• Published 15th Dec 2023
  • 476 Views, 40 Comments

Crisis of Infinite Trixies - Rixizu

A mysterious evil force is trying to destroy all Trixies across all the multiverse. It's up to a ragtag group of Trixies to stop them.

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Contradictory Selves - Chapter 4

“You can’t be. You’re dead!” Representative Trixie spluttered, unable to believe her eyes.

“No thanks to you. You murdered me!” The twisted pony trotted across the room, hoof extended outward. Representative Trixie winced as Antithesis knocked over everything in her path, sending ornaments, books, pictures, and other knickknacks crashing to the carpeted floor. “But thanks to Master Proto, I’ve been given new life and a new purpose. One you’ll find most fascinating! The genocide of all Trixies everywhere!”

“He restored you to life? How powerful is this Proto?” Genuine terror crept into Representative Trixie’s voice.

“And being dead, after getting murdered, it’s given me plenty of time to plan. I could just kill you, but that seems too easy, too kind. I want to make you suffer first!” Antithesis said, hate blazing her in mismatched eyes, lifting a hoof to smash the glass of a fallen picture of a beaming younger Representative Trixie with an older mare and stallion and a herd of other foals behind her.

The twisted pony paused, considering the other Trixies in the room, and waved a vague hoof. “And you others, I guess. But mostly these two murderers!”

“Eep!” Twilight leaped back, hiding behind the much larger human version of Trixie. “Not her again! I’ve had enough nightmares already!”

“Who the heck is she?” Human Trixie asked. “What the heck did you do?”

“An evil being created when the Element of Magic shattered. It created an anti-pony, a bundle of hate and rage that wants to destroy everything. I didn’t do anything! And we’re not murderers! It was self-defense. You attacked us first!”

“You shattered an Element of Harmony?!” Humility said, fuming. “How could you be so careless?!”

“Yeah, it was mostly this Trixie’s fault.” The Great and Powerful Trixie said, pointing at the house’s owner.

“No, it wasn’t! It just kinda happened!” Representative Trixie replied defensively.

“The Element of what?” Human Trixie said, lost again. Was it some magical gizmo of some kind?

“Whatever she is, she stands against us!” Captain Cosmos said, puffing out her costumed chest. “Fear not, Trixie, Twilight. We stand by your side!”

“Right.” Humility glared at Antithesis. “I can sense it in my bones. This pony is a walking antithesis of harmony, a perversion of life itself! She must be stopped!”

“I guess I’ll help too.” Trixie Celestia-whatever said, chugging down another bottle of bourbon. “She’s a loud pest getting in my way.”

“How scary!” Antithesis said, her voice full of mock fright. “Good thing I’ve brought some friends too!”

A roar sounded outside, the ground rumbling from the shocking force of their fury. Human Trixie gasped as she glanced towards the noise, an ice dagger stabbing into her heart. Outside was a crowd of ponies, each villager’s face wore an expression of pure murder. In their hooves were torches, rope, and pitchforks, a mob with pent-up fury. They were eager to unleash it on a poor, unsuspecting target.

“What?” Representative Trixie’s eyes widened as she recognized the faces in the mob, her expression filled with horror and confusion. “What have you done to them, Antithesis?”

“A new spell. It’s a variation of an old classic!” The anti-pony replied. “I call it the “Hate It, Kill It” spell! It brings out the hatred in a pony and directs it at a certain somepony! No need to guess who. How does it feel knowing that, deep down, each pony in Ponyville secretly despises you?”

“I…” Representative Trixie’s voice cracked, hurt by this unexpected thrust.

“Shame your friends aren’t here.” Antithesis continued. “Then you’d see their true feelings about you, too!”

“There’s so many of them!” Human Trixie said, her voice tinged with panic. There must have been at least several hundred ponies surrounding Representative Trixie’s house! They’d never escape alive!

