• Published 15th Dec 2023
  • 476 Views, 40 Comments

Crisis of Infinite Trixies - Rixizu

A mysterious evil force is trying to destroy all Trixies across all the multiverse. It's up to a ragtag group of Trixies to stop them.

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Contradictory Selves - Chapter 1

“Huh, that’s different,” Trixie said, blowing a hair from her eyes. She crossed her arms and peered at the poster closer. “What kind of school event is this?”

The sign read Canterlot Spring Time Jubilee. Everyone welcome. Bring your special someone for a night to remember. Was this a school dance? Or just some get-together? The brightly painted poster did little to clarify these points.

“No, thanks,” Trixie said, scoffing. It wasn’t like she had a special someone to bring along. While Trixie was the most eligible bachelorette in Canterlot High, few met her high standards. It wasn’t because few had shown interest in her. No, they were just blind to Trixie’s fabulous qualities.

“A Jubilee? Sounds fun!” A chipper voice said, too energetic for so early in the morning.

“It does, I hope.” A nervous but resigned voice said. She shivered. “But school events have a tendency to get scary.”

“Hey,” Trixie said, waving at Sunset Shimmer and her friends.

“Hey, Trixie! Weirdness does tend to happen whenever the school organizes something.” Sunset said with some self-depreciation. They each remembered what had happened during that big school dance many moons ago, along with other strange incidents, usually involving demon girls. “But I don’t see any reason this particular dance should go sideways.”

“Yeah, and if anything happens, we’ll be there to kick butt!” Rainbow Dash said, jabbing several times into the air.

While not entirely reassured, Trixie nodded her assent. Nervousness overcame her when a thought occurred to her. Trixie had a sudden idea who she’d like to ask. An unfamiliar bout of uneasiness washed over her, causing Trixie to sweat.

“Say, Sunset.” Trixie rubbed the back of her neck. “I was wondering if it might be cool if…”

“Yes?” Sunset asked, oblivious to Trixie’s question.

“If well…” Trixie cursed as the school bells chimed, summoning them to class. What terrible timing.

“I see you around, Trixie!” Sunset said, waving as she departed to class with her friends.

“Great job, Trixie! You blew it!” Trixie muttered as she slammed her head against a nearby locker.

“Um, Trixie.” A quiet voice said, making Trixie jerk in surprise. It was Fluttershy, she hadn’t noticed her earlier.

“Yeah?” Trixie raised an eyebrow, wondering why this girl was stammering at her. The shy girl paused, wanting to say something else. She shook her head, dropping the subject.

“Never mind. It doesn’t really matter.” Fluttershy said, using her hair as a shield between them. “Have a good time at class, Trixie!” Then she zipped away at astonishing speed.

What was that about? Well, whatever. The Jubilee was next weekend, giving Trixie plenty of opportunity to ask Sunset. Trixie rarely failed at anything, she doubted this would be any different.

“Yes! I will ask Sunset to the Jubilee, and we’ll have the best time of our lives!” Trixie declared to the heavens. She blushed as a teacher pointed at her, directing her to class. But before that, however, math.


“Funny seeing you here, Trixie,” Sunset said, holding a cup of punch. “Couldn’t get a date either?”

“Nope! Coming here with a date would be so lame!” Trixie replied, saddling over to the food table. Beyond cookies and punch, it had tiny sandwiches. Trixie greedily stole a generous portion of them. “I’m just here for the free grub!”

“Still, at least the others are having fun,” Sunset said, watching Twilight Sparkle dancing with Timber Spruce, the camp counselor from Camp Everfree.

Dancing was a generous description of what Twilight was doing. Trixie smirked as the boy did his best to not have his toes stepped on. Her other girlfriends faced various degrees of success. Rainbow Dash had somehow gotten herself roped into coming with Fluttershy’s less than pleasant brother, Zephyr Breeze, regretting every second of her choice. She looked about ready to throttle him. Applejack scared her date, Soarn’, half to death as she swung him around like he weighed nothing, underestimating her strength. Fluttershy, in particular, seemed super awkward with her date, Sandalwood, looking like she’d rather be elsewhere. It was kinda cute. Of everyone, Rarity was having the time of her life, enjoying her dance with that one cruise guy with the odd accent.

Trixie settled closer to Sunset, finally mustering the courage that’d failed her during the last week. “Still cool to see you.”

Sunset nodded in the affirmative, but otherwise didn’t reply. An awkward silence passed between them as Trixie struggled to come up with something cool to say to impress Sunset.

