• Published 28th Dec 2011
  • 9,487 Views, 233 Comments

My Little Megas XLR - Alkem

Coop and MEGAS arrive in Poniville. Ponies, giant robots, chaos and explosions ensue.

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Harmony Brings Destruction

My Little XLR
By Alkem

Chapter 1: Harmony Brings Destruction.

Within the depths of a sealed chamber lay a dazzling jewel encrusted box. Set atop a stone slab, it was hidden away in darkness, behind the walls of Canterlot's royal castle. This chamber was the resting place to six sacred treasures. Legendary artifacts, essential in the defeat of many a great evils in the past. These five gem-encrusted necklaces, along with their matching crown are known as the Elements of Harmony. Each of them possessing powerful magic, only ponies deemed worthy representatives of the pillars of friendship they stood for could wield them.

Somehow, in the pitch blackness, one of those worthy few had managed to sneak her way inside. One of the six mares of legend, whose brave exploits helped restore the once corrupted princess of the night and defend Equestria from total chaos, approached the sacred jewel box.

Dressed from her neck down in a skin tight black body suit, a matching wool cap barely containing wild curls of her pink mane and black streaks of paint rubbed on her cheeks, she nimbly proceeded to the center of the room. Opening the box with utmost care, she took a moment to admire the collection of jewels inside. As if recognizing her, the jewels began to resonate with a light that illuminated the room. Wasting no time, the mare licked her lips and focused on the task at hand.

Pulling out a brown sack with the words "Element sack crudly written on it from seemingly nowhere, she proceeded to stuff the elements inside. With the last of the treasures stowed away into the bag, and with their light, only a distinct spring-like sound could be heard in the shadows. The only other sound that could be heard was that of a hat suddenly dropping.

The spring like noise suddenly stopped. "Silly hat, you can't stay here. Now let's go home. We've got some super yummy cupcakes to bake and eat." The springing recommenced, and as mysteriously as the intruder arrived, she vanished.

Elsewhere, on a far distant planet, in a mysterious land known as Jersey City, two individuals were standing in line that wrapped around a large brick building. A banner that read "Donny's Famous Dogs" was plastered across its front where people could be seen enjoying a meal behind its large windows. Another banner just above it read "Grand Opening", and scattered throughout the sidewalk as well as taped all over the windows were fliers telling people to "Try our custom order chili-dogs! Made to order as you ordered!"

One of two in line, a scrawny, pale young man dressed in blue jeans, a green hooded sweater with a black leather jacket worn over it, and a blue wool cap topped over his spiky black hair leaned against the brick wall and eyed some girls across the street. Meanwhile, the other; a young red haired woman dressed a white fully protective body suit was in the middle of a conversation with an image on the hologram projector she wore on her wrist.

"Coop, are you sure it was a good idea to have me and Jamie wait down here while you deal with the Glorft?"

On her wrist, the image of a very portly male with short blonde hair and goatee barely fit on the screen. He leaned back, revealing his attire of very large jeans, a white t-shirt with the number 12 on its pencil pocket, and a red checked vest worn over it. He appeared to be at the wheel of a car.

"Come on Kiva, I can handle these guys no sweat. I need you and Jamie just stay in line and save me a spot in line while I take care of these chumps."

"But I'd be more helpful up there."

"Yeah. But with two people saving me a spot, no ones going to try and argue that I cut in line. Plus I need you there in case Jamie gets distracted and loses our spot in line."

Kiva looked to her left and pulled Jamie, who was just about to make his way over to the pair of ladies he was watching earlier, and put him back against the call. "Point taken."

"Now relax, I'll be back faster than you can say chili chee--" The image on her wrist vanished, replaced by static.

Jamie, pegged against the wall again, tilted his head towards the sky. "Don't sweat it Kiva. Coop and I've beaten plenty of alien monsters and baddies. I'm sure he can handle the Glorft. Even without me there."

Kiva rolled her eye at him, crossing her arms. "Well, you're right about Coop at least.” She too looked up as well. “I just hope Coop doesn't end up damaging Megas too much this time."

Up above, miles above the Earth's orbit, a massive green battle ship idled in space. Swarming around the enormous cruiser, thousands of small humanoid-shaped robots were huddling together and surging towards a lone robot hovering before the front of the ship.

Facing the army of mechs headed its way, the Megas stood with its blue armor, accentuated with hot rod flames painted on its arms and legs. Its pilot, sitting inside the cherry red hot rod car that was the mech's head, was at the ready as the swarm quickly approached.

