• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 933 Views, 37 Comments

G5 Adventures in Wakko's Wish 2 - ponydog127

After a shocking turn of events involving Opaline, the ponies return to Acme Falls for a new mission with the Animaniacs cast... and this mission is crucial, for Opaline is a huge threat in Warnerstock, and secrets must be released to stop her plans.

  • ...

Questions and a Heartfelt Song

The Warners and their friends looked beyond surprised at Princess Twilight and the Warners’ parents-- what did they mean?

Right now, too many questions were filling Sunny’s mind, but before she could speak, Dot beat her to it. “Mom, what do you mean? Why would Warnerstock be in danger?” she asked before becoming nervous. “We’re not… doing that bad a job, are we?”

“No no! Dot, of course not,” Queen Angelina was quick to assure. “You and your brothers have done a great job maintaining peace in Warnerstock. But… it is time you knew the truth about the crystal. The truth your father and I were finally able to maintain the day Salazar invaded.”

The Warners spared a glance before sitting on their parents’ knees, prompting the ponies to sit around them. “The crystal crash landed a couple miles north of Acme Falls around the time that Dot was discovered,” King William began. “We first thought it was a shooting star, but when we sent our army to investigate it, we found out it was a powerful crystal, bearing four elemental symbols, and those who bare those symbols bare very powerful magic over the elements-- fire, air, water and earth. Three of those symbols, my children… you now possess.”

“You mean… these?” Yakko lifted his hand, and on cue, the symbols glowed on his and his siblings’ hands. “Indeed they do,” Twilight nodded moving to the family with a firm expression on her face. “When you three discovered the crystal, Sunny and her friends’ cutie marks ignited in their unity magic, sending some into the crystal along with the elemental magic, giving you some of their unique powers too. Yakko-- the lightning bolt and cloud on your hand symbolizes air, and since pegasi are the masters of the sky, not only will you be able to control the forces of the weather, you’ll be able to fly as well… with some practice.”

“Heh, looks like Pipp, Sunny and I won’t be the only fliers from now on,” Zipp nudged Yakko playfully with her wing. “Dot,” Twilight went on, and Dot looked a little worried about what she’d say. “The symbol on your hand represents earth-- not only will you be able to move rocks and create mountains with a stomp of your foot, but you will also be able to control and manipulate plant life like an earth pony.”

“Makes sense to me,” Dot shrugged with a grin, and Hitch and Sunny smiled at her-- they’d be able to teach her everything they knew. “And finally… Wakko,” Twilight moved toward the last sibling, who sat nervously in his mother’s arms. “You have the power to manipulate water, hence you have an ocean wave. And since the unicorns have yet to be focused on, you’ll be able to levitate objects and perform spells."

“Wakko, isn’t that sparkle-rific?!” Izzy chirped excitedly. “Y-Yeah… great,” Wakko said nervously. “Wakko? Is something wrong?” Queen Angelina tilted her son’s head to look at him. “Just… wondering… if there were four elements, why didn’t any of us get the fire symbol along with the ones we have now?”

Twilight sighed, her ears flattening. “Someone already does have the fire power. An alicorn you’ve come into contact with already.”

“Opaline!” Zipp realized. “She stole the fire power from the crystal when I brought it to Canterlot many hundreds of moons ago for save keeping. Once I realized the threat of Opaline’s new strength, I zapped the crystal to another world to keep it safe, until the right users could be uncovered,” Twilight said. “But now that the true keepers of its powers have come to light, they need to go train and use their new skills.”

“Go? You mean… we have to leave Warnerstock?!” Yakko cried. “I’m sorry, son, but its the only way you can learn to use your new powers,” King William reassured. “But, your father and I know the perfect place for you to go,” Queen Angelina added. “Princess?”

Twilight nodded and created an image with her magic of an enchanted island, far far away from the kingdom, where four humans stood on the coastline, standing watch.

  • The first was a young woman with brown hair with a purple highlight, a purple gown and beautiful green eyes.
  • The second was a male dressed all in green with brown hair and brown eyes.
  • The third was a female dressed in blue with blue eyes, blonde hair and a blue dress
  • The fourth and final one was a male in dark red and brown, eyes a steely orange and hair having a red tint.

