• Published 28th Dec 2011
  • 9,483 Views, 233 Comments

My Little Megas XLR - Alkem

Coop and MEGAS arrive in Poniville. Ponies, giant robots, chaos and explosions ensue.

  • ...

CMC Recipe of MEGAS Proportion

My Little XLR

Chapter 4: CMC Recipe of MEGAS Proportion

"Mr. Cooplowski. Mr. Cooplowski."

Two fillies, a white unicorn and a light yellow Earth pony, were rapidly tapping their hooves on Coop’s shoulders who was sitting in between them.

"Coop wake up," the Earth pony whispered.

His eyes opened and his surroundings slowly began to come into focus. Rolling his eyes up, Coop noticed the magenta Earth pony with the pink mane. She was she was big, well not as big as her, but at least when compared to the young ponies sitting at their desks around the classroom.

She stared at the colt who was crammed into the tiny school chair, just barely squeezed in.

"Now Coop, I understand the princess has made a special arrangement for you to attend, but that's no excuse for sleeping during class."

Coop's eyes widened and he snapped to attention. He was trying his hardest to behave for Ms. Cheerilee, who, by his experience, was one of the nicest teachers he's ever had. Unfortunately, due to years of boring experiences with school back in his world, he could not help but doze off.

He turned he head up to her and looked her in the eye with a sincere look on his face. "I'm sorry about that Ms. Cheerilee.”

"It's alright Coop, just please don't do it again," she replied with a smile.

Cheerilee headed back to the board to resume her lesson. As she turned, almost as if by instinct, Coop began to nod off again. The fillies sitting to his left and right panicked as they saw his eyes shut and his head fall back. They both tapped his shoulders again, practically punching him, trying to be covert so not to attract Ms. Cheerilee's attention. Resorting to wailing on the colt, Coop's head still moved down towards his desk. They were out of ideas.

Coop's head instantly flew back up. The girls were shocked, jumping back at his sudden movment. He was still asleep. Looking behind him, they saw their friend. An orange pegasus was pulling on Coop's hair, literally hanging by the skin of her teeth. Dangling off the ground, she used her weight to keep his head up. The other two fillies quickly grabbed some tape and fasten it on his eyelids making it appear as though he was awake.

Cheerilee, reaching the front of the class, turned back and looked over to her newest student. His gaze and expression was that of a pony ready to learn; beside him were two fillies, smiling, and eager to learn as well. "Alright class, let's begin with the attendance. Apple Bloom.”

The Earth pony sitting to Coop’s right raised her hoof. “Here.”

“Sweetie Belle.”

The mare on his left raise her hoof in response. “Here.”

As she went through the list of names and students answered, the girls realized that soon their napping friend would be called.

"Harold Cooplowski," Cheerilee called out.

Still hanging onto Coop, the pegasus kicked Coop on his right arm forcing it to jerk upward.

Seeing what her friend did, Apple Bloom gave her best impersonation of Coop’s voice. "Here!"

It worked, Cheerilee went on calling other students' names. A wave of relief washed over the trio.

"Scootaloo," Cheerilee called out,

"Here," the little pegasus answered, forgetting her current situation as she let go of Coop’s hair.

Coop's head slammed onto his desk with a loud thud. Startled fillies jumped in their desks at the sound. Those in the classroom that had been watching the hijinks unfold since the beginning, burst into laughter. Cheerilee was not amused.

A few days earlier, over at Twilight Sparkle's house, Applejack and Rarity, along with their younger sisters, had come over at Twilight's request. They were having a discussion regarding their new friend.

"So the princess wants Coop to go to school? As in the same school Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle go to?"

"That's what the letter she sent to me said, Applejack. She wants Coop to learn more about Equestria and us ponies since he's going to be here for some time."

"But Twilight dear, why did you call for us?"

"You see Rarity, there's a favor I wanted to ask of you two, of your sisters to be exact. I wanted to ask if they can look after Coop while he attends class."

Rarity and Applejack didn’t know what to say. They each looked at their sisters, unsure how they would react to Twilight's request.

"Well sure thing, Twilight. Me and Sweetie Belle would love to help out this Coop fella," said Apple Bloom

"Yeah, we'll even get Scootaloo to help out. Together it will be easy for the Cutie Mark Crusaders," Sweetie Belle added.

"Now Sweetie Belle, are you sure you're up to this?" Rarity asked, concerned for her sister considering whom she was being asked to watch over.

