• Published 28th Dec 2011
  • 9,487 Views, 233 Comments

My Little Megas XLR - Alkem

Coop and MEGAS arrive in Poniville. Ponies, giant robots, chaos and explosions ensue.

  • ...

16-Bit Monster and Manuals

My Little XLR

Chapter 5: 16-Bit Monster and Manuals.

The light from the morning sun shined its way through the window of the Ponyville library. It traveled down into the lower chamber where a human turned pony robot pilot from another world was sleeping. The big sleeping colt turned away, hiding his face from the light which was interrupting his desire for sleep.

Foiling his dream of sleeping till noon was a baby dragon, making his way down to where he was sleeping.

"Good morning Coop," the energized purple lizard greeted. "Twilight asked me to wake you up, since you promised you'd help her re-shelve the books today."

The pony responded with a loud snore.

The dragon started to nudg the slumbering equine to try and wake him, with little success. "Come on Coop, you have to wake up."

Again there was no positive response.

Frustrated, the young drake took a deep breath. Before he exhaled, he thought about the consequences of burning the sheets. And considering they wouldn't be his own this time, he reconsidered. Switching tactics, he took a few steps back, creating plenty space between him and the log sawing stallion. He poised himself, legs stretched, back arched and charged as fast as he could. As the dragon charged, Twilight popped her head in from the top of the stairs to see how things were going.

"Spike, is Coop awake yet?" she asked just as her young assistant's charge connected.

Spike's tackle forced Coop off the side of the bed. His massive build ended up hitting the floor with an impressive thud, causing the entirety of Twilight Sparkle's library home to shake. The resulting shake up caused the remaining books that lined the book shelves lining the walls of the home to fall. It all happened so quickly that Twilight couldn't react in time to stop it. Books scattered all over the floor, covering the still napping pony under layers of text.

Twilight Sparkle looked over the mess, her cheerful expression now flipped. "I was going to tell you two that breakfast was ready…"

A completely energized Coop quickly rose up, with books fell off his body as he stood up. "Alright, breakfast."

"I guess I'll have to re-shelve down here as well, again" a dismal Twilight sighed.

After a hearty breakfast, the trio commenced their re-shelving for what was now the fourth time in two days. Coop, the reason for all of them so far, had a history of misfortune when it came libraries. Twilight was unaware of that when she offered him a temporary place to stay. Upon his arrival and discovery of what her abode was, the overweight pony told her about his hex with book repositories. But the logic and science bound unicorn brushed his warning aside as what she called a "silly superstition".

Since then Coop had accidentally knocked over every book on Twilight's shelves for a total, including this morning, of twenty times. Each incident baffling the unicorn in how it occurred; according to her logic, it just didn't make sense. By the ninth time it happened, Twilight tossed science and logic aside and decided to try countering Coop's bad luck with a little help from her party loving friend's sensory alert system, better known as her Pinkie sense.

"Alright Pinkie Pie, when you start to feeling something tell me and I'll do what I can to make sure Coop doesn't knock anything over."

The pink Earth pony saluted in agreement, "Sure thing Twilight. With my Pinkie sense, Coop's book toppling days are over," she said as she kept her eyes intently on the colt. Within minutes her pink bushy tail began to twitch wildly.

Taking notice, Twilight quickly wrapped up Coop in an aura of her magic, preventing him from moving an inch. She looked over her library; not a book was out of place and everything appeared to be in order so far.

"It's working!" The excited unicorn turned to her friend. "Pinkie Pie, how's your Pinkie sense doing?"

"Twilight! It feels like it's getting worse!" she yelled out, as her tail shook harder than it usually did.

The invisible forces controlling the twitching had gone mad. The cotton candy like tail was jumping around with so much force it was pulling it owner with it. Pinkie Pie jumped on top of it, attempting to tame it.

"Now tail, stop going crazy right now!" Pinkie ordered. The rear extremity bucked its owner off, sending her crashing into the bookshelf lined wall.

Everyone gasped, staring at the shelves and anticipating the worst. A Single book popped out and landed on the wooden floor, just missing Pinkie's face. She picked herself off the ground, and placed the fallen novel back in its place. She then looked back at her tail.

"Oh hey looky, my tail stopped twitching."

Satisfied with the result, Twilight released Coop and breathed a triumphant sigh of relief and smiled contently over her victory. Afterwards, Coop and Spike headed outside, while Pinkie Pie had a word with her.