After the ooh and awe of the island faded for a moment, Queen Angelina took the time to explain. “These are the four Elemental Guardians-- powerful beings who protect this enchanted island from harm. They created the crystal, and allowed it to grow in another dimension, so they would not be in harm’s way if one ever came to the isle to retrieve it. Sunny, we would be honored if you and your friends would lead our children to the island and help them train their powers.”

“O-Of course! We’d be honored to take them,” Sunny bowed respectfully. “We’re so glad to hear you say that,” Twilight told the earth pony mare. “Sunny, I could never be more proud of the figure of friendship you’re becoming for ponykind, and I know you’ll make Equestria proud.”

“...I feel light headed…” Sunny sighed with a wide grin, leaning on Pipp and Hitch for stability. While everyone else chattered amongst themselves, Wakko still felt a sense of unease. How could he protect his home from Opaline? Being a holder of water magic was a HUGE deal, and he didn’t want to mess up. “Thinking about things, Wakko?” Twilight asked as she approached him, sitting next to him. “I know you’re meant for the role… just like Celestia knew I was fit to rule Equestria after she and Luna retired.”

“...I wish I had as much confidence as you,” Wakko admitted in a soft voice. “But I’m worried I’ll mess up, and then everyone who respected and liked us… will see us as nothing again.”

Twilight knew how that felt… she felt a lot of pressure once she learned she would be ruling Equestria, though most wouldn’t realize it. She wrapped a foreleg around Wakko, and he looked up to see her smiling gently at him. “You know… Princess Moonshine told me all about you,” she said. “And your efforts to make things better for your family.”

“She told you about all that?” Wakko blinked in surprise. “She knew that you were a kind, brave, selfless, strong brother, and was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice when it came to saving his sister,” Twilight nodded. “I know that you’ll do your best to save Warnerstock from Opaline’s wrath.”

But suddenly, Wakko gasped as he thought of something. “You don’t blame Misty for Opaline’s return, do you? It wasn’t her fault-- she was just desperate for a cutie mark, and she didn’t know of any other way!”

“No… I don’t blame her,” Twilight smiled. “We all don’t,” King William added as he and his wife came closer. “We’re proud of you and your siblings for being so kind to her, sweetie,” Queen Angelina spoke. “And we’ll always be proud of you… no matter what the circumstance.”

Suddenly, a white portal began to open on the other side of the room, and Hitch sighed. “Come on, guys… we need to wake up and get going as soon as we can.”

“But… I-I-I… we don’t wanna leave you again,” Yakko frowned at the thought of leaving his parents for good this time. Queen Angelina smiled and rubbed the top of her son’s heads. “I think we have time for a lullaby… just as we used to do.”

Nodding softly, Yakko and his siblings gathered around to hear their mother sing to them one final time, Wakko beginning the song.

Wakko: Sun goes down
And here we are… together

Yakko: Fireflies glow like a thousand charms

Dot: Stay with me
And you can dream forever…

Queen Angelina: Right here in my arms… tonight…

The ponies couldn’t help but tear up as the Warners’ parents held their children close. “That’s so beautiful…” Izzy said with a choked-up voice. “It sure is,” Pipp sighed with a smile. “Should I take a video of it?”

“I don’t think that’s how the dream world works, Pipp,” Zipp voiced her thoughts, keeping up the watching of the family, “but I appreciate the idea.”

Queen Angelina: Sounds of day fade away

Wakko: Stars begin to climb

Warner Family: Melodies fill the breeze
Sweeter all the time

Queen Angelina: My love… (Yakko: Sun goes down and we are here together)
Is always with you, whether near or far

Dot and Wakko: (Fireflies glow like a thousand charms)

Queen Angelina: How sweet to hold you

King William: (Stay with me and you can dream forever)

Warner Family: Right here in my arms…

The Warner siblings held their parents tight, never wanting this reunion to end... but they knew it had to.

They had a mission to get underway... no matter how bad they didn't want to leave their parents again. “...we love you, Mum and Dad,” Wakko sniffled with trickling tears, and Queen Angelina kissed her children’s heads before sending them off through the portal, watching it close. “That was beautiful,” Twilight smiled toward the Warners' parents, who nodded solemnly with warm smiles, and Twilight bore the same expression. “I know they’ll make us proud… I know it.”

Author's Note:

"Right Here in My Arms" is a song from Barbie in the Island Princess, and it should be given credit.