• Published 15th Feb 2023
  • 1,533 Views, 41 Comments

Spark of a Flame - Riojoriginal

Follow the tale of two best friends as they wreck havoc around the capital city of Equestria.

  • ...

3 - Troublemakers

One year later...

Hurriedly running through the hallways, Spike looked behind him only to see a covered in trash, soaked in flour and glitter, angry looking Blueblood running after him.

Although, he wasn’t anywhere near enough to worry Spike as he took a turn and after some stairs, he found Rainbow Dash setting up a small and hard to see trap on the floor right on top of the staircase.

“How’s it going? You got probably a minute or two before he gets here,” Spike calmly said as he leaning on the wall.

“It’s been finished for a while, I was just making sure it was working.” Rainbow Dash replied, jumping off the floor and flied above Spike. “Ready?”

“Yup.” After his reply, Rainbow lifted him up to the ceeling and they waited there until their victim arrived.

True to Spike’s prediction, Blueblood arrived a minute later. Immediately upon setting a hoof off the staircase, an explosion of green smoke occurred and Blueblood’s coughs immediality followed it, signaling for Rainbow and Spike their cue to run off.

“Ha! Smell you later, Snobblood!” Rainbow shouted as she flied away with Spike, both laughing as they heard Blueblood cursing their names, still stuck in the stink cloud.

Rainbow flied through one of the castle windows, deciding to land near the guards new training grounds. “Ha! That will teach him not to mess with us!”

Spike snickered as he glanced around. “He’s probably gonna tell mom about it.”

Rainbow laughed. “Yeah, I bet he will.”

Suddenly, they hear someone grunt in pain before something hit the ground hard. “What was that?” Rainbow asked, looking around frantically.

“Come on, Snowflame! You’re not even trying!” A voice came from around the corner.

“Wait, I know that voice.” Spike said, heading around the corner with Rainbow right behind him. They saw lieutenant Shining Armor helping an orange unicorn get up from the dirt floor.

“Ow... Don’t you think you going a little too hard?” Snowflame asked, dusting himself off as he went back to his spot.

“No, not really.” Shining start smirking. “I actually was holding back a lot. I just did a basic level spell.”

“Wow. First you blast my face off, now you attack my ego. What’s next? You gonna go after my lil’ sister?” Snowflame asked, annoyed at Shining’s antics.

What he didn’t notice was Shining’s quick cringing expression at the mention of lil’ sister. “Heads up!” He shouted as he shot a small but fast magic bolt.

“Crap!” Snowflame threw himself to the side as the bolt flew past him and struck the stone wall behind him. “What the hay, Armor! You almost took my head off!”

“My bad! I got distra-” He finally noticed Spike and Rainbow watching them from the side. “Spike! Rainbow! What are you two doing here?” Shining asked, letting a nervous chuckle out.

“We heard noise coming from here and decided to check it out.” Spike answered.

“I see... Well, Snowflame. Go get some rest, tomorrow we’ll train more.”

Snowflame huffed in annoyance but otherwise said nothing as he headed towards the castle.

“Alright, how you guys doing?” Shining asked.

“Doing good.” Spike replied.

“Pranking Snobblood as usual,” Rainbow said, chuckling.

“Ugh. Do you guys realize I am the next pony he goes to annoy when he tells Celestia and she does nothing?” Shining exhaled in frustration, already feeling a migrane from just the thought of dealing with him.

“Ah, well. Not our problem..?” Rainbow said, only to earn a jab from Spike. “Ow! What was that for?”

“Sorry, Shining. We’ll try loosen up on the pranks a little.” Spike said.

“No promises!” Rainbow quickly added, earning an eye roll from Shining.

“Eh, nevermind. I knew it was too much to ask that. Worth a try I guess.”

“Shining, can I ask you something?” Spike asked, looking somewhat worried.

“Sure, what is it?” Shining replied.

“I noticed the look you had when that guard mentioned their sister. Why you did that?” Spike asked.

“You noticed that? Oh, um...” Shining looked away, conflicted on what to say.

“If you don’t want to tell, it’s okay! I don’t want to invade your personal life,” Spike said.

