• Published 15th Feb 2023
  • 1,533 Views, 41 Comments

Spark of a Flame - Riojoriginal

Follow the tale of two best friends as they wreck havoc around the capital city of Equestria.

  • ...

6 - A Magical Flame pt.1

Two months later...

“Why are you doing this? I don’t understand.” Celestia asked, flying over their castle while a dark figure flew very fast at her, just barely missing the attack.

The figured snapped at her, growling. “Are you seriously this blind?! Oh, who am I kidding? Miss Perfect shoes with her perfect life wouldn’t know what a problem is if it slapped her in the face!” As she said that, five dark inkish lances rose from the ground lightning fast at Celestia.

“Stop this madness!” Celestia pleaded as she casted a shield around herself. It immediately gave away as the lances crashed violently against it. “Sister, please!”

“No! You had your chance, now you shall pay for it!” As the dark figured shouted that Celestia was suddenly blasted away, crashing violently through the castle’s ceiling, landing near a stone pedestal.

“Nrgh...” Celestia tried to get up but her legs gave away, causing her to collapse on the floor.

A heavy crushing sound came near her, followed by a sudden pressure around her neck that forced her up in the air. “Sis-!”

“Quiet! We are done hearing your voice! You shall know the pain we went through your so called peaceful reign.” As the figure said that, Celestia immediately felt an immense pain behind her neck making it difficult to breath.

The last thing she remembered was the figured smashing the pedestal behind her before she felt scrutiating pain on her chest and as she barely had time to register the massive spear piercing her chest, she was slammed on the floor quickly followed by the ceiling giving in and falling towards her.

“AHH!” Celestia jumped awake, looking around in shock as she put a hoof on her chest breathing heavily. “J-just a nightmare... Again...” She sighed as she left her bed, stumbling a little on her way to the door.

Through the dark, empty hallways of the castle, Celestia aimlessly wondered pass old furniture and stained windows. Not really paying attention to her surroundings as she was more than used to, having done this countless times before, all because of a mistake. One that keeps staring back at her anytime she looks through a window at night, always watching her each night, of every week, month, year and so on. One that would most likely never stop watching her, make it rain, cloudy or clear skies, she would always be there, judging her for the mistake she made.

Leaning on the window, she looked up to the moon. “...How are you doing, sister?.. I... Sigh I tried... I really did... But my plan failed... I-” Celestia sniffed, cleaning away the tears forming in her eyes. “-I’m sorry, I can’t bring you back...”

Looking back at the moon, the one she always would stare at most nights, the mare on the moon, staining it’s otherwise white surface high up in the sky, illuminating the sky with it’s glowing presence. A mare who’s tale was forgotten by some, unknown to many more.

After several minutes, she finally recomposed herself and continued on her walk through the castle. She eventually passed by the castle’s archives locked doors, where they keep secured most of Star Swirl’s library of spells. Weirdly enough, though, the massive chain lock on those doors were missing and she could see a faint light coming from under them.

Fearing a possible intruder, she snuck - as quietly as an alicorn of her size could - her way inside the archives. She immediately saw at the desk near the door, a few tomes and books stacked with one of them opened, a couple scrolls laid by the side and a lit candle illuminating them. Whoever was here seemed to have been studying them, though, she had no idea for how long.

Noticing moviment on the other side of the shelves, she hide behind one of the many columns and watched in surprise as Spike emerged from the shadows, an open book in hand as he murmured to himself. ”What is he doing here..?”

”...So that would mean... Erm, I’m not sure... Argh! Come on, Spike! Think!” He put the book next to the others as he took a seat and started reading them, cross referencing between them.

She stepped out from behind her hiding spot and quietly approached Spike. “Spike?”

In an instant, Spike jumped off his seat and turned around, spooked. “M-mom?! What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same question...” Celestia pointed towards the doors. “There was a big set of chains holding those doors shut, you know.”

“Uhmm... I might have... Borrowed the key for it?.. Heheh.” Spike replied, chuckling nervously.

“You borrowed... From the drawer inside my room?” Celestia said, before she gave a quick glanced at the books again. “And these..?”

Spike got even more nervous at the mention of them. “I-I... Erm...” He hesitated to answer, eyeing the door.

“Just tell me why are you here. I promise that I’m not angry at you.” Celestia reassured him, briefly ruffling the spines on his head with her huge wing.

“Erm... Okay... I was... Reading...?”

