• Published 28th Dec 2011
  • 9,487 Views, 233 Comments

My Little Megas XLR - Alkem

Coop and MEGAS arrive in Poniville. Ponies, giant robots, chaos and explosions ensue.

  • ...

Do Mares Dig Giant Robots?

My little XLR

Chapter 2: Do mares dig giant robots?


Lying on the floor, fading in and out of consciousness with words faintly coming out from him, Coop rolled around periodically, still struggling.with the thought of having no fingers.

Inside of Pinkie Pie's house, located above Sugarcube Corner, two mares were keeping an eye on the passed out mech pilot.

"What's wrong with him Twilight?" Pinkie Pie asked, watching Coop rolling about.

"I think he's just in shock,"

Coop rolled onto his stomach. His eyes now slowly opened to the sight of a pink colored pony standing a few inches from his face, beaming at him with her pearly whites.

"Hi there, I'm Pinkie Pie."

Coop shut his eyes, convinced he was still dreaming. But when he opened them again, the pony was still in his face.

"Hi again."

Coop came to; he picked himself off the floor. Because he was still slightly in a daze he didn't realize the strange manner in which he was standing. Instead he focused on what was in front of him. "I must be dreaming; I could swear this pink colored horsey just talked."

"I did, I did talk. I said ‘hi there. I'm Pinkie Pie’, and I'm no horsey silly, I'm a pony. I’m so happy you’re finally awake." She grinned with glee.

Coop looked at Pinkie, zooming in to observe the stange creature. "A talking pink horse, usually I see talking cheeseburgers when I'm dreaming."

Coop looked around the room, he noticed the second odd-colored horse standing a few feet away, only that one had striaght hair and a horn on her head; he took notice of himself. "What happened to me?"

He looked over himself, noticing he now had a body similar to the talking horse in front of him, just not the same vibrant color. He had the same blonde hair and goatee he always did, but now he had a tail, and on the side of his butt was the image of a steering wheel with game controllers attached to it. His white tee shirt and red vest, the only clothes he had on his body, covered the upper half of his light brown earth pony figure.

"Man, I look like something outta a little girl’s TV show."

To Coop's great relief, he still retained his girth. He may look like a pony, but he could still feel his weight.

"Now Pinkie, give him room. He's still in shock over what just happened.” Twilight approached Coop and introduced herself. "Hi, my name is Twilight Sparkle."

Coop couldn't help but let out a chuckle after hearing the unicorn's name.

"And I'm Pinkie Pie.”

Twilight continued with her intro. "Now then, we found you in the outskirts of town just after that blast." Twilight looked over to Pinkie Pie who looked back with a awkward smile. "You were in the mouth of a giant metal monster."

Pinkie jumped figuratively and literally into the conversation, in between Twilight and Coop. "Yeah, you were passed out inside the monster's mouth, so we pulled you out and brought you here, and then you started rolling around saying weird stuff in your sleep, then you started to open your eyes and I said ‘Hi!’ but you went back to sleep, and then—"

"Thank you Pinkie," Twilight interrupted the pink chatterbox. "What I wanted to know is what was a pony doing fighting something like that, even more amazing is how did you manage to defeat it?"

Coop suddenly had a revalation.. "Wait, giant metal monster? That's MEGAS!" he yelled as he clasped his face. A second realization hit him. "Wait, I'm a pony?” he said as he turned his head, looking himself over once more.

"Duh," Pinkie Pie answered the colt's obvious question.

He slumped down and looked at one of his hooves. "Ah man, couldn't I've been something cooler? Like a lion, or wolf, or something better."

Pinkie and Twilight looked at each other, both completely confused over his nonsense he was spouting. "You mentioned something about that monster?" Twilight redirected.

"That's no monster, that's MEGAS. Wait, if MEGAS is here then that means…" He took a minute to ponder what that could mean. Coop's brain was practically audible as it processed all of the information, finally putting two and two together. "That means this ain't no dream then." After coming to that realization, he looked at himself once more. "Seriously, a pony."