"I'm sure they'll be fine. ‘sides, it'll be during school so I'm sure nothin' awful could happen." Applejack said as she nodded her head.

Twilight faced Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, "Thank you girls, I feel a lot better knowing that somepony can help Coop, as well as keep an eye on him. With the three of you watching him, I'm sure things will be okay."

The three older ponies continued their chat while the two fillies ran off to find their friend.

"Hey Sweetie Belle, don't you think they seemed a little too worried over this Coop fella? I guess I'd be worried bout a pony with something big like that too," Apple Bloom said.

"I'm sure they're just worried for their friend. I mean how much trouble can one pony be?" Sweetie Belle answered.

Back in school during a break period, four students sat around at their desks having a chat.

"I can't believe you fell asleep like that Coop," Sweetie Belle griped.

"Sorry. It's just that school was boring back in my world. Good thing Ms. Cheerilee is so nice."

"Aw, it's alright. What I can't believe is that somepony let go of you like that," Apple Bloom said as she glared at Scootaloo.

"Hey, I couldn't help answering when my name was called; It's like a reflex or something. Besides, it's not like you had any bright ideas at the time."

"That's cause I was busy thinking, unlike you."

Sweetie Belle cut in between them. "Girls that's enough arguing, we've got a more important matter to deal with. We got to hurry up and come up with an idea for the bake sale."

Ms. Cheerilee had announced a baking project to promote teamwork, and develop some cooking skills.

"We need to think of what to make. It has to be something that ponies would love. I think we should go with cupcakes. Everypony loves cupcakes, at least that's what Pinkie Pie always says," Sweetie Belle said.

"How's about we make a pie, I know the recipe for my family's famous apple pie,” said Apple Bloom

"Nah, let's make something easy, like muffins. I bet that grey pegasus will come and buy all of them,” said Scootaloo.

They started getting into an argument.




They continued to argue, while Coop sat there with images of the three treats dancing in his head. A ping sound went off in his brain.

"I got it!" he shouted as he clasped his hooves.

The girls stopped their bickering and stared at him.

"How about we combine the three into one big super treat?"

The fillies tilted their heads as they lowered their brows. "How's that even supposed to work Coop?" Scootaloo wondered.

"It'll be easy; I've mixed plenty of foods together back home." In his head, Coop thought back to times when he experimented by mixing meals that no rational thinking person would. Like his deep-fired ice cream-cheeseburger-pizza taco. He may not remember how he managed to keep the ice cream frozen, but the taste still lingered on in his mouth.

The girls stood there, watching as Coop stared blankly into the distance. Busy reliving those moments in his head until he looked back at them, finally returning to reality.

Apple Bloom decided, "Alright Coop, since yer the expert at this, you can lead us in making this cupcake-muffin-pie thingy."

"Yeah, that's perfect!" Sweetie Belle nodded.

"Well, I guess we'll go with that. Besides, somepony with your expertise is bound to know plenty about making good food," Scootaloo said, pointing at Coop's round belly.

"Thanks," he replied while patting his gut.

The air around Sugar Cube Corner was rich with the aroma of baked sweets. Inside the bakery, Coop and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were in the rear kitchen, starting to make their confectionery combination.

"It's a good thing Mr. and Mrs. Cake let us borrow the kitchen so we can make our pie.”



"Whatever!" Apple Bloom yelled, before another fight broke out between them.

A few feet away from the kitchen, just out of earshot of the three girls, Coop and Pinkie Pie were having a secret meeting. Both of them kept their voices to a whisper.

"Thanks Pinkie, for convincing the Cakes to let us borrow the kitchen."

"Sure thing, Coop. Just remember, I get to try a piece when it's done."

"No problem," he said. Coop raised a brow, looking over to her. "Uh Pinkie Pie, why are we whispering and being secretive again?"

"Cause sneaking around and pretending to do spy things like this is fun."

They nodded silently to each other in agreement, then they slipped back to their places as if nothing had happened.

Trotting back into the kitchen, Coop saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders hard at work preparing to cook. "So girls, how are things going with the uh muffin-cupcake-pie thing? Hmm, maybe we should start with a name."

"Well, we’re not sure where to start," Scootaloo pointed out. "We have all the ingredients but were not sure how were gonna put them together."

"You just leave that part to me," Coop reassured. "Let's get them baked first."