Inside of the lead Glorft mech, the cockpit's screen flicked and a slug like creature wearing a metallic suit covering its chest appeared onscreen. "Warmaster, we have the Earther completely outnumbered. All units are ready to attack on your order." The tentacles hanging off where the slug-like creature's mouth would be jostled with each word.

The pilot, who not unlike the slug on screen was encased from the neck down in the robotic like armor, grinned. "Excellent commander. Today is the day I finally take back the prototype and destroy this primitive mud heap once and for all." Standing at the forefront of his army, they took formation to form a giant wall. The pilot leading them, Warmaster Gorrath, pointed his mech's arm towards the lone robot standing against them. "All units, attack!"

On the opposite end, leisurely watching the Glorft advance while he tapped his hands against the steering wheel, Coop calmly reached for the video game controller lying next to the car's gearshift. As the impending forces came ever closer, he hit a series of buttons, and flicked a few the thousand switches located on the car's dashboard. All of a sudden, hidden compartments began springing up all over Megas's frame. All of them revealing hidden missile hatches. The arms, the legs, the shoulders, hands, fingers, and feet, every inch of the blue mech now had a missile hatch ready to launch. With the army still headed his way, he calmly reached his hand out to the endless sea of switches, knobs, and buttons and with one finger pressed down on the 'Fire All the Missiles' button.

A stream of rockets shot forth from Megas in rapid succession. Soon enough, a colossal wave of missiles appeared. One that dwarfed the the apposing army and started heading straight for them.

"All units stay in formation! Charge! Destroy that Earther!" Gorrath shouted, watching mech after mech being blown away by the onslaught of explosives. Trembling at the devastation brought about by the single machine, some of his soldiers started falling back. Seething with rage, Gorrath charged forward, skillfully dodging everything coming at him and rammed against Megas. As the two mechs locked arms and grappled against one another, their pilots exchanged some heated words.

"You annoying Earther filth. Give up now and perhaps I'll let you live long enough to see your planet's destruction," Gorrath growled, tightly gripping his controls.

With a big confident grin, Coop replied, "Oh yeah, squid, you and what army?"

Gorrath looked back and realized. Among the black abyss, all he could see were the decimated remains of his troops. In the distance he saw the rest fleeing in terror. "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Smashing his metal fist against his control panel he fought on, still locking arms with Megas, positioning it in front of his mothership's main cannon. "Commander what is the status of the cannon's charging sequence?"

The image of his second in command appeared on screen. "Sir, energy levels are at sixty five percent. As you've ordered, we shall fire as soon as it's reached maximum charge. But sir, won't this plan put you in the line of fire as well?"

Gorrath smashed his fist against the arm of his seat. "I'm well aware of my position commander, that is abundantly clear. I shall move away just before the main cannon fires. And if by some chance I don't manage to avoid the blast, which is highly unlikely, you'd best hope that the reinforced shielding you designed works as intended, for your sake. Now, alert me before the cannon is ready, I want to enjoy my final fight with this monkey."

Back in the peaceful village of Ponyville, it was a new day but, something was amiss. Ponies were running around, madly in search of something. One unicorn pony in particular by the name of Twilight Sparkle was on edge as she raced down the streets of the town where ponies were frantically searching high and low. Arriving at the local bakery known as Sugarcube Corner, she stepped inside waved at the mare at the counter. "Mrs. Cake, have you seen Pinkie Pie?"

The older, light cerulean earth pony faced her and waved back. "Why hello Twilight Sparkle. Yes I have If you're looking for her, she's been upstairs all morning," she said, pointing towards a flight of stairs..

"I need to see her; it's a matter of dire importance." Twilight said, making her way up.

"Oh, I know dear. The whole town's been bustling with worry ever since word got out about the Elements of Harmony being missing. You’d best go wake her up; this certainly isn't the time to still be napping."

Giving Mrs. Cake a nod, Twilight opened the door leading to Pinkie's and was hit by the scent of freshly baked goods. As she stepped inside she noticed a pile of ingredients stacked outside the kitchen door.."Pinkie Pie?" Twilight cautiously approached the door.

A high pitched "Eeep!" was quickly followed by the sounds of pots and pans crashing against the floor. The kitchen door cracked open a tad and Pinkie Pie stepped out, blotches of flour covering numerous parts of her body as she stared nervously at her friend. "Oh heya Twilight, how ya doing? I was just busy making some supper yummy cupcakes, You know its always good to start the day off with something yummy in your tummy." Pinkie said, her eyes quickly darting left and right.

Twilight, considering Pinkie's odd behavior as the norm for her, payed it no mind. "Pinkie, this is no time to be baking, the Elements of Harmony have been stolen. I already have the other girls out searching for it and we could use your help." A colorful twinkle of light suddenly caught Twilight’s eye as the kitchen door still swung slightly behind Pinkie. "Pinkie Pie, what are you doing in there?" she asked, growing more concerned by the second.

