• Published 12th Aug 2023
  • 346 Views, 3 Comments

Spike's Greatest Endeavor - Troyjan

Spike takes on his greatest endeavor yet in winning the heart of his beloved Rarity.

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Comfortable Struggle

In just minutes, Spike was already laid out on his backside on top of a portable wash table in the castle’s public bathing rooms of Canterlot Castle. While Spike normally would have just taken a bath, Rarity had insisted that it would be easier to clean him if he were out in front of her. Surrounding Spike were several large public bathing tubs, each capable of containing multiple adult ponies. Each of the tubs were currently empty, as Spike and Rarity were the only two in there at the moment. Besides the table Spike was resting on was a wash bucket, some wash clothes, several soaps and miscellaneous products that Rarity had gathered.

“Now then, let’s get started,” said Rarity, lifting one of the wash clothes with her magic.

“Rarity, you really don’t need to do all this. I’ll be fine.”

“Oh nonsense, what kind of awful friend would I be if I were to let you suffer like this. Some pony has to look over you. Now stay still,” ordered Rarity.

Spike felt a warm, wet cloth rub against his scales. Spike immediately relaxed his muscles, and sprawled along the wash table. He remained silent as Rarity worked her way around his body. All of the dirt, dust, and rocky debris that had gotten between the scratches and gaps between his scales was slowly removed. Spike remained still, finding the warm water extremely relaxing.

It was certainly an odd sensation for Spike to be washed by another creature, let alone by Rarity of all ponies. As far back as he could remember, Twilight was only the only pony who ever given him a bath before. Even then, the last time Twilight had given him one was years ago, back when Spike was still a hatchling. Normally, Spike would be far more uncomfortable with having another creature touch him while he lay with his front side up in a physically vulnerable position. But instead of discomfort, Spike felt relief as Rarity rinsed out the dry dirt that had encrusted onto the base of his neck. Knowing that Rarity would never deliberately hurt him, her touch felt familiar and calming. While there was certainly a closeness between Spike and Rarity in that situation, it was a completely platonic closeness that was devoid of any intimacy. Afterall, in a society with where most its members normally did not wear any clothing, acts such as cleaning one another were considered as more of a casual gesture.

“Oh, those other dragons really did a number on you,” said Rarity taking extreme care not to press down on any of Spike’s bruises. Her attention shifted towards a tiny tear in the cartilage of Spike’s left wing. “Spike, your wing! Is it all right?”

“Uh-huh,” Spike murmured affirmatively.

“Well, I’ll just have to let that heal on its own. Flip over Spike, I need to get to your backside,” ordered Rarity. Spike did as he was told, and rested onto his underbelly. Upon inspection, Rarity let out a shriek of horror. Along Spike’s spine, between his wings, was a long incision that cut deep beneath his scales, and into his skin. Upon hearing Rarity’s shriek, Spike broke out of his relaxed stupor.

“What’s the matter Rarity, is something wrong!?,” asked Spike worriedly.


“Oh, do you mean that big scratch between my wings? Yeah, that one actually kind of hurts. Please be gentle with it.”

“GENTLE?! Spike, this serious! How can I possibly treat this?! And how come you didn’t say anything sooner?” yelled Rarity.

“Rarity, please stay calm. You didn’t see Twilight make this big a deal out of it. It’ll be fine, it just needs to be cleaned out and given some time to heal.”

“But Spike!,” Rarity pleaded.

“Rarity, I promise you that I’ll be okay. It looks a lot worse than it is. If you don’t want to touch it, that’s fine. I’ll get a doctor or some other pony to take a look at it. But if you do insist on continuing, just remember that its not that big a deal, and that I trust you Rarity.”

“Spike, are completely sure you want me doing this?”

“I am”

“Well in that case…,” said Rarity, before rummaging around all the cleaning products surrounding her. “… this is going to sting a bit,” warned Rarity, as she levitated a small veil rubbing alcohol. Rarity poured the clear liquid into the incision, and rubbed it in. Spike gripped the edges of the table, restraining himself from yelling. Rarity then used a fresh cloth to push out the excess alcohol, along with all the debris that had gotten in the cut. Spike felt the stinging quickly flare up to its greatest intensity. It hurt almost as badly as it first did earlier that day, when that larger, and far stronger dragon had pinned Spike down, dug one of his claws into Spike’s scales, and slowly dragged his claw down Spike’s back.

