• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 933 Views, 37 Comments

G5 Adventures in Wakko's Wish 2 - ponydog127

After a shocking turn of events involving Opaline, the ponies return to Acme Falls for a new mission with the Animaniacs cast... and this mission is crucial, for Opaline is a huge threat in Warnerstock, and secrets must be released to stop her plans.

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Meeting the Guardians/Training Begins

Sunny and Yakko boldly led the group through the thick brush of the jungles, hoping to find the palace where the Elemental Guardians resided. But they had been traveling for about 30 minutes now, and they hadn’t had any luck, and Pipp was beginning to pant harder and harder as they trotted along. “Can we PLEASE stop and take a break?!” she begged. “My hooves look absolutely filthy with this jungle mud!”

“Pipp, we can’t stop now!” Zipp argued. “If we stop, we may never find the Guardians, and evil may surround Warnerstock and Equestria before we can stop it!”

“Zipp’s right,” Sunny nodded. “We have to-- keep… going…”

Suddenly, something ahead of them made Sunny and Yakko’s eyes go wide, staring slack jawed for a few moments. “Ponies? Sibs?” Yakko called out. “I think we found what we were looking for.”

Everyone looked confused before they joined their friends at the front. Before them was a giant palace, bigger than Zephyr Heights’ (if you can see that being possible) and flags depicting the four elements hung from the highest towers. Everyone’s eyes went wide in amazement, and Pipp silently took a picture. “That… is… hooftag GORGEOUS!!!”

“I gotta admit, that palace is swanky… but I prefer our palace at home a lot more,” Dot shrugged from atop her back. “Okay, guys… there’s a 50-50 chance of them accepting our plea for help… and a chance that they could say no and throw us into a dungeon somewhere in this place,” Zipp said with a slight frown. “So, we need to be careful what we say, how we say it-- and please, Yakko and Wakko… no wooing over girls.”

“Awww… but Zipp, that’s what makes us us!” Wakko pouted. “I promise, once we get back to Warnerstock, we’ll let you woo over all the girls you want,” Izzy poked his nose. “Come on! There’s gonna be new friends waiting for us inside!”

The blue unicorn hopped ahead toward the gates, singing a little tune, and the group followed her while being hesitant. They weren’t sure how people would react to seeing them, so they had to be cautious.

Izzy pulled the large rope that activated a bell, which caused a magical mist to form into the image of a large lion, fur a dark red while his mane blazed with fire. “Who are you?” he demanded. “What do you seek from this place?

“Um… greetings, sir,” Sunny said respectfully. “I’m Sunny Starscout, and these are my friends and the War--”

We have no time for visitors right now!” the lion roared, scaring the group. “Now begone!

“B-B-But you have to see us!” Misty pleaded. “My friends, they need the Guardians’ help! I know you may see us as weak, but my friends got powers from this crystal thingy in Warnerstock, and they--”

...Warnerstock?” the lion questioned with a serious glare. “These three black-and-white creatures are from Warnerstock? Do they have the symbols of power?

“You mean… these?” Zipp pointed to the symbols on the Warners’ hands. The lion didn’t say anything for a moment, but then sighed heavilly. “Come in and head to the throne room. We shall meet you there.

The mist immediately disappeared, prompting the palace doors to open up, and the group quickly stepped inside. They then ventured down a long hallway, where some guards at the end opened the door, and they walked inside to face four empty thrones, each a different color and style.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, startling the group. “Presenting the Guardians of the Elements!” it said. “Bow to their great glory!

“Uh… no problem there!” Hitch stammered as they all bowed-- even Sparky before the voice continued. “Please welcome… Kailani, the Guardian of Air!

In through the open window emerged a tiny animal-- a dove more specifically, with violet colored feathers and green eyes. As soon as she landed, a bright glow engulfed her, transforming her into a woman with brown hair, the same green eyes and a purple highlight through her hair, along with a violet dress.

Delkii, the Guardian of Earth!

A wolf howled before running into the room, and once he was beside the Guardian of Air, he stopped, morphing into a man with brown hair, brown eyes and all dressed in green. “Oooh…” Dot’s eyes fluttered. “He’s dreamy…!”