"Oh, you know me Twilight, just baking some cupcakes like I said." she answered back, beads of sweat began rolling down her face as she avoided eye.

Twilight, scrunching her eyes at her suspicious friend, walked around her and made her way towards the kitchen.

Pinkie moved in, Putting herself in between Twilight and the door, "Gee Twilight, don't you think we really should be heading out and looking for those missing elements?"

Twilight stood before the pink coated barricade. "Pinkie," she said, pushing against her friend. "What are you hiding in there?"

Twilight pushed as hard as she could while Pinkie braced herself on the edges of the doorway. Pinkie held on as long as she could, but eventually her grip started slipping. With one last shove, Twilight and Pinkie went tumbling through the doorway and into the kitchen.

Twilight got up. There before her, on top of the oven, was what she and the entire town was searching for. "Pinkie Pie! You? You're the one who took the Elements of Harmony! Why?"

Pinkie gave Twilight a saddened guilty look. "I was only borrowing them. I planned on returning them as soon as soon as I was done before anyone would notice. But I ran into a problem." she said, fiddling with her hooves.

After hearing out Pinkie's reason for taking them, Twilight summarized it in one short outburst. "You were trying to make a cupcake!"

"Not just any cupcake, Twilight. The most super delicious, extra special, absolutely delectable cupcake ever. And best of all, it'd never runs out,"

"Huh?" Twilight raised her eyebrow.

"You see Twilight, I was doing some studying in the library, where found two amazing spells. One that would make the world's most delicious cupcake, and the another was an endless regeneration spell. That's when I got an idea to make the most delicious cupcake that would last forever."

"But, Pinkie Pie, why did you need to steal the Elements of Harmony?"

"Not steal, borrow. And I was getting to that. You see, each spell needed a lot of magic to work. So in order to merge those two spells together, I'd need even more magic than that. More magic than even you have. So, what's the strongest source of magic we know of?"

"The Elements of Harmony," Twilight answered, understanding Pinkie's plan "But, Pinkie Pie, you can't just go and steal-"


Twilight sighed. "Borrow the Elements of Harmony like that."

"Well I was going to return them when I finished and share my cupcake when I was all done," Pinkie said, smiling at Twilight.

"Pinkie, all of Equestria is in panic over the missing Elements. Everypony in Ponyville is out searching for them as I speak. I have to take them back." Twilight began walking over to the Elements but Pinkie leaped over and clutched onto her hind legs.

"Please Twilight, you can't! I'm so close. I just needed something to start up the Elements."

Twilight pulled her legs, trying to free herself. "I'm, uuh, sorry Pinkie, but I, nnngh, have to take them back."

Pinkie started breaking down. Her dream of the world's greatest never ending cupcake was about to be dashed. If only I could just activate the elements, I just need a spark of magic, She jerked her head back as a thought came to her A sparkle of magic, duh. Pinkie let go of Twilight's legs. "Ok Twilight, you can take back the Elements."

A little stunned at Pinkie's sudden change in demeanor, Twilight glanced at her for a second but thought nothing more of it. "Thank you, Pinkie Pie. Now, let's go return these to the princess. Maybe if I help explain, she won't be too mad."

She walked to the oven. The smell of something baking inside wafted out from the sides. There on top of it were the 6 elements, with the five necklaces circling around the crown. She looked over to Pinkie, who simply watched on as though she was anticipating something. Twilight began to pick up the Elements with her magic and they ascended, wrapped within her magic's aura.

Suddenly the aura vanished and the Elements dropped back on to of the stove. Reacting to Twilight's magic, the Elements began to glow. The light radiating off from them grew brighter and brighter. The two mare shielded their eyes as a large ray of light shot up from the stove. It tore through the ceiling and continued skyward, traveling far beyond the clouds and out of sight of anypony.

Back just outside Earth's orbit, two warriors were still pitched in fierce combat.

"This is the end Earther scum!" Gorrath proclaimed.

Both pilots, still entangled with each other, exchanged quick jabs with their mechs as they hovered just in front of the Glorft mother ship's main cannon.

"I've heard that plenty of times before, squid." Coop's robot kneed the Glorft mech, knocking it back. Gorrath now faced Megas and noticed the mother ship's main cannon was directly behind it.

Megas took a proud stance and pointed a finger at Gorrath. "Listen up squid! You attack Earth, make me chase your sorry butt up here..."

"Sir, the cannon's charge is at 97%. We will be ready to fire in 20 seconds."

"That's plenty of time commander. The Earther is off on one of his idiotic rants again; fire the cannon as soon as it reaches 100%."