“I’ve instructed them to go after you, Trixie, specifically. But I’ve also to brutally tear apart anypony that gets in their way. Have fun!” After the fakest smile, Antithesis vanished in a burst of sudden light.

“Oh, pony...!” But Representative Trixie didn’t get a chance to finish, as dozens upon dozens of ponies smashed through what remained of her house windows, murder in their eyes.

“What now?” Trixie’s eyes widened in fright, backing away as the ponies advanced on the group of Trixies.

“I’ve been looking forward to this!” A yellow pony Trixie recognized as Applejack said, her smile gleaming with malice. “You’ve ruined everypony’s life since coming here. You move here from your fancy palace just to look down on us common folk, getting involved in business that ain’t a concern for you!”

“Applejack, stop, please! Antithesis has messed with your mind!” Representative Trixie said, her tone frantic and pleading.

“Wrong, Trixie! I’ve never felt so free!” Applejack said with a purr.

“Yeah, you don’t belong here, Trixie. You never did!” Another pony shouted in agreement.

“Please! Think! This isn’t you!” Tears pricked Representative Trixie’s eyes, which turned to tears of fear as the pony advanced, jumping her at once.

“I think you’ve got this!” The illusion Trixie said with a weak smile before vanishing.

The entire scene became pandemonium as dozens of ponies piled on top of them. The enraged mob punched, bit, and pummeled them. Trixie’s greater height worked to her advantage, but the ponies only reinforced their numbers, dragging her to the floor.

“Get off her!” Cried Captain Cosmos as she arrived to assist, a staff whirling in her hooves, knocking Ponyvillains unconscious. With such numbers against them, she didn’t hold back. A pony charged from behind, but a net shot from a hidden slot on her costume’s sleeve, trapping them.

“Thanks,” Human Trixie said, her voice shaky. Other than some bruises, she seemed alright. The other Trixies joined in the fight. Harmony took to the air, using her horn to blast ponies off her friends with bursts of magical energy. The Great and Powerful Trixie joined Twilight as they rushed to the back, trying to lure deranged ponies away from their allies. The mob attacked with clubs and pitchforks, but a gleaming magical shield protected the pair as they fled.

Much to Trixie’s surprise, the only one who seemed to be enjoying herself was Trixie Celestia-whatever. She danced around the battlefield, tapping ponies on the forehead with her staff. After a burst of green energy, the pony collapsed unconscious.

“Is that all you’ve got? I’m getting bored!” Trixie Celestia-whatever shouted, having the time of her life as she battled for her life. But she spoke too soon, yelping as a lasso stole her staff and yanked it away.

“We ain’t going to have any more of your voodoo magic, Trixie!!” Applejack said, breaking the staff in half with a carefully placed kick.

“Oh, bother!” Trixie Celestia-whatever said before, yelping as she vanished under a dogpile of ponies. This was insane. No matter how many ponies they fought off, dozens more replaced them seconds later. Antithesis had thrown them into a death trap they’d likely never escape.

“Stay back!” Human Trixie backed away as more crazed ponies approached, her other Trixie counterparts too preoccupied to assist. Her foot knocked against something, involuntarily glancing down to see what she’d bumped into. It was the top of Trixie Celestia-whatever’s broken staff. It had been an effective weapon against these brainwashed ponies, but she knew squat about magic.

If only someone could help us. Human Trixie thought and froze as a sudden idea struck her. Didn’t Representative Trixie brag about how her vice principal, now princess, had taught her everything she knew about magic? If she got this staff head to Princess Luna, it might fix everything.

Oh, it’s useless. I don’t know when the princess will arrive! But it didn’t matter, she needed to do something. With a plan that likely won’t work, Human Trixie scooped the staff head into her hands.

“What are you doing?” Representative Trixie said as she spotted Human Trixie fleeing towards a window. With a chair floating in her magical aura, she fought off the advancing mob.