“Are you alright?,” asked Rarity concerningly, after seeing Spike wince as she rinsed the wound with water. Immediately, the stinging nearly faded, and Spike was once again met with relief.

“Yes, I’m okay. Thank you Rarity,” uttered Spike, while offering his best smile.

After Rarity was finished with her task of sanitizing Spike with soap, water, and various other products, she dried him off with a towel. Immediately after, Rarity walked Spike over to the castle’s infirmary, and demanded that a doctor take a look at the scratch oh his back. While most ponies still had very little knowledge of dragon biology, a nurse was able to confirm that the injury would heal on its own in time, and decided to wrap a bandage over the cleaned cut. Spike followed Rarity out of the infirmary with a thin bandage slung over his shoulder, down to his opposite hip, and up over his back.

Spike was just about ready to thank Rarity when she interrupted him again. Rarity escorted Spike through the hallways, directly to his chambers. There, she opened the doors, entered, lifted Spike with her magic again, and promptly lowered him onto his bed. Rarity then briefly left Spike’s chambers without another word, and returned minutes later, levitating several pillows and comforters behind her. Before Spike could object, Rarity began to completely envelope Spike as he laid on his already crowded bed. Spike opened his mouth to argue that it was too warm to be bundled up like he was, but Rarity had already left his chambers again, and immediately returned with several electric fans and portable air coolers. Lastly, Rarity magically summoned two pints of strawberry flavored ice cream that she had stored within the ice box in her home, along with napkins and two silver plated spoons. Rarity pulled up the chair at Spike’s desk alongside Spike’s bed, and sat down across from Spike. Using her magic, Rarity opened the two cartons of ice cream, and telekinetically scoped the two spoons into the containers. Rarity then levitated one of the spoons towards Spike’s face, with a napkin directly beneath it.

“Say ah,” demanded Rarity. This time, Spike did not hesitate, and closed his mouth around the head of the small spoon, before opening his lips again to allow it exit. A napkin immediately swiped across Spike’s lips, making sure there was no possible way that any ice cream got onto the pillows or bedding under, or around him. Rarity then guided the other spoon with ice cream from the other container, and did the same thing for herself.

Rarity slowly went back and forth between her and Spike, one spoonful at a time. After a few more minutes of this, Spike interrupted. “Uh, Rarity, you don’t need to spoon feed me. I can eat on my own just fine,,” reminded Spike.

“Oh, hush now. I don’t want you to have to move another muscle for the rest of the day.”

After that, Spike remained silent. Once both cartons of ice cream were emptied, Rarity put them aside on Spike’s desk to dispose of later. She then set the two used spoons besides them on a clean napkin. “Now Spike, can I get you some tea before supper time?” offered Rarity. “I know you’ve arrived back at the castle after tea-time, but I doubt you had any while you were travelling.”

“No, it’s fine. I don’t normally drink tea,” answered Spike, still completely covered in the pillows that Rarity had set around him.

“Well then, may I offer you some gems to snack on.”

“No thanks. It’s already close to dinner time.”

“Well then, would like to listen to some music? Or do you want me to sing a song for you. Or perhaps you want me to read you a story.”

“You don’t have to do any of that for me Rarity. I’m already feeling plenty comfortable as is,” retorted Spike.

“Then is there anything else I can do for you?,” asked Rarity.

Spike, now feeling somewhat suffocated, leaned up, disturbing the intricate structure of pillows and blankets that Rarity had paced over his body. Spike got off his bed, and stood on his feet on the floor besides Rarity. “Rarity why are you doing this?” pleaded Spike.

“Doing what exactly?” questioned Rarity.

“Everything! First you come over and help Twilight complete all of my desk work for the day. Then you decided to give me a bath and treat my cut. After that, you spend over an hour coddling and spoon feeding me ice cream. And now you still want to continue to indulge me. Why? Why do you want to do all this for me all of a sudden? What did I possibly do to deserve all this from you?”

Rarity paused, and then lowered her head in shame. “I just wanted to express my gratitude for you,” she answered. “You have treated me as such many times before, and I figured I could do the same for you for a change. You mean so much to me Spike, and I wanted to make sure you knew that.” Rarity recalled the numerous times when Spike had made her feel like how he must have been feeling now. Times when Spike had spent hours helping her with her work, insisting he do every last little task for her the whole time, and then offering to do some of her chores afterwards. But even then, Spike had never overstayed his welcome for long, or gone as far as to pamper her.

