• Published 27th Jan 2023
  • 3,111 Views, 108 Comments

I am Ruin - XHunter

Perpetual failure Adam Merkur accepts a deal from Discord: To be the next Lord of Chaos.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - New friends, new—

"And then, in the blink of an eye, Rainbow Dash flew faster than I’d ever seen her go and shoved me out of the way," Twilight told Celestia.

After discussing the details of Dizzy with Twilight, Celestia had moved the conversation to lighter topics to catch up with the unicorn. She sipped her tea as Twilight recounted one of her recent escapades with her friends. The tale was about a journey that Twilight, Rainbowdash, and Applejack had taken into the Everfree Forest. The Timberwolves of the forest had become daring and needed to be dealt with.

"I thought she was going to take the hit, but somehow she was able to dodge it. One moment I was watching the wolf's paw coming down on her, the next she was behind it. Makes me feel like I should exercise more," she said, chuckling anxiously.

"I don't think simple exercise is going to make you as fast as Rainbow Dash," Celestia joked. "But I have to ask, what made you want to join those two, Twilight? You know you’re not a fighter. You could've gotten seriously injured.”

Twilight shifted awkwardly on her cushion. "Well, after facing King Sombra a few months ago, I realized that I'm woefully unprepared for real fights," she admitted. "So I went through the library and studied as much as I could to prepare against future threats. I figured that the timberwolves were perfect practice."

"I see," said Celestia thoughtfully. Using her magic, she levitated one of the library's combat books and moved it onto the table.

"Self-Defense for Defenseless Unicorns," Celestia read aloud, chuckling afterward. With a quick skim of the book she added, "Twilight, while informative, books like these are no good for anything more than fighting clueless ponies."

Twilight’s cheeks flushed "I know that. Which is why I’m not going to use the basic spells and techniques from the books.” Twilight teleported a piece of parchment filled to the brim with spell formulas and showed it to Celestia. “I’ve formed my own arsenal using the fundamentals it teaches. The difference between a stunning spell and a lethal one is just power, after all."

"Still, I insist you get formal training," Celestia pushed. "I'm sure one of the battle mages here would teach you. Yes, you are better off with the sharpest sword, but even the dullest blade will strike you if you can't wield your own."

Twilight fidgeted with her hooves. "Princess, I'm sure the Local Guard are far too busy to waste time teaching a random citizen battle magic."

"Nonsense. They would happily instruct you if I requested it," Celestia dismissed with a wave of her hoof.

"That's not fair to the guards," Twilight argued.

Celestia couldn't help but smile. "That's very humble of you, Twilight, but you are no ordinary citizen—you're my faithful student. It is my duty to ensure you have access to any knowledge I deem necessary for your growth. Consider the royal guard an extension of my own teaching."

Twilight sighed. "Well, when you put it that way, I suppose I can't refuse."

Celestia cherished these moments with Twilight. As her student had grown, she had to begrudgingly relinquish time with Twilight. From secondary caretaker, to mentor, to advisor, to now glorified pen pal, Celestia yearned for their little talks. Despite receiving at least one letter a week about Twilight's studies, they were always professional and impersonal.

"Anyway," Twilight continued, "when Rainbow Dash pushed me, I was thrown through some brush and got separated. Just as I got my bearings and was about to rejoin the others, a timberwolf had managed to sniff me out and find me."

Twilight scratched the back of her neck and said, "I think I almost died there. I was so frightened I just froze and…let it advance on me. If it wasn't for the putrid smell, I don't think I would've snapped out of my panic. When it was right on top of me, I realized what was happening and blasted it with every ounce of magic I had. Fortunately, my wild blast hit its core so it couldn't reform, but I was left practically useless from magical exhaustion."

"Fortunate indeed,” Celestia nodded, “which is why you should heed my recommendation of getting formal training.”

"Well, Princess…would it not make more sense to have me trained before I started doing dangerous quests." Twilight scratched her chin, "Though knowing you, I guess you had your reasons not to."