“Doing what I can! I’m getting help! That princess of yours better show up and quick!” Human Trixie drove through the window, fighting past grasping ponies that were forcing their way into the building. Human Trixie yelped as pony teeth dug into her leg, but she used the other to jab her shoe into his face. After some struggling, Human Trixie freed herself and transformed her landing into a sprint.

Much to her dismay, dozens of ponies separated from the mob attacking Representative Trixie’s house to target her. Night had fallen over the pony hamlet. Glowing night lamps flickered as Trixie fled for her life.

“Luna, you better be out there or so help me!” Human Trixie screamed, running for her life. But her luck turned fouler still, as ponies literally jumped from their house’s windows to assault her. So crazed by bloodlust, the ponies cared little about what damage they caused themselves, as long as they tore the human to shreds. She winced as a pony landed badly as he leapt off a roof.

Driven by raw terror, Human Trixie pushed her legs to their limits, the quaint country town speeding past her. Despite her height advantage over her pursuers, it didn’t seem to matter. They gained on her with little difficulty, some jumping to tackle her. She screamed as a pony jumped from an open doorway, only missing them with a lucky jump in the air.

But her victory was short-lived as the fallen pony grabbed her leg midair, Trixie grunted in pain as her face implanted on the paved street. The murderous ponies quickly surrounded her, leaving no escape path.

“Leave me alone!” Human Trixie cried, decking the nearest pony with what remained of Trixie Celestia-whatever’s staff. She swung like a madwoman, anything to delay her horrible demise away a few seconds longer. Was this where the short, tragic life of Trixie Lulamoon ended? In a strange world not her own?

“A valiant land stand, eh?” A familiar, hateful voice said. The crowd parted for a familiar mismatched pony, who smiled with malevolent glee. She looked somewhat disappointed upon seeing the cowering human. “Oh, it’s the bear one. Pity, I was hoping it’d be my Trixie.”

“I’m not a damn bear! I’m human! And if you get any closer, I’ll bash your brains in!” Human Trixie snarled back at Antithesis’s smug expression.

“Poor little creature pulled into a battle beyond her understanding. Magicless, powerless, and useless to everypony around her. I almost pity you.” Antithesis broke into uproarious laughter. “Not really, but your situation is quite humorous.”

“I’ll show you powerless! Come over here, and I’ll show you!”

Antithesis seemed to consider the offer before snickering and shaking her head. “You’re not worth it. Crush her. I want to see Trixie Lulamoon’s face when she sees her bear counterpart’s lifeless body.”

“Damn it!” Tears pricked her eyelids, hurt beyond measure by her powerlessness. If only she had magic, like Sunset Shimmer and her friends, then she’d show this jerk! She backed away in fright as manic ponies approached, teeth gleaming.

“What’s going on here?” An imperial voice said, lightning crackling to punctuate her voice.

Framed by the starry night, dark shapes flew into view. Their profile was sinister, black shapes profiled by the darkness. Vampiric monster ponies with bat wings clad in ebony armor lowered to the ground. Their leader, however, dwarfed them all. With a coat blacker than the night, the regal, elegant mare stood tall and proud. Her mane fluttered from an invisible wind, an entire galaxy of stars in its depths.

“Oh, please, not her.” Antithesis groaned, sighing dramatically. “Here to ruin all the fun!”

“Fear not, my student. I will aid you in whatever disaster has befallen Equestria this time!” The black winged pony surveyed the situation, eyes narrowing as she spotted Antithesis. “And not too soon. I thought my student had vanquished your evil, Antithesis. But your return will be short-lived, that I promise you!”

“Thank goodness!” Human Trixie almost wept with joy, amazed at the majesty of her vice principal turned princess. Luna dropped to the ground, scattering the ponies around Trixie.

“Trixie, I…” Luna froze, eyes widening at what she’d assumed was her student. “What magic have you been playing with this time, my student? Did you not learn your lesson the first time when you turned Lyra Heartstrings into a bear creature?”