“It’s fine... I guess if more know, more can look for her...” Shining murmured as he thought for some moments.

Spike and Rainbow looked at each other, worried as they heard him.

“Um, the reason I did that was... Well, was because my little sister ran away,” Shining said, sighing.

Spike gasped in horror. “What!? Why?” Rainbow asked.

“It had something to do with the entrance exam. The exam was not supposed to be hard - for Twilight, at least - but that day, Celestia came with a dragon egg and said whoever hatches it, would be Celestia’s personal student.”

Spike frowned at that. Wait, dragon egg? But that would mean...

“She... Failed the test, from what I heard. When I finally got home to check on them, she was already gone. My parents looked for her for so long. I looked for her for so long but we just couldn’t find her. Eventually Celestia called me back to service, have already spent all my free days I had.” Shining explained, reliving the memory of that day again.

“So, she’s been gone for... Two years?” Spike asked.

Shining frowned as he shoved those memories away in his mind. “How did you...?”

Spike hesitated at first, but decided to answer truthfully. “That egg was me...”

“What?! But-” He was confused at first but soon realized the whole picture. “Oh...”

“I-I’m sorry-”

“Don’t apologize. That wasn’t your fault, and I don’t blame you.” Shining said, interrupting Spike.

“Yeah. Like, how the hay would you even control when you hatch? I’m pretty sure you wasn’t even alive until you hatched!” Rainbow said, adding in her piece.

“Actually, I was alive on the egg before I hatched, Rainbow. Just not, um, concious. But I see your point.” Spike said, still blaming himself a little.

“What was her name? And how she looked?” Rainbow asked.

“Why?” Shining asked, puzzled by Rainbow’s sudden interest in that.

“In case I might have saw her?” Rainbow suggested.

“Well... SighAlright. Her name’s Twilight Sparkle. She is a purple unicorn, has purple mane with a pink strip, violet eyes, loved books...”

Rainbow flipped her head up and down, searching for anypony in her memories that even barely matched the description, eventually reaching zero results. “Sorry, never saw a pony even close to that.” Rainbow said, upset she couldn’t help.

“It’s fine. Wasn’t expecting anypony to see her, otherwise me or my parents would’ve already found her by now... I appreciate the thought, though.” Shining said, smiling a little before he turned to where Snowflame went. “I’m gonna find Flames and apologize, I did almost blast his head off. Take care, you two.”

Spike waved goodbye before he and Rainbow went for a stroll around Canterlot.

“Poor, Shining. I can’t begin to imagine how hard this must be for him,” Spike said, still upset about the whole thing.

“Yeah. I don’t know what I would do if anyone of my family just disappears like that. Heck, if you or Fluttershy did that, I don’t know what I would do.” Rainbow replied.

“Same here. But who’s Fluttershy? I remember you mentioning her the day we met.”

“Oh, she’s a friend I have back in Cloudsdale. One day those idiots were bullying her, I decided to stand up for her and we been friends ever since.” She answered, but she was avoiding eye contact.

Much to Rainbow’s dismay, Spike noticed it and immediately questioned her. “That’s not the whole story, is it?”

She sighed, nodding. “Do I really have to tell that?”

“I would appreciate if you did.” Spike replied.

Rainbow groaned. “...Fine.”

“Come on, Dash! You’ve been in our group for two months now, but hasn’t done anything yet.” Hoops said as he lead her through the cloud streets. “I’m starting to think you don’t like it.”

Like it? I hate you and your gang. Rainbow replied in her head, but decided to change the focus of the conversation away from her. “Remind me, why aren’t Dumb-Bell and Score here?”

Hoops groaned in annoyance. “They got detention. Apparently, somepony snitched on them stealing an answer sheet for that pop quiz.”

“...And you didn’t?” Rainbow asked, curious to why Hoops wasn’t punished with them.

Hoops growled, offended by it. “I’m not dumb, I didn’t need it to pass.”

“Now that’s surprising.” Rainbow replied, smirking a little.

Tired of her remarks, Hoops stopped in front of her, glaring at her. “I was joking before, but now I’m really doubting if you should really be in our gang.”