"Meg-gus?" Twilight repeated, thrown off by the term.

"It's my robot car. I found it and fixed it up myself," Coop said, with a hint of pride in his voice.

"You mean you control that giant monster?" Twilight wondered.

"Robot. I control that giant robot," Coop corrected.

Pinkie Pie asked, "Really? That's amazing what does it do? What does it do?"

Coop smiled at the pony's interest. "How about I give you a demonstration."

Realizing where the conversation was heading, Twilight chimed in. "Oh dear, I wasn't aware it was yours. I'm afraid there might be a problem."

Coop quickly zipped over to Twilight, placing his new hooves on her shoulders. "Did something happen to MEGAS? Is it damaged? Did someone steal it? Please tell me no one scratched the paint job!"

"Well not exactly. You see...”

Upon hearing Twilight’s explanation, Coop shouted, "My Robot's been towed?!"

"To be frank, yes," Twilight answered.

Pinkie went up to Coop and explained, gesturing the events as she went on, "You should have seen it. Hundreds of unicorn and pegasus knights came to town. They wrapped up your monster, and then carried it away to Canterlot."

"Canter-lot?" Must be some sort of horsey impound lot, Coop thought to himself. "Alright then, I'll just have to get MEGAS from this Canter impound lot."

Coop made for the door, but stopped short of opening it. "Umm, how do I get there?"

"You'll need to talk to the princess in order to get your robot back. I can help you with that and since Pinkie Pie and I were planning on heading there anyway, we'll guide you there."

Suddenly, something of great urgency popped into Coop's head. "I won't need to go to some pony DMV, will I?"

Both Twilight and Pinkie stared at the strange pony. "DMV?" they both asked with one eyebrow raised on their puzzled looks.

"No DMV? Nice. Alright, this pony land thing is starting to look really good right now. Let's get going."

Arriving at Canterlot Castle's main gate, the trio began making their way inside.

"Coop, hurry up slowpoke!" Pinkie called as she waved her hoof over at him, who had stopped in front of the castle. He stood there for a moment not to admire the view, but to catch his breath from the surprisingly short walk from Pinkie Pie's balloon to the main gate.

"Coop, follow us. The princess is this way," said Twilight Sparkle, as she stepped inside with Pinkie Pie following right behind, holding her "Element sack" in her mouth. Coop soon followed.

Down the corridor, Coop saw various ponies standing guard around the castle. All of them stood tall at their posts, keeping a close eye on the three visitors. Coop couldn't help but admire the cool-looking solid gold armor the guards had on them. Something as awesome looking as that seemed out of place compared to all the fancy pants outfits he saw other ponies wear around the castle gate.

Inside the throne room Coop saw, aside from another pair of guards, 4 ponies. Each of the ponies differed in color. There was a light blue one and yellow one that had wings, a white one with a horn like Twilight and a regular orange one; the four of them stood before a set of stairs. At the top of the steps sat a larger pony-like figure.

The creature sitting on the throne looked similar in shape to the ponies, only taller. The large white pony had grand majestic wings, a horn bigger than any unicorn Coop had seen before on her head, a crown just above her horn, and a flowing multicolored mane and tail.
In Coop's eyes, she was one of the girliest things he had ever seen, but he could not look away. As the three of them approached, Pinkie and Twilight bowed. Coop's head suddenly went downward from the invisible force from Twilight’s magic.

"Princess Celestia, I've come with news," Twilight Sparkle said.

"Yes my star pupil, I have already received your letter." The princess rose from her throne and approached the three. She looked over to Coop and then looked out the window. She focused on a large object covered with a massive cloak. "Now then, let us start with the rather large issue at hoof."

While introductions and explanations were going on in the castle, far beyond the skies of Equestria, higher than any pegasus pony could ever hope to fly, was the familiar structure of the Glorft mothership.

