• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 933 Views, 37 Comments

G5 Adventures in Wakko's Wish 2 - ponydog127

After a shocking turn of events involving Opaline, the ponies return to Acme Falls for a new mission with the Animaniacs cast... and this mission is crucial, for Opaline is a huge threat in Warnerstock, and secrets must be released to stop her plans.

  • ...

Attack on Elemental Island

The Warners’ training had finally begun, and needless to say, they were fast learners because of their newfound determination to protect Acme Falls and all of Warnerstock from whatever dangers were coming their way.

And not only were they working better with their pony friends and each other, they were also building up on their own abilities as individuals.

  • Yakko was not only learning how to fly from Kailani and the pegasus sisters, but was also learning how to harness his emotions at the right moment to manipulate the weather.
  • For Wakko, not only was he learning to swim in his mer-Warner form, he was also learning how to levitate objects with his mind like a unicorn, manipulate water, manipulate ice (since it was basically just frozen water) and communicate with sea creatures-- this bit he was learning from Coral.
  • As for Dot, she was fastly learning to communicate with plant life, but she was also learning how to sense things through the earth.

The ponies watched in sheer pride as their friends harnessed their newfound abilities-- the Guardians were really supportive too, wanting to help in the fight against Opaline.

But… every one of them except the Fire Guardian spoke kindly-- it seemed he still had some resentment toward Equestrians for letting the fire magic from the crystal get taken.

All they could do was hope that his resentment toward the ponies didn't get in the way of the Warners' training.


Back in Warnerstock, Pinky and Brain hopelessly watched as Opaline redecorated the throne room to her liking, smirking wickedly. “Finally… I don’t have Misty around to mess anything up, and I’ve got enough magic to last me until I can find that putrid dragon!” she smirked. “And best of all… Sunny and her little friends have no idea that I’m here. So I can finish them ALL of when they return! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”

From up in their cage, Pinky and Brain had a horrific view of the throne room and a slight view outside, knowing that there was an entire village down there about to face Opaline’s wrath. “All right, Pinky,” Brain sighed. “We must find a way to get a message to Sunny and the royals. They need to get back here as fast as they can! Any idea--”

Pinky wasn’t even paying attention-- he was now tapping repeatedly on the phone that Pipp gave them before they left, humming to himself. “Wow, Brain, this contraption is really something!” he said. “Why didn’t you invent something like this?”

“...you mean you had that with you the entire time?!” Brain snatched it away from his collegue. “Well, I need entertainment, Brain,” Pinky rolled his eyes playfully. “Duh!”

“Pinky, if you can distract Opaline for long enough,” Brain said, “I should be able to warn Sunny and her friends my communicating through this cellular device. But you’ll have to be SMART about this. SMART. Do you understand?”

“Sure thing, Brain!” Pinky saluted, and immediately Brain got to work trying to figure out the cell phone. And while Brain was doing that, Pinky waved to get Opaline’s attention. “Excuse me! Ms. Queen!”

“...my name is Opaline,” the alicorn sneered as she looked into a mirror. “Ah, yes. Opaline-- like the opal gemstone, one of me favorites,” Pinky said casually. “So, how does that dragon fire make you feel? Powerful? How much, out of a 10 scale?”

“A 13, if you MUST know,” Opaline rolled her eyes. “Ah, yes. Very good,” Pinky said. “So… another question-- what if the Warners and Sunny and her friends were about to come on their way here, right this very moment, what would you do to them?”

Opaline was just about to respond to the idiotic mouse’s question when she found herself pondering over it. He had a point… what if they DID decide to return early?

What WOULD she do to them? Obviously she had to stop them from getting here… she had to!

Looking among the vials and potions she brought back with her, she instantly came up with an idea. “Aha! Now that I have my dragon fire magic back,” she said, “I will now create a shadow monsters army that will destroy the Warners, their friends AND the Guardians before they even have a chance against me!”

“Brain…?!” Pinky whispered loudly while Opaline got to creating her dark army. “How goes the message-sending?!”

“It’s sent,” Brain panted, “but since there’s not much signal in this suburbian country, it will take forever to send! Hopefully, the princes and princess have learned enough to protect themselves…”


“All right, Warners,” Ignatius spoke firmly as he paced around the trio in his lion form. “The most important thing to be when you are a holder of elemental magic is a good fighter. So, you’ll try your best at hand-to-hand combat.”

“You mean… we have to fight each other?” Dot asked. “Huh… we’ve never been asked to do anything like that before.”

However, Wakko looked nervous... he had never physically fought his siblings before. Sure, they bickered, but they never actually hurt one another.

But before he could express his doubts, his trainer seemed to sense what he was thinking, and she kneeled down to his level. “Don’t worry,” Maren reassured. “We’re just going to do this practice run to make sure you’re mentally ready to fight Opaline when the time comes.”

“Phew… what a relief,” Wakko sighed. “What about us?” Zipp asked. “Yeah,” Hitch agreed. “Won’t we have to prepare ourselves to fight Opaline if we get there?”

“...we could make this a tag-team practice,” Kailani supposed. “Yes!” Delkii nodded. “They could all take turns!”

“...very well,” Ignatius sighed. “But if they get themselves or the island injured, that will be the end of that session.”


The first ones up would be Yakko, Pipp and Zipp versus Wakko, Misty and Izzy, combating air against water. They stood on opposite ends of the beach, determination flaring within them. “Ready?” Maren called to her apprentice, and Wakko waved his hands in order to make a water whip. “Ready!”

“Good luck to all of you,” Kailani spoke. “Your combat training starts… NOW!!”