Celestia scrambled to explain herself. "Of course, I had a reason. Your magic was so powerful that it was too risky to teach you at such a young age," she lied. In truth, Celestia had naively thought that new dangers wouldn’t appear in Equestria after her sister's return. Peace had stood tall for a thousand years after all.

"But now that you have perfect control of your magic, you really should get training if you want to defend yourself," Celestia reiterated.

"As you advise, Princess," Twilight said respectfully.

Celestia went and draped a wing around Twilight. "It was wonderful speaking with you, Twilight, but I'm afraid I've exhausted the time I could spare. Please excuse me while I take my leave."

"Of course, Princess, I understand," Twilight said, nuzzling Celestia fondly.

Rising to her hooves, Celestia addressed the Solar Guard who had been stationed silently by the stairs. "Come, my loyal guard," she said. he made her way to the library exit, the guard following dutifully behind.

At the door, Celestia turned back and said, "Twilight, please inform Fast Pace he has one hour to relocate himself and Dizzy to Rarity's home. My guards will notify the citizens that they can leave their houses an hour after my departure."

"Darling, it's fine, really," Rarity insisted, waving a hoof dismissively. She took another bite of ice cream, savoring the rich, creamy sweetness. "Twilight opened her pantry to us. So stop fussing."

Twilight's kitchen was sparse. The shelves were stocked with foods that didn’t interest Rarity. After ten minutes of searching, they had stumbled upon a hidden mini freezer tucked away in the back. Inside was a treasure trove of assorted ice cream flavors.

"She opened it to you, not me,” Fast Pace argued, poking at his half-empty bowl with his spoon Also, I'm pretty sure her secret stash of ice cream wasn't a part of that invitation. It was hidden for a reason.”

"Oh pish posh," Rarity tutted, "this is hardly my first time sampling these heavenly treats. Twilight's never once complained, darling. The closest thing is that the hiding spot changes each time I visit—no doubt to keep it away from Spike." She giggled conspiratorially.

Rarity levitated her empty bowl to the sink and began washing it, suds floating up from the soapy water. As she scrubbed, her thoughts turned to Fast Pace. She was perplexed why Princess Celestia had assigned a mere private to supervise the new draconequus. Sure Fast Pace seemed confident and calm, and Celestia clearly valued his input, but Rarity couldn't help but feel anxious. Ponyville’s local captain would've surely been a better supervisor, even if he wasn't a part of the Royal Guard.

The kitchen door creaked open. "Rarity, Princess Celestia suggests you and Fast Pace should head home now," Twilight said, poking her head in.

"Right now?" Rarity asked, turning to face her friend. Twilight, instead of answering Rarity, stared at Fast Pace in bewilderment.

Fast Pace lifted his spoon and pointed it at Rarity. "She said it was fine," he calmly defended.

"Where did you find that ice cream?" Twilight interrogated.

"It was behind the pots and pans in the cupboard," Rarity explained breezily with a wave of her hoof. "Since you never objected, I assumed it was alright."

"It is fine…mostly," she reassured.

"That's good, but what do you mean mostly?" Rarity asked.

"Hmm…how do I explain this," Twilight muttered. "The ice cream is something Spike brings in from a friend of his. He…hides it sometimes 'cause I eat too much of it," she said blushing. "It's kind of turned into a bit of a game between us."

"A bit of a strange game, don't you think?" Rarity joked. "Has Spike complained about my plundering?" she asked.

"He would if it was anyone else but you." Twilight chuckled.

"I'll have to pay him back soon—even if he hasn’t complained. I've intruded on the sacred rite of sibling rivalry," Rarity said dramatically.

Fast Pace smirked. "Now you're concerned about permission?"

"Hmm!" Rarity tutted playfully, to which Fast Pace chuckled in response. She loudly cleared her throat and said, "Do we have to leave right now exactly? I was thinking that we could invite Spike and Dizzy for some ice cream as well. After All, waking up tied by rope isn't the greatest introduction to life, right?" Rarity said awkwardly.