“I’m not a damn bear! Human!” Human Trixie’s face turned beat red. “And I’m not your student! It doesn’t matter! Deal with that thing!” She pointed at the mismatched pony.

“Yes, you are correct. My student spoke of alternate Trixies. You must be one of them. But she didn’t speak of this.” Luna gestured at the brainwashed ponies. “This must be your doing, Antithesis.”

“Yes, I’ve been a bad, rotten pony.” Antithesis said, delighting in the mayhem. “I’m surprised you’re challenging me after I humiliated you. But never mind, I don’t care about you. I’d rather see if your precious student is dead. Ponies, kill them. Later!” With a spark of magic, she disappeared.

“Protect the princess and the bear!” The guards said, taking a protective stand around Human Trixie and their charge.

“I’m not a bear! Human! I don’t even look like a bear!” Human Trixie said, fuming. She backed against the towering form of the pony princess, who almost stood as tall as a human adult, as the brainwashed ponies resumed their assault.

“What vile magic has Antithesis used to cloud your minds, my little ponies?” Luna’s horn shone with a cobalt blue light, wincing as she struggled to fight against the magic controlling her subjects. With beams of magical energy, she fought off the dozens of ponies that charged after them. Her vampire guards fought valiantly too, using their spears to knock aside the crazed ponies.

Despite their efforts, it wasn’t enough. Their efforts to not seriously hurt the Ponyvillains only hampered their effectiveness. Luna’s stun blasts barely seemed to stagger the brainwashed ponies, they rose almost as quickly as Luna blew them back. The princess howled as a pony bit her across the throat and got tossed through a nearby storefront for their trouble. Guards yelped in fright as they got overwhelmed.

“Curse that Antithesis. She will pay for this perversion.” Luna said, throwing away another pony. “She must know I don’t want to hurt my little ponies.”

“Wait.” Human Trixie thrust Trixie Celestia-whatever’s broken staff at the princess. “Use this. It has some kind of mind magic.”

“What is…” Luna’s eyes widened as her magical aura engulfed the gemmed staff. “Where did you get this? Its power is beyond anything I’ve ever seen!”

“It’s not mine. Just don’t worry about it! Fix everything first!” Human Trixie replied, screaming as a pony tugged on her hair with his teeth.

“Yes, its power might work.” Luna’s eyes glowed white, flowing into the air without her wings. “I see the parasitic magic infecting their minds, blinding them with raw hate. And it shall be banished!”

Everyone flew back as a burst of green energy blasted them away, knocking them to the ground. Human Trixie wincing in pain as she struggled to stand, but she seemed otherwise alright.

“What happened?” A pony said, blurry-eyed. Other ponies returned to their hooves, clutching their heads.

“It worked!” Human Trixie beamed, glad to be alive.

“With this gem, it was a simple matter,” Luna said, floating down to the street.

“I’m sorry, Princess. I…” A pony said, tears in her eyes. The other once-brainwashed ponies looked just as mortified by their actions.

“It wasn’t your fault, my little pony,” Luna replied with a sad smile, like a mother comforting a child after a terrible nightmare.

“We have to hurry. The other Trixies are in danger.” Human Trixie said, knowing this terrible dream wasn’t even close to finishing.

“Then we must go.” Princess Luna lowered to the ground, presenting her back to Trixie. “Ride on my back. It will be quicker if we go by air.”

“Okay.” While it was weird that she was about to ride a pony princess, with Antithesis still on the loose, Human Trixie dared not stay alone. After an awkward scrabble onto Luna’s back, Human Trixie whooped as they climbed high into the night sky, unable to help herself. It was quite a thrill flying high into the sky. Ponyville seemed like a lovingly detailed model town from this height.

Luna beamed, pleased and amused by the human’s exhilaration. Then her face turned serious, zooming through the air as they searched for her student. They both prayed they’d arrive in time to save her.