• Published 12th Aug 2023
  • 346 Views, 3 Comments

Spike's Greatest Endeavor - Troyjan

Spike takes on his greatest endeavor yet in winning the heart of his beloved Rarity.

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Tea with the Princess

Rarity used her magic to put down her teacup onto its saucer as she finished taking another sip. Twilight did the same, as she finished the tiny amount of liquid remaining in her teacup. For both of them, the act was subconscious. The two of them were fixated on their conversation about the international economy, and the rises and drops that they were predicting in the future.

It had been over a year since Twilight was crowned Princess of Equestria. With the weighty responsibility of ruling, governing, and maintaining a thriving nation, Twilight was finding herself becoming busier each day. Her days were already filled with critical meetings, status reports from her various advisors and officials, conducting important legal trials, and spending time in the throne room to interface with distressed civilians about whatever new urgent matter there was. Despite her ever crowded schedule, Twilight was often able to make time for a short, weekly teatime with her close friend Rarity. They were pleasant times for Twilight, whenever she could afford take them. They were another opportunity for her to momentarily forget her colossal responsibilities, and to return to the nicer of her earlier life, where she had the time and leisure to spend most of her days with her closest friends that she had met years ago when she moved into in Ponyville.

“I suppose that it would be wise to wait a while before opening up that location,” Rarity concluded. “Then after that lull you predict, I shall hire open up there.”

“That’s certainly what I would suggest,” responded Twilight.

“Ok thank you so much for your insight Twilight. With most of my marketing and finance teams taking time off, I honestly had no idea who else to turn to. This makes things so much easier.”

“Think nothing of it, Rarity. I am more than glad to spend some time catching up with an old friend of mine. Besides, I did not have the opportunity to thank you before for that very comfortable night gown you gifted me. I have been wearing it every night since I received it.”

“Oh, as you said, Twilight, think nothing of it,” Rarity, the Element of Generosity, retorted. “In order to deal with all your royal duties, you deserve nothing but of the greatest quality sleep. I am simply doing my part in providing for my friends.” Rarity then looked to the wall clock in the otherwise empty conference room that they were in, before turning her attention back to Twilight.

“Say, is Spike well. I have hardly seen him around lately. You haven’t been overworking him have you, Twilight?”

“Oh, no. Spike wasn’t able to visit you last weak because he was really backlogged with updating and rearranging the filing system we use to store civilian records. With so many different species of creatures migrating and buying property in Equestria, it is more important than ever to stay organized.”

“Uh huh,” voiced Rarity, contemplating what Twilight had said.

“Although, I should be asking you that Rarity. Haven’t you been overworking Spike?”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“Before last week, it seemed that Spike was spending more and more his time off just to see you. I hope you haven’t been demanding his assistance with your own work.”

Rarity gave an offended scoff. “Why, Twilight, what makes you think I would even consider such a thing. I believe we went over all this before, back when he started spending time with that Griffon, I think Gabby Griffon, was her name. I already told you that I only accept any assistance that Spike freely offers, and nothing more. I certainly wouldn’t try to covet his time, or keep him from you, if that is what you are implying. Especially not now, when you need your number one assistant more than ever.”

“Rarity, I know that you’re a mare of high morals. I know you wouldn’t deceive or manipulate Spike into doing your grunt work. But he’s been devoted to you for years, and he never had a single negative thing to say about you. It just seems so unnatural.”

“I shall remind you Twilight, that Spike has always been such a lovely dear, and does whatever he can to help those he cares about. That is why he is certainly more than willing to lend a claw whenever I have a pile-up of commissions, or when I need to finish designing before a deadline. There is nothing unnatural about wanting to do good for others.”

“But why then does Spike still insist on working for you so often, instead of any pony else?”

“Well, I for one, usually make an effort to express my appreciation for Spike. And every time, he seems more than satisfied with what I offer him in return. Honestly Twilight, with how well things have been over the years, I cannot see a problem with our current arrangement.”

“But what about how Spike feels about you, Rarity? Haven’t you ever thought about that?”

“I believe it has been made very clear that Spike and I are close friends.”

Twilight said nothing in response to Rarity’s last remark. She just raised an eyebrow and looked at Rarity with an accusing expression.

“Uh, well, I do suppose Spike might feel a just teensy bit more about me than just a friend. But what about it, Twilight?”

“Rarity, you know how highly Spike thinks of you. I just think that it would be unfair if you were to ever take advantage of his affections. I know you don’t want to hurt him, and you two do have something really nice. I just think that you should be more open with how you feel. He may still be young, but he is far more mature than when you two met. With how long you’ve known Spike, I say you owe it to him to be more transparent with how you feel.”

“How I see it, we have remained close friends ever since you two first moved to Ponyville. Nothing more than that. And as you said Twilight, Spike is more mature now. In the case that Spike does think of me as more than just a friend, it would be up to him to tell me, if he so chooses. If not, then we shall remain as friends for as long as we both wish.”

“Well, I suppose your right about that.”

“But of course, I am Twilight. It is a Stallion’s burden to make his advance on a mare he fancies, and Spike would be no acceptation. Although, I suppose I’ll keep what you said in mind Twilight. Spike can be extremely loyal,” said Rarity. She then looked back at the wall clock in the conference room. “Oh my, speaking of time, I suppose I have taken more than my fair share of yours,” said Rarity as she used her magic to levitate her now empty teacup onto its saucer next to Twilight’s tea kettle.

“I guess you’re right Rarity,” said Twilight. Looking at the clock, Twilight could not help but agree that Rarity had taken just a bit too much of her time. She suddenly thought about her approaching deadlines pertaining to her proposal of her new national laws on employer regulations.

“Farewell Twilight, and thank you again for inviting me,” said Rarity as got up from her seat and left the room.

Twilight decided to leave their conversation at that. She said nothing as she watched Rarity quickly pace out of the near empty conference room. Still, there was something troubling Twilight, beyond her political matters. She thought that maybe they could have a short talk, the next time she saw her number one assistant. Twilight then decided that is in fact exactly what they should do.