• Published 15th Feb 2023
  • 1,541 Views, 41 Comments

Spark of a Flame - Riojoriginal

Follow the tale of two best friends as they wreck havoc around the capital city of Equestria.

  • ...

1 - Butterfly Effect

Celestia was not somepony who gets angry easily, nor is she known to have ever showed been capable of such emotion other than her calm and collected demeanor.

So it was compreensive when everypony in the royal castle of Canterlot were so startled when they heard their beloved Princess, who controls the sun and moon, yell such profanities moments after such strange yet beautiful display of colors that exploded through the sky over Equestria.

Guards were on edge, servants doubling their efforts as to keep themselves as busy as they could while the remaining visitors - the few who stayed even after Celestia’s outburst - were thinking thrice if they should ask for an audition with her.

Meanwhile, at Celestia’s personal quarters


“Shhh... I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you, little one.”

Celestia stood on her bed, holding firmly against her chest with her forelegs and wings a small scaly creature, while she very gently rocked from one side to another, trying to calm down the crying creature.

How could I be so irresponsable with such a precious little soul. Celestia mentally berated herself as she brought up yet again the previous accident to her mind.

A few minutes earlier...

Why!? Why she wasn’t able to hatch this damn thing! Celestia growled as she entered her bedroom, slammed shut the door and locked it using her magic before heading to her balcony.

What do I do now? ...Ugh, if only- “What in the world...?” Celestia let a murmur escape her lips as she witnessed the sudden explosion of colors in the sky.

“What’s going on-AHHH!” Celestia felt her grasp on her own magic slip out of control. Something she couldn’t even remember how long has been since she experienced one.

*Crack* *Thud* Celestia’s blood ran cold as she heard those sounds. Her magic outburst seemed to had got under control again without she doing anything, but that was the least of her concerns.

Turning around, her vision confirmed what she dreaded. The draconic egg she had been carrying from her school now was in pieces on a small pond of a strange substance.

Something inside Celestia snapped as a scrowl starting forming on her face. Her teeth griding against each other as a growl started picking up volume from her throat. You. Gotta. Be.Kidding. Me.

“Got a six?” A brown unicorn wearing armor sitting by a table, asked as he held a handful of cards in his magic.

“Nope. Go fish one.” On the opposite side of the table, a green pegasus in armor answered.

*The castle suddenly shook a little while some voice shouted profanities*

“...You heard that?” The pegasus asked.

“Yeah. It kinda of sounded like Celestia’s voice.” The unicorn replied as he dropped the cards on the table.

A second unicorn in armor burst into the room seconds after the shouting stopped. Both ponies by the table immediately got up and saluted him. “Lieutenant, sir! What’s happening?”

“That’s what we’re gonna find out. Let’s go!” Without waiting for a reply, the lieutenant rushed of the barracks, with both guards struggling to keep up with their superior.

*Crying* Celestia froze as she heard crying coming from within her room. Her anger vanished completely as she hushed inside and saw something that made her pause.

A baby dragon - though, to Celestia, it didn’t look like it just hatched moments ago, but rather, a couple years older if she had to guess - was cowering on the corner of the room, crying. Once seeing that Celestia had her attention towards it, it tried hiding away but the only thing it did was covering it’s eyes as the crying worsened.

Instincts kicking in, Celestia slowly approached it and scooped it into a hug. It tried to crawl off the moment she touched him but Celestia was faster and held him firmly against her chest.

She could feel the dragon holding it’s breath, before it finally wrapped it’s small but pointy claws around her - as far as he could at least - and resumed his now muffled crying.

What am I supposed to do now?

Current time...

I can only hope that somehow nopony heard my immature outburst-

*Knock Knock Knock* “Your highness? Is everything okay? We heard shouting coming from your room.” A voice echoed from outside her room.

I guess that was asking for too much... Slowly, she made her way towards the door. Holding the young dragon firmly in her forelegs, she opened the door slighty and only let her head visible to the trio of guards waiting outside her door. “Yes?”

“Um. Is Everything alright, your highness?” The leader of the trio asked.

“Of course! Why wouldn’t it be?” Suddenly, the dragon let a whimper escape.

You gotta be kidding me. “What was that?!” The guards all stood in alert, frantically looking around for the source of the sound.

Play dumb, they wouldn’t dare argue with you. “What was what? I don’t hear anything.”

“I’m pretty sure I heard something, your highness.” The lieutenant replied.

Lieutenant Shining Armor... Of all my guards, why it had to be you the one patrolling this wing of the castle? “Look, boys. I’m in no mood for games right now. So let me be.” She noticed the guards behind the lieutenant flinch to move away but when they saw that their lieutenant wasn’t gonna move, they stayed in place.

Frowning, she growl just enough for them to hear. “That was an order.” That seemed to do the trick - at least for the two guards accompanying the lieutenant - as they moved away and left before they could anger the princess.