"Commander! Status report on the ship."

"Yes Warmaster, it seems damage to the ship has been moderate; numerous units are offline, but our engineers should be able to repair most of the damage done. One thing to note is that our main cannon has suffered massive structural damage and is disabled. With all this taken into account I would say we are rather lucky considering what we just went through."

Gorrath reached out and grabbed the commander by the tentacles on his face, pulling him in close.
"We are lost in another dimension of a time zone we were already lost to begin with. We have no idea where we currently are, no clue how to return and have lost contact with my avatar prototype and its temporal device. What do you consider lucky about our situation?"

"Sir, considering what we just went through, the fact that none of the crew have perished is incredibly fortunate."

Gorrath relinquished his grip on the commander, who fell to the floor with a sharp metallic clang. Gorrath rose from his seat and took a few steps forward. He looked at the monitors; they all began to flicker on as power was restored to them. Gorrath made a comment to the commander as he started viewing the monitors. "You should consider yourself most fortunate for that commander."

The commander got up and begrudgingly answered, "Yes Warmaster." He then pointed up at the monitor. On it was the image of the swirling vortex. "Sir, about that anomaly; it seems to have stabilized, but its energy levels are too low to allow safe passage through. Our computers managed to pick up three sets of energy readings before we were sucked in, during our last encounter with the Earther."

"What is the point, commander?" Gorrath shouted, annoyed at the mention of his greatest enemy.

"I believe that third energy source is the trigger that caused the anomaly to expand causing our travel here. If we can find the source of that energy, maybe we can use it to return back to Earth's past at least."

"And where pray tell commander," Gorrath began, as he turned ready to strike the slug behind him. "Do you intend I start looking?"

The commander shielded his face behind the small monitor in his hands. "You see sir, I've tracked the energy reading; it leads to this planet close by."

The giant monitor in the center flashed and began to display a planet. The planet shared similar feature with that of the planet Earth, but aside from the similar colors of blue and green, the land masses were completely different.

The commander, controlling the projection with his handheld device, zoomed in on the image of the planet. "Pinpointing it, I believe that is where the source of the energy is located."

"Send down a probe, quickly! Find that energy source. I want to return back to Earth and destroy it once and for all." Gorrath bellowed.

Back in Canterlot Castle, Coop had finished explaining his story to the princess and the six ponies around him.

The princess looked on; she didn't seem surprised at Coop's story, or perhaps she had the world's greatest poker face. "So you truly are not from this world." The princess looked over at Coop. "I must say, you certainly are taking your change in appearance quite well."

"Yeah well, I've had lots of experience being other creatures." Memories of days past playing various RPGs flashed back in Coop's head.

"Princess, you don't seriously believe this pony," the light blue, rainbow maned pony with wings interjected as she flapped her wings, flying around Coop giving him a suspicious look.

The princess nodded. "I do my dear. His story may be a bit bizarre, but from what he has told us, it is clear that he is very familiar with that device." The princess looked back at the wrapped up MEGAS. "A device far more advanced than anything created by ponykind. A device forged for the purposes of combat, bathed in the fires of destruction."

"Yeah, the hot rod flames are pretty sweet," Coop responded, completely misunderstanding the comment. Everypony in the room gave Coop a look.

Shrugging off what Coop said, the princess went on. "Very well, since you intend on leaving this land to return to your home, I shall not impede you. I do not wish for such machinery to remain in my kingdom."

Coop, escorted by two guards, stepped out of the room and headed for the shrouded robot.

Meanwhile outside the castle, a small Glorft spy probe circled around the perimeters of the castle. Using a cloaking field, it freely moved around, avoiding detection as it searched for its objective.

"What primitive looking structures," Gorrath remarked as he looked at the probe's relay.

"Sir, the source of the energy should be inside that structure. There."

The commander maneuvered the probe to a window to look in. The image of the ponies inside appeared on the monitor.