They each put on their cooking aprons and chef hats and started cooking. Each filly was hard a work, Apple Bloom was making her pie crust, Sweetie Belle was making a mess as she beat her eggs and Scootaloo was mixing the dough in a bowl. Coop observered them and helped out when he thought they needed it.

"It needs more pie crust, Apple Bloom. Scootaloo, you need to make more dough. Sweetie Belle, add more batter, it needs to be bigger."

"Umm, Coop. How big is this thing supposed to be?" Sweetie Belle wondered.

"Yeah, muffins aren't supposed to be this big."

"It'll be enough to share with everybody," he joyously replied.

After some time and a lot of baking, the team had finally finished. The girls each stood proudly beside their work; Scootaloo next to her muffin, Apple bloom, beside her pie, and Sweetie Belle with her slightly charred cupcake. Each of their treats were about three times their size.

"Perfect, now comes my part," Coop said, rubbing his hooves together. "You three are about to witness one of my specialties. Watch and learn."

Outside the pastry shop, MEGAS with the three pastries in hand positioned its other hand over the treats and proceeded to crush them.

"Coop! What the hay are you doing?!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Yeah, we worked so hard to make those," Apple Bloom added.

"Just because it was a little burnt didn't mean you had to crush it," said Sweetie Belle.

Coop remained calm, as he carefully, precisely and with all his skill continued to crush the heck out of the trio's baked goods.

"Relax girls. I know what I'm doing, just watch."

As MEGAS stopped its general mashing, it opened its palm, revealing in one hand a perfect square of what was once the three baked goods. They were astonished. It was just like Coop said, he did know what he was doing; it was just his unique method of kneading dough that threw them off. As they basked in the presences of Coop's work, a little chunk fell from it. The piece fell and was caught down below by Pinkie Pie, who then ran back inside the bakery to enjoy.

"Whoops. I guess it needs a little bit of cooking to keep it together."

A little hoof tapped Coop on the shoulder. "Coop, I don't think we'll have time to bake it again," said Sweetie Belle.

"We've got to get back to class soon," Apple Bloom added.

Scootaloo popped her head around the front seat, pointing her hoof at the cube. "Plus I don't think we'll find an oven big enough for that. We barely fit them in the oven individually."

"Hmm... I got it." Thinking quickly, Coop placed their pastry creation onto the ground and began to fiddle with some knobs on the radio controls.

"What ya planning on doing, Coop?" Apple Bloom nervously asked as she watched Coop's hoof moved through the various buttons throughout the dashboard, each with dangerous sounding labels posted on them.

"Just gonna give it a little heat."

"Heat?" the girls responded.

"Yeah, like a microwave. Since we need to cook it quick, I think this level will do." He turned a knob on his radio as the stick on the radio meter jumped to the right, passing "Gamma" levels and landing on "You're kidding!" levels. He pressed his hoof down on the knob, causing a ray of green light to shine from the car's headlights. The beam shone directly on the crumbly cube on the ground. "Now we just wait a bit."

A few minutes later...

"That should be enough," Coop said as he switched off the headlights and MEGAS lifted their masterpiece up.

The area on the ground that took the blast of light was burned to a crisp. Only a sliver of grass where the mushy box rested on remained untouched.

Apple Bloom observed the blackened soil. "Coop, you think you might have used to much power?"

He pointed over to their result. "Does that look like too much power?" The giant treat was cooked golden brown, it was literally glowing.

"Coop, is it supposed to glow like that?" Sweetie Belle wondered, concerning over the other worldly hue that shined off from it.

"That's just how it looks when it's cooked right."

"Is it also supposed to move around like that?" Scootaloo asked, pointing over to the baked muffin-pie-cake mixture that wobbled, jiggled and at one moment hopped.

"It's just settling. Trust me, everybody is going to love it"

"Coop, it’s ‘everypony.’ You mean ‘everypony is going to love this’," said Sweetie Belle.

"Sorry, still haven't gotten used to that," he said as he drove MEGAS back to school, with the freshly cooked pastry in its hand.

Back in class, Cheerilee watched as each group brought in their treats. Their bright smiles as they worked together warmed her heart. The team of Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Coop were last to arrive back to class.

"Oh my," Cheerilee said, stunned as she saw them cart in the giant dessert they made. "You four certainly have outdone yourselves."

They placed their work in the back of the class room with the rest of their classmates and took their seats. The lessons continued as normal; Coop finally got the hang of staying awake in class. Probably because he found it more interesting than his school days, or perhaps it was due to the constant whacks he received from his three guardians whenever he showed signs of dozing off.