Once the two guards left, the lieutenant straighted his stance. “Your highness. You’re not fooling me,” He said, staring right at the glare Celestia held with an determined face. “Must I remind you of my duty to the crown? You seen in need of assistance in whatever issue you have.”

Sigh... So be it. I don’t have the energy left in me to continue this redundant charade. “Very Well. But I must warn you, whatever you see next is to be held in confidence until I say so, understood?” Celestia asked, with absolute authority.

“Yes, ma’am!” Came the immediately reply from the lieutenant.

She uncerimoniously opened the door after his reply and revealed purple ball of scales firmly held in her grasp.

“What in the world...?” Once noticing the harsh glare from Celestia, he cleared his throat. “I mean... Er, how can I help?”

By leaving me alone, for starters. “I’m doing fine, Shining Armor. You can leave now.”

“You sure you don’t want me to bring anything for you or the- uh...what it’s called? I can’t really tell what this thing is from here.” Shining Armor asked.

You call him a thing again and I- Wait, where did that came from? She looked down at the little one in her forelegs, it still had it’s face buried in her chest but at least it has stopped crying. Though, she could still feel the sting from his claws piercing her skin a little, like if there were needles or small spikes poking her sides. Little... Spike. Yes, Spike is perfect for him.

“Spike.” Celestia suddenly broke the short silence they were in.

“Beg your pardon?” Shining asked, caught off guard.

“His name is Spike, lieutenant. And I expect you to refer to him as such.”

“Er... My apologies. What should I bring for you and... Spike?” Shining cautiously asked, not wanting to further anger Celestia.

“Just some... Hm...” What do dragons eat again? I hope they can digest pony food. “Bring... Some sandwiches. Maybe a couple drinks too...” Her stomach growled. “...And a few slices of cake.”

“Of course. Right away.” Lieutenant Armor then left Celestia to her devices.

Thought he wouldn’t leave for a second there. Not that I blame him, I must had alienated them with how I was acting, and my yelling earlier didn’t help either. Engrossed in her line of thought, she failed to notice little Spike unburying his head from her chest and looking at her.


That managed to caught her attention as she looked down noticing the little dragon holding his stomach as he looked up, though, not at her but something above her head. Didn’t think long for Celestia to realize where he was staring at: Her crown.

She levitated her crown off her head and held it in front of him, curious as to what he would do. He grabbed it with his claws as he tried and failed to pull off the very small gem on the crown.

*Giggles* “I don’t think you’re gonna get that thing off my crown, Spike,” Celestia said softly, watching him stop, look up at her, moving his mouth as if mumbling something to himself before he started poking the gem’s base with the tip of his claw.

Three tries later and the gem popped off the crown, a surprised Celestia watched as a satisfied little dragon munched on said gem. Her instincts kicked in and she immediately pulled a now half eaten gem off his mouth, further shocking her.

He can eat gems?! That is... Both disconcerting and fascinating. After hearing a small whiny sound coming from him, she gave the remains of the gem back to him, who immediately devoured it in a single bite. Quite a expensive diet you have... I might have to warn my servants to watch out for any jewelry left unchecked in the future.

A couple months later...

Mama! Spike ran through the big hallways of the castle, trying desperately to find Celestia.

“Stop that thing!” A guard shouted from behind as he pursued the small dragon.

Spike rapidly approached a bifurcation up ahead. Reaching it, he immediately took off to the right as three guards were coming from the left way. Eventually Spike’s running came to a halt as he found himself trapped on a hallway with both ways blocked by guards.

*Heavy panting* “Alright, little guy... Come with us... We’ll bring you... Back to Celestia’s room,” The closest guard in front of Spike said, trying to control his breathing.

“Didn’t know Celestia had a pet.”

“What even is that thing?”

“How’s that thing so fast?!”

Very scared now, Spike looked around for any excape route he could take and noticed a small opening in the wall. He didn’t hesitate to squeeze through it.

“It’s trying to get inside the throne room, stop it!”

Spike heard hoofsteps and the sound of two ponies crashing into each other as he crawled inside the room. Looking at the end of the long room, he finally found Celestia.

“I understand your concerns, Fancy Pants. I’ll make sure to advice the-” Celestia was interrupted by a purple blur crashing onto her and wrapping itself around her chest. She instinctively wrapped her forelegs around it as she looked down. “Spike? What are you doing-”

“Your highness! We are deeply sorry to interrupt but it has escaped your room and we’re trying to retrieve it,” One of the guards said.

Celestia saw a few of the breathing heavily while the other guards and the couple royals with Fancy Pants with amused or bewildered expressions. Did Spike just outrun my entire guard?

“Mama...” Spike blurted out as he accidently clawed Celestia’s side as he tried to move around her embrace a little.

