "Oh no, what's wrong?"

Adam stared at the floor. "I just don't know what to do. I never do."

"And why's that an issue?" Discord prodded bluntly.

Adam held his head in his hands. "How am I supposed to do anything important when I don't even know where to start?"

For the first time, Adam saw genuine empathy cross Discord's face. "Adam, you only just got here," he said reasonably. "At least go out and try before you give up again. You can't expect to have all the answers immediately."

"But I don't even know what 'spreading chaos' really means," Adam argued hopelessly. "What am I supposed to do?"

Discord crossed his arms. "I already told you—chaos is change. Go learn about this world, find something you want to change! Do some research, topple a tyrannical regime or two goody two-shoes!" He grinned eagerly.

Adam looked skeptical. "You make it sound so easy."

Discord laughed. "Because it is!"

Strangely, Adam did feel a bit better after Discord's pep talk. “Thanks, Discord,” he said, standing up. "I'm gonna go grab some more soup."

“Don’t forget your bowl,” Discord reminded with a smirk before vanishing.