Twilight shuffled her hooves anxiously. "Maybe later. The Princess only gave us an hour before Ponyville's residents can leave their homes. You know how stir-crazy they can get."

"But an hour is plenty," Rarity argued.

"Only if the ponies obey and stay inside," Twilight countered. "You've got 30 minutes, tops, before someone gets too curious and sneaks out prematurely."

"We can rush the two," Rarity suggested.

"Sounds like you're stalling. Afraid to have your boutique turned inside-out," Fast Pace interjected.

"Of course I am!" Rarity exclaimed. "The six of us saw what Discord did to Fluttershy's cottage. I can't have that happen to my boutique—those dresses are my livelihood!"

Rarity went on quickly before Twilight could interject. "Yes, Twilight, I know. Dizzy 'might' not be Discord. But I simply cannot trust a mere 'might'.''

"That's why I'm here," Fast Pace said stepping forward. "We're all wary, even Her Majesty. I'll be watching Dizzy like a hawk. If the worst comes to be, I'll even spill blood. You have my word your home and business are safe."

Rarity smiled gratefully, but her anxiety remained. "I don't doubt your commitment, Fast Pace. But what could a lone royal guard do against someone like Discord?"

Fast Pace met her gaze steadily. "More than you realize. The Princess has equipped me with all I need to contain him, should it come to that. If she had any doubts, she would have assigned Captain Trouble, not me."

Rarity sighed. "If the Princess thinks you can handle this, then…I shall trust her judgment."

Twilight nodded. "Alright then. Fast Pace, could you please go get Dizzy?"

"Sure," he said.

"How did you read our moves?" Adam said in as deep of a voice as he could manage. The manga had been a good enough distraction from his swirling thoughts earlier.

"On a sunny day like this, when it hasn't rained in days…" Spike said coolly. "A water puddle shouldn't exist."

Knock Knock Knock

The door to Spike's room opened to reveal Fast Pace standing stoically. "It's time to go," he stated plainly.

"Guess we'll have to finish this later, Spike," Adam said, climbing off the bed.

"See you around, Dizzy," Spike said with a small wave.

"Yeah, see you," Adam replied as he followed Fast Pace out. "Where are we going?" he asked once in the hall.

"To Rarity's boutique. We have an hour," Fast Pace answered over his shoulder.

"Why the time limit?"

"The ponies here tend to be wary," Fast Pace explained as they descended the stairs. "Seeing you will likely cause panic, given Discord's reputation. Her Majesty has allotted us an hour of privacy."

They entered the main room where Twilight and Rarity were just leaving the kitchen, chatting. A tub of ice cream floated in Twilight's magical aura.

"I'll go check on Fluttershy later, once everything has settled down," Twilight said to Rarity.

Rarity nodded. "Do let me know how the poor dear is faring as soon as you can. I can hardly imagine what she must be feeling. If it were my Opal, I doubt even Princess Celestia could restrain my fury."

"We're ready when you are, Miss Rarity," Fast Pace interrupted.

Rarity glanced at Adam uncertainly. "Well, wish us luck, I suppose."

"You won't need it. Everything will be fine," Twilight reassured with a smile.

She lowered the tub of ice cream in front of Adam. "Dizzy, this is for you. A little 'Welcome to Life' gift from Rarity and me."

Adam took the tub in his claws, reading the label: 'Pepper Dee Mint's: Mint Orange Surprise.'
"Thanks, how did you know oranges were my favorite fruit?" he asked with a grin.

"Lucky guess," Twilight laughed. "Rarity actually picked the flavor."

Rarity gave a dramatic flip of her mane. "Oh, it was no guesswork, darling. Our dear Twilight simply couldn't decide, so I tapped into my exquisite talents as an ice cream connoisseur and expert pony reader to intuit what you would enjoy."