"What are these disgusting creatures?" Gorrath pondered as he looked on at the absurdly colored beings.

"Unknown sir, but from what I can tell they seem to be the primary inhabitants of this planet." The commander then hit a switch on his control panel. The image on the monitor changed showing various colors of blue, red and oranges.

"Look here sir, the energy scanner shows where the source of the third energy came from."
The image showed four bright spots on screen that stood out from the mostly blue screen, clearly being sources of energy. Two of the sources, coming from the smaller creatures, scaled at medium energy output levels, the third one, coming from the largest creature in the room, scaled at very high levels, but the fourth scaled beyond the measures of the scanner.

"Sir, I've found the source." The commander swiped the energy reading display away, returning to a normal view of the throne room.

Gorrath looked at the image. "Element sack?" he said, unsure what to make of it. "Commander, prepare a squadron from the remaining working units for a recovery mission and have my mech prepped as well."

The commander looked a Gorrath, a little surprised at his statement. "Warmaster, you intend to go along as well?"

Gorrath began making his way to the hanger bay. "I am one sack away from returning to Earth and destroying it once and for all; I think ravaging this land will be a fun little warm up until then."

Back in the throne room, the six mares stood before their princess. Pinkie Pie, with her brown sack next to her, hung her head down in shame. The princess stood before her with a stern look upon her. "I believe you have some explaining to do."

Pinkie looked up; she wanted to face her princess as she told the truth. "Yes, your highness. You see, I was the one who took the Elements. I took them because–"

Pinkie Pie's speech was interrupted by a sudden crash; the shock was so powerful, it shook the entire castle. Then several more crashes occurred. The ponies in the throne room rushed to the window to see what caused them. Suddenly, something burst through the throne room wall above them. A giant arm swung down into the room, creating a hole in the wall. The ponies moved away, just avoiding the collapsing wall. A hideous metal face peered inside; colored green and grey with glowing red eyes, it looked around the room and found what it was looking for.

"Remember, don't destroy anything until that sack is secure," Gorrath's orders rang through the soldier's radio.

On the other side of the Castle, Coop had made his way inside MEGAS.

"Alright, time to head back home."

Coop reached for the ignition, his hand-turned-hoof had trouble turning the key. "Ah man, I knew I shouldn't have listened to Kiva. ‘Don't install a push start Coop, MEGAS will get stolen.’ Psshh, what does she know?"

Coop struggled for a bit but finally managed to turn the key, starting MEGAS up. The engine roared as though happy its master had returned as he stepped on the gas. Hand or hooves, there were just some parts of driving that didn't change. Coop looked back one last time to the castle. There he saw some familiar faces.

"The squids! Here?" A smile spread across Coop's face. "Guess I get to have some fun before I go."

Witnessing the Glorft mech smash into the castle wall, a sudden thought ran through Coop's head, the kindness of the girly ponies he met on this planet. He knew he had to repay them. For one thing they actually helped him instead of trying to kill him, like so many other creatures he’s met before. Plus fighting the Glorft was always fun.

Unexpectedly, his dashboard monitor turned on and Kiva appeared on screen. "Coop, are you alright? Is MEGAS damaged? I was worried something had happened… What happened?" Kiva's last question faltered as she got a look at who was at the driver's seat.

Coop answered back in a serious tone. "Kiva, I'm glad to see you but no time to explain, gotta save candy-colored ponies from a Glorft invasion."

Kiva paused for a moment, trying to register what she saw and heard just now. Then she remembered who it was she was talking to. "Okay Coop, I understand."

The large three-fingered metal claw of the Glorft mech reached in and grabbed the brown cloth sack with the Elements inside.

"Oh no you don't," Rainbow Dash stated as she flew over to the giant's hand and delivered two powerful kicks. A loud clang rang out, but the giant did not let go of the Elements. Its other arm busted in and gave the blue pegasus a swat.