Rainbow snorted, annoyed. “May I ask why?”

“You don’t have the guts.” Hoops said, smirking.

Rainbow frowned, the only thing she found more annoying and infuriating than the naming callings and stupid hurtful nicknames, was being implied she was in any possible way a coward.

So when she heard that, Rainbow replied without thinking. “I have more guts than you, Dumb-Bell and Score combined!”

“Is that so? Care to prove it?”

“What?” Rainbow asked, caught off guard.

“If you have the guts, then you wouldn’t have a problem proving me wrong.” He glanced at something behind Rainbow for a moment before looking back at her with a smirk. “And look at the timing. The perfect target for that just went inside the alley behind you.”

Oh, great. Freaking amazing. Rainbow looked back and noticed said alley, and also the timid, frail looking yellow pegasus heading there, carrying a small bird on her back. Wait, she’s from my class. I’m pretty sure her name was Fluttershy.[/]

“What are you waiting for? Come on!” Hoops said, pushing Rainbow towards the alley.

Inside the alley, the timid pegasus sat on the floor and took the bird in her hoofs. “Alright, your wing’s mostly healed so you should be able to reach your nest now.” The little bird looked at it’s nest, then looked back at her and gave her a little nuzzle before opening his wings to fly off.

“Ugh. You’re just as pathetic as I remember.” Fluttershy jumped in fear, instinctively hiding the bird between her forelegs and her chest. “Your turn, Dash.”

Rainbow reluctantly approached Fluttershy, causing her to back away. Eventually, her back hit the wall, meaning she was cornered now. “Not again... Please...” Already tears were forming in her eyes.

That stopped Rainbow dead in her tracks. What the hay am I doing? She felt disgusted with herself for even considering harming her in any way. “Leave.” Rainbow said, turning around.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I’m not letting you bully her.” Rainbow replied, glaring daggers at him.

“Oh, I see what’s happening. The fillyfooler liked th-” He didn’t get to finish as a cyan hoof struck his nose, sending him tumbling backwards on the ground. “You call me that again, and I will kick you so hard you will reach mountain Canterlot without using your wings!”

“You just signed your funeral!” Hoops exclaimed, holding his bleeding nose as he flied out of the alley.

“Hey, sorry about that.” Rainbow said, turning back to Fluttershy.

“T-thank you, Rainbow Dash.”

“You know my name?” Rainbow asked, surprised.

“Everypony in flight school knows you... U-usually for bad stuff, but still...” Fluttershy replied, letting the bird fly off her hoofs towards it’s nest.

“Hm, figures... Well, see ya around.” Rainbow said, heading out of the alley.

“W-wait!” Fluttershy said as she hurried after her.

“Something wrong?”

“Why did you help me? J-just curious!” Fluttershy asked, adding the last part when she saw Rainbow lifting an eyebrow.

“Well, I couldn’t just let that happen... I know how it feels to be everypony’s laughing stock and having no pony to stand up for you. Heck, the reason I joined their gang was so I wasn’t made fun of anymore...”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be! I’m actually grateful you made me stand up to what I despised. I hated being in their gang... So, thank you Fluttershy.”

“...After that, we started hanging out. Been friends ever since.” Rainbow finished.

“Hm... You know, Rainbow? The next friend you make, you gotta stop getting bullies hurt.” Spike said, making both laugh.

Though, their laugh was cut short as a blue blur flied pass between them, knocking Spike off his feet. “Ahh!”

“What the- Woah!” Rainbow saw a pegasus wearing an blue uniform with a huge yellow bolt spread across it, making fast tricks in the air before landing several meters away from them.

“Great! Just great! The flying egos have arrived.” Spike exhaled in annoyance as he got up and dusted himself.

“Who are they?” Rainbow asked, completely ignoring Spike’s remark.

He rolled his eyes but noneless answered her question. “They are the Junior Team from the Wonderbolts. They arrived a week ago, and they have been a nuisance to me ever since.”

“I didn’t know the Wonderbolts had a Junior Team..." She gasped. "I could join them!” Rainbow exclaimed, getting really excited.