"Listen Twilight, my twitchy tail has never gone off as strong as it did like that. I think whatever was supposed to happen was gonna be a real doozy. But I guess since my tail stopped twitching that means you're in the clear." After her warning, she made her way out, hopping as she went, with Twilight escorting her out.

"Well Pinkie, I'm just glad I found a way to stop Coop's bad luck from happening."

"I dunno Twilight; these sorts of things always have a way of just happening. You may not want to fight it."

"Oh Pinkie Pie, Coop's not even in the library right now. There's no way he can possibly do anything anymore."

The pony they were talking about was over by MEGAS, standing proudly next to it while Spike circled around to admire the metal giant.

"This thing looks so awesome, and those flames look so real."

Coop patted he hoof on the side of Megas's foot. "You like it Spike, I painted those myself, it took me awhile but it turned out better than I thought in the end."

Back over by the library, the fluffy haired mare gently places a hoof on her snout.

"Uh Twilight, my nose is tingling." she said, looking over to the unicorn.

"Tingly nose? Doesn't that mean bees a incoming?" the lavender mare questioned.

"No, you're thinking of an itchy nose. I still haven't figured out what a tingly nose is for sure, but I think it's a good idea to duck right now." Pinkie replied as she jumped to the ground outside of the library. Twilight just stared at her friend, utterly confused.

Over by MEGAS, Coop's repeated hoof tapping triggered something. A hole opened up from the robot's foot, and a lone rocket was launched from it.

"Ahh!" Twilight cried, ducking to the floor, just dodging the flying explosive as it whizzed past her and Pinkie Pie and went through the doorway into the library. What followed was a small boom that shrouded the interior of the library in white smoke. The force of the blast caused vibrations that could be felt just outside the tree building.

As Pinkie Pie looked through the doorway, she came to a conclusion. "Ooooh! So that's what a tingly nose means!" Twilight looked over to her friend for an answer, still in absolute shock over what just happen. "It means something's about to go boom. I've been getting this new feeling ever since Coop arrived. At first I wasn't too sure, but after that I'm totally positive that's what it means."

Twilight, still too stunned to speak, went inside to see the extent of the damage. She entered with her eyes closed, hoping it was all just a dream and that things would be back to normal when she opened them. Back over by MEGAS, both Coop and Spike were absolutely dumbfounded over what had just happened.

As the smoke cleared, the librarian pony got a first look at the damage. Her books had been scattered all over the place, some were imbedded into the walls and ceiling. But miraculously, every single book was intact, not one was blown to bits or set aflame, While the mess was colossal, Twilight took solace in the fact that none of her precious novels had been harmed. It would take some time to clean up, but it was nothing a few hours and a little magic couldn't fix. Looking over the aftermath, the speechless pony looked out the doorway, past her pink friend and over to her housemate. She couldn't believe it, somehow even when having Pinkie Pie use her senses to anticipate it, Coop still managed to unintentionally wreck the library, somehow incorporating a missile this time. She could feel a twitch just above her eye as she thought about it.

Since then Twilight no longer tried fighting it. Having her books fall off the shelves is not so bad compared to having a missile explode in her home;

The three housemates took a spot on the wall and began placing books. As Coop awkwardly angled his hooves to pick up books one by one, he looked over at Twilight to see how she managed to pick up things. He realized she did not bend down to grab things with her mouth like the he'd seen many other ponies do. Nor was she trying to use her hooves like him, still not used to using his mouth to handle things aside from food.

The colt stared at the unicorn, amazed over how she levitated a book. "How do you do that Twilight?"

"Do what Coop?" she asked while continuing to put away books.

He pointed at a book currently being lifted up with magic. "Move stuff around like that."

"She's just using her unicorn powers Coop." Spike explained.

"I thought you already learned this when you attended school?" Twilight Sparkle wondered.

"Oh yeah, right, magic," the big pony recollected.

Considering the near destruction of the town caused by a pastry that he and the Cutie Mark Crusaders made that day, it's extraordinary that Coop had managed to remember what he was taught in school. That being said, it would be amazing for him to remember even if nothing at all happened that day.

"It must be so cool to be able to move things around like that all the time. I wish I had a horn." his mind began to drift, picturing what it would be like if his wish came true.

