• Published 12th Aug 2023
  • 345 Views, 3 Comments

Spike's Greatest Endeavor - Troyjan

Spike takes on his greatest endeavor yet in winning the heart of his beloved Rarity.

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An Unpleasant Trip

Rarity looked away from the two pieces of fabric she was threading together, and up at the mechanical clock she had atop the vanity in her workshop. It was nearly noon. Of course, she had not forgotten what she had agreed to just yesterday. Rarity already had the rest of her day planned around her little outing. She laid down the fabric and needles that she was kinetically holding up with her magic, and walked over to one of her many wardrobes. It was already very late into the spring season, and the weather that day was bright and sunny. She searched several minutes for something that was both suitable for the weather, and was appropriately respectable for her expected company. After just a moment, Rarity found a yellow, wide brimmed hat, with fake flowers sewn into it. It was one of her personally coveted hats that she had made for herself, long ago. After placing it on her head, she turned towards her casual saddle bags that hung on their place on one of her many racks. Rarity lifted the bags rack with her magic, and placed them over her back. After taking a long look at herself from one of her full length mirrors, Rarity determined that she was ready.

The second, minute, and hour hands of Rarity’s clock aligned together on the tick marked with a twelve. Not even another second later, Rarity heard a loud knocking at her front door. She made her way down her stairs, and stopped by her kitchen. In there, she opened the door of her fridge and levitated three foil wrapped trays from it. Then she made her way to her front door and opened it.

As expected, Spike was anxiously waiting on the other side. He was carrying a very large wicker basket with both claws, with a red and white checkered blanket over it. What was unexpected however, was the collared, button down, cyan blue shirt that he was wearing. Rarity could have sworn she had seen it before. After staring at it, she recognized it. It was a designer shirt that Spike had purchased from her several months ago. The shirt was meant to loosely fit over the forelegs of a colt or small Stallion. Instead, the cyan shirt awkwardly covered the shoulders of the small dragon, being a bit too loose in most places while a bit tight in others. Two slits were cut on the back to allow Spike’s wings to go through the back. Looking closer, Rarity spotted several small pins holding the cloth together at the folds, such that the article sort of fitted around Spike’s body.

“Why Spike, you look… certainly exceptional today,” greeted Rarity, hesitantly. “I certainly was not expecting you to wear that shirt you bought from me all that time ago. I assumed that you were buying it as a gift for some-pony else.” It took every bit of Rarity’s restraint to keep her polite smile, and to not scoff in disgust at the clear mistreatment of one of her fine creations. Without saying anything else about the matter, she decided to let it go. Afterall, the item was for sale, and that Spike had paid for it with his own bits. Whatever he did with it was his choice. And at the very least, it did seem that Spike had genuinely attempted to look presentable in clothing that was not meant for his anatomy.

“Ah, you remembered. I honestly had no idea what else to wear for the occasion. And I must say, you are looking as beautiful as ever Rarity,” responded Spike.

“Thank you,” said Rarity dismissively. “As for our meal, I brought a leafy salad topped with daisies and oat sandwiches for both of us, and some crushed quartz topped with seasoning for you Spike,” said Rarity, as she levitated the three trays between them. “I’m not sure what you like to eat besides gemstones, so I hope this is alright.”

“Sounds delicious Rarity,” answered Spike.

“Good to hear. Now, do you know where we’re going?”

“Yes, I already found a nice, quiet place with a real pretty view not too long ago. Just follow me,” said Spike. He lifted the large basket up, and rested the bottom of it on his head while supporting it with his arms. He turned and began to take a few steps before stopping abruptly.

“Gee, how rude of me,” said Spike, as he turned around back towards Rarity. “Allow me to carry that for you,” offered Spike, as he looked up at the three trays that Rarity was still holding in the air with her magic.

“Why thank you,” said Rarity, as she lowered them in front of Spike. Spike took the basket off his head, opened it from the top, grabbed each of the trays one at a time, and quickly placed them inside the seemingly already stuffed container. Then Spike forcefully closed the wicker basket, and heaved it over his head again. Rarity could tell from Spike’s motions that the contents of the basket he was supporting was rather heavy.

“Do you want any help with that Spike?,” offered Rarity.

“Nope, I’m good,” answered Spike with a grunt. “Allow me to show you the way.”

Rarity followed Spike’s venture through town. The well-worn suburban streets of Ponyville abruptly ended as the two reached the Western edge of town. They continued along a dirt road, through the vast, uninhabited meadows of Ponyville’s outskirts. Along the road, Spike abruptly stopped, turned off the dirt path, and began walking over the grassy plains. Rarity followed closely behind.

“This sure seems like a good spot, Spike?” asked Rarity.

“Oh no, the location I had in mind is still a ways ahead of us. We’ll get there soon enough though,” assured Spike.

“Well, if you say so,” said Rarity, who felt that she had walked far enough already.