Rainbow was sent flying across the room; her body was caught by the princess using her magic. "Are you alright, my pony?" the princess asked, concerned for her subject's safety.

Rainbow Dash rubbed her head. "I'm alright princess, but what about the Elements?"

Applejack lassoed her rope around the robot’s hand. Pinkie and Rarity charged at it, planting hoof kick after hoof kick while Fluttershy helped her friend hold the hand in place. Rainbow Dash joined in, she flew up and bucked the robot in its eye, shattering its eye lens. Its hand started denting from the pummeling it received. Twilight used her magic to grab the sack in its hand. Struggling against the five ponies fighting against it, the mech finally jerked it’s arm back. Freeing itself, falling over in the process.

"Sir, our soldiers have retrieved the energy source," the commander announced through Gorrath's monitor.

"Good." Gorrath sent out a message to his squadron. "All units prepare to lay waste to the area. Let us teach these feeble life forms to fear the Glorft."

Royal guards began attacking the intruders; pegasus knights rammed them, while unicorn knights hit the Glorft robots with magic. Unfazed by the pony defenses, they simply swatted the pegasi away and stomped the ground, sending the unicorns flying.

The ponies of legend and the princess were still in the throne room, trapped by fallen debris blocking the exit; the only other way out was the gaping hole currently being blocked by the metal monster. The creature lifted up its other arm and pointed it directly at the ponies. Its right arm was different from the other; it had no fingers, just several long hollow shafts that were pointing straight at the 7 ponies.

"Girls stay behind me and don't move. Twilight Sparkle, I'll need your assistance." the princess ordered.

Twilight stood next to her teacher and assisted her in creating a magic dome that covered all of them. Fluttershy faced away from the monster, covering her head with her hooves in fear of what was about to happen. Alongside her, Pinkie Pie was doing the same thing. Applejack and Rainbow Dash stood behind their princess and Twilight, staring down the giant, both ready to fight. Rarity placed herself at Twilight's side, assisting the princess and her with the barrier.

The mech's gatling arm rotated quickly, making sounds as though it was about to fire something. The ponies braced themselves.


The similar sound that Rainbow Dash made when she kicked the Glorft mech rang louder this time. The mech and the massive cloaked figure that tackled it fell into the giant hedge maze. The element sack was sent flying from the impact.

Gorrath, surprised by the sudden interruption, looked over at the commotion. "What was that?" He looked over and saw a giant figure as tall as their mechs standing over the now disabled Glorft unit.

The commander came up on screen. "Sir, it appears to be a unit of some kind."

"Thank you commander, once again, your brilliant deduction skills have proved useful," Gorrath said sarcastically, clearly annoyed by his lackey's incompetence.

"But sir, from the scanner readings that mech is actually th–" The commander's image on the screen disappeared as Gorrath cut off communications.

"Attention squadron, focus on retrieving that sack; but take care not to destroy it. I shall take the pleasure of dealing with this obstruction myself." he said, looking to the cloaked figure.

The squadron followed orders and made their way to where the element sack had been dropped. Gorrath made his way to the mysterious mech.

Inside MEGAS's controls, Kiva appeared again on the dashboard monitor. "Coop, are you sure you can handle this?"

"It's only the squid heads Kiva, I've handed their sorry butts to them so much I could do it blind folded."

"What about with no hands?"

"Is that a challenge?"

"No Coop, I mean have you looked at yourself? You don't have hands."

Coop looked at his hooves, remembering what had happened to him. "No big deal. This will be like the time I entered that fighting tournament at the mall."

Off-screen on the monitor Jamie's voice could be heard. "Yeah Kiva, Coop did so much training that time to prepare, the doctors had to put casts on his hands to stop him from damaging them anymore."

"Hey, I still won the tournament," Coop added, pointing to a shelf on screen. The shelf in Coop's basement had a broken trophy on it with two photos next to it. One was of Coop raising the trophy up in victory, and the second was of the same trophy slipping from Coop's casted hands.