Coop imagined himself playing video games and using his magic to hold his controller to literally beat people with no hands or hooves. With magic, he'd never need to get up to get a snack or reach across a table for seconds or fifths, he would just levitate food towards himself. In fact, with unicorn powers, he would levitate himself to get around. Piloting MEGAS would be a snap. With magic, he'd be able to hit more buttons then ever before, meaning that he could pull off better more destructive attacks.

The last thing Coop picture was a giant explosion going off where MEGAS was standing. "That would be so cool"

Twilight Sparkle also thought of what it would be like if Coop had unicorn powers. But things panned out a little differently in her mind.

With unicorn magic, he'd be playing games without the use of his hooves, while levitating snacks into his mouth. With levitation eliminating any need for him to get up to get food, she pictured him getting bigger then he already was. MEGAS would need to be readjusted just to make room. While her concerns mostly revolved around him turning into a lazy blob of fat, what worried her most was the idea of Coop behind the wheel of MEGAS with unicorn abilities. He was already devastating enough piloting with two hooves, so the idea of the colt no longer physically restricted to piloting with only two hooves scared Twilight to her core.

The last thing she pictured was Coop turning the ignition, using his magic to turn the key. Then what followed was the clicking sound of every button on MEGAS being pressed at once. The next thing she saw was a colossal explosion that covered the majority of Equestria. The blast was so large; it could be seen from space.

She fell to her knees while stretching her hooves to the sky. "Nooooooooooo!"

The boys looked over to their kneeling friend, concerned over her sudden outburst.

Twilight, noticing them staring at her, let out a nervous chuckle. "I mean. Soooo cool".

Later, after they had finished, Coop, along with Twilight and Spike, made their way aboard MEGAS to a desolate area faraway from anyone.

The pony driver looked at the passenger in the back using his rearview mirror. "Thanks again for letting me show Spike what MEGAS can do Twilight."

"Well you and Spike always help me put every book back in its place when they fall so it's the least I could do. Plus Spike has been dying to got to ride along. Besides it's better I keep an eye on you two then letting you go off on your own."

The dragon youth sat in the front passenger seat alongside Coop, eager to see what was in store. Meanwhile Twilight was in the back talking with someone on the projection monitor.

"I'm glad to have an opportunity to speak with you again Ms. Sparkle."

"Likewise Ms. Andru, but please call me Twilight. There's no need to act so formal."

"Then please call me Kiva." The red haired woman on the screen let out a sigh of relief. "You have no idea what a relief it is to speak with you. Ever since Coop traveled to your world I've been worried about what sort damage he's been doing to MEGAS. Not to mention what kind of trouble he's been causing for your world"

"Damage? Hey I take good care of my robot. And I haven't caused any trouble. Right Twilight?"

The backseat unicorn only smiled awkwardly in agreement.

"Wow, been there that long and you still haven't gotten in trouble. That's a record for ya man," Jamie jested through the dashboard screen up front.

While being one of Coop's long time friends, it still took Jamie awhile to stop laughing every time he saw his buddy in his new pony form. But now he's finally able to hold a conversation with his human turned pony friend, with the occasional chuckle. "So Coop, how you holding up in the land of the candy colored horsies?"

"I gotta tell ya Jamie, it's not that bad. Sure, I had to get used to some foods, but I get to eat all the sweets I want. And with no hands. Plus there are tons of video games I've never played before."

After the introduction of video games into pony society, a flood of unique games followed. Creativity skyrocketed across Equestria, but in related news laziness and a decline in productivity had begun to increase as well.

"For a land I thought was going to be boring and girly, it's actually pretty fun, plus I've already fought three giant monsters already."

"Wait a second Coop, three? I thought you said he's fought two things Twilight," asked Kiva

Twilight laughed nervously, then began to tell the details of that event "Well….."

"He said it was right here," said Rainbow Dash

"This one?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"No, Coop said it's the one without a name."

Two ponies were inside MEGAS's muscle car cockpit, on a very important task to find a specific game. The duo of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie scavenged around the car. They searched high and they searched low; low and high, high and low. But they still could not find what they were looking for.

Pinkie Pie, sitting in the back seat, pointed over to the glove compartment. "What about in there."

Rainbow Dash, noticing the little latch on the front of it, tried her best to open it, but could not get a grip on the indented knob. It frustrated her as she tried with her hooves and then her mouth, but no success. Enraged, she slammed a hoof on the dashboard just above the compartment, causing the little door to pop open.