“Yes, I noticed from all the books and tomes you took. My questions is: Why read these in particular?” Celestia clarified as she watched Spike shift in place, looking just as uncomfortable as he was when he worried about Rainbow’s present a couple months ago.

Might as well tell her... “I wanted to learn magic, and maybe... Do magic too..?” Spike answered, looking hopefully at her.

“...But you already can do magic? Or you think that any dragon can send letters by burning them?” Celestia said.

“You mean the spell you casted on me? The one you didn’t even ask if I wanted?” Spike asked, crossing his arms.

“Erm... Well...” Celestia had trouble replying, not sure what to say. Maybe I shouldn’t have assumed he would’ve been okay with it.

“...*Sigh* Nevermind... Sorry for taking that key. I’ll just go to my room.” Spike said, dejectedly walking towards the door.

“...Spike, wait.” Celestia stopped him mid-way with her wing. “I’m not sure if you can do magic the way you want, but I can help you understand it... Just remember I can’t promise you that you’ll be able to cast spells after it, okay?”

“I am very aware of that possibility, but if there’s a chance that I can do that, I’m taking it.” Spike replied.

“Well, then we start your studies this afternoon.” Celestia said, heading out of the room.

“...You mean tomorrow afternoon?” Spike asked, following her after snuffing out the candle.

“Maybe you should check the time, Spike.” Celestia said, pointing to the clock nearby as she continued walking down the hallway, letting a giggle out on her way.

“What does she me-? It’s 2AM already?! Shoot!” Spike exclaimed, quickly making his way back to his room.

A month later...

“...And that in adding to those, form the necessary runes for this type of spell.” Celestia said, showing Spike a few drawings of said runes.

Spike wrote on his notepad, which already had half of it used up. “Okay... Wait. That rune’s not supposed to be there.” He pointed to the fourth drawing. “That one would cause the spell to backfire.”

“Hm...” Celestia was a little taken aback. “You actually noticed my catch before I even said there was one. I’m impressed, you’re learning quite fast Spike.”

“Well, I do have a pretty good teacher.” Spike said, giving her a smile before he turned back to the book. “...But what’s the ‘homework’ you mentioned before? Isn’t this technically homework too, since the castle is my home?”

“Ah, yes. That is something for you to do while I’m busy with my duties, so you can continue your studies without worrying too much about my schedule.” Celestia explained.

“Hm...” Before he could ask another question, a knock on the door pulled both of the attentions.

“It’s open.” Celestia said.

Opening the door, Raven entered the room carrying two tomes and handed them to Celestia. “Here are the tomes on Old Ponish you requested your majesty.”

“Thank you, Raven.” Celestia then showed Spike the tomes. “You’re to study this two tomes once we finish this lesson, when you are done with these we can start on some spells from my- Erm, of an old famous sorcerer... Just remember there’s no rush, read this at your own time, okay?”

Taking the tomes, he looked at her and nodded. “Got it... When do you think you will be back?”

“That’s difficult to say. The griffonian colony is, by any means, quite far and I have an schedule meeting with the major cities mayors. So I don’t kn-”

“Ahem! Sorry to interrupt, your majesty. But we are in a hurry.” Raven interrupted.

Celestia sighed. “Right. I’ll be out in a second.”

Raven nodded and left the room, waiting outside.

“Sorry to leave like this, Spike. If you have any doubt or difficulties with the tomes, just find Cadance. I teached her some Old Ponish a while ago, she probably still remembers some of it.”

“Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.” Spike replied as Celestia gave him a tight hug.

“Take care Spike, love you.” Celestia said, giving him an affectionated nuzzle.

“Come on, mom! I’m not a kid anymore!” Spike said, feeling embarrassed as he tried breaking away from the hug.

“I’m not hearing you saying it, son~” Celestia said, refusing to let him go as she barely kept from giggling.

Fine. Love you too...” Spike murmured, huffing in annoyance as Celestia finally released him.

“I’ll be back in a couple of weeks, probably. Don’t overtax yourself!” Sneaking in a last nuzzle before she left giggling, leaving in the room a flustered Spike.

“Ugh... And she’s the one with a thousand years...”

A week later...

With a book under his arm, Spike walked through the hallways of the castle, searching for Candace.

“Where the heck you went, Cadance? This is taking more than a few minutes for just a ‘snack break’...” Spike grumbled as he arrived at the balcony of the ballroom, leaning over it he saw Cadance on the floor below talking with none other than Rainbow and her dad. ”What are they doing here? I’m pretty sure there’s still a few weeks before visit day...”