“You didn’t have to do all this for me Rarity. I know that you still care for me, despite what happened between us.”

Rarity paused for another few seconds. “Spike, I believe you already understand the real reason why I’m here. I… wanted to apologize for what I said the last time we met.”

“Oh, it’s okay now Rarity. You don’t need to apologize. You were just telling me how you felt,” Spike murmured. “If anything, I should be the one apologizing to you for leaving you behind like that.”

“No Spike, it’s not okay. What I said to you was far too harsh. Honest or not, you deserved better than that. I now understand why you would want to avoid me, and why you didn’t come back to see me again since. I can also understand why you think any less of me.”

“I don’t think any less of you Rarity. I know that you didn’t mean to hurt me,” assured Spike.

“Spike, please, I know that you’re still hurting. So am I. You shouldn’t feel that you’re unwanted, just because of what happened that day. What hurts me more than what I said, is knowing that I might have very well lost such a special friend.”

“Please don’t think that Rarity. I am sad that you don’t feel the same way about me. But I still want us to be friends, even after what had happened,” responded Spike, solemnly.

“Oh Spike, I just feel awful. You were so young back when I noticed you first had a crush on me. You put up with so much from me. You’ve waited for years for the right moment to confess your feelings. And then, when you finally pour your heart out, and tell me everything, I- I…,” said Rarity, before breaking into a sob. “…I WENT AND CRUSHED YOUR LITTLE HEART LIKE THAT!,” she bawled. “ALL YOU EVER WANTED FROM ME WAS TO LOVE YOU BACK, AND I NEVER DID. I JUST WANTED TO KEEP YOU ALL TO MYSELF WHILE GIVING YOU NOTHING IN RETURN! I CONSTANTLY PLAYED WITH YOUR EMMOTIONS, JUST TO GET MY WAY. I GOT YOU TO DO WHATEVER I WANTED. I EVEN CONVINCED YOU THAT I LOVED YOU, AND NOW…,” Rarity cried, before breaking back into a sob. Her light blue mascara ran down along the cascade of tears flowing down her face. Unable to console herself, Rarity threw her forehooves around Spike, wrapping him in a tight embrace. “…HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY FORGIVE ME?!”

Returning the gesture, Spike held Rarity’s forelegs tightly while she continued to sob over his shoulder. “I still love you Rarity. I know that you can’t love me back, but that doesn’t change anything else between us. And I can certainly forgive you for any time you possibly could have wronged me. I don’t hate you for your faults Rarity, I love you despite them.” Just as Spike had said that, his own tears began running off his face, and onto Rarity’s coat.

“OH SPIKEY-WIKEY, YOU’VE ALWAYS MEANT SO MUCH ME!” bellowed Rarity, clenching Spike even tighter. Standing up on her rear hooves, she was now leaning most of her own weight onto Spike. Partially getting a hold of herself, Rarity began speaking in a softer voice. “I know what it feels like to have unreciprocated feelings for one you admire. I believe you can even recall times when I experienced such circumstances myself. Yet, even in my worst moments, you were always such a sweet little dragon to me. You didn’t deserve to have to go through all that Spike. You deserved to be with a creature who loves you as much as you once loved me.”

Spike continued to clench Rarity, as he supported her upright. “I don’t regret a single living moment I spent with you Rarity. I wouldn’t be the dragon I am now without you. And even if I never find love with another creature, I’m still glad that I got to experience all of this with you.”

“Oh Spike, please don’t say such things! You’re too young to give up hope like that. I’m certain that you’ll find your significant other someday!”

The two continued to take turns admitting whatever was troubling them, with the other taking a moment to console them. They continued as such for several more moments within the confined privacy of Spike’s quarters. The whole time, nothing else mattered more to either of them, than the other. When there was nothing left for either one to say, they continued holding each other in silence. Then, at long last, Spike and Rarity freed each other from their embrace.

The two exited Spike’s chambers later that evening. It was already past Spike’s usual dinner time, but he didn’t care. In that moment, all he cared about was his resolve with the friend who he was now closer to than ever.

As Rarity walked along Spike through the castle, she couldn’t help but feel self-conscious about her circumstances whenever any pony so much as briefly looked her way as she passed by. She was well aware that any pony who witnessed her enter or exit Spike’s Chambers, also could have easily heard her while she was crying ever so loudly. From this, it was entirely plausible that such a bystander might make some assumptions about the kind of activities that she and Spike had partaken in within the privacy of Spike’s living space. But Rarity gave it no concern. For all she cared, those strangers could assume whatever they wanted, and think whatever they wanted of her. She knew that she had done nothing shameful that evening, and had nothing to regret. In that moment, it was all the peace of mind that Rarity needed.