Please, don't. “Er, I don’t know, Rainbow. You would be surrounded by obnoxious, spotlight seekers and jerks.”

“Come on, Spike. It’s the Wonderbolts! They can’t be that bad.” Rainbow argued.

“Yes, they are!” Spike replied, not backing out.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, then noticed the junior team were moving away. “At least talk with them once, before you start calling them jerks.”

“No, thanks.” Spike said, noticing they were heading towards the stadium. Hm... Time for some payback. “Hey, Rainbow. You up for- Rainbow?” He saw Rainbow walking alongside them towards the stadium. Sigh “Guess I’m going solo for this one.”

“It’s that easy?” Rainbow asked, dumbfounded.

“Yup. Thought, you gotta have something to impress them with. If you do that, basically guaranteed to get in.” The leader of the group, introduced as Spitfire, replied.

“Woah... You think I could get in?” Rainbow asked, hearing a few chuckles coming from the others.

“Hm, I don’t know. Haven’t seen you fly yet.” Spitfire said.

“I’m telling ya! When you see, it will knock your horseshoes off!” Rainbow confidently exclaimed.

“Yeah, I really doubt it kid.” A brown, bulky pegasus said, pushing Rainbow aside.

“Come on, Boulder. Let the kid show off her flight skills. Who knows, she might even surprise us.” A pink, slinky pegasus said, putting a hoof on Boulder’s shoulder.

“Don’t even bother with him, Blade. He just likes picking on little kids.” A white pegasus, with a long blond mane stepped in. Didn’t took long before the other two member joined in and everyone started arguing with themselves, except for Rainbow and Spitfire.

They are probably four or five years older than me, but they are acting like eight year olds would... And Spike calls me the troublemaker.

“Alright, enough guys! You all forgot we can’t have another fight or we are done for?!” Spitfire asked, flying above all of them.

They eventually calmed down, though they still did gather enough attention to have an pegasus wearing uniform enter the common room they were. “What’s going on here?!”

All the Junior Bolts were dead silent while Rainbow just stared at the Wonderbolt, amazed she was in the same room with them.

“Er, sir. We were just-”

“I warned you about this. One more incident and you all were done for!” The Wonderbolt exclaimed, glaring Spitfire down.

“Please, sir! I-It won’t happen again, I promise!” Spitfire pleaded.

The Wonderbolt glared at Spitfire before looking at the others, making them look at the floor in shame or fear. Then he finally noticed Rainbow standing there. “What are you doing here? This a restricted area.”

Spitfire grimaced at that, reading herself for the worse.

“I-I snuck here. I just wanted to see the Wonderbolts!” Rainbow lied.

“Is that so?” He turned to Spitfire for a moment before looking at Rainbow. “You passed the two guards on the entrance and the staff and the Junior team, unnoticed?” He asked, suspicious of her.

“What can I say? I’m just that good.” Rainbow said, chuckling nervously.

“I would escort you out, but our show’s about to start. So consider yourself lucky, rainbow kid.” He then turned to walk away. Stopping at the entrance, he glanced at Spitfire. “I won’t report this to the boss, Spitfire. But you better believe if anything - and I mean, ANYTHING - at all happens, I’ll rip those badges from your uniforms myself before kicking you out. Understood?”

All the Junior Bolts immediately nodded.

“Good, now get ready. After our opening act, it will be your turn. Don’t mess this up.” He then left the room, slamming the door shut.

The room was in silence for a decent amount of time before Spitfire finally broke the silence. “You heard him. Go get suited up!” As all the others rushed out of the room, Spitfire approached Rainbow. “Sorry for this, but you have to leave.”

“Suddenly, the Junior team doesn’t seem that great anymore.” Rainbow murmured, a little disappointed.

Spitfire heard that but decide not to bother with it. “Look, I have to go and make sure they don’t screw anything up. Just follow the hallway to the right until you reach a staircase, climb it and heading right you’ll be at the crowd seats. Just take one and pretend you didn’t came from here, otherwise we’ll be in trouble.” With that, Spitfire left the room leaving Rainbow by herself.

“Well, that was something... I wonder what Spike is up to.” Rainbow then left the room, following Spitfire’s instructions.