“...I’m impressed! First place, huh?” Cadance asked.

“Yup! Showed those pegasi who’s boss!” Rainbow bolstered, full ego mode on display.

“Heheh, that you did.” Bow chuckled slighty as he noticed Spike approaching. “Oh, Dashie! Spike’s coming!”

“DAD! You know to not call me that!” Rainbow said through her teeth as she turned her attention towards Spike. “...So, finally decided to take your nose out of those books?”

Spike snorted indignantly. “Better than having my head up on the clouds, Dashie... But what you two doing here? I thought your next visit was in three weeks.”

Rainbow’s first response was sending a mean glare to him, though Spike could tell he managed to get under her skin again by the faint blush on her face. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”

Smirking, he replied. “Nope. And that makes it eighty-nine versus eleven for me. You gonna have to step up your game, Dash. This is just getting sad now.” Spike chuckled but he couldn’t help but feel slighty bad for knocking her ego down a bit, even though he catches himself doing it more and more as time passes on as her ego just keeps inflating.

“Grr... Why you-!”

“Now now, don’t forget why we are here.” Bow interrupted, reminding her of that.

“Right... Uh, Spike. I know you’re not a fan of them, but I earned three tickets for the Wonderbolts performance and was wondering if... You wanted to join us?” Rainbow asked, pulling one from under her wing and showing it to Spike.

Hesitantly taking the ticket, Spike made a face as he looked at it. “Erm, why ask me and not one of the girls. Wasn’t Cloudkicker a fan of the Wonderbolts too?” He asked, skeptical.

Strangely enough, Rainbow frowned at the mention of her name. “She... Can’t go. Neither her, Derpy and Shy can...” She answered, looking to the side, a bit upset.

Spike didn’t really noticed it as he was already impatient with Cadance’s shenanigans. “Well, sorry Rainbow. But I’m pretty busy right now with my studies.” He gave it back to her. “...Which reminds me.” He turned to Cadance, annoyed. “Are you done with your ’quick lunch break’? You know I’m trying to finish this thing before mom’s back!” Spike said, showing the book to her.

Cadance sighed, looking somewhat exhausted from the whole ordeal. “Spike, you’ve been solely focusing on those books, you barely leave your room nowadays! That’s not health and you know Celestia told you to specifically not do that.”

“What? Oh, come on Cadance! This is important!” Spike insisted.

“No. I’m done helping you for now, Spike. You should take some air, staying all day on that room is bad for you.” Cadance said as she put her hoof down, signaling to Spike that she wasn’t gonna change her mind.

Spike huffed, very upset. “Argh! Fine! If you’re not gonna help, then don’t! See if I care! I’ll just going to do it by myself.” He stormed off.

“Spike!” Cadance call his name but he ignored as he disappeared upstairs.

“What got into the little guy?” Bow asked, puzzled.

Cadance sighed. “He’s been obsessed with those books ever since Tia gave them to him.” Turning her attention to Rainbow, she noticed the downcast look on her face. “I’m sorry, Rainbow. Ignore him, he’s just being a grumpy pants right now.”

“It’s fine...” She replied as she looked at the ticket with disappointment. “I guess I’ll just throw this away, since no one wants to go with us...”

Feeling a bad for her, Cadance levitated the ticket from Rainbow’s wings and flashed her a smile. “Well, would you mind having me tag along then?”

“Wait, you? But- Since when you are a fan of Wonderbolts?” Rainbow asked, surprised.

“I wouldn’t call myself a fan per say but I wouldn’t mind watching a performance from them. I heard the Wonderbolt’s performances are quite breathtaking.” Cadance answer.

Finally smiling, Rainbow nodded. “Then hop along, we’re almost late!” She said as she started pushing both her dad and Cadance out of the castle, earning some laughs from them.

Seven months later...

“...This is getting boring.” Spike grumbled as he closed the book and put it back on the pile on his desk. “For how much longer is she going to be busy..? I literally finished reading all the books we have here. Twice.”

As he was about to reorganize his books again to pass time, a knock on his door stopped him. Going to open it, he was surprised to see Celestia. “Mom? Are you finally free?”

“Hello to you too, Spike. I’m here to give you this.” Celestia replied as she gave him a cupcake with a lit candle on top. “Happy birthday.”