"Just be careful Coop, remember this is still the Glorft," said Kiva.

The two mechs charged at each other. They immediately began exchanging blows. MEGAS, still covered in the sheets the ponies placed on it, landed a vicious right hook to Gorrath's mech. The Glorft robot buckled under the impact. MEGAS then lifted it up, delivering a devastating backdrop.
Gorrath, highly acquainted with that move, skillfully maneuvered his mech to avoid taking high damage from the fall. "That move, it was so familiar."

"See, I tol you I coul do et wit no hans," Coop barely managed to say with his mouth currently on the wheel.

While Gorrath and Coop were going at it, the Glorft squadron began to move closer to the Elements. Just as one was about to pick the sack up, a rope landed on it. The brown bundle was quickly pulled away. Applejack, who lassoed it up, placed it on her back and made a run for it. The squadron stood still for a second, taken aback, but then began giving chase.

Applejack was making her way with the Elements, running to the rear of the castle when one Glorft mech cut her off. She quickly tossed the bag up and yelled out. "Rainbow Dash!"

The Glorft mech jumped up to catch the bag, but was beaten by a multicolored blur. The Glorft robot jumped right into the flight path of another mech that was chasing the flying pony and the two crashed in midair. The impact sent them crashing into the dining hall, exploding after a few seconds.

Rainbow Dash, with element bag in mouth, fled from the remaining mechs. They hardly could keep up with the surprisingly fast creature. Trying their best to catch up to her, they went flying around the castle.

Soaring with great agility above the castle, winding around the castle towers, Rainbow Dash widened the distance between them. The mechs tried following her through the winding trail, but a couple of them smashed into the castle towers.

As they continued to fly after her, Pinkie Pie dropped on the backs of one of them. She looked over to mechs flying behind her and began giving them faces. Insulted by the little ponies antics, they aimed their weapons and opened fire.

“Fluttershy!’ she called out as she jumped off the Glorft robots back just as it was fired upon.

Her friends flew by, snatching her as she fell. The two that had fired upon their own, continued their pursuit of the Elements.

"How are you letting these weak creatures best of you?" Gorrath shouted, watching his men get tricked by the girls.

One of the Glorft mechs took aim and fired a blast; it just barely missed Rainbow Dash. Startled by the close call, she dropped the bag.

"You fool! Don't fire! You could have destroyed our only way back." Gorrath's voice rang through the transmissions; he was still locked in combat with the shrouded MEGAS.

"Coop, whatever the Glorft are after, I think it may be the key to bringing you back to Earth," Kiva told Coop over the monitor.

"No sweat, just gotta take care of the squids attacking the girls then."
Megas turned around, about to head after the remaining mechs chasing after the ponies, when it was knocked to the ground by a powerful kick from behind. The force of the impact sent MEGAS skidding across the ground.

"Forgetting me?" said the Glorft leader as he stood across the rubble where MEGAS lay.

MEGAS bounced back up, kicking the enemy mech away in the process. Gorrath was knocked back but stayed on his feet. Now facing down the Glorft leader, Coop began revving his engines; flames shot out from MEGAS's exhaust.

On the screen Kiva appeared. "Coop, MEGAS's thermal readings are showing a sudden spike in heat, what's happening?"

On the outside of the blue mech, flames were spreading all over, as the cloak it still wore had caught fire. Coop, looking at the rear view mirror finally noticed the flames. "Whoops. So that's why you said MEGAS can't have a cape."

Coop removed the ignited robe, sending it skyward. MEGAS shined brightly in the moonlight as it faced down the Glorft mech.

Gorrath stood, shocked, realizing who he was fighting. "The prototype! here?" Gorrath quickly sent a message over the radio. "All units: disengage the current target. The prototype is here; focus on capturing it and the temporal device."