“Where did he go?” A staff member asked, walking past a food cart.

“Continue the search! I’ll warn the others about the intruder,” One of the two guards said, heading the opposite direction of the other two.

“Roger!” The second guard replied, heading downstairs while the staff member continued on the hallway to the left.

Waiting for his chance to escape, he saw coming back from the stairs was the guard, but he was carrying a struggling Rainbow in his magic. Seizing his opportunity, Spike burst out of the cart and rammed his body agaisnt the guard. Caught off guard, he lost his concentration on his grip on Rainbow, dropping her as he lost his balance and stumbled down the stairs, unconcious by the time he hit the bottom of it.

“You alright, Rainbow?” Spike asked, helping her up.

“I’m fine.” She replied, looking down the stairs, filling somewhat sorry for the guard.

“What happened? I thought you were taking with your new friends.”

“Why does it matter that I talked with them?” Noticing his frown, she smirked pressing further. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”

“Ha! You wished I was!” Spike returned her smirk with one of his own. “Hm, now that I think of. If someone here is jealous, that would be you with that shenanigan you pulled on those girls last that you visited, Dashie.

Rainbow immediately blushed at the nickname - one that Spike overheard Rainbow’s mom use - then even more at the recollection of events from last month. “S-shut up.”

“Aaaaaand he wins again! That makes it five to one this week, Rainbow. Maybe you should stepped your game up?” Spike suggested, barelly holding his laughter.

Ugh. You’re never letting that go, aren’t ya?” Rainbow asked, not expecting an answer as they made to the crowd area.

“Nope.” Spike replied as he looked around with a bored expression. “Are we really gonna watch pegasi in uniforms do fancy tricks?”

“Yeah, we are! How can you not be excited for it?” Rainbow asked as she lead him towards some seats in the middle row, not too far from the center but also not so visible from the entrances, in case the staff came searching for them here.

“Honestly, I find it boring. What’s so special about just flying around, doing loops and fly-bys, ultimately achieving absolutely nothing?” Spike questioned, noticing the Wonderbolts walking into the arena.

“...” Rainbow said nothing as she started thinking on how to explain it to him, which ended up on making her not pay attention to the opening air show the Wonderbolts gave.

”And now, we present you... The Junior Bolts!” The announcer exclaimed as the Wonderbolts landed where they originally came and a team of six pegasi fillies and colts appeared in their place, quickly taking flight.

That managed to bring her back to reality. “Huh? Oh, come on! I missed the Wonderbolts!” Rainbow whined.

Chuckling, Spike ruffed Rainbow’s mane. “If you paid more attention to stuff. You wouldn’t miss as much as you do.”

She swatted his hand away, fixing her mane before turning to watch the flight show. “I’ll get back at you.”

“Can’t wait... Oh, now’s the good part!” Spike suddenly got excited, confusing Rainbow immensely.

Why does he look excited out of a sudden..? Oh, you didn’t...! She immediately knocked him off the seat and held in the floor. “What did you do?!”

“Woah! Rainbow, calm down! You’re pulling too much attention!” Spike whispered, trying to get her off him only to earn an angry glare from her.

“What. Did. You. Do?”

“...A little payback?” He said, immediately regretting it as Rainbow growled.

“You gotta be kidding me! Spike, if something goes wrong, the Junior team gets disbanded!”

“Oh... I... I didn’t know that...” Spike said, then he audible winced when he remembered what he did. “I’m sorry, Rainbow. But I can’t really stop it from happening now.”

Rainbow watched in horror as two of the fillies uniforms suddenly pulled towards each other, trapping them together as they landed hard on the cloud floor of the arena.

The third stopped mid-air and let a scream out before flying through the entrance they came, insects dropping nonstop in their wake.

The fourth just dropped from their flight, looking like they were having spasms at first, but looking closely Rainbow noticing they were vigorously scratching themselves, even tearing apart their uniform.

The fifth finally noticed the thin line of smoke coming from their tail. Quickly landing, they started stomping on it.

Spitfire stopped mid-air, watching in dread as the scene unfold under her. Though, it didn’t seem she would have a break as a green cloud burst from the uniform, completely enveloping her in a horrible stench.