Everyone froze when they heard that, everyone except Celestia though in union. Did Celestia’s pet just talk?

Celestia had very different thoughts. Did he just call me...? “Leave us be, please.” The guards started moving, but Fancy Pants and his company didn’t. “I meant everyone.” She clarified when she saw Fancy’s conflicted expression.

Slowly, both guards and royals with Fancy left the throne room. But not before whispering between themselves as they exited.

“Its okay now, Spike. It’s just you and me here.” Celestia gently rocked Spike in her forelegs as she hummed a little song, calming him down.


He did it again… “Spike, what’s wrong? Why did you leave my room?”

Spike seemed to think a little before he pointed at her. “Mama… A-alone…” He hugged a little tighter.

Oh. That’s why… Sigh, how could I have overlooked such glaring issue. I can’t just leave him alone. But I also can’t just ignore my duties… As much as I would’ve liked to. “I’m so sorry, Spike. I did not mean to make you feel lonely…” …But maybe there’s a solution?

She starting thinking for some moments as she glanced to the stained glass windows, one in particular of a pink alicorn. Yes! My niece! Of course! I doubt she would refuse a chance to visit. Though, I’m not sure if she would accept such task… Well, I won’t know if I don’t ask.

Nodding in acceptance of her plan, she turned her attention back towards Spike. “Why don’t we go get something to eat? You must be hungry from all the running you seem to have done.” As if to answer her question, his stomach growled loudly.

Giggling a little, she scooped him up with her magic and carried him out of the throne room towards the kitchen.

Four months later…

“So, what’s the plan Spike?” Princess Cadance asked as she stopped in front of the kitchen while carrying Spike in her back.

“Do you remember that time, mom gave me a gem with supposedly sugar powder on it?” Spike asked.

“Hm… Oh, yes! But it turned out to be pink powder pigment?” *giggles* “I remember seeing half the castle’s woodworks scorched in pink that day.”

“Yeah. I’m taking one back at her for that.” Spike said as they watched a few chef’s preparing something. “I heard mom’s holding a banquet to welcome various royals from around Equestria, even a couple of griffin senators are coming too.”

“Wait, really? But I thought the Griffon Nation wanted nothing with us,” Cadance said.

“Oh, the Griffon Nation still doesn’t. But there’s a griffin colony independent of the Nation in Equestrian territory. It has both griffins and Ponies living together. Since mom gave them the land and respected their independency, they decided to abide with Equestria’s laws and recognize Celestia’s rule.” Spike explained, before noticing Cadance astonished look towards him. “…What?”

“I never knew that… How do you know about that?”

“Oh, I read some books on mom’s room. She also told me a few things I asked her.” Spike replied.

“Huh... I thought you were a little young to already be reading. How old are you Spike?”

“Well, I look like I’m five years old but mom says I’m actually just seven months old.” Spike answered, looking back inside the kitchen.

“Wait, wait, wait. How’s that supposed to work?” Cadance asked, puzzled.

“Uh, mom said something about how I was hatched, but she didn’t explain it.”

Hm. I guess I’ll ask her later. “So what’s your plan for this prank?” Cadance asked.

“Oh, right.” Spike reached into a small pouch he brought and pulled out a red pepper.

“A pepper?” Cadance whispered, a little underwhelmed as he usually did more elaborated pranks.

“Oh, not just any pepper. A ghost pepper.” Spike whispered back, making sure none of the chefs saw it.

Now this is getting interesting. “Oooh. So your plan is to make aunt’s cake a lot more spicy? I like it!” Cadance said as she giggled evilly.

“Yeah, but I’m gonna need your help, though.” Spike whispered as he pointed to one of the chefs. “I need you to distract the chefs long enough for me to grind the pepper and sprinkle it on the dough without it sticking out.”

Cadance nodded once she went the plan through her head. “Got it. Hide somewhere while I go to the door. I’ll make quite an entrance if you know what I mean.” She winked and put Spike down as she starting head out of the kitchen.

Nodding, Spike snuck inside one of the lower cupboards and waited until his opportunity.

*SLAM* “Excuse me!? Where is the salad I specifically requested ten minutes ago?!” Cadance shouted as she burst into the kitchen.

Both chefs jumped, startled by Cadance sudden loud entrance. One of them almost dropped the bowl with the cake’s dough while the other accidentally stuck the knife he was using on the ceiling.

“Ah! Princess?! I-I’m deeply sorry but neither of us were informed of such request.” The chef put the bowl on the counter as he approached Cadance.

“Well, I’ll be requesting it again, then! What are you two waiting? Chop! Chop!”

“Y-yes, right away!” Both chefs immediately went to the other side of the kitchen to prepare Cadance’s dish while Spike crawled out of the cupboard.

“You know. I thought you were Blueblood for a second there,” Spike whispered, laughing a little.