He stared at it for a few seconds before he gave it back. “N-no. I don’t... I don’t want to remember last time.” Spike shivered at the thought.

Celestia sighed. “I know you don’t have good memories from last time, but it’s still something for you to celebrate, or at least recognized it as you’re getting older.”

“I don’t need a birthday party or birthday cupcakes or whatever else to know I turned fifteen.” Spike replied, sitting back down in front of his desk. “...Are you still busy?”

“Afraid so, Spike.” Celestia replied, using her magic to make the candle disappear.

Spike groaned loudly as he face planted on the desk. Causing a few books to fall from the pile and hit his head. “Ow.”

“Spike! This is getting ridiculous. This obsession is getting out of control. It’s not healthy.” Celestia said, pulling Spike away from the desk.

“I would not be doing this if somepony would regularly give lessons, so I wouldn’t have to scrape by to get a smidge of knowledge I’m looking for. And those ‘homeworks’ you promise don’t even teach me anything anymore.” Spike replied, breaking away from her grasp.

“Spike, you know this. I have duties, and I can’t just drop everything to-”

“And I’m not telling you to do that.” Spike interrupted.

“Oh? Then pray tell what are you suggesting?” Celestia asked, having a feeling on where this conversation was heading.

“Oh, I don’t know. What is a place where they give knowledge to those seeking it? A place where they would improve my magical understanding? A place with your name on it? Ring any bells?” Spike asked, annoyance clear as day in his voice.

Celestia rubbed her temple with a hoof as she breathed in and out. “Spike. We talked about this. You know why.”

“Yeah, and now I’m - physically - fifteen. I’d say the circumstances changed already. I’m not that weak, if that’s what you think of me.” Spike replied, glaring daggers at her.

“I never said that.” Celestia replied, a little offended by that.

“You didn’t need to, your actions speak for themselves. How you expect me to achieve what I want, if you can’t give me consistent lessons nor let me attend your school. Do you not want me to be able to do it? Don’t you believe in me? Were you just lying to me all this time?” Spike asked, with each question closing the distance.

“I never lied about that. I still do believe in you, it’s just-”

“Then why aren’t you letting me attend there!?” Spike asked, frustrated.

“Because you’ll be an outcast! There’s only unicorns there. Do you really think they are not gonna bat an eye at you for not being an unicorn at a prestiged magic school!? Do you?” Celestia snapped, raising her voice as a result.

Spike took a few steps back in surprised, but he continued pressing on. “I couldn’t give a crap about a bunch of snobby unicorns giving me the stinky eye. I would be there to learn, not to care about their opinions.”

“You are still missing the point.”

“Am I? Or is it you that’s missing my point?”

“I just don’t want you to fail!” Celestia exclaimed. “I don’t want you to spend so much time focusing on something that you might not succeed. I just can’t-”

“Mom, stop. Are you even hearing yourself right now? How do you think I’m supposed to learn if I never fail? What’s the saying? ‘Learn from your mistakes’?” Spike replied.

“That’s not what I meant.” Celestia said.

“I know. And to that I say: Let me fail.” Spike said, taking a deep breath to calm himself. “This whole thing was so I could find out if I can indeed perform magic on my own or not. If I could, I would focus on it. If not... At least I would know why.”

“I...” Celestia was having difficulty in finding a reply, instead she decided to just pull Spike into a hug. “...You know I just want what’s best for you, right?”

“I know, and I’m certain this is the best for me.” Spike replied, returning the hug.

“...Very well. Next week I’ll arrange a few meetings and have you matriculated, is that okay with you?” Celestia asked, breaking the hug.

“Yeah, I think I can wait a week.” Spike replied.

“Okay... Here, at least eat the cupcake, since you missed breakfast.” Celestia said as she put the cupcake on his desk and made her way out of the room. “Oh, and Spike? You should go outside, take in some sunlight, you can bring a book if you want just don’t keep yourself locked in your own room all day, alright?”

Spike couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the suggestion. “Fine. Just let me organize this mess first.”

A week later...

“So, how are you feeling? Excited? Happy?” Raven asked as she escorted Spike through the Canterlot streets.

“Nervous, I think.” He replied.

“I thought you wanted this. Should we head back?” Raven asked, showing him an unimpressed look.

“Wha- No! I- uh, I’m not going back. I’m doing this.” Spike said, taking a deep breath.

Raven nodded approvingly. “Good, because we have arrived.”

“Oh.” Spike looked ahead and saw the building in question.