“There you are!”

“Ahh!” Spike and Rainbow both were lifted off their seats with magic and were carried away by the same guard Spike knocked earlier.

“Release us, right now!” Spike demanded, struggling to break free.

To their surprise, the guard obliged by dropping them on the floor. “Here are the intruders, ma’am.”

Looking up, they saw a pristine looking white pegasus with silver mane, wearing the Wonderbolts uniform staring them down for a while before speaking up. “So, you two are the intruders...?” She turned back to the guard. “Took you this long to catch them?” She asked, shaking her head.

The guard was taken aback by the sudden question. “Wha- They-”

“I don’t want to hear your excuses! Your job was to make sure this kinda of stuff won’t happen... You’re fired.”

“You can’t-” She swatted him with her wing, before getting to his face.

“Yes, I can. Now get out of here before I make you go.” After a second, the guard relented and walked away. Muttering profanities as he left. “Do you two know who I am?” She asked, suddenly.

Spike and Rainbow looked at each other, neither having a clue. “Uh...”

“I’ll take that as a no. Does the name Frosty Winds ring any bells?”

Spike frowned, puzzled but as he looked to Rainbow noticing her shocked expression.

“At least one seems to know, good... The fun is over so I’m only asking this once: Was that little stunt your doing? And for your own good, don’t lie to me.” Frosty asked.

Rainbow didn’t know what to do. Never in her life she thought she would felt fear from a Wonderbolt. Especially from one of the legends. “I- Uh...”

“...Your silence speaks volumes. Do you two have any idea on the damage you caused?” She asked, her raising subtly.

That got a reaction from Spike. “What damage? Nothing was broken or-” He stopped when Frosty sent a glare his way.

“You don’t count ruining the dreams of six kids as damage? The humiliation they endured as damage? The stain on the Wonderbolt’s name as damage?” Frosty took a step towards him with each question, voice increasing in volume substantially. Though, she didn’t get to Spike’s face as Rainbow put herself between them.

She might be a legend, and I might be mad at him right now. But Celestia be dammed if I am letting her talk to Spike like that. “Alright, we got the point. You don’t need to breath down our necks for that.” Rainbow defiantly glared back at Frosty.

The unspoken staring contest lasted for only a minute, with Frosty letting a chuckle out. “You’re a bold, I’ll give you that. But you two must face the consequences of your actions. Where are your parents?” She asked Rainbow.

“At the castle?” Rainbow replied, feeling nervous.

“The castle? You kidding me? Ugh. I hate dealing with those stuck ups.” Frosty face hoofed in annoyance. “Where did you come from?”

“Uh. The castle as well?” Spike replied, chuckling nervously.

“...You expect me to believe that?”

“If I appear at the gates, they’ll let us in,” Spike said.

“We’ll see about that.”

I can’t believe it. Two guards escorted Rainbow, Spike and Frosty to the throne room. Where they were greeted at the doors by Lieutenant Armor.

“Hey, Spike, Rainbow.” Shining then frowned, surprised. “Frosty Winds? What you doing here?”

“Wait, you two know each other?” Rainbow asked, shocked.

“Yeah, something like that.” Frosty replied, before she gave Armor a look of pity. “Still no luck?”

He sighed heavily. “No... But enough about that. What’s the occasion for the legend herself to show up here? Also, didn’t you have a flight show right now?”

“I called in a few of the reserves to take my place for now. And the reason I’m here is these two.” Frosty replied, pushing both Spike and Rainbow forward with her wings. “Would you happen to know where I can find their parents?”

“Right behind this door. Can I ask what they’ve done?” Shining asked, casting his magic on the door.

“Let’s just say my brother got what he wanted earlier because of them.”

“Knowing him, that sounds pretty bad. You’re clear to enter.” Shining replied as he opened the door, letting them pass before closing it.

“...Of course, Windy. That sounds perfect.” Celestia then noticed the trio enter the room. “Miss Winds, something wrong?”

“Sorry to bother, your highness. I was informed the parents of these two were here in this room?” Frosty asked, pointing to Rainbow and Spike.