Since he managed to stay awake, and without a car magazine to distract himself, Coop learned about the lives of ponies. About cutie marks, the role of the princesses, the three types of ponies, and how friendship is a source of power in this world. It was a rare moment where he actually learned what was being taught in class. Afterwards, the awaited bake sale started.

"All right class, please pack up. We need to start preparing for the bake sale."

All the fillies stored their belongings away and headed outside to help set up. They worked together; setting up tables, placing table cloths, making signs, putting up banners, and painting posters with Cheerilee proudly overseeing her students work.

A trio of young colts were making their way inside to bring out everyponies' baked goods.

"Hurry up Pipsqueak!" the short pudgy unicorn cried out.

"Commin' Snips," he replied, catching up with the two of them as he pulled a red wagon behind him.

At the back of the classroom, the three of them eyed the mouth watering collection cupcakes, sweetrolls, cakes, dumplings, and other sweets that covered every inch of the table. They couldn't help but notice the large square one that had been set on the floor next to the table.

The tallest of the trio approached the cake. "Has that thing gotten bigger?"

"Cakes don't grow, Snails, now come on. Let's start with ours first. That way everypony gets a good look at the best one."

They placed the their cake inside the wagon and took it outside. Traveling back and forth, bringing out treats one by one, they finally got to the last one. They entered the class room, with Snips resting atop the squeaky empty wagon as Pipsqueak pulled the cart inside.

Snails couldn’t help but notice the grand spongy cube as he entered the room. "Uh, Snips."

"Yes Snails?"

"You sure cakes don't grow?"

"I told you already, no they don't!"

Pipsqueak placed his shaky hoof on his leg and tugged. "Pardon me Snips, you may want to have a look at this."

"What is… it?" he said, eyes widening as he saw the menacing mass of rising dough.

Neglected, the mushy concoction quietly gained size until it took up a third of the classroom.

Curiosity beckoned Snips closer. "What's with this thing?" he said, prodding his hoof on the bouncy surface.

As if it were alive, the square reacted to his hoof prodding. Its steady rate of growth suddenly hastened.

"Let get outta here!" he hollered.

They ran out the door, yelling for dear life.

"Everypony run! The cake is alive!" Pipsqueak cried, while he and his friends ran through the crowd of students.

Everypony outside stood there dumbfounded over what the little colt had just said, unaware of what was about to happen.

What followed were the sounds of lumber snapping as the school started to inflate. They watched as the building expanded. The pastry inside had grown too big causing the school to pop like a balloon. Everypony gasped as the rising dough destroyed their school and continued increasing in size.

"That thing looks familiar," Coop said, looking on.

"Of course it looks familiar. That's the pastry we made," said Apple Bloom.

"Maybe I used too much power?”

"Gee Coop, you think?" Scootaloo answered.

Coop began making his way to MEGAS, the Cutie Mark Crusaders followed behind him. He turned to face them.

"Oh no. You three stay back where it's safe."

"But Coop, that's our creation, we made it together," said Apple Bloom.

"So we should stop it together," Sweetie Belle chimed in.

"Even if it was you who caused it to grow like that," Scootaloo added.

Apple Bloom took a step forward. "’Sides, while yer at school, we're yer Cutie Mark Crusader guardians.” She then looked at him with big, sad eyes. “Are ya gonna make us be lousy chaperons?"

Onboard MEGAS, Coop started up the engine and adjusted his rear view mirror. He turned his head to the back seats. "Alright girls, buckle up."

They cheerfully fastened their safety belts.

"One more thing, don't let your sisters find out about this."

The ground shook as MEGAS approached the still-growing snack; it was now bigger than the buildings surrounding it.

"How are you going to stop it?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Haven't I taught you girls earlier?” Sharp clanging sounds echoed as the giant bumped its fist together. “You gotta smash it just right."

A volley of steel crahsed onto their expanding creation. It lurched back in pain from the stream of fists. The onslaught of strikes chiped away at the pastry, bringing it down to size.

All the fillies, along with Cheerilee watched on, observing Coop's unique problem solving method. He prepared one final strike, hitting the two triggers on his controller. MEGAS's arms went up to deliver a hammer fist.


The mech's twin metal arms crashed down, carving halfway into thick mush before it came screeching to a halt.