Get it together, Trix. You’re the Great and Powerful Trixie! Your resplendence can accomplish anything! “Sunset, would you be interested in maybe kinda going out on the dance floor and…” But fate conspired against her, retreating a step as Sunset’s friends rushed over for refreshments after a taxing dance.

“Now that hits the spot!” Pinkie said, downing the entire cup of punch in a single swig.

“Hooboy! That was fun!” Applejack said, dragging her disoriented date over to her with a single swing of her powerful arms. “Can’t wait to go for another song.” From her date’s haggard expression, he wasn’t looking forward to this.

“Yeah, it was fun, I suppose,” Fluttershy said, voice almost incurable. But she perked up as she spotted Trixie. “Um, hi, Trixie! Glad you could come!”

The refreshment table became its own jubilee as Sunset’s friends vied for her attention. Trixie sulked away, dejected as she failed again. Sometimes it seemed the universe conspired against her personally. Trixie leaned against a wall on the opposite side of the gym as Sunset chatted with her friends.

Next song, that’s when I ask her!

“Um, hi, Trixie.” A timid voice said, interrupting Trixie’s brooding.

“Yeah?” Trixie replied, somewhat annoyed. Didn’t the girl realize Trixie wasn’t interested in chatting?

“Just seeing how you’re doing!” Fluttershy said too quickly. “Just thought you needed a friend!”

“I suppose.”

“No, darn it! Why you’d say that? She’ll get the wrong impression!” The girl hissed the words so quietly that Trixie almost missed it.

While Trixie wasn’t sure what the girl meant, Fluttershy’s earnestness softened her heart. Trixie found she appreciated the company. “Thanks. This night hasn’t really gone how I wanted. There’s someone I wanted to ask to dance, but some stupid obstacles keep getting in the way.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy deflated, but soon regained her composure. “Then you’ll just need to keep trying! You never stop fighting for happiness!”

“Sure?” What was going on with Fluttershy?

“You try again, even if the entire world fights against you!” Fluttershy said, becoming more animated. “For your happiness, Trixie! I’ll do whatever it takes!”

Okay? But what about her happiness? It made Trixie somewhat guilty that Fluttershy fought so hard for her sake. They barely knew each other. Trixie gapped like a fish as Fluttershy suddenly pushed Trixie right in front of Sunset. Sweat gathered on Trixie’s brow as everyone stared at her as Fluttershy caused a scene.

“Uh, hi, Trixie,” Sunset said, confused but smiling her dazzling smile.

“Go on!” Fluttershy whispered, elbowing Trixie in her back.

“This is for her sake. Besides, Sunset’s a better choice, anyway.” The girl muttered to herself.

“Sunset, uh, hey!” Trixie fumed over her words before regaining her confidence. Didn’t she want to be a professional stage magician? These gapping bystanders shouldn’t mean squat to her. As they faded from her mind, Trixie’s confidence swelled. As the DJ, a white-skinned girl with neon hair, started the next song, it provided Trixie the perfect cue to ask the question. “Sunset Shimmer, would you like to share the next dance with…”

Because the universe apparently hated her, the roof exploded just before Trixie finished her question. People screamed as the chunks of the ceiling rained onto them, fleeing in every which direction. Everyone gasped as two giant robots descended through the hoof, pointing laser weapons at the crowd.

Their tremendous height menaced everyone in the gym, behemoths carved from gleaming silver metal. Squat, angular heads with a singular red visor, each surveying the crowd, paralyzing them with fear.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack said, dumbstruck for a moment, but she swiftly prepared for battle. For reasons Trixie didn’t quite understand, Sunset and her friends had magical powers they used to fight evil.

“I knew it,” Fluttershy said, sighing. The rest of her friends gathered together, ready for battle. But the robot monstrosities ignored them. Much to Trixie’s growing dread, fixing on her instead.

“Trixie Lulamoon of Universe 8888. You will be eliminated.” A mechanical voice said, booming.

A squeak of terror escaped Trixie’s lips. What the heck? Why was this happening to her? She joined the other students as they fled to safety. But a missile shot from the first robot’s arm, exploding and blocking the emergency exit before anyone escaped. It blew Trixie and the other teenagers off their feet, Trixie getting a painful tan as the emerging heat washed over her.

“Ugh.” Trixie groaned, trying to regain her senses. Her ears were ringing terribly. She shrieked as she found a robot towering over her, its visored eye gleaming the color of blood.

“Eliminate!” The monster said, pointing an arm at Trixie’s head.

“I’m going to die!” Trixie shrieked louder, as she rolled aside, just avoiding a beam of energy.