“Ready?” Raven asked, already at the door waiting.

“Uh, yeah! Ready.” Spike answered, catching up to her.

Following her through the corridors, they eventually stopped by a door. Spike could see through the small window it was a classroom full of unicorns currently in class right now.

“This will be your class. Keep in mind you’ll be joining in in the middle of the year, so you will have some catching up to do. You can handle that, right?” Raven asked.

“Yeah, I can... Should, uh, I enter or...?” Spike asked, only to see Raven knock on the door, open it and call the teacher’s attention.

Spike saw a red unicorn with brown mane and tail stay in her doorway, looking at Raven. “Hello, can I help you?”

“Yes, I believe you were informed you were receiving a new student. He’s here.” Raven said, motioning to Spike.

“Oh. I was informed you’d be a bit different from the rest but I wasn’t expecting this...” He recomposed himself. “Erm, apologies where’s my manners. I’m Crimson Specter, the professor for the first semester here.” Crimson offered him a hoof.

“I’m Spike, nice to meet you.” Spike introduced himself, shooking Crimson’s hoof.

“Likewise. Now an important matter about my classes. You are joining in quite late and have missed quite a few important lectures. You’ll have to gather the material from some of your classmates.” Crimson warned him.

“Yes, I’m aware of it. It will not be a problem, I assure you.” Spike replied.

Crimson nodded. “Very well. Ready to introduce yourself for the class?” He asked.

“Yeah, I- Uh, I’m.” Spike answered as he turned to her. “Thanks for coming along, Raven.”

“No problem, Spike. Enjoy your class.” Raven said as she made her way out.

As Crimson went back inside, Spike noticed he gather their attention. “Class I would like to introduce you to a new student.”

Taking a deep breath, Spike walked in and stopped by the professor, looking over the class who were all staring at him.

He could hear a lot of whispering from the back while in the front row the students looked mostly shocked. Hope that’s not a bad sign.

“Why don’t you tell us your name and where you come from?” Crimson suggested, as he went back to his desk.

“Uh, Hi. My name is Spike and I actually live here in Canterlot.” As Spike said that, quite a few students lifted their hoofs.

Wasn’t expecting this much curiosity... Spike pointed to a mint colored mare with cyan mane and tail with a white stripe, on the front row. “What’s your question?”

“If you live in Canterlot, how come I never saw you around before?” She asked.

“Well, I-” Wait, telling them I’m from the castle might be a bad idea. “-I just stay inside most of the time.” As he answered that, a lot of the lifted hoofs were lowered. Huh, figures.

Noticing a light yellowish unicorn with red mane and tail with purple stripes holding her hoof up, Spike pointed to her. “You have a question too?”

“Yes. Why you chose to study here?” She asked.

I don’t think I’m telling that either. “...I find magic to be cool, and I wanted to learn more about it.” Spike answered, technically not lying.

“Well, if there’s no more questions. Let’s continue with the lecture. Moondancer, you won’t mind sharing your notes with Spike would you?” Crimson asked.

“Uh, no. Not at all.” She replied, pulling a couple of pages from her notebook.

As Crimson started writing on the chalkboard, Spike took the seat next to Moondancer who handed him a few notes. “These are the notes I took from today’s lecture. You can keep those if you want.”

Spike thanked her as he read through the notes while also paying attention to the lecture.

Later that day...

“Interesting...” Spike mumbled to himself, going through his notes on a notepad as he walked pass a guard standing by the castle’s entrance.

“Spike! Long time since we last met.” SnowFlame greeted him as he opened the doors for Spike.

“Hm? Oh, hey SnowFlame.” Spike greeted him back before looking back to his notes.

“What you’ve been up to lately?” He asked.

It took a few seconds before Spike realized SnowFlame asked another question. “Huh? Oh! Uh, I started studying at mom’s school.” Spike answered, before he once again went back to his notes.

“Wasn’t that school exclusive for unicorns..?” SnowFlame asked, but when Spike didn’t answer he decided to leave it at that. “Nevermind... Good talking to you, Spike. Have a nice afternoon.” He said as Spike walked away in silence, flipping through notes as he left.

Shaking his head, SnowFlame left a chuckle out as he saw Spike almost hit one of the columns. “Geez, that drake needs to get his head out of that notepad before he walks out of a window.”

A week later...

“Thanks again for the help, Spike. I would’ve probably bombed that practice if it weren’t for you.” Moondancer said as they separated themselves from the crowd of ponies leaving the school.