Once the official visiting hours of Canterlot Castle had ended for the day, Princess Twilight Sparkle left the throne room to complete her other daily responsibilities. After she finished lowering the sun below the horizon and lifting the moon just over the opposite horizon, Twilight made her way through the halls of the castle and tended to her more routine chores. Those chores consisted of tidying up the place, to resupplying her power to the magically burning lanterns that lit the castle. As Twilight was one her way to the castle’s main public stairwell, she spotted Spike and Rarity. The two of them walked beside each other, and were approaching the castle’s front exit.

“I suppose it’s time for me to start heading home Spike,” said Rarity.

“Of course, Rarity, I’m sure you have plenty of your own work to get to.”

“My work is never done.” Rarity turned to look outside through the castle’s gate, and into the stary night sky. “My, what a beautiful sky tonight.”

“It sure is. I’d offer to escort you home Rarity, but I think we’ve already spent more than enough time together for one day. That, and I’m sure that getting home by yourself at this hour won’t be a problem for you anyways.”

“Yes, I can make it home just fine by myself. I agree that it’s probably for the best to take things between us slowly for now. But thank you for offering Spike.”

“No problem.”

“Hey Rarity, I didn’t know you were still here,” said Twilight, as she walked closer. She looked towards Spike and then back at Rarity. “I assume everything turned out well.”

“It sure did Twilight,” responded Rarity.

“Yep,” said Spike, as he nodded his head in agreement.

“Well, I’m glad you were able to work things out between the two of you. I didn’t want to see two of my closest friends rift apart.”

“Twilight, I believe there is something to be learned from all this,” said Rarity. “Even if friends don’t feel the same way about certain things, that’s no reason for them to hide their feelings from each other indefinitely. True friends should be able to be honest to each other about their feelings, and should never feel that they have to hide them.” Rarity looked towards Spike, smiling. “From now on, I promise to be more open with my friends about what I think of them.”

“There’s also something else to be learned,” suggested Spike, looking at Rarity. “True friends can stay together, no matter what comes between them. Regardless of my feelings, I promise to work towards being a better friend first.”

“Spike, I am aware that I suggested we take things slow for now, to avoid causing any complex feelings between us. But I just wanted you to know that you are still welcome to come visit me at your discretion. If you do decide to drop by again, I promise to never use your feelings to lead you into doing work for me. If you ever want help me out again in the future, you will do so out of own voluntary choice, not because I persuaded you.”

“Thanks Rarity. I would also like to remind you that you’re welcome to come to the castle whenever Twilight permits it. And if I happen to be around, you are free to accompany me for however long you wish,” offered Spike.

“As it still stands, you are welcome to come here at any time Rarity,” mentioned Twilight.

“Thank you Twilight,” said Rarity. “And Spike, thank you for being such a lovely friend. You may not be the stallion that I wanted, but I’m certain that you’ll be the special dragon for some other creature out there right now. I just know it. You just have to look for her.”

Spike put a claw behind his head while looking away humbly, as a red blush appeared across his cheeks. “Thanks Rarity, will do,” he mumbled.

“If fact…,” said Rarity, now looking back at Twilight. “…I think I already know exactly who exactly that creature might be,” she said, giving Twilight a knowing look.

Twilight tilted her head in confusion. “Wait… do you mean… ‘the writer’?”

“Yes, her. Do you know the next time she will be in Canterlot?”

“That depends. I can request that she come to the castle if there’s a reason to.”

“Oh, I’m sure we can come up with something. Twilight, are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Twilight suddenly realized what Rarity was suggesting, and gave the same knowing look back to Rarity. “I think I know exactly what you’re thinking Rarity. Something can certainly be arranged.”

“Would you be able to give me an exact date in the future Twilight,” asked Rarity. “If this were to happen, I’ll need to book an appointment at my shop the day prior.”

“Sure thing, Rarity.”

Spike looked back and forth between Twilight and Rarity, trying to decipher the exact meaning of what they were saying to each other. “Can either of you please tell me what’s going on?”

Both Rarity and Twilight looked at Spike with wide grins on their faces. “Oh, I think you’ll figure it out soon enough,” suggested Twilight.