She tried to look calm, as though she did that on purpose. "Piece of cake."

They both searched around inside the compartment and each pulled out a cartridge.

"Got it!" the two ponies exclaimed.

Confused by the other pony's claim they showed each other the game in their possession.

"Mine doesn't have a name on it, see" Rainbow displayed.

"Mine neither." Pinkie said, looking a bit perplexed.

Rainbow Dash grabbed both games. "Alright I know how to solve this. We'll just use MEGAS's console to see which is the right game."

"Do you think that's a good idea Dashy?"

"Yeah it's nothing special; I've seen Coop do it all the time."

The screen on the dashboard flickered on. The girls looked at the display and read the title together. "Love those Lurps seven?"

"That's not the game Coop wanted. So that means I was right, it was this one. Come on Rainbow, let's go back inside." Said Pinkie Pie as she started making her way back into Twilight's house.

The rainbow haired pony stayed behind, distracted. She was busy enjoying the game she picked. Particularly the part in the game where the red lizard monster attacked an endless supply of ridiculous looking orange creatures wearing white shoes, shorts and, caps that kept saying "I lurp you" while offering the out of place reptile a flower. As she continued playing, she watched the red creature gradually become increasingly annoyed and grow in size slightly.

Pinky, now down below, called back up to her friend. "Rainbow Dash, hurry up! Coop and Twilight are waiting inside."

Upon hearing her friend's call, Rainbow put down the remote, hit the eject button and put the game back in the compartment. In her rush she had forgotten to turn off the console. As she left, the display screen just kept flashing the words "Ejection in progress".

As they stepped back inside Twilight Sparkle's home, the booming music coming from the game Coop was playing welcomed them. Waving the little square object as she hopped inside, the energetic earth pony announced her triumphant return.

"Coop, we got it! We got it!"

The colt took the game from her and moved over to the console. While he was making the switch, things had quieted down, So Twilight Sparkle took the opportunity to address something that had been troubling her.

"Hey Coop, don't you think the volume is a little loud?"

Blowing into the cartridge, Coop turned to see who was talking to him, "A little round? It's not round; it's a square, see," he said as he pointed a hoof to the cartridge.

Concerned for her friend's hearing, as well as everyone else's, Twilight slyly used her telekinesis to turn down the volume. After Coop finished setting up, the four ponies sat by the television and together started to play "Blaster Man".

Pinkie and Coop were fighting for first place, while Rainbow Dash was slowly catching up in points, and in dead last was Twilight. The four ponies were busy enjoying themselves. All the while outside, a bright light was firing from MEGAS's headlights as it finished its ejection process.

Now standing in front of the robot was the same lizard creature that was in the game Rainbow Dash had been playing earlier, only it was as tall as MEGAS. The creature was covered in red scales and sported a long tail. If it wasn't for the fact that the giant lizard was missing a pair of wings and had the physical build of a human from, ponies would easily mistake it for a dragon.

"Yes, yes! Finally, freedom from that insufferable prison! No longer shall I have to suffer those colorful annoyances."

The creature looked out to his new surroundings. His blood boiled as he noticed the bright and colorful world that surrounded him, complete with its own candy colored inhabitants. It was much like the world he was preciously confined in, but there was one difference. The lizard man placed his monstrous foot over a cart stand, the pony proprietor ran as the beast's foot crushed the cart and all its goods.

The monster smirked as he stared down at the demolished cart, "At least when I strike something down here it stays down." He clasped his scaly hands together, "Oh this shall be most amusing."

Back inside the four ponies were still playing, but something caught Twilight's attention.

"Did you ponies here that?" Twilight asked concerned over the crashing sound she heard outside. The others were too focused on the game to notice. The studious pony placed her controller down and went over to thet the window to investigate. "Uh guys…you need to see this. Now!"

"Sure thing Twilight" Coop said to humored her.

"We'll get right on it." Rainbow Dash added.

The three ponies continued playing, all teaming up against their absent friend's character.

A purple aura surrounded the gaming trio, lifting them away from the T.V., and moving them over to the window. Coop, with controller still in hand, continued to play even while looking outside as they all noticed the giant problem. The other two mares gasped as they saw the giant lizard wrecking the town that had the unicorn so worried.