"Yes Warmaster."

Coop, unaware of the gloft's plan, was wrapping up his speech. "And worst of all, you're making me miss my meal at a brand new restaurant. You're going down."

Gorrath pulled away and the Glorft mother ship cannon fired, sending a massive stream of energy straight towards Megas.

"Huh?" Coop said as he turned around. "Whaaa!" he yelled as Megas took a direct hit, remained intact and started pushing against it.

Inside the cockpit, a holographic screen displaying Kiva popped up in front of Coop. "Coop! What's happening? I'm getting a massive energy spike in Megas's shield output."

Jamie tapped at Kiva's shoulder. "Um Kiva. Look." Jamie pointed upward and Kiva saw it. The sky above Jersey City suddenly had two suns.

"Coop! What happened?"

"Oh, you know me, Kiva, just saving the world," Coop jested.

"Coop, Megas's shields won't be able to take much more of this. You have to get out of there."

"No can do Red. If I move, this laser's heading straight for Jersey City. if that happens, the city's toast. And if that happens, I won't get to taste those chili-dogs. I won't let that happen."

Coop began hitting various switches, and pressing random buttons on the control pads. The displays screens began to crack as the shields were reaching their limit.

Kiva looked on through the monitor. "Coop, what are you doing?"

Pressing one last button before hitting the gas pedal, Coop answered, "Everything I can".

A bright light then emerge between Megas and the energy beam.

Over in the Glorft Mother ship, a helmsman reported to Gorrath as he arrived on deck. "Sir, our scanners are picking up an anomaly emerging next to the prototype's position."

A vortex instantly appeared. And from it a giant beam of light pierced through. The energy blast from the Glorft mother ship began to meld with strange light. Both merged together with the vortex, causing it grow in size.

"Sir, our scanners are picking up energy readings coming from the anomaly, they're off the scale."

Gorrath sat quietly at his command chair and observed the monitors. "Commander, are there any sign of the prototype?"

"None Sir. We lost all contact when the anomaly appeared. Sir, it would be wise to fall back to a safe distance. The anomaly appears to be growing and pulling in objects within its proximity."

"Silence commander! I give the orders here. I want to be absolutely sure that the Earther has been destroyed."

"But Sir!" --Gorrath shot the commander a menacing glare.-- "Yes Sir." The commander turned, facing away from Gorrath. "This is almost like last time," he muttered to himself.

Alarms went off on the main deck, the displays began showing warning signals. and red light started flashing everywhere the bridge.

"What's happened?" Gorrath bellowed.

"Sir," the commander said with a sigh. "The anomaly is pulling us in."

"Quick then! Take the ship into null space."

"I'm afraid that isn't possible, sir. The ship is too low on energy after firing the main cannon to preform a null space jump.

“Then pull the ship out of range!"

"Too late, it's too strong."

Gorrath and the commander looked on through the monitors as they slowly moved towards the vortex.

"If I'm to go down, at least I have the satisfaction of finally vanquishing my greatest enemy."

"It only took destroying yourself, the ship, and all of the crew to do it," the commander muttered.

In a flash, the entire Glorft ship vanished with only the spiraling vortex remaining. The menacing figure rapidly doubled in size. It's suction grew so great that random objects down below in the city began floating away.

"Okay, so maybe we should have gone with Coop!" Jamie shouted, holding onto a fire hydrant for dear life as random debris started floating away..

People ran inside buildings and cars grabbing a hold of whatever was anchored to the ground. The suction lasted for a few seconds and ended abruptly as the vortex returned to its previous size before the Glorft ship was sucked in.

With the danger over and the vortex returned to its previous size, Kiva frantically tried contacting Coop, but the holographic receiver couldn't get a response. "Come on Jamie. We have to get back home and try to contact Coop."

"And lose our place in line?" Jamie answered, now standing at the front of the line. "Coop’s not gonna be too happy when he finds out you lost his spot."

Kiva grabbed Jamie by the hood of his jacket and dragged him behind her. "I think Coop has bigger problems than missing a meal."

"Knowing Coop, I doubt that."

Out in the middle of a mysterious green field, Megas was lying on its back. Coop, barely conscious, reached out for the wheel.

Everything still blurry to him, he felt something odd. "What's wrong with my hand?" Holding both hands in front of him, things cleared up and he got a good look at them. "Where are my fingers?"

A sudden alarming thought ran through Coop's head. Memories of days past spent enjoying playing his video games played like a flash back. Playing them with ten working fingers.

"No. Nooooooooooooooo!" Coop hollered. outstretching his finger-less hands towards the sky before passing out from exhaustion.