MEGAS’s engines roared, but the dough’s vice like grip held its arm tight. The moist blob bloated back to its larger size and shoulder threw the bot. The ground shook violently as its metallic frame was planted on the into the soil. The stands Coop and his fellow classmates worked so hard to make wobbled slightly from the impact.

Gnashing his teeth, Coop turned the wheel, shifted a gear and stomped his hoof on the pedal. MEGAS kicked-up onto its feet, crushing two stands in the process. Classmates down below looked up with open frowns and furrowed brows.

A head popped out the car’s side window, waving at the group down below. "Sorry!"

Apple Bloom pointed over to their work. "Coop, look!"

The confection convulsed randomly, its body changed from a cube form, to a humanoid build. From the mound of squishy bread, two arms and a head popped out of the risen strand that made mound that made up its torso.

It started down at its newly formed hands, clenching and unclenching it, then began swinging its arms around. As its glared over to the metal giant, its fists began to shake. The mound that made up its feet, surged over to MEGAS, aiming its newly formed fists at the ponies on board.

Down below, panicked everypony fled as the two colossuses fought. Each punch from the bot in blue left an imprint on its soft body, but it quickly reformed and retaliated with an punch of its own.

Scootaloo frowned as she stared at the driver. "I thought you said you were good at smashing.”

Coop adjusted his rear view mirror, looking back at her. "How's about this?"

A torrent of jabs struck the monster in rapid succession. MEGAS grabbed hold of it, turning the beast’s world upside down before the bot’s twin set of metal legs guided its head onto the ground. The piledriver attack left the creature a heap of mush on the ground. Reforming itself after the attack, the beast got up only to be struck by a massive clothesline. The force behind it was so intense that the arm passing through bisected it.

Not letting up, Coop quickly turned the wheel. The blue fighting machine turned on a dime, not losing any momentum. Before the creature could even react, MEGAS leaped into the air, grabbing its head in its palms and plowing its face into into the ground

The blob's regeneration had slowed, it wobbled about as it regained itself. Before it could finish, it noticed a large shadow looming over it getting bigger and bigger. In the air, the robot’s metal body was plummeting towards its still reassembling mass. MEGAS’s engine revved wildly as it approached.

With its recovery stunted, the blob could do nothing but take the impact. The force from MEGAS's body slam burst the dough blob into tiny pieces. Globs of fragrant bread paste littered the town.

Coop grined, with a smug look upon his face as he looked again to his rearview mirror. "How do you like that smashing?"

Silent, Scootaloo’s eye were open wide and jaw hung agape from what she and her friends had witnessed. Over to her right, she noticed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shared the same expression.

He looked over the spoils of food strewn before him and placed hoof on his stomach. "Now let's get back to school. I'm craving all those yummy treats."

"Sure thing Coop, lets go–" Apple Bloom was cut off by the sharp sound of something impacting MEGAS, sending it airborne. The sudden strike sent the metal giant landing atop a few buildings. The passengers checked themselves to see if they were alright.

"What hit us?" Coop asked as he started maneuvering MEGAS back on its feet.

Before anypony could answer, another hit sent the blue giant forward. As they flew, they got a look at a familiar creature, but something about it seemed different. The monstrosity up ahead winded up and gave the soaring MEGAS a powerful uppercut. The jarring sound of the blow echoed through its body as it was laid out on the ground.

Coop and the girls, lying flat on their backs as they tried to collect themselves, looked out the windshield. The girls gasped at the sight.

"No way!"

"No fair!"

"Uh oh!"

Surrounding them was not one monstrosity but three. The first of them was thin and narrow up to its waist. Above that it was thick, bumpy in texture and exuded the smell of muffins. The second one had in a layer of cream layered on the top portion of its spongy body with giant strawberries making up its eyes. Certain parts of its body appeared to be burned slightly. The last one was covered in head to toe in a thick layer of crust with mush oozing out from cracks around its body. Coop would've loved to take the time to bask in the sweet aroma the trio expelled, if they weren't about to kill him.

Apple Bloom’s eyes darted between the three beasts. "Now what are we gonna do?"

Coop casually cracked his fetlocks. "It's no big deal. This just means I get more things to smash.”

MEGAS jumped back into the fray, continuing to smash the baked golem trio one by one. While bits of the creatures chipped off with each strike, they just fell back to regenerate and came back for more.

Sweetie Belle noticed the monsters continually recovering. "I don't think smashing is working very well, Coop."