"Coop we have to stop that thing" Twilight pleaded.

The T.V. screen displayed the message "Player 1 wins!"

"I'm on it" the victorious colt said, as he put the controller down and headed out to his ride.

Now aboard MEGAS; Coop, along with Rainbow Dash riding shotgun, with Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle in the back, made their way to the rampaging giant lizard.

"What is that thing?" ask Pinkie.

"Doesn't look like any dragon I've ever seen," said Rainbow.

"None of the books on Equestrian reptiles even mentions something like that. I wonder how it got here in the first place."

Coop drove MEGAS close to the reptile, which was in the process of tossing a building. Noticing the giant robot's presence, the beast turned around and slammed the building onto MEGAS. The sudden attack knocked the mech to the ground, causing the ponies inside to be rocked by the fall..

"Hey, that wasn't very nice!" Pinkie protest from the back seat.

Rainbow growled, glaring to he creature. "What was that for?"

The beast walked over to the fallen mech, crouching down to face it. "So you're here as well. I told you during our last encounter that no prison could hold me."

Hearing the monster reminisce, the girls looked over to the pony at the wheel. He looked back at them, oblivious.


"Coop, what did you do?" Twilight interrogated.

"I didn't do nothing; I was inside the library playing games all morning. You were there so you know it couldn't have been me."

"But he recognizes MEGAS!" the backseat unicorn argued.

Coop went deep into his memories, trying hard to remember when he may have faced the monster standing in front of them. While the robot pilot was lost in thought, Pinkie and Rainbow suddenly remembered they had also seen the monster before. Twilight noticed the looks her friends were sharing with each other and glared suspiciously at them. The duo did their best to keep a straight face against Twilight's burning gaze, but unable to take the pressure any longer, the pony sitting beside Twilight cracked.

"She did it," Pinkie blabbed while pointing over to Rainbow Dash.

"Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow Dash growled.

"Rainbow, you did this?" Twilight asked, surprised over the discovery. If it had been Coop's doing, then that would have been expected. But the loyalist of ponies, unthinkable.

"I just played a game I found inside MEGAS, how was I supposed to know something named "love those lurps seven" would be dangerous."

"You found it inside MEGAS, what part of that doesn't sound dangerous to you!" Twilight rebutted.

Upon hearing the embarrassing game title, Coop's memory came to him. "Oh yeah, now I remember. That ugly thing's named Gelchead. After I whooped its butt back in my world, I trapped him in that game...huh, guess I should have labeled that one or something."

The creature spoke again. "My name is Grrkek, Grrkek the planet killer. Seeing as you've forgotten, allow me to demonstrate why I'm called so by destroying this world!"

The trio of mares looked back over to the colt as the so called planet killer continued rampaging through the town.

"Ok Coop, since you fought it before, you know how to beat this thing, right?" asked Twilight.

"Uh…" the plump light brown stallion resumed searching deep in the back of his mind for the answer, all the while Grrkek continued to lay waste to the town.

The red scaled giant walked across ponies' homes, punching and kicking random buildings as he pleased. Coming upon a giant water fountain with a beautifully crafted pony statue in the center, Grrkek casually picked up another structure, and threw it into the fountain. A mix of debris and water scattered from the destruction, splashing water onto MEGAS's windshield.

Seeing the water against the windshield, Coop finally remembered, as he turned on the windshield wipers, "It had something to do with water."

"Water?" the backseat unicorn repeated.

"Yup, we just need water."

"If its water you need then leave that to me," said Rainbow Dash as she struggled a little opening the side window before flying up towards the clouds. Pinkie took the opportunity to occupy the newly opened passenger seat.

Seeing Rainbow take off to get water, Coop laid back and folded his front legs behind his head. "Alright then, we'll just wait for Rainbow to get back."

Twilight and Pinkie, looked out the front window to the big lizard that was still going about and making a mess of the town.

Pinkie Pie gently tapped on the driver's shoulder. "Uh, Coop, you may have overlooked one tiny detail," she said while pointing her hoof out where the planet killer continued to planet kill.

"Right, I guess I should stop him from wrecking the town first."

Placing a hoof on the custom eight ball gear shift, Coop switched to first gear and hit the gas. MEGAS stood back up and started making its way over to Grrkek. Ponies in the town ran in terror, as the red scaled menace continued smashing apart their homes.