“Nah, you’re being too harsh on yourself. I just reminded you of what you already knew.” Spike replied as they stopped by the plaza.

“Still, you helped me.” Moondancer said.

“That’s what friends are for, right?”

Moondancer smiled. “Speaking of friends... I’m supposed to meet a few of mine at a cafe nearby. Want to join us?” She offered.

“Uh, I don’t know. Don’t want to intrude on the group. What if I freak them out?” Spike answered, reluctant on the idea.

“Lyra didn’t freak out when you first entered our classroom. I think you will be just fine.” Moondancer said, leading Spike towards said cafe.

Once there Moondancer lead him to a table where a trio of unicorns were sitting, arguing quite a bit. “Here we are. Hope I didn’t keep you girls waiting too much.”

The first to reply was the blue unicorn with lavender-blue mane and tail with a dark blue stripe. “Moondancer, of course not! We just arrived here ourselves.”

The ivory unicorn in the middle interjected. “Ooh, who’s that with you Moon?”

“That’s Spike, he’s on our class.” The mint colored unicorn from before, answered for Moondancer.

“Yes, that’s true. Spike, these are Lyra, Twinkleshine and Minuette.” Moondancer introduced them, pointing to each of them as she called their names.

Spike waved shyly. “Uh, hey. Nice meeting you all.”

“Likewise.” Lyra replied.

“You too!” Twinkleshine said.

“A friend of Moondancer is a friend of mine as well.” Minuette said as she waved back.

“Have you ordered anything yet?” Moondancer asked, taking a seat and lifting up the menu.

They suddenly looked away sheepishly. “That’s what we were arguing about.” Lyra admitted.

“What are the options we talking here?” Spike asked as he took a seat beside Moondancer.

“There’s this kind of new spicy tea flavor that I wanted to try out.” Minuette said, earning a look of disgust from both Lyra and Twinkleshine. “What?”

If I had to guess, mom probably has something to do with that.

“Ew, no. We should just get a simple chamomile tea. It’s always my go to!” Twinkle replied.

Boring! We should get some coffee, like a cappuccino or an espresso! I’m always up for more caffeine.” Lyra interjected.

“Hm. I think I’ll go with Twinkle here and get a chamomile tea.” Moondancer said, putting down the menu.

“And I swore off anything spicy, so I think I’ll just go for a black coffee.” Spike replied as he reached down his satchel to take his bits bag.

“Hey, let me pay for yours. I did invite you here.” Moondancer offered.

“Uh, thanks but that’s not really necessary. I have more bits than I know what to do with them.” Spike politely declined as he put the bag on the table.

“I accept it if he doesn’t want it!” Lyra interjected, earning an eye roll from Moondancer.

“I’m only offering Spike, not you Lyra. I already paid yours last month!” She replied.

“I can pay for yours if you want.” Spike offered.

“Why, thank you!” Lyra said as she smugly looked back at Moondancer. “See? He knows etiquette, different of someone here.”

“Unfortunately, I do know etiquette... It was quite annoying to learn it.” Spike said, groaning with annoyance to the memory. “I can still hear Blueblood’s annoying voice in my mind.”

“Wait, Blueblood teached you etiquette?!” Lyra, Twinkle and Minuette all asked at the same time, shocked.

Ah, crap. Said too much... “Erm... Did I say that?” Spike asked, thinking - and failing - to find his way out of that one.

“Yes, you did. We all heard clear as day.” Minuette said.

“Where you said you lived again?” Lyra asked, curious.

“Erm... I would rather not answer that, if that’s okay with you all.”


“Girls, leave him alone. If he doesn’t want to talk about it, drop it.” Moondancer interrupted them.

“Hello again. Are you three finally- oh there’s more of you.” A dark grey pegasus mare with blond mane commented as she approached their table. “Please tell me you are ready to order by now.”

“Uh, I’ll have just a black coffee, please.” Spike ordered.

“I’ll have a chamomile tea.” Moondancer ordered as well.

“Me too!” Twinkle butted in.

“I want a cappuccino, with extra creme!” Lyra ordered.

“Extra creme... Got it. What are you having?” The waiter asked Minuette.

“I want to try the, uh, that spicy flavored tea.” She answered.

The waiter grimaced. “Alright. Would you like the complementary glass of milk with it, or you think you can handle it?”