Spike joyfully marched onward with Rarity trailing along. As they continued, Rarity noticed that they had started following a very thin pathway of freshly trimmed grass. Going further and further, the surrounding vegetation was getting taller and taller, eventually becoming too tall to look over. Soon, the two were completely surrounded by high wild growth. There, the air was filled with the buzzing from the various insects and other critters that were certainly crawling around within the surrounding plant life. Rarity tried to no wince in disgust. Spike casually pushed aside various stems and grass blades that obstructed their way, clearing the path behind him. Rarity tried very carefully not to accidently press up against the vegetation, for fear of some bug from within it would come out and latch onto her. After clearing some distance, the tall grass around them began to rapidly decrease in height, and Rarity began to get a better look at their surroundings. Soon enough, the surrounding grass was now short enough to comfortably walk over again, and the makeshift path Spike had led them through had gradually transitioned back into open fields. Just further ahead, the vast meadow abruptly stopped, as Spike and Rarity were met with a solid tree line.

“Well, this has certainly been an excursion,” stated Rarity.

“I suppose it has,” answered Spike. “But we’re not there yet.”

“What?,” said, Rarity flatly.

“The place is on the other side of this small patch of forest. There’s a trail that goes right through just this way,” claimed Spike, gesturing with one arm.

“Spike, I’m not so sure this is a good idea,” objected Rarity.

“Of course, it is. I am certain that these woods are publicly owned land, and that they should be safe to cross.”

“I am not worried about that. Haven’t we gone far enough already?”

“Nah, don’t worry about me Rarity, this is nothing,” said Spike confidently, casually waving his claw. “That is, unless you would prefer to take the scenic way around the forest instead.”

“No, that’s quite all right Spike. Please continue leading the way,” said Rarity hastily, not wanting to even think of any alternative path that Spike had in mind.

After venturing onward, the two entered the forest path that Spike had mentioned. At the very least, the treetops overhead offered plenty of shade from the harsh, midday sunlight. While wandering through some obscure woodland trail was far from what Rarity had wanted to do that day, it did offer a peaceful change of scenery. Small chipmunks darted up and down the trees, and various different species of small birds cooed high atop the tree branches. Her friend Flutter Shy would have loved visiting this place. Rarity, however, was not so enthusiastic. Every few steps, Rarity would bump one of her hooves into a rock or a solid tree root, with each bump only vexing her further. In front of her, Spike happily marched on, not the least bit phased from such obstructions. The flat path eventually began to rise and dip, as they forest trail continued into more hilly terrain. Eventually, Rarity saw sunlight peer through a wide opening in the trees. She rushed towards the opening, quickly catching up with Spike.

Upon exiting the forest, Rarity immediately took a deep breath of the fresh open air, getting the various scents of the forest out of her nose. The forest path had led to a grassy hillside. Looking around, Rarity saw the other vast hills in valley surrounding her.

“We’re almost at the spot Rarity. Just over this hill and up that mountain path in the distance,” chimed Spike as he marched on up the hillside.

“ALL THE WAY UP THERE?!,” Rarity reactively shrieked, as she peered up towards the large and intimidating pinnacle, high in the sky before her.

“Yep, just this way. I’m sure glad you’re excited as I am Rarity,” said Spike, oblivious to Rarity’s dread. “I promise, the view from this place is going to be utterly breath taking.”

“Well, I sure hope so,” Rarity pouted, as she continued to follow Spike.
Rarity’s body reminded her that she was not conditioned for long walks, or any kind of physically vigorous activity. Her knees and ankles began to throb, and she was having an ever increasingly difficult time breathing. Maintaining a walking pace while going up at such a steep incline was certainly not easy. Now with no shade from the sun aside from the hat on her head, Rarity began to really feel the sun’s heat. Tiny beads of gross, vile, sweat began forming under her mane.
The soft, grassy dirt on the hillside gradually transited to courser, rockier terrain. The angle of the upward incline only got sharper the higher up they traveled. With the slope now too steep to traverse head on, Spike began leading Rarity up a safer, winding path over the mountain’s surface. At this point, Spike had begun whistling a simple tune in rhythm with his footsteps, complimenting his still bouncy and vigorous movements.

Then Spike’s footsteps suddenly quickened, and he began trotting up the peak at a faster pace. Not wanting to fall further behind, Rarity ran after him to catch up. After only a few seconds, she suddenly felt a very uncomfortable cramp in her torso, and immediately slowed down again. Spike disappeared as he turned around the bend of the mountain’s surface.

“I have had enough!,” Rarity cried out. “You are being very inconsiderate right now Spike, leading me all this way, to who-knows-where, all for this view you keep speaking of!” Rarity stamped her hoof down. “I am not taking another step, until you tell me what’s so gosh darn important about this place!”

“Rarity, we’re right there! I see the top! We made it!,” yelled Spike from a short distance away. “Just look at those clouds! Rarity come on, you’re missing out, the view today is amazing,” pleaded Spike.

“UHHH!,” Rarity angrily grunted, before continuing back to a brisk walking speed. After another moment, she spotted Spike waiting for her above at the top of the mountain. After one last stretch, Rarity stepped up onto the small, flat mountain peak.

“Spike, there better be a very good reason for you to have dragged…,” Rarity said angrily, before immediately falling silent. Rarity gazed all around at all that there was to be seen around her, her pupils slowly dilating. It was now abundantly clear to her why Spike had insisted on this location in particular for their picnic.