The red behemoth relished in their cries. "Ah, the screams of terrified creatures running for their lives, it's truly been ages since I've heard them. Maybe I'll hold off killing this planet to enjoy it a bit longer."

A sudden crash of MEGAS landing nearby got the his attention. Standing behind the bipedal lizard, Megas took a stance and pointing its metallic finger over to the monster.

"Alright red, you bust out of my cartridge, you come into my Ponytown"

"Ville, Coop, It's Ponyville."

"Right. Thanks Pinkie." Coop said, refocusing back on Grrkek, "You wreck ponies's homes, you threw a building at me."

"And you ruined our game!"

Coop looks over to his passenger thinking that statement came from her, but the fluffy haired mare looked just as surprised as him. They both looked to the unicorn in the back seat.

"What? I was having fun," said Twilight. "And he ruined it! Get him Coop!" she yelled, using her magic to press the "Do something reckless Twilight!" button.

MEGAS winded back and delivered a devastating punch, sending the lizard across town, just missing Carousel Boutique and landing on the "Nasty Filly Vitamins" building.

A group of young ponies nearby, happened to witness the destruction. "Yay!"

Twilight's jaw opened wide as she saw the damage she had just done.

Coop looked to the backseat mare and gave her a praising look. "Nice."

"Way to go Twilight!" Pinkie complimented.

"Pinkie, Coop! I just destroyed that building! That's not something to compliment me on." She was shocked that her friends would approve such destruction.

"What, you're telling me you liked eating those vitamins when you were a filly?" The mare up front asked. Twilight didn't answer back.

Grrkek started getting back to his feet, brushing off bits of building and vitamins from his scales as if nothing happened. As the two hulking fighters prepared to go at it again, a large cloud formation began moving directly above them.

"Alright Coop, you wanted water, here's your water!" hollered the voice of the town's fastest pegasus. A grand grey cloud moved in, just above the two giants and a downpour of rain started falling.

The ponies inside MEGAS stuck their heads out into the rain and waved to the flying mare. "Ha-ha. Alright Rainbow Dash!" Coop shouted.

The returning pegasus flew down from the clouds and back towards her seat, but was surprised to see it was occupied. "Pinkie Pie, that's my seat!"

The earth pony refused to relinquish her spot, "Finders keeper's losers weepers.

With the threat of the red menace preventing her from arguing, Rainbow resigned to the back seat. The downpour continued, soaking MEGAS, the planet killer, and the general area of the town.

The 4 ponies inside watched the monster intently, expecting something to happen.

"Nothing's happening. Coop, what was supposed to happen anyway?" asked Rainbow.

"He was supposed to start shrinking. That's what happened when a tidal wave hit him the last time I fought him."

A swipe of the giant lizard's tail sent the quartet smashing into the town hall building. A banner strewn across it read, "Everyone's on vacation so building is currently empty".

"I thought water was going to stop him. Now what do we do?" a worried Pinkie asked.

"Anypony got an idea where we can get a tidal wave?" Rainbow Dash mockingly questioned.

Thinking fast, Twilight Sparkle came up with an idea. "I got it! The dam! Coop if we hit it with the water from the dam I'm sure that will be enough to cause him to shrink. Now I just need to think of how to safely release the water." While Twilight was busy formulating a plan, the pilot was already commencing a plan of his own.

The mech sprang back up and launched its counter attack. MEGAS charged over to Grrkek and landed a powerful uppercut on the beast's jaw that lifted it off its feet. As Grrkek's body went up from the punch, Coop had MEGAS grab it by the tail and began swinging it repeatedly down onto the ground. The town shook from each massive slam the beast's body made with the dirt. Inside the car, the colt was repeatedly turning the joystick on his game controller left and right, controlling which direction MEGAS slammed the planet killer. After one final slam, Coop placed the controller down and turned a hard right on the steering wheel, causing MEGAS to spin around in circles with Grrkek's tail still in its grip.

Pushing against the centrifugal force of the intense spinning, Twilight Sparkle tried reaching a hoof out to the driver's seat. "Coop! What the hay are you doing?" She struggled to ask.

"Just following your plan" he calmly replied.

She looked puzzled at her friend's response. "What plan? All I said was the dam--" Before she could finish, Coop let go of the wheel.

Releasing its grasp, MEGAS hammer threw the red scaled gargantuan. Flying over the town like a rag doll, Grrkek's body smashed into the Ponyville dam.