Twilight chuckled at her friend's theatrics. Turning back to Adam, she said sincerely, "I hope you'll come to see the beauty in our world and have a good life here. And if you ever want to learn something new, the library doors are always open."

"Thanks for the offer," Adam replied. “Oh! can you make me a library card for later?”

Twilight glowed with joy. “Of course! You’ll just have to fill out a paper and I can get you one by later today.”

“Gonna stop you right there, ma’am,” Fast Pace interrupted. “We’re on a time limit remember?”

“Oops, sorry.” she apologized slightly embarrassed.

After quick goodbyes, the trio made their way through the empty streets of Ponyville. Unease settled upon Adam as the guards that once dotted the town had returned to Canterlot or the local barrack, giving the area a sense of abandonment.

The journey was silent, leaving Adam alone with his thoughts. What am I going to do? The same question that had plagued him on Earth now echoed in his mind. Before, he'd had his parents' direction to follow, like going to university. Here he was supposed to 'maintain balance' but he had no idea what that really entailed. Knowing nothing of this world or its workings didn’t help either.

"So…what's Equestria like?" Adam asked, breaking the silence.

"What's Equestria like?" Fast Pace echoed. "Interesting question." One of his ears straightened up and began twitching oddly. Adam waited for him to continue, but the pony just stayed silent.

Before Adam could further question, Fast Pace spoke, "Equestria is the pinnacle of harmony—filled with hard-working, good-natured, friendly ponies. We set an example for all nations wishing to prosper as we have."

“A bit propagandistic, don't you think," Rarity commented.

"Do you have a better description?" Fast Pace challenged.

Rarity thought for a moment. "Hmm, off the top of my head, no.”

Adam looked around the empty streets and shops. "If ponies are so friendly, why are we being so cautious? Why would they panic just seeing me?"

"Well, ponies are at the bottom of the totem pole, so to say," Rarity explained. "We're not exactly warriors by nature."

Fast Pace nodded. "Our princesses maintain peaceful foreign relations through diplomacy."

"So what do you do when diplomacy fails?" Adam asked.

Adam felt immense pain as he was slammed violently against the wall of a house, letting out a shriek. It was as if a cannonball had struck him, and was now trapping him through sheer weight. He let out choked shrieks of protest as he struggled to escape, eyes screwed shut from pain.

"I found you, bastard!" a shrill voice screamed in his face. "Fluttershy trusted you! She put all her faith in you, she even relinquished her element to prove it!"

Adam could hear Rarity yelling but the words were drowned out by his attacker's screeches.

"And what do you do to repay her!? You go on a rampage—and—AND—"

Suddenly the weight was gone as the assailant was tackled off of Adam. Tears were on the verge of erupting, but Adam refused to let them flow in an attempt to regain control of himself. He felt something soft engulf him and opened his eyes to see Rarity protectively wrapped around him. Looking to the side, he saw Fast Pace pinning down a struggling, rainbow-maned blue pony.

"Get off me—Get off me!" the blue pony screamed thrashing about.

"What are you DOING, Rainbow Dash?" Fast Pace yelled, punctuating each word.

"Giving Discord what he deserves! Now get off!" she yelled.

"Not until you calm yourself!" Fast Pace demanded.

Rarity released Adam from her embrace. "Look at me, Dizzy" she urged gently, turning his head to meet her trembling yet determined gaze. "Focus on me and take deep breaths."

Following her instructions, Adam slowly felt his racing heart settle. "Thank you," he whispered hoarsely. Rarity gave a small, sympathetic nod. With her support, Adam managed to stand despite the pain, the splattered tub of ruined ice cream at his feet.

Fast Pace still restrained the struggling Rainbow Dash. "Her Majesty believes Dizzy is not Discord," he stated firmly.

"Pinkie said the same thing," she retorted.

"Then why are you here?" he asked, leaning in.

"You're all wrong! I don't buy his act for a second," Rainbow spat back.