Back on the other side of the castle, the Glorft mechs had surrounded a pony with the bag in her possession. Fluttershy had nowhere to run. She cowered in fear, holding the bag in front of her, unable to even let out a squeak. Suddenly, the mechs ignored her and took off, flying over to where Coop and Gorrath were still fighting. The other ponies rushed in to see if she was okay.

"What do ya'll think got their attention like that?" Applejack asked.

"I think it was that," Rainbow Dash said, pointing over to where Coop and Gorrath were still fighting, the other mechs were making their way towards them.

An incoming signal came onto Coop's dashboard and an unwanted familiar face popped up on screen. "So you managed to survive Earther, you've saved me some trouble. now I'll take back my prototype and…." Gorrath suddenly paused as he looked at who was at the wheel of MEGAS.

"What the flarp happened to you?" the alien asked. Seeing what Coop had become, the Glorft Warmaster couldn't help but laugh.

"What happened to your… uh… face?" Coop replied, trying to give a witty comeback.
Gorrath's mech prepared to face off with MEGAS once more. "Today, I shall take great pleasure in destroying you Earther, in your pathetic state."

MEGAS faced the Glorft mech ready to fight back.

"Alright, you red-eyed, snot-looking squid, you attack my planet, get me sent to this weird pony world where I get changed into a kid show looking horsey, attack my new friends, and make fun of the way I look, which I'm starting to like by the way. You're going down."

The two mechs charged at each other once more. The two matched each other's punch. The force of the blows knocked them both back. Both mechs instantly begin firing at each other. A barrage of lasers began to hit MEGAS from behind; the squadron had caught up and was closing in to attack. Coop tried his best to shield himself on both sides, but at this rate, the shots from Gorrath's mech would tear him apart.

To Coop's fortune, a bright object suddenly fell from the sky. It landed right on top of one of the Glorft mechs charging towards him. Blinded by the still-burning cloak, the mech veered to the right, hitting another mech and knocking one unit into a castle tower, exploding on impact. The force of the explosion caused the top of the tower to fly off. The now airborne portion flew straight into 4 more Glorft mechs knocking them into the castle ball room, before exploding. The lone blinded mech was the only one left still charging.

MEGAS plucked it out of the air like a football and positioned it in front of him. MEGAS began running straight to Gorrath, who was still firing upon him. The shots were tearing into the Glorft mech Coop was using as a shield as he made his way closer.

Coop stomped his hind pony hoof down on the pedal. MEGAS's rockets ignited. The Glorft mech shield was turning into Swiss cheese as shot after shot from the Warmaster's weapon penetrated its armor. As Coop closed the gap, he chucked what remained of his shield at Gorrath, who knocked it away with one arm.

"YaaaaaaaH!" Coop yelled as MEGAS threw a punch to the enemy mech. Gorrath quickly threw a countering punch with the gatling gun arm of his mech. Both robots were pushing their fists against each others’, never letting up. Their rockets roared, the flames burning everything behind them, as they both tried their hardest to overpower the other. Gorrath let out a sinister grin as he pulled a trigger.

The ear piercing screech of metal scraping on metal could be heard. It got louder and faster as the barrels of Gorrath's gatling energy gun began to rotate quickly as it prepared to fire. Near the two battling mechs, Twilight Sparkle appeared in a flash of light. Her horn radiated with a bright purple aura. Just as Gorrath's mech was about to fire, warning signals began popping up all over his screens.

Something had happened at the base of his robot's weapon. A purple glow enveloped around the trigger mechanism of its gun, causing it to jam. It began to crack as numerous sounds of explosions could be heard from within.

"No! Noooooo!" Gorrath yelled as the gun-arm began backfiring and exploding. It began to fall apart, and MEGAS's giant fist plowed through the remains of the Glorft mech's arm. MEGAS flew past, leaving Gorrath's robot standing there, amputated.