“Yes, why? What did they do?” Celestia asked, a little worried.

Frosty glanced around the room, but aside from Celestia, the pegasus she was talking to, and Raven signing some scrolls near the throne, she saw no one else. “I don’t see his parents.”

“Heh. Well, I guarantee you that his mother is indeed in this very room.” Celestia said, getting up from her throne, picking Spike up with her magic before enveloping him with her wings.

“OH, I didn’t know... My apologies, your highness!”

“It’s okay. But what was the reason you wanted to find us?” Celestia asked, putting Spike down.

Frosty hesitated for a moment. “...There’s two charges against them.”

“WHAT?!” Both Celestia and Windy, causing Raven to drop the scrolls in surprise.

“Wait, what?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“What are the charges?” Celestia asked.

“Trespassing and sabotaging.”


“Rainbow Dash!”

“Wait! Rainbow didn’t have anything to do with that.” Spike admited.

“I find that hard to believe.” Frosty said, looking at Spike in the eyes. “I saw both of you there. How is she not trespassing?”

“Because the junior team let her in!” Spike answered.

Frosty eye twitched in annoyance as she let out a heavy sigh. “Alright. Makes sense with what my brother said... And I assume you’re claiming she didn’t have anything to do with the sabotaging?”

“Yeah, I did it alone. Even though it wasn’t with the intention of sabotaging, it was just a prank...”

“Spike. You know these types of things have time and place.” Celestia said, looking disappointedly at him.

“Yeah, and you chose the worst possible time and place for it.” Frosty said, before undoing her frown. “But I can clearly see that you regret it. So I’m going to let this slide this time, but it better not happen again, understood?”

“Y-yes, ma’am!”

Frosty nodded to him, bowed to Celestia then left the room, greeting Shining on the way out.

Spike walked up to Rainbow, but before he could say anything, she adressed Windy. “Let’s go, mom.”

“Already? But it’s still-” Windy stopped when she noticed Rainbow’s expression. ”Alright, Dashie... So sorry to leave like this, your highness.”

“I understand. Don’t worry about it, Windy. Also, you can just call me Celestia when there’s no royals or officials around.” Celestia said, with a warm smile.

Windy smiled back. “Thank you, your- Er, I mean. Thank you, Celestia.” With that, she lead Rainbow out of the room.

Spike rubbed his left arm, feeling bad. “Spike.” He turned around, dread started plaguing his mind. “You want to talk about it?” He saw the look of worry in her face, though, he still remembers the look of disappointment she gave him.

“...What’s there to say?” Spike sat on the floor, dejectedly. “I upsetted Rainbow... I disappointed you...”

Celestia sat by his side, wing comfortably enveloping him. “Spike...” Not sure what to say, she pulled him into a tight hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes. “Feel better?”

”A little...” Spike answered, sniffing.

“What’s plaguing your mind, my son?” Celestia asked, giving him a nuzzle for encouragement.

Sigh. “Rainbow was so upset, she wouldn’t even look at me...”

Hm. He’s so upset with that... I might have to talk with Cadance later, just to be sure. “Spike, I might have an idea on how you can make it up for Rainbow.” Celestia asked, noticing her fur where she held Spike, was getting wet. He’s even crying now.

“How?” Spike asked, immediately.

“Well, next month it’s Rainbow’s birthday. And Windy and I agreed to host the party here in Canterlot this year. Maybe you can use the opportunity to give her a special gift as an apologie?” Celestia suggested, waiting his reply.

“I-I guess that could work... But what do I give her?” He asked.

“Hm. I’m not sure. What does she like?”

Spike spent the next ten minutes thinking hard, with Celestia patiently waiting for him. Eventually, a smile started forming on his face as an idea came to his head, though, he frowned immediately after.

No doubt she’s gonna love it... But will it be enough for her to forgive me..?

Author's Note:

Eeeyy. Thanks for reading until here! Very apreciated. :twilightsmile:
As always, spot any mispelling or errors. Hit me up in the comments and I'll fix it! Also hesitate not to ask me anything you have doubts on about the story and I'll definitely answer. (Except spoilers, of course!)