Fast Pace leaned in and whispered into her ear. With each word, Rainbow struggled less and less until finally going still. When he was done he spoke aloud, "You wouldn't go against her Majesty's will, would you?"

Rainbow Dash nodded her head and soon after Fast Pace released her, allowing her to return to her hooves. "Fine," she said as she jabbed Fast Pace's armor.

Rarity marched over to her. "What in Equestria has gotten into you?" she demanded.

"Me? I'm the only one thinking straight! Stopping Discord!" Rainbow Dash shouted, jabbing a hoof at Adam.

"I'm not Dis—"

"Shut it!" Rainbow Dash said, cutting off Adam, who backed away in fear. "Why are you defending him, Rarity? I get Fast Pace he's…duty bound. But why you?"

Rarity glanced back uncertainly at Adam. "Because...because I don't believe he's Discord."

"How do you know that?" Rainbow Dash challenged bitterly.

"Discord wouldn't have let himself get hurt like that," Rarity replied, looking at Adam with sympathy.

"That's all it takes?" Rainbow Dash questioned angrily. Rarity nodded her head in confirmation.

Fast Pace stepped between them. "Leave, now, unless you want me to make you," Fast Pace threatened.

Rainbow Dash looked as though she was going to continue arguing, but realized the futility. She turned and scowled at Adam. "I'm watching you. If you do anything, you're dead," she said, taking off into the sky in a rainbow blur.

Adam picked up the now-ruined tub of ice cream before throwing it back down. "'Friendly'—yeah right! What the hell was that?"

"Your first lesson on why you don’t want to be like Discord," Fast Pace stated flatly. "Now, can you still walk or do you need help?"

The impact Adam had taken would've put a normal human out of commission for weeks, yet he was still able to stand, if barely. "No, I can walk," he grunted.

"Clearly you can not!” Rarity countered. “Let me carry you,” she offered kindly, catching Adam off guard.

Fast Pace shook his head. "I'll do it - you've already offered your home. No need to burden you further."

"I don't mind," Rarity insisted. "That armor must be heavy, adding more weight can't be pleasant."

"I'm trained for this, ma'am," Fast Pace said. He knelt for Adam to climb onto his back. "Get on."

Adam obliged Fast Pace. "Won't I get your armor dirty?" he asked.

"Yes, but I'm not concerned," he replied crisply. "Let's hurry up and get to your home Rarity. I want to make sure your friend didn't hurt Dizzy too badly." The trio resumed the walk to Rarity's boutique.

"So that was your friend, Rarity?" Adam asked, unable to keep the bitterness from his tone.

"Yes, but she's not normally…well…hmm," Rarity fumbled, shuffling on her hooves and looking away guiltily.

Adam raised a skeptical eyebrow. "So she regularly assaults innocent people?"

"No-no-no-no, of course not!" Rarity sputtered. "She can be rowdy at times, but she'd never attack someone without cause."

What am I, public enemy number one? Adam thought grimly. He was starting to regret ever making a deal with Discord. His dream of grandeur seemed doomed from the start if this was how he was being received.

"What exactly did Discord do? What did he do that would make everyone afraid or hate me on sight," Adam asked angrily. He hadn't even been here a day and Discord’s sins had already gotten him attacked and injured. Everything that had been happening went beyond 'misunderstanding' as Discord had implied.

The ponies were silent for a moment before Rarity finally spoke. "He...he killed Fluttershy's friend…Angel."

Some of Adam's anger abated. "He killed a pony?"

"No, not a pony," Rarity said quickly. "Angel was her pet bunny. But that didn't make his death hurt poor Fluttershy any less. To see her so utterly broken...it set us all ablaze, especially Rainbow."

Adam felt conflicted. He was attacked over the death of a pet, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized it was about the suffering of a friend.

"That's just his latest offense," Fast Pace added darkly. "I recommend you read about your father when you get the chance."