Elsewhere; A familiar light orange Earth pony sporting a Stetson hat was hard at work in her family's apple orchard. She was moving from tree to tree, holding a watering pail by the handle with her teeth, making sure each tree got its share.

Placing the pail down she looked up past the tree, into the clear skies. "Shoot I sure wish those weather patrol ponies would make it rain already, my poor darlin's are thirstin' something fierce."

The busy farm mare looked over to town and noticed the collection of storm clouds. The trees blocked her view of the town itself; otherwise she would have noticed the chaos going on at the moment.

Applejack stamped her hoof into the dirt. "Consarn it! The town's getting a whole heap a rain, while my poor babies are drying up! I'm gonna have a talkin' to those weather patrol pegasi."

As the angry mare started making her way out of the field, something big approached in the distance.

"Oh my…"

A giant wave of water came crashing through the orchard, soaking everything in the area. It came so fast Applejack was almost washed away, thankfully she managed to grab hold of a branch and stay safe on the tree tops. The rushing water passed through as quickly as it appeared. climbing down from her tree perch, she saw that every single tree had now been watered.

Applejack scratched her head, confused over what just happened. "Well I reckon that solves that problem, I guess."

Back over by the crumbled remains of the dam, MEGAS was holding a miniaturized version of the planet killer in its hands.

"Now what do we do with him Coop?" Pinkie Pie wondered.

In the backseat, Rainbow Dash held a game cartridge in her hoof. "We can always put him back in the cartridge."

"No, we have to put him somewhere nopony can accidentally release him again" Twilight said while looking over to the mare on her right.

"I said I was sorry Twilight."

The four of them thought hard about what to do with the lizard in custody. The monster in question, now about six feet tall, was desperately trying to wriggle free from the robot's giant vice grip.

"Anypony got any ideas?" asked the multicolor haired pony.

"I've got one, Rainbow" the unicorn pony replied.

Up in the skies above Ponyville, an unoccupied blimp with the E.D. Radio logo was promoting their station. It hovered over the competing local radio station, which relays a popular pony talk show. The advertising blimp was interfering with the station's signal until a screaming blue orb struck it. The round crying object flew right through the promotional balloon, causing air to spew out from the pair of new vents it received. With its air leaking out, the blimp flew wildly about until plummeting in the Everfree forest where it blew up a few seconds after crashing.

"So how did you deal with Grrkek?" Kiva asked.

"Well, I found a sealing spell in one of my old books, so I had him magically locked away inside a prison orb. Coop then threw him out into the ocean. And don't worry, the spell I used is fool proof. There's no chance that he will ever get out."

Hearing the female unicorn explain her safety measures, Kiva smiled and nodded. "Nice work Twilight, I feel better knowing there's someone with Coop who can plan things out instead of just doing things recklessly."

Up in the front seat, Coop was showing off MEGAS's fire power to his young draconic passenger, along with Jamie on the front dashboard display.

Coop handed Twilight's assistant the controller. "Here give it a shot Spike."

The young passenger gazed upon the device in his hands and slowly moved a claw down towards a button. "Ok, so I just press a button, like this?"

Reacting to Spike's input, MEGAS's arm rose up and its fist shot out, flying straight across the valley and hitting a small forest. The three of them watch the ensuing explosion in amazement. The young dragon couldn't help but utter something.


"I know," said Coop.

Twilight and Kiva looked over at the three boys; neither understanding what had them so fascinated about mindless destruction.

"Now Twilight there's something I wanted you to have. Since the spatial anomaly that brought Coop to your world isn't stable enough to support constant radio communication, I was worried about MEGAS's condition without me."

Coop turned his head to face the projection. "What about me?"

On screen, Keva let out a brief smile. "Yes Coop, I was worried about you too"

Twilight couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Seeing as I won't always be able to help and noticing what a quick thinking, level headed and responsible person, uh, pony you are, I want you to have this. I understand you like books so I think you'll enjoy this." Kiva said, as she pressed something on the device on her wrist.

A compartment opened up from the back of the passenger seat, revealing a book. Twilight levitated it before her; the title read "Mechanized Earth Guard Attack System Operations Manual". The book seemed rather aged, but it was unlike any the novel loving unicorn had ever seen before.