“Pfft! It’s just tea. I can definitely handle a little bit of spicy!” Minuette replied, brushing off the waiter’s concerns.

“Okay. You drinks will be arriving in a few minutes.” As the waiter started walking away, Spike stopped her.

“Actually, I’ll take the complementary milk.” He said to her.

The waiter nodded, failing to hide her smirk as she made her way to the back with their orders.

“I thought you ordered a black coffee?” Lyra asked, puzzled.

“And I did.” Spike replied.

“Then why you’re taking the milk?” Minuette asked, also puzzled.

“You’ll see.” Spike replied vaguely.

As they continued talking about different topics, with Spike’s slip up completely forgotten at this point. It didn't took long before their orders arrived.

“Two chamomile teas, one black coffee, one cappuccino with extra creme and one spiced tea and the complementary glass of milk... Have anything else to order right now?” The waiter asked.

“That’s everything for now, thank you.” Moondancer said, dismissing the waiter as she took a sit from her tea.

Spike was about to take his coffee, until both he and Moondancer were suddenly covered in tea as Minuette spitted hers the moment it touched her tongue. “Ahh! HOT HOT HOT!”

“MINUETTE! WHAT THE HECK! You got my sweater soaked now!” Moondancer exclaimed as Spike wipped the tea off his face with one claw and slowly pushed the milk towards Minuette with the other, who took it and chugged the entire thing in one sip.

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to!” She apologized as she breathed loudly, trying to subdue the burning in her tongue.

Spike got up from his seat, a little peeved about being soaked in tea. “Uh, I’m gonna clean myself. Be right back.”

“Me too. Before my sweater gets stained.” Moondancer made her way to the bathroom.

“Nice going, Minuette. Honestly, what did you expect?” Twinkle asked, shaking her head.

“Girls, question. What you think of him?” Lyra suddenly asked.

“What you mean? He’s fine, I think.” Twinkle replied.

“Yeah, but like, Moondancer never really offers to pay stuff for you. I have to practically beg her to pay that one time.” Lyra said.

“Maybe if you weren’t such a gold digger, you’d get more free stuff.” Minuette replied as her burning tongue finally subsided.

“Excuse me?! You take that back!” Lyra demanded, indignant while Twinkle laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Moondancer asked as she returned, drooping the wet sweater on the corner of the table.

“Minuette called me a gold digger!” Lyra exclaimed.

Moondancer snickered. “I mean, she’s not wrong.”


They all laughed, except for Lyra who crossed her forelegs and turned away, upset.

“As much fun as it is, let’s drop Lyra from the spotlight for a bit.” Twinkle started. “I have to say I wasn’t expecting to end up befriending a dragon in... Ever!”

“Yeah. All stories about dragons pictured them as this bad scary monsters that hoard treasures and live in dark caves.” Minuette added.

“Honestly, Spike feels the total opposite of that.” Moondancer replied.

“I agree, he’s definitely not scary.” Twinkle said.

“And he’s willing to offer to pay for your stuff.” Lyra added in.

“...And he’s kinda cute?” Minuette said, earning herself an unamused look from Moondancer. “What? You don’t think so?”

“I’m not answering that. But you literally met him fifteen minutes ago, Minuette. Do you really have to say that about almost all males you meet?” Moondancer asked.

“I don’t do that!” Minuette defended.

“Right, and you’re not proving me right by saying ‘Spike’s cute’-?”

“Sorry I took so long. Turns out it’s quite difficult to dry yourself with paper towels.” Spike said as he took his seat, hiding a letter inside his satchel.

Ah, crap. Did he hear that?

He dropped on the table a bunch of coins from his bag, quickly finished his coffee and got up. “Sorry for leaving like this but I just got some important stuff to do. See you all tomorrow.” He hurriedly left the cafe without saying anything else.

“...I think he might’ve heard you.” Minuette said.

Moondancer groaned “You think?” before faceplating on the table.

Three months later...

“Hm... This is getting tricky.” Spike mumbled as he read his and Moondancer’s notes. “I don’t know if this would work... Ugh, how much I wished I could do magic so I could test this!”

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Spike sighed as he slowly got up. “Who is it now...?” He grumbled as he opened the door.

“Hello, Spike. You’re studying I presume?” Shining asked.

“Yeah, having trouble with- Wait, your timing couldn’t have been better!.. Can you do this spell for me?” Spike asked as he took a scroll from his desk and handed to him.