From what remained of the food table, it was good that Trixie avoided it. More beams shot in her direction, but the heroes of Canterlot High came to her rescue. Rarity jumped to Trixie’s rescue, blocking the robot’s beam attacks with her diamond shields. Applejack, with her remarkable super strength, decked a robot in the face. While it only caused a small dent, it knocked the creature over. The quick Rainbow Dash dashed around with unbelievable speed, keeping the robots distracted. Pinkie Pie blasted the robots with her exploding sprinkles, leaving black marks against their armored carapaces. Twilight flung tables at the machine creatures, keeping them off balance.

“Over here!” Sunset said, helping Fluttershy guide the students from the gym. Seeing her chance, Trixie rushed over to flee to freedom.

“You will not escape” Trixie screamed as a robot rushed her from behind, its jet sailing them from the ground. She struggled in its grip, heart pounding as they flew higher.

“Trixie!” Her friends rushed to her help, but it was too late, the robot flying through the exploded roof.

“Rainbow, pony up!” Sunset said, disappearing from sight as the robot flew into the horizon.

“Eliminating Trixie.” The mechanical monstrosity said with awful indifference to the terrible deed it planned to commit.

“Please, no!” Trixie struggled harder. “I’m too young to die!”

“Not so fast, fiend!”

“Huh?” Even the robot stopped, looking at the newcomer. Instead of Rainbow Dash, as Trixie had expected, it was something beyond bizarre.

“Captain Cosmos, to the rescue!”1 A purple shape zipped through the air, arm extended. It collided with the robot, jarring Trixie free from its grip. Relief turned to utter terror as Trixie plummeted to the hard street below.

“Fear not! I’ve got you!” Something shot from the rescuer’s arm, zipping her towards Trixie. With a powerful arm, it caught the falling girl.

“What the heck are you?” Not that Trixie wasn’t grateful, but a purple costumed horse had just rescued her! Flapping behind her in the wind was a cape, its tip covered with multicolored stars. Across her face was a mask of similar material. Even stranger, she shared Trixie’s marvelous voice!

“Call me, Captain Cosmos! Here to save the day!” The odd horse said. Trixie’s heart raced as they rushed towards the ground. But her small horse counterpart seemed unconcerned by the danger.

“Never fear, I got this!” Cosmos shot another grappling hook. It snagged on a nearby rooftop, holding them in the air. A moment later, however, the cord snapped. They both screamed as the hard pavement of the street broke their fall.

“Ouch.” Trixie rubbed her sore shoulder. “Nice landing, hero!”

“Seems I slightly miscalculated the cord’s strength. It couldn’t hold our combined weights.” Captain Cosmos gave a nervous laugh.

“Two Trixies have been discovered. Eliminating.” Their killer robot friend said, hovering above them.

“Do something!” Trixie shrieked, hiding behind the caped hero.

“Try it, fiend!” Captain Cosmos replied, all bravado. “You better flee before you get hurt!”

“Is that the best you’ve got?” What happened to her super heroics?

“Hey, I’m trying!” Captain Cosmos snipped back. “Give me a break!”

“Eliminate.” The robot raised its arm to fire. Trixie hugged her would-be rescuer, certain this was the end.

They shrieked as the robot’s head exploded, its cranium bouncing across the street in a fiery heap.

“That’s what I get for letting you handle this.” Another voice said again, shockingly familiar. But this one was imperial and haughty, like someone used to giving commands.

“I could have handled it alone, thank you,” Captain Cosmos said, hiding her relief.

“Clearly.” The newcomer said, sarcastically.

“Another me?” Trixie said, staring at her newest savior. The horse was similar to the hero Trixie, only she wore green battle armor. Adorned on her head was a golden helmet with two antlers curled upward. Hovering in a pink aura was a staff floating behind her.

“You’ve met my compatriot here. My name is Trixie Celestiamaden. Some call me the Goddess of Mischief.2

Author's Note:

1 From the Power Ponies
In this universe, Trixie is the mysterious and dashing hero called Captain Cosmos. While she doesn't have superpowers, she doesn't need them. With her genius intellect, Captain Cosmos invents devices to help her fight crime. While she can't match the intelligence of Masked Matter-Horn, Captain Cosmos isn't to be underestimated.

2 From Harmony's Warriors
In this universe, Trixie hails from the realm of Asgard. Ponies call her the Goddess of Mischief, a title well-earned. She is infamous for often callous tricks and pranks. Her adopted mother is Celestia Odinmaden, All-Mother and queen of Asgard, and her adopted sister is Rainbow Dash, Goddess of Thunder. While usually on good terms, Trixie's lying and scheming nature frequently puts her at odd with her sister and her fellow Asgardians. (Okay, so this Trixie is basically Loki from Marvel)