Maren, the Guardian of Water!

Out of a pool of water flipped out a gray-blue seal with gorgeous blue eyes, and after a swirl of magic and water, she transformed into a blonde-haired, blue eyed woman with a blue highlight in her blonde hair, dressed all in blue. Wakko’s eyes widened-- training with her was going to be quite the experience.

And finally, Ignatius, the Guardian of Fire!

A roar echoed through the air, and the fire lion that… saw them at the gate leapt into view, transforming into a man dressed in red and brown, eyes a steel-colored orange and his hair being brown, but with a red, fiery tint. The group continued to stare wide eyed until the fire guardian groaned. “Rise, all of you-- we’re not the gods who gave you life.”

“Oh! S-Sorry about that,” Sunny apologized as they rose. “I’m Sunny, your excellencies. These are my friends from Equestria-- Izzy, Misty, Pipp, Zipp, Sparky and Hitch. And these are our friends from Warnerstock.”

“We’re the Warner Brothers!” Yakko and Wakko chorused. “And the Warner Sister!” Dot said politely. “We’re sorry to barge in on you like this,” Yakko said politely, “but we need your help. See, this crystal gave me and my siblings powers, and-- WHOA!!!”

Yakko was immediately brought closer by a gust of wind, Wakko was pushed forward by a wave and Dot was pulled closer by a vine, and the Guardians of Earth, Water and Air looked excited. “Can it be true?” Kailani asked. “Can William and Angelina’s sons and daughter really be here?”

“You… you really knew Mum and Dad?” Wakko asked. “Of course,” Delkii nodded. “We knew them when they first traveled here, learning for the truth about the crystal we first gave to the realm of Equestria, but Princess Twilight sent it to Warnerstock to keep it safe from a new enemy.”

“...a new enemy that stole my fire power from the crystal, and as such, couldn’t keep their own kingdom safe!” Ignatius snapped. “Ignatius! Do not treat them with such disdain!” Maren scolded, before turning back to them. “I apologize to them, my princes and princess. He can be a tad hot-headed. We are so happy to meet you at last… as well as welcome you and your friends to Elemental Island. We’re very excited to get to train you.”

“Thanks. But… if you knew about our parents, do you know that they’re… you know…?” Yakko struggled to say the words. “They were killed at the hands of King Salazar’s forces,” Kailani said sadly. “We heard through my bird subjects-- such lovely people. We miss them dearly, as you three do.”

“But what matters is you’re here now to train,” Maren added. “We can get started as soon as you all settle into your chambers.”

“Thank you so much!” Hitch smiled gratefully, and Sparkly babbled sweetly. And suddenly, the Guardian of Fire looked stunned at the dragon. “How… how long as that dragon been with you all?” he asked. “A good sum of months,” Sunny explained. “Hitch found his egg on the beach. His name is Sparky.”

“Hmmm… interesting…” Ignatius spoke. “...but no matter for now. You three get them settled with you. I need to go on patrol.”

“Again? But, brother,” Delkii pointed out, “you just went on patrol 2 hours ago.”

“Well, I need to go on patrol again!” Ignatius snapped before turning into his lion form and running out at top speed. “Don’t mind him,” Kailani said. “I think he is on edge now that you’re here. Now… Yakko, you and the pegasus ponies will stay with me, since air is your accustomed element. Dot, you and the earth ponies will be with Delkii, and the rest of you will be with Maren. In an hour, we’ll all meet up to individually train you.”

“Wait… won’t we all be training together?” Dot asked. “I’m afraid that’s not safe for now,” Delkii explained. “Elements mixing could lead to disastrous results without training. Now… let us depart.”


After an hour was completely passed, the groups split up to individually train group by group. Yakko, Zipp and Pipp were with Kailani, learning how to harness Yakko’s manipulation of air and to harness the ability of flight. “Now, Yakko-- flying is a lot simpler than you would think,” Kailani explained, letting herself hover to show you. “You just simply have to control when you want to lift off the ground. Do you get that so far?”

“Huh? Oh, sorry… I guess I was just kinda distracted thinking about my sibs,” Yakko said. “This whole coming to power thing has really got us on edge.”