"Raaaaagh!" Gorrath’s mech fell onto its knees. His mech was heavily damaged and his squadron sprawled across the castle grounds, destroyed; he had not expected much resistance from the puny creatures, let alone for the prototype to be there. Taking these into consideration, he dreaded his next order. "All units. Fall back to the ship."

Glorft mechs, mostly the heads of them, began heading skyward, disappearing past the clouds. On Coop’s display, Gorrath appeared one last time.

"You caught me off guard this day Earther, but next time I'll be prepared. And when I return, I'll destroy you, this planet, and its weak pathetic inhabitants."

"Hey squid just so you know, they're ponies. You and your boys got whooped by cute little ponies."

Coop's hoof hit various buttons in front of the screen as he tried to disconnect. Managing to hit the right one, Gorrath disappeared from the screen.

"New planet, new look, same ugly squids."

Later in the morning in Canterlot Castle after the sun had risen, two sisters were having a discussion.

Princess Celestia was sitting on a couch, her attention focused elsewhere. "So that's what happened; Coop fended off those invaders and protected the Elements of Harmony and Canterlot."

"But sister, are you sure that was a good idea? I mean to place somepony like that and his giant in the care of the six of them?" Celestia's sister, Princess Luna, asked. Concerned over what had taken place as she looked over the damage around the castle grounds.

Celestia put down what she was fiddling with to address her younger sister. "You forget dear sister, they have saved us from disaster before, and this visitor has shown to me he wishes no harm onto us. So I have decided that until he can return to his world, he is free to stay here along with his ‘MEGAS’ as he calls it."

Luna looked back at her elder sister, still not convinced. "Sister, you're taking this situation too lightly; look at all the damage that pony's machine caused. I mean--"


Luna was interrupted by an object that flew past her head. The strange device missed her and lightly tapped the wall behind her, causing the last remaining portion of the castle wall to topple over.

The two royal sisters sat in the middle of the rubble of the throne room of what was once Canterlot Castle; around them hundreds of ponies were working hard rebuilding after what had happened the night before. Princess Celestia went on with what she was going to say.

"You worry too much, sister. I’m certain that Twilight Sparkle and her friends will be able to keep an eye on our guest. Now hurry up and pick up your controller," said Celestia as she refocused on the rather large television screen that somehow managed to survive the chaos.

Luna lifted up the control previously tossed at her and joined her elder sister. As Luna took a seat and was about to join in, a thought occurred to her. "Sister,. I've been meaning to ask you about something."

Although highly focused on what she was doing, Celestia already knew what her sister was about to ask.

"Oh this? Well, you see after what took place last night, Coop attempted to return home, but it seems for the time being he is unable to. I declared that until he can return, he is welcome to stay, and I am making arrangements for him to live in Ponyville. He was grateful, but still saddened because he could not play a new ‘video game’, as he called it, he currently had in his possession; and was depressed because he could not enjoy it in the manner he had planned. I asked for him to show me what exactly this ‘video game’ was. It was quite enjoyable. After his demonstration, I took it upon myself, in a gesture of gratitude, to repay him for his heroics by creating a replica of his "game system" he had on board his metal giant so he could play in the comfort of his home."
Celestia pointed a hoof over to the strange device next to the TV. "You see, I enjoyed it so much I'm having them mass produced so that all of Equestria can enjoy it. Now, hurry up and play."

Luna, satisfied with that answer, picked up the controller with her magic and joined in. "Alright big sister, maybe this time you'll end my winning streak."

"I'll stop you at 39." Celestia pouted.

As the two sisters became caught up in their game while around them ponies were hard at work, another thought came to Luna.

The idea of making a device like this available to all the ponies of Equestria. Something that can easily distract ponies from completing important tasks in their daily lives; just like it had with her sister for example, worried Luna. The thought that this might create a setback to pony productivity for years to come crept into her mind.

"I'm going to beat you this time," Celestia chanted.

"On no you don't sister," Luna said. That idea was quickly forgotten as she put her focus on not letting her sister win.