“Oh, shush you. I’ll keep them busy but don’t take took long. Who knows who else might come in the kitchen,” She whispered back as she followed the chefs, making sure they wouldn’t look at Spike’s direction.

Alright. First grind it then pour it on the dough, easy! Climbing onto the counter, didn’t took him long before he found the grinder. Making sure the powder was very thin and small, he starting mixing into the bowl, evenly spreading it to make sure nothing sticked out.

Then he put the bowl back to where it was, jumped off the counter and went to the door. Signaling to Cadance as he left the kitchen. A few moments later, Cadance walked out with a plate of salad floating next to her.

“So, I take it went smoothly?” She asked, taking a bite of her salad.

“Yup! Now we just have to wait for the banquet this evening.”

“Good… Hm~! Would you like some of this? It’s really good!” Cadance asked as she lowered the plate towards Spike.

“Bleh! No, I prefer gems, thank you.”

Cadance snorted a little as she took another bite. “Of course, you would.” She swallowed the food before continuing. “Well, I gotta check on… something, before the banquet. See you later, Spikey!”

“Till tonight, Cadance!” Spike waved as he headed to his room.

Later that evening…

At the dining hall, a enormous table filled with some food accommodated pony royals of all around Equestria and even a few non-ponies within Equestria – namely two griffins – enjoying the banquet as Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance and Spike were sitting at the table’s one end.

Spike usually never liked this type of events when they occurred and usually just stayed in his room, but this night’s events he couldn’t miss! It was one of his boldest pranks he pulled – not to mention how hard was to get that ghost pepper without pulling attention to himself – and wouldn’t miss it for anything!

Though, he was still nervous. What if Celestia took the prank wrong? Or one of the guests? He didn’t want to cause conflict, and only now he realized, maybe he should’ve just take any other moment to do this… No! What’s done it’s done. No turning back now.

Eventually, when everyone finished eating, a big cake was brought in the dining hall by two chefs. Who proceeded to cut it and give each of the guests a plate with a piece of cake, eventually everyone – including Spike and Cadance – had their own piece.

“I just want to thank you all again, for attending this banquet. I know we all have been a bit busy as of late, but I assure you all that everything is going to normalize soon enough. With that said, enjoy the dessert. Courtesy of our chefs here.” Celestia finished her quick speech and all the guests starting eating the cake.

Cadance at first was a little worried when the cake had been handed out to everyone, but now she was just very confused as everyone seemed to be enjoying it. Did they knew of our plan and baked another cake? If so, how did-

“Something wrong, my niece?” Celestia asked.

“Oh! Er… No. Everything’s fine! Why’d you ask?” Cadance asked, mustering her best innocent tone.

“Well, for one. You haven’t touched your cake yet. And secondly, you looking around quite a lot, like you’re searching for something...”

“Er… Not really, aunt.” Cadance levitated her fork and took a bite of the cake. “See? Everything’s fi–“ She suddenly put both hoofs onto her mouth as her eyes started watering. HOT! HOT! HOT!

Smirking a little, she turned to Spike. Who didn’t notice Cadance’s distress as he also was looking the guests, puzzled. “Spike. Are you gonna eat your dessert?”

Snapping his attention to Celestia, he took a bite of the cake without thinking much. “Of course. I was ju–“ Bright green flames suddenly came from his mouth as he fell from his chair, catching everyone’s attention. Both hands to his mouth, he ran off the room with watery eyes.

Oh my- I didn’t thought that would happen! Turning back to Cadance, she saw three empty glasses by her as she just finished downing her fourth glass. She panting a little as she waved her hoof towards her exposed tongue. “I-I will… go check on him.” She quickly left the room without another word.

Have I gone too far? I hope I didn’t. I really enjoy his little pranks. She thought as she took a bite of her own cake. Hmm~. Pepper cake isn’t as bad as you’d think.

Later that evening...

*knock knock knock*

“Wh- *cough* who is it?” Spike asked, his voice a little strained.

“It’s me. Can I enter?” Celestia asked, waiting Spike’s answer.

“Su- *clears throat* Sure, door’s open.” He replied.

Entering the room, she saw Spike sitting in a chair, holding a almost empty glass of milk while staring at the scorch mark on the wall.

“How you are feeling?” Celestia asked, putting a hoof on his shoulder.

He drank the remaining milk before replying. “Throat still hurts a little, but I’m fine.”

“That’s a relief... Here, I brought a few snacks for you.” Celestia said, handing him a emerald and ruby.

He immediately munched on the emerald. “Thanks, mom!”

“You’re welcome, Spike.” Celestia then gave him a nuzzle, a kiss on the forehead and wished him good night before leaving his room.

Now to check on my niece.

Author's Note:

Thank you for giving this story a read. :twilightsmile:
Spotted a misspelling or mistake, feel free to point it out on the comments. I'll - eventually - fix it!