Wakko immediately thrust his water whip toward Yakko and the sisters, who immediately flew up to dodge it. “Whoa… okay,” Pipp panted. “He’s good.”

“Yakko, what about that lightning trick Kailani taught you?” Zipp asked. “Well… it might be dangerous if it hits Wak… but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to show off!” Yakko said, creating a ball of lightning in his hands. He then threw it toward Wakko, Izzy and Misty, causing them to scream and duck for cover before it hit them. While the fight was going on, Pipp suddenly felt a buzz and pulled out her phone. “Pipp! GAH!!” Zipp dodged the water whip again. “We’re kinda in the middle of something here!”

“I know, I know,” Pipp said, scrolling to her texts, “just--”

Suddenly, her eyes widened-- it was a message from Brain… and it wasn’t a simple fan message. “Guys… SHADOW MONSTERS!!!”


Wakko and Yakko immediately stopped their duel to see what Pipp was talking about, and they saw hordes of shadow monsters flying toward the island at top speed. “How did those get here?!” Sunny screeched. “WHY are they here?!”

“According to Brain’s text,” Pipp showed her the message, “Opaline found her way into Warnerstock somehow, got hold of some dragon fire and has captured Warnerstock along with sending those… those… monsters out to destroy us!”

“Guardians, we must stop them and protect the island!” Delkii declared, and they all shifted to their animal forms. “Wait just a second there,” Dot stopped them. “My brothers and I have your powers, so we should be able to help in some form.”

The guardians gave each other a few looks of worry before Maren sighed. “All right… but do exactly as we say, all right?”

“You got it!” Wakko winked at her before turning to his siblings. “So, we annoy the heck out of them with our zany antics, right Yak?”

“Do you even KNOW us? Of course we do!” Yakko nodded. “But we’ll play along with their plan for a minute, so they don’t think badly of us.”

“What can we do to help?” Hitch asked the guardians. “If Opaline gets your magic, she’ll be way more powerful,” Kailani said. “You ponies stay close to the sidelines so you don’t get hurt.”

“But… but… the Warners!” Misty tried to protest, but Wakko immediately hugged her close. “We’ll be all right, Misty,” he reassured. “But you guys have to wait till the time is right to fight… isn’t that what Sunny said?”

“Well… y-yeah,” Misty sighed. “All right… you guys be careful.”

“Warner siblings guarantee we will be,” Yakko said, and the ponies gave their friends one final hug before they and the Guardians rushed into battle.

There were punches, kicks, screams, magic relating to each element-- everything a fight against a crazed alicorn queen should have.

The Warners did their best to mimic their guardians, but they were going so fast they could hardly keep up. So… it was time to do things their way-- the Warner way.

First thing to do? Bounce around the monsters insanely. “Boingy, boingy, boingy, boingy!!”

“Young Warners! What are you doing?!” Ignatius boomed. “Doing you a favor, hothead!” Dot said as they bounced on the monsters, making them disappear. “And doing things the Warner way!”

“WHOOOO-HOOO!!! Go, Warners!” Izzy cheered, waving some hoof-made pom poms in the air. “Never thought I’d say this, but… what she said!” Hitch cheered in agreement. “WHOOO!!!”

The Guardians watched as Wakko’s mallet delivered stunning and deathly blows to the monsters. Dot’s little ‘pet’ turned out to be a demon which scared the monsters into diving into the water and drowning. And Yakko’s incesant yammering caused the monsters to practically kill themselves.

Three Warners.

Different fighting tactics.

One unified team.

Once the last of the monsters had been defeated, the Warners happily cheered and reunited with their pony friends. “Guys, you were incredible!” Zipp exclaimed. “I’d never seen you fight with that passion before!”

“Whew… that felt good,” Dot sighed. “Sure, it’s been fun using these powers, but I missed the old antics we would get into.”

“Antics…? ANTICS?!!!” boomed Ignatius, fire rising from his fiery mane as he approached, the ponies sheltering the Warners as he approached. “That was the most ruthless, stupid, pathetic thing you three had ever done! You could have destroyed our island… OR US!!! WHO WOULD TRAIN YOU THEN?! And for that…

The Warners whimpered and braced onto the ponies tighter… just before Ignatius lost his angry expression with a calm smile, the fires on his mane settling. “I’m very proud of you.”

“Uh… repeat that again?” Yakko blinked. “We’re all proud,” Maren smiled, helping them up. “It took great courage and self-confidence to stand up to our original plans, and defeat the shadows with plans of your own.”

“So… we’re not in trouble?” Dot asked. “No, of course not,” Delkii said, much to the Warners’ relief. “Uh, this is all been great and all, but… what about Warnerstock?!” Hitch cried. “Brain’s message? Opaline? DRAGON FIRE?!”

“Hitch is right-- we have to get back there and take your kingdom back!” Sunny declared. “Will you come with us?” Misty asked the Guardians. “I wish we could, dear Misty,” Kailani said. “But we have to protect our island in case Opaline tries another attack. But… we do gift the Warners something very useful-- our armies.”

“Your armies?” Zipp asked. “Yes,” Delkii said, handing the Warners each a whistle. “If you ever need back up, just blow into them. And our armies will be there within seconds.”

“I will help too,” said a voice, and Coral and her sisters popped out of the water nearby. “Coral!” Wakko smiled, rushing to the shoreline. “You’ll really help us?”

“Of course we will,” Aqua said while Amethyst nodded. “We would be honored to fight by your side.”

“Then, I guess we better get going,” Sunny said, just before she shifted into her alicorn form. “Next stop-- Warnerstock!”