“Not to mention Opaline could be planning an attack on Equestria while its stuck in freeze-frame,” Zipp added. Kailani frowned and kneeled next to the elder Warner sibling. “I understand your struggles. I would be scared too,” she said. “But the important thing is to be there for those you care about. That’s the most you can ask of anyone.”

“Yeah… I guess you’re right,” Yakko said with a small sigh. “Okay… what do I do first?”

“Just imagine yourself being as light as air, and command the magic inside to propel yourself upward,” Kailani said. “Give it a try.”

Yakko nodded and closed his eyes, oblivious to the mark on his hand glowing. Suddenly, his feet began to lift off the ground, which he noticed when he opened his eyes and let out a gasp. “Holy pair of chopsticks!” he cried. “A-Am I doing it right?”

“You’re doing it all right!” Zipp congratulated. “Kailani, would you mind us helping him out with navigation?”

“Of course not,” Kailani smiled. “Let me know when you’re done.”


“CANNONBALL!!” Izzy cried as she leapt into the water, Wakko and Misty on her heels, causing Maren to giggle, carrying a floppy, brown substance in her arms. “You three certainly are an enthusiastic bunch.”

“What’s that you’re holding, Miss Maren?” Misty pointed. “It’s a seal skin,” the Guardian of Water explained, chuckling at their surprised reaction. “Don’t worry, it’s my seal skin. I use it, along with a special incantation, to turn myself into a seal-- it’s what selkies do.”

“Ohhhhhhh… selkies! Opaline told me about them once!” Misty said. “But… will Wakko be able to turn into a seal too?”

“No, not entirely,” Maren explained. “He’ll be able to turn into something that’ll help him access to his powers much easier-- a mer-Warner.”

“Is that like a seapony or a mermaid?” Izzy asked. “Yep,” Maren giggled. “And I have some friends who might be able to help. Oh, Coral…!!”

The purple seapony emerged from the water, and Wakko gave off a delighted gasp. “Coral! I knew we’d see you again!” he cried. “I’m happy to see you as well,” Coral said, touching his hand with her fin. “Maren sent me a message saying you might need help accessing your mer-Warner form, and I have a little something for you to get access.”

She pulled a small seashell from under her fins, putting it into a necklace and putting it on Wakko’s neck. “Just imagine yourself swimming beneath the sea, with a tail such as mine. And if you wish hard enough, it’ll become a reality.”

“Okay… here goes!” Wakko clutched the necklace tight as his hand began to glow. And in an instant, he lifted up into the air, his legs molding together until it became a light blue fish tail, and once it was finished, he dove into the water himself. “Wakko! Look at you!” Misty exclaimed. “You look hooftastic!”

“Come on! There’s a whole new world I want you to explore with me!” Coral dragged him under with her as Maren shifted into her seal form. “You two girls stay here,” she said. “I’ll follow them and we’ll be back within the hour.”


“That’s it, Dot!” Sunny encouraged as Dot concentrated. “You’re getting the hang of your powers quicker than I did!”

Dot was now currently learning to control vines under the wolf Guardian of Earth, and Delkii was impressed with how much the young Warner sister was learning. “Well done, my princess,” he said respectfully. “Your brothers will be impressed with what you’ve learned.”

“Yeah. I-I mean… I hope so,” Dot said uneasily. “Hey… you okay?” Hitch asked. “I don’t wanna screw anything up for you guys like I did last winter,” Dot admitted with a frown. “You know… when I was sick?”

“Dot, you couldn’t control sickness. None of us could. It was natural for you to become sick,” said Delkii. “It’s a way of life that we all become sick. None of us can control it… not even me. Do you understand?”

“I think so… thanks,” Dot said with a small smile. “Hey… can we figure out how I can make flowers bloom with just the stomp of my foot?”

“Of course,” Delkii said. “Let us continue… and let’s hurry before your kingdom falls into dire hooves.”

Author's Note:

Sorry if this wasn't the close one-on-one time you guys expected. I wanted it to be good, but I didn't want it to be a 5000 word chapter focusing on each one's time over and over.

Hope you're enjoying it this far!