"That manual contains all the information regarding MEGAS's operating systems as well as the design specification. With it you can understand the warnings and advise Coop on MEGAS's condition, as well as use its features to help when you need them. Just don't bother with the weapons control systems. Thanks to Coop's "modifications" those no longer apply."

The unicorn's attention was completely absorbed by the book, her eyes shined with excitement. She was like a filly who got exactly what she wanted for her birthday. A book on technology from another world, she could hardly contain her desire to start reading right away,

Jamie on the dashboard screen pointed over to the manual. "Hey Coop there's one more."

The colt turned back and noticed the manual, "Hey Twilight, can I see that?"

She happily obliged, "Sure." handing over her new book for her friend to see.

"NO!" Kiva yelled out, reaching her hand out as if to try to stop her.

Coop opened a hatch and dropped the book inside.


Spike pulled on a lever, causing the grill on the front of the car to open up and launch the book skyward. Holding a controller as though aiming a gun, Coop hit a button on the control. One of the front headlights opened up and launched a small missile that went straight for the book, hitting its mark. The blast caused pages to be scattered everywhere, set aflame as they gently fell to the ground.all over the valley.

"Nice!" the trio of boys shouted out.

Jamie, on screen and Spike prepared for a fist bump, Coop answered back by tuning his hoof down and hitting them with his joint. The duo with fingers and claws lifted their pinky and pointer upward, while Coop lifted his hoof up.

"Jamie!" an angry Kiva yelled out.

"Coop! Spike!" Twilight yelled, in similar manner.

Jamie disappeared off screen. The last thing that was seen before he vanished was a fist flying towards his face. The two on board MEGAS looked back to the saddened unicorn, guilt quickly washed over them. Twilight's precious new gift had been destroyed. She placed her hooves over her eyes, feeling them water up when she felt something place on her lap. She looked down and saw that it was another copy of the book..

"Don't worry Twilight; there are plenty of those lying around." Coop reassured. "But I'm sorry about upsetting you." He said in a solemn tone.

"Yeah me too Twilight" Spike joined in.

Twilight grasped her second gift firmly, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Alright you two, let's go home I'm up for teaching you guys a lesson in a game of "Blaster Man"."

"You're on!" Coop answered, smiling as looked at his delighted unicorn friend through the rearview mirror.

MEGAS flew off, leaving the now crater filled valley, flying past the trees and over the mountains and heading back to Ponyville.

Later that week, Coop and Spike were sitting, huddled together watching something on the television. Twilight Sparkle, having finished reading the entire manual for the third time, wandered over to see what type of show they were watching. On screen, a pony with a microphone appeared standing on a beach.

"We're back with Unsolved Equestrian Mysteries and today we revisit the myth of the sea ponies. Last time we told you about the mythical creatures that are half pony, half fish, that inhabit the great oceans far beyond the lands of Equestria. Stories tell us this pony race lives peacefully in the ocean depths and love to sing and dance all day long. Brave adventurer ponies have told tales of hearing the song of the sea ponies while traveling out to sea. Sadly on our last show, we failed to find conclusive evidence on the sea ponies existence, but recently there have been new developments around this myth."

Twilight moves in closer, intrigued to see what these "new developments" happened to be. Though the unicorn already had a clue as to what it might be.

The camera zooms in for a shot of the ocean. "New reports are coming in about strange new noises being heard from the ocean depths. Not of singing, but of cries. Cries as though something is being tortured or tormented. Could these cries be related to the myth of the sea ponies? Perhaps the sea ponies' singing is soothing the tortured soul under the waves, or it could be that their singing is the reason for its torment. Whatever the true reason, its mystery remains hidden in the deep blue.

Twilight thought for a moment, but shook her head. There's no such thing as Sea Ponies.

She left those two to enjoy their show. She then trotted over to her desk to write a letter to her teacher regarding what she had learned about friendship.

Over in Canterlot castle, Princess Celestia was making her way to the royal living quarters. She was searching for her younger sibling so they could read over the findings her star pupil had made regarding friendship.

She walked in and saw her younger sister Luna, sitting comfortably on the couch.

"Ah, there you are sister. I've just received a new letter from my star pupil, Twilight Sparkle, and thought we could read it together."

The younger winged unicorn hardly acknowledged the elder; her focus was drawn by something she was watching on the T.V.

"I'll join you just as soon as 'Unsolved Equestrian Mysteries' is done sister."