Coop payed her no mind as MEGAS grabbed hold onto one of the three dough brothers. Using it like a baseball bat, he swung it against the other two cutting a swath through them. The pastries splattered across Ponyville again, but they quickly reassembled and charged their attacker.

The one MEGAS held onto, dissolved and wrapped itself around the mech’s arms. Pinned and unable to protect itself, Megas could only struggle to free itself as the muffin and cupcake giant began pounding it. Their doughy fists repeatedly smacked against its metal chassis. The ponies were literally getting creamed.

A concerned Apple Bloom popped up from the back seat. She looked at Coop. "I agree with Sweetie Belle, smashing isn't working."

"Yeah, I second that," Scootaloo added from the back.

MEGAS's foot rockets ignited, sending it skyward. Leaning back, the metal behemoth fell down as the thrusters cut off, landing back first onto a few shops. Apple pie mush flew around as a result of his fall.

"You three might be right," he said as he got the now freed MEGAS back onto its feet.

The mech’s fists retracted into its arms and a set of gun barrels popped out in their place.

Coop took aim at the trio of gargantuan desserts. "It’s time we try something different,” he said as he opened fire.

The muffin and pie managed to dodge the beams of light, but the cupcake took the blast on the shoulder. It shrieked as the heat from the blast hardened its arm. Its pastry brethren looked back and realized the threat MEGAS's weapon posed. The cake creature's arm fell to the ground, cooked to perfection. It took it some time but it slowly reformed the lost limb.

Apple Bloom pointed over to it. "Look! It got smaller when its arm fell off after zappin’ it with that bright light thingy, Coop."

"I bet if you can keep hitting them with that, then we can beat em," said Scootaloo.

Coop glared at monsters and licked his lips. "Alright, it's time to fry some baked bads!"

MEGAS rained down a flurry of laser fire. The three monstrosities, now aware of the danger Coop's laser posed, scrambled. Coop started closing in on one of them.

Clutching its arm, the cupcake beast had nowhere to run. Just as Coop prepared to fire, something covered up his windshield. The smell of apple pie started to seep into the car.

His eyes widened as he leaned back in his seat. "What the?"

He switched on the windshield wipers, but they didn’t budge. Not sure if the cake was still in front of him, Coop fired anyway. The shots trailed off, hitting something.

"I'm okay!" said the shop owner of the the quills and sofa store, popping his head out from the new whole in his store.

Snorting as he gritted his teeth at their tactic, Coop prepared to open fire on the blob atop his mech.

Sweetie Belle reached her hoof on his shoulder. "Coop, don't! You'll hit us too.”

Groaning, Coop moved his hoof away from the “Fire” button and hit the “Grab” button. MEGAS reached up, pried the latched creature from its head, tossed it upward and took aim. Before the colt could fire, the muffin beast tackled it down. Another blast from MEGAS ripped through a row of house before blowing apart the spa.

Sweetie Belle watched the show of destruction, cringing as she saw the last building burst. "Big sis isn't going to be happy about that,” she said, shaking her head.

The pattern continued. One monster attacked Coop from a blind spot just as he was about to corner another. MEGAS was getting ravaged with each attack, not to mention more buildings around town were being hit by its misfires. The Cutie Mark Crusaders tried helping by advising where the dough men were about to strike, but the concoctions caught on quickly by having the third one also move in to strike as back up. With each failed attack another building in town met MEGAS's laser fire.

Apple Bloom looked over to the smoldering remains of a building. "At this rate the whole town'll be destroyed."

"That's mostly due to Coop," Scootaloo said tilting her head to the driver.

Sweetie Belle hung her head down. "If only we could help.”

A fizzle of genius briefly sparked in Coop's head. He bent down and bit on a handle pulling on it.

"Maybe you can Sweetie Belle."

The floor below the fillies' feet slid away and three controllers jumped up, landing on each of their laps. They were simple looking devices, a square with a single button on one corner, and a maneuverable stick protruding from the top.

Apple Bloom fumbled with the device. "What's this here doohickey?"

"It's a controller," Sweetie Belle answered.

Both her friends looked at her, tilting their heads and raising an eyebrow.

"What? I play a lot with my big sister."

Three holographic screens appeared before the girls. On them the words "Press Start" flickered. They pressed their hooves down on their controller button.

"Player two has entered the game. Player three has entered the game. Player four has entered the game," a voice announced through the car speakers. Outside, three maneuverable laser cannons popped out from MEGAS's shoulders.