“Erm, okay...? Wait, I recognize this spell. What are you doing with a flashing spell?” Shining asked.

“Flashing? That one was supposed to light up a room, not flash.” Spike replied. “Did I really make a flashing spell?”

“Yes, an inefficient version of the spell but you still did one.” Shining replied. “This word here conflicts with those two and the result is a weak flash.”

“Oh, interesting.” Spike said as he took the scroll and went back to his desk to rewrite the spell. “You need something or are you just checking on me again?”

“Yes, I came here to get you to say goodbye to Cadance.” Shining answered, walking inside the room.

Spike frowned. “Why? Is she going anywhere?”

“Yes, she will be going on a diplomatic trip outside of Equestria in Celestia’s place. She won’t be back for a couple months.” Shining explained.

“Oh? Well, tell her I said goodbye... Or don’t, she probably still mad at me.” Spike replied as he started focusing on the scroll.

“...You really think that is the case?” Shining asked.

“Why wouldn’t it be? She... I got mad and told her some mean stuff. Why would she want to see me?”

“To see you apologize? To know for certain you didn’t mean what you said? And that you two are still friends?”

“I don’t know...” Spike replied as he started ignoring him.

Shining sighed as he went to door. “She’s leaving in ten minutes... Do what you think is right, okay?”

“Ugh... This is so annoying.”

Ten minutes later...

“...And if you have any trouble, you can send me a letter too.” Celestia said.

“Tia, you don’t need to worry. This isn’t my first trip outside of Equestria, remember?” Cadance asked.

“Yes, and that’s exactly why I’m worried.” Celestia replied.

“Well, if it makes you feel better. I’ll not be alone.” Cadance said as she pulled Shining closer. “Mister Captain here is coming along!”

“Hm. I suppose that minimizes my worries a little...” Celestia said, before they all turned to see Spike slowly approaching them. “Spike, finally decided to leave that dusty room? How are you doing?” She asked, pulling him closer and hugging him with her massive wing.

Spike rolled his eyes. “You don’t need to keep worrying about me. I can take care of myself, mom.” He replied, though, didn’t immediately break away from her embrace.

“I wouldn’t worry if you stopped missing breakfast. Which reminds me, have you eaten something yet?” Celestia asked.

“Yeah, yeah. I got a few gems on my way here.” Spike replied.

“Hm... We’ll talk more about it later. Right now I should head back to the throne room before Raven starts pulling my feathers.” Celestia joked as she released Spike and started walking back to the castle. “Have a pleasant trip, you two!”

“Thank you, Tia!” Cadance replied back before addressing Shining. “Shining, could you be a dear and make sure all our baggage are in place?”

Understanding what she was trying to do, Shining agreed. “Sure thing, Candy.”

“...So.” Spike started.

“So... You wanted to say something?” Cadance asked.

“I... *sigh* I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things to you.”

“It’s fine, Spike. Although I would like to know what exactly caused you to say those things.” Cadance replied.

“I just got frustrated with you always trying to get me to stop study for the day. I know it doesn’t justify what I did and I apologize for that.” Spike answered.

“You know I just want what’s best for you, right?” Cadance asked.

Just like everyone else. “I know, but I genuinely think you’re doing me a disservice by stopping my studies.” Spike said.

“Well... Then I’ll stop doing that, if it makes you feel better.” Cadance replied, ruffling the spines on his head. “Won’t want you getting grumpy again, would we?”

“Hey! Knock it off.” Spike pushed her hoof off, huffing in annoyance.

Cadance giggled as Shining approached them. “Everything’s ready to go, just waiting for you.”

“Right. Thank you, Shiny.”

“Well, I wish you two a pleasant travel.” Spike said, about to walk back to the castle.

“And where you think you’re going? Are you not gonna give aunt Candy a hug?” Cadance jokely asked.

“Since when you promoted yourself from cousin to aunt?” Spike asked, crossing his arms.

“Well, I always found it cute when you were little that you used to call me aunt Candy and- Wait, where you going?” Cadance asked as Spike as walking towards the castle. “Are you not even gonna say goodbye?”

”You lost your chance when you brought up the baby thing!” Spike answered as he disappeared inside the castle.

Cadance huffed, indignantly. “Can you believe him?”

Shining chuckled as he got inside the carriage with Cadance before finally settling for their destination.

Author's Note:

And that marks the end for yet another chapter! Oh boy, did this break my head writing it.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have enjoyed, have a good one! :rainbowkiss: