• Published 12th Aug 2023
  • 345 Views, 3 Comments

Spike's Greatest Endeavor - Troyjan

Spike takes on his greatest endeavor yet in winning the heart of his beloved Rarity.

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Bygone Days

The following day, Princess Twilight was working at her desk in her personal office. Spike was seated at a smaller desk besides her. Looking over from time to time, Twilight observed that Spike seemed sluggish. His movements were lethargic, and he took significantly more time than usual to get things done. Twilight figured that Spike was just up late last night doing the work she left for him. But now she was starting to suspect that there might have been more to it than that. The way he was unprofessionally slouched in his seat with his chin resting on his desk made him look jaded, and utterly apathetic of his important task on writing the legal transcripts that she had requested. Even more notably, Spike’s seemed to be to carrying a great sorrow, as if he had lost something very important to him. Twilight had not questioned Spike about what he did yesterday, or why he felt it was important enough to shirk his royal duties. Whatever had happened, it was probably for the best to not ask about it. Instead, Twilight allowed her number one assistant to continue working in peace.

By the end of the following day, Rarity had made up for the time she had lost during yesterday’s outing. After that, business continued as usual. Orders were finished, products were sent out, and customers came and went from her stores. Rarity returned to spending her early mornings and her late nights alone on leisurely activities. From time to time throughout her busy days, Rarity would have the pleasure to meet with some of her friends. This included catching up with an acquaintance she had met in Canterlot, to a long discussion about culture and customs with one of her dearest friends Applejack.

During the following week, Rarity was in her workshop, bringing her next greatest fashion idea to reality. As she worked, she could not help but feel that something was off. It wasn’t until after she had her lunch, did she remember that it was the day of the week that Spike typically came to visit her. But Spike had not shown up that day. Rarity had not so much as thought of Spike since she last time she saw him. Memories of what happened nearly a week ago began to resurface. Rarity shook her head, and then continued focusing back on her work. She figured that Spike still might have felt sore about what had happened, and that he was not ready to see her again so soon.

The next week came, and there hadn’t been any sign of Spike. Rarity just continued with her business as she usually did. At the end of the business day, Spike was still nowhere to be seen. Rarity reluctantly dismissed the issue. It certainly wasn’t like she needed Spike for anything. Rarity was perfectly capable of conducting her own business, and had many competent colleagues to help her do so. And even when that was not enough, she had many other friends who would gladly lend her a hoof in a time of need. If Spike wanted to be immature and evade her because of what had happened, then so be it. Rarity knew that he had brought that whole drama onto himself, and he deserved to face the consequences. If Spike couldn’t at the very least handle that, then it was all fine by Rarity. Spike, and the meager use that he was, would not be missed. Rarity walked over to the front entrance of the Carousel Boutique, flipped the sign on the door from open to closed, and went on about her evening.

The next week passed, and Spike had not come over. Then the next week passed, and then the week after that, and then another one after that. And yet, Spike never arrived. At some point during that time, Rarity had stopped expecting to see the small dragon, and though nothing more of him.

Twilight continued to observe her number one assistant’s mood whenever she had a free moment. It had been over a month, and Spike still seemed miserable. He hardly went out of the castle on his own, or ever seemed happy doing anything of the things he used to enjoy. Instead, Spike was slowly becoming more and more reclusive, and was hardly spending any time at all with any of his friends. One day, after Spike slogged his way back into the castle after his lunch break, Twilight decided to take matters into her own hooves.

“Alright Spike, what’s wrong?,” asked Twilight.

“Huh, what do you mean Twilight?”

“You’ve been spending a lot of time alone lately. Did something happen?”

“Well, I guess haven’t had the chance to see any of my friends for a while now. Bic Mac is married and raising his foals with Sugar Belle, Apple Jack has now completely taken over running Apple Acres from Granny Smith, Fluttershy still has her hooves full managing her animal sanctuary, Rainbow Dash has received another promotion within Equestria’s air force and has new responsibilities, I haven’t even seen Pinkie Pie around, Ember is more than busy enough keeping the Dragon Lands under control, Starlight Glimmer is the Principle of the School of Friendship, Smolder is still pursuing her education at that school, Thorax is still mending the ties between the reformed and natural changelings, and Gabby is still living in Griffonstone. I guess I’ve just been feeling lonely lately.”

“But what about Rarity? It’s been a while since you last visited her.”

Spike’s entire body tensed up. “Oh, it has been a while since I paid her a visit. I stopped seeing her, because I was starting to feel that helping Rarity with work orders was getting boring.”

“But not even two months ago, you used to love assisting Rarity. Did things fallout between you two at all?”

Spike looked away for a moment, almost as if he had been caught telling a lie. “Twilight, what do you mean by ‘falling out’? I just lost interest in working for her.”

“Spike, I know about that date you had. Honestly, I felt really bad learning about what happened to you. I know it must not have been easy.”

“What date?,” Spike questioned defensively.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “The one where you and Rarity had spent half a day together over a picnic atop an unnamed mountain.”

Spike froze, completely dumbstruck. “I thought I went back and covered up every last trace that could have possibly been left behind! How did you possibly know about that?!”

“Spike, Rarity is just as close a friend to me, as she is to you.”

“You mean she told you?!”

“Not exactly. I pretty much figured it out before I even brought it up with her.”


“Come on Spike. Remember when I messaged you to come back to the castle once you returned from that day long flight you went on months ago? I gave you that long speech about expressing’s yourself and not being afraid to express how you feel. I then went on about how you’re admired and adored by others a lot more than you think you are. Why do you think I decided to just tell you all that out of nowhere?”

“You mean, you gave me that lecture, knowing that I would confess to Rarity?!”

“Well, I had a small hunch that you would do that. And once you did, it was kind of hard to miss seeing it all happen. First you came home after a work session with Rarity, jovial as ever. You then asked for time off for no apparent reason. On that day off, you had spent hours preparing food and dressing yourself up as nicely as you could, before leaving in a hurry. And then ever since that following day, you started acting all gloomy, and stopped visiting Rarity entirely. It was kind of obvious that something happened between the two of you.”

“And then you spoke with Rarity, and she told you the rest.”

“I am the Princess of Friendship after all. It’s part of my job to look after my closest friends.”

“Then guess I can’t keep any secrets from you, Twilight,” said Spike defeatedly.

“Spike, I really didn’t want to pry, especially on something so personal. But I never saw you so sad before. I started getting worried when you started looking worse and worse, and still refused to tell me what was wrong. I know it must have hurt to learn that Rarity did not like back. But I for one, am still very proud of you Spike. You said what you had to say, and tried to make peace with what happened. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Well, I still feel pathetic. And you were right all along Twilight. I never had a chance with Rarity, and I was a fool to think that I did.”

“So, that doesn't mean you won’t ever find another pony, or dragon, or any other creature.”

“That hardly matters. Even if there’s another creature out there that even compares to Rarity, I wouldn’t have a chance with her either.”

“Don’t give up so soon Spike. You’re still so young. Even though things didn’t go how you wanted, Rarity is still your friend. Don’t you want to make things right with her?”

“If Rarity wants or needs me for anything, she knows where to find me. Now Twilight, I would much prefer to get some work done, then to continue talking about this,” said Spike in an agitated huff, before turning his attention back at the scrolls on his desk.

Twilight raised an eyebrow in agitation of her own. “If you wish Spike.”