Coop reveded his engine. "Alright girls, ready to help out."


"Okay, I'll deal with the one in front and you three watch my back.




Once again, Coop closed in on one of the three baked monsters. He took aim and prepared to fire upon the muffin. The pie beast rushed Coop from behind.

"There he is!" Apple Bloom called out.

Scootaloo took aim. "I got em." she said as she mashed on the controller, quickly hitting the button over and over.

The shots ripped through the pie creature's body, sending pieces of it falling to the ground as they splattering on impact before turning solid. The cake beast also made its way towards MEGAS, but noticing what happened to its brother, turned tail and ran. Sweetie Belle licked her lips as she repeatedly pressed down on her controller button. The shots made contact with the fleeing cake, crying out in agony as the blast fried its body.

Apple Bloom bounced in her seat. "We got em!"

They continued to lay down fire on the creatures, their hooves furiously mashing down the button. On their screens, the girls focused on the eight bit images of the blobs being blasted apart as their scores on the top of the screen kept going up. The puddles of dough did their best to dodge but couldn’t get away.

While they finished off those two they noticed the smell of burnt muffins. They looked passed their screen to see a pile of toast. MEGAS stood alone with three piles of burnt bread around it.

"Alright!" they cheered.

Coop extended his hoof out and the trio responded by bumping their hooves against his. Coop then jolted his hoof as he tried to lift up his non-existent pinky and pointer finger.

"That's something I won't get used to," Coop said, staring at his hoof. He looked back as his partners. "Alright, let's head back to the bake sale. I'm up for some cupcakes, cookies, cakes, muffins, sweet rolls… "

MEGAS turned around and began to head back to school. Unbeknownst to them, three tiny globs of dough merged together, sticking themselves onto the back of one of MEGAS's mudflap behind its leg.

Arriving back at school, or where the school building once was, Coop and the girls, on board MEGAS stopped just before the table where all the classes' sweets sat.

"It's a shame we had to destroy our work," said Apple Bloom.

Coop looked out to the town, shedding a tear as he saw the burnt remains of their work. "All that delicious bread, a masterpiece of bakery, gone. Its truly a great tragedy.” After a brief pause he looked down at the table. “Oh well, at least there's still all these tasty looking snacks to pick from.”

Just as he was admiring the spread, a blob of dough jumped onto the table. Before Coop could even react, the blob began assimilating all the treats onto itself.

He leaned into the winshield. "No. Noooooo!" Coop could only cry out as the remnant of the dough monster absorbed all the pastries. Devouring all the confection, it rapidly grew larger than before; becoming twice the size of MEGAS.

The girls, wide eyed, looked up at the massive creature.

Apple Bloom slammed her hoof on the seat. "How!"

"I thought we finally beat that thing!" said Sweetie Belle, pointing up to it.

Scootaloo looked up at it. "We must've missed some of it."

Coop sat silent, still staring down to where the confections once were. He then looked up to the reformed monstrosity with a fire in his eyes.

He clenched the wheel and started revving the engine. "Alright you sweet smelling, oversized, easy bake oven disaster. You ruin my first day of class in Ponyville!"

"You ruined our hard work!" Apple bloom added.

"You break our school!" said Sweetie Belle.

"You destroy our town!" Scootaloo shouted. "Well that one was more Coop's fault, and so were the other two things, but whose keeping track?"

"You made be destroy perfectly good food!" And now you ate the all the snacks! I was planning on doing that!" Coop concluded.

The girls stared as him, thrown off by his last statement. "Huh?"

All together they pointed a hoof at the newly reformed pastry catastrophe. "You're going down!"

The girls opened fire on the massive collective dough. Unlike last time, the creature didn't instantly harden from the heat and crumble. Even with all three targeting the same spot in the center, it took a bit before the area on the monster finally hardened slightly.

It swiped down its massive hand, smacking away the annoying blue pest. Sent flying, warnings went off on the car's dashboard. Coop, expertly handling the wheel, aerially recovered MEGAS from the blow. With the mech back on its feet, the girls resumed firing, this time taking aim towards the mound making up dough giant's lower half.

Coop saw the area they were firing on start to harden slightly. "Keep that up girls I have a plan."

Following his orders, the Cutie Mark Crusaders continued firing as monster surged over to strike them down once more. Mashing the buttons as fast and hard as their little hooves could, their joint attack started taking effect. The mound that made up the mammoth beast feet hardened, spreading throughout its lower portion, slowing its charge until bringing it to a halt. Its lower half was golden brown, smelled incredible and was completely immobilized. .

Coop slammed his hoof on the gas. "Alright girls, no matter what, just keep firing!"

MEGAS, with its rockets ignited, flew towards the immobilized dough colossus. The force from the metal giant’s tackle broke the still mushy half of the monster from its hardened legs. The mech then turned skyward as the Cutie Mark Crusaders kept firing. The blasts from the trio's lasers hardened its stomach where MEGAS wrapped its arms around, making escape impossible. The non-stop blasts were slowly starting to heat it up, but it wasn’t fast enough to preventing it from striking back. The doughy beast violently thrashed out, bashing its fists onto the robot's back. Alarms and warning lights were going off inside the car.

Scootaloo looked back where the beast’s fists were smashing. "Coop whatever your plan is hurry up, I don't think MEGAS can take much more."

He tightened his grip on the wheel and tilted his head forward. "Here we go!”

Coop turned the wheel sharply. The girls jerked to the side from the quick spin as the robot began dive-bombing back down, holding tightly onto the monster. Unable to break free from MEGAS’s arms, the creature helplessly bashed on its captor. The endless fire from the lasers were slowly taking its toll. It tried stuffing its hand over top of MEGAS's thrusters. Noticing it through his mirror, Coop reached over to a button labeled "Nitrous".

Blue flames burst forth from the mech's rear thrusters, leaving a blue streak behind it as it flew down. The monster screeched as its hand was roasted. The Cutie Mark Crusaders fought against the g-forces. Their hooves being the only thing sticking outward as they continued to hit the fire button on their controllers. MEGAS’s exterior began to shine red. The monstrosity writhed in pain as fires engulfed its body. The bashing the passengers hear weakened, slowing in frequency until it came to an end

"Rooock on!" Coop yelled as MEGAS slammed into the ground. A tremendous flash of light flickered from the impact zone followed by an eerie silence just before a colossal explosion.

"Coooool," Snips, Snails, and Pipsqueak uttered as they along with the rest of their class watch the resulting blast from a safe distance.

After the ground had finished quaking, the residents of the Ponyville came out from their hiding places; They all looked up and were amazed. A deluge of perfectly baked bread crumbs was falling from the sky. The sent of sweet bread covered the town. Ponies, curious about the mysterious bite sized snack, tried a bite and were overwhelmed by a sense of euphoria. It was greatest thing anypony had ever tasted before. Pinkie Pie along with another pony, a grey pegasus with blonde hair, in particular were running around with their mouths open. Excitedly trying to catch as much of the falling flakes as they possibly could.

One large chunk, descending from the sky, made it way over to a certain building.

"Hey there everypony, we're here at E.D. radio. Bringing you nothing but our finest selection of dubstep around. That's right, nothing but your favorite sound effects repeatedly played to sound like music twenty-four hours a day–" The radio transmission was suddenly cut off due to a giant flying bread crumb that happened to fall upon the station.

Back over at the the crater, MEGAS stood over the cooked remains of the four ponies' creation. The girls were just finishing inputting their initials on the rankings chart, when Coop opened the convertible roof. As the bits of snacks rained on them, he turned to the girls.

"See, I told you it would be enough for everypony."

He stared into the sky and opened his mouth, catching a few bits. "You know this actually isn't that bad, we really should make it again someday." he said after gulping the crumbs down.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle all furrowed their brows, glaring at him as bits of bakes treats continued to fall atop them.

The next morning, inside of the Ponyville library, Twilight Sparkle awoke bright and early. She took a moment to look outside her window before jumping out of bed. The sun was shining, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, the town was covered in a layer of golden brown and the pleasant scent or warm apple pie graced her nose. Or was it muffins? Cupcakes maybe?

She trotted downstairs and over to her kitchen where she prepared herself breakfast. She sat on her chair, taking a bite out of a familiar looking piece of bread and picked up the newspaper on the table.

On the front page, the headlines read, "Recently destroyed school uses bake sale funds to rebuild." The picture accompanying the article showed Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom along with Cheerilee and the rest of their class, standing in front of a giant mound of dough. Behind them, Coop was feasting on a portion of the bread mound. Further back, behind everything in the shot stood MEGAS, striking the rock on symbol with its fingers.

Twilight read the caption below it.

"Best bake sale ever!"