• Published 15th Dec 2023
  • 477 Views, 40 Comments

Crisis of Infinite Trixies - Rixizu

A mysterious evil force is trying to destroy all Trixies across all the multiverse. It's up to a ragtag group of Trixies to stop them.

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Contradictory Selves - Chapter 3

“They failed to kill another one?” A mechanized voice said as the figure lounged on their throne. “These Trixies are getting more resourceful than I expected.”

Behind his mask, Proto stared at the footage of the various alternate Trixies fleeing into a broken-down ship and escaping into the void. Around him, countless floating screens depicted innumerable universes. Proto watched in amusement as a pony/human monster hybrid of Trixie fled into a dead-end alleyway, her expression filled with terror. She raised her hands, begging for mercy, only to be vaporized by Proto’s masterful robots, sanitizing the cosmos of such filth.

“And so more Trixies drop like flies.” Proto clapped together his hooves. “Still, this resistance is troubling.” Not every Trixie was a third-rate wannabe magician. A few even possessed powers capable of threatening even his majesty. The group led by the Power Pony version of Trixie wasn’t the only Trixie mounting a defense against his spectacular robots. If left to continue, they’d become a dangerous threat.

“A change in strategy is in order,” Proto said, summoning a screen with a hoof tap. While his masterful robots were effective killers, a more specialized tool was required to stop Captain Cosmos and her merry band of rebel Trixies. It was a pity for them that Proto had technology powered by the multiverse.

“Ah, they’re in the universe where Trixie became the Element of Magic.” Proto snickered. What a joke title for someone like Trixie. Still, it gave Proto an idea, one sure to strike fear in this particular Trixie.

With a few more keystrokes, his masterpiece was complete. Light zipped around his throne room, each one constructed flesh from nothing. Head, limbs, organs, and everything else that constituted a pony forged together. In a matter of seconds, his newest creation was complete.

“What do you wish, my master?” His creation said, bowing,

“Go, eliminate Trixies, every one of them. Purge the cosmos of her filth.”

“It shall be none, my Lord.” A cruel, delighted smile grew on his creation’s muzzle. “I’ll enjoy snuffing the life from each one of them. The payback will be delicious.”


“And you’re supposed to me, huh?” Representative Trixie said, examining her human counterpart with a curious eye. Human Trixie’s hackles rose as the pony eyed her with borderline disgust. Representative Trixie frowned as more Trixies pulled themselves from their wrecked spaceship. “How many of you are there?”

“Six.” Captain Cosmos said, boldly exiting the ship, her cape flapping in the breeze. “And we’re here to help!”

“By destroying my house?!” Representative Trixie said, eye twitching. “You couldn’t just land outside? And you said six? Where’s the last one?”

“She’s fine in the cargo hold. Thank you.” The Goddess’s voice echoed through their minds. “And she’s not annoyed you didn’t even check up on her!”

“What the hay was that?!” Representative Trixie said, alarmed. Her head darted around, trying to locate the voice’s source.

“Sorry, Goddess. The crash distracted us.” Human Trixie said, flinching. The Goddess snorted, but otherwise accepted the apology. She reappeared as her shining illusionary self, startling their host for a second. “Anyway, she’s a long story. Heck, this whole business is a long story.”

After glaring at her unwanted guest for several long moments, Representative Trixie sighed and relented. “Okay, make yourselves comfortable. And with my friends off in that Carrot Convention in Hollow Shades, too. This better be good. This was my day off.”

The Great and Powerful Trixie played with a Bourbon bottle under her hoof and chuckled. “I see you’ve done little about your crippling alcoholism.”

“She sure knows how to party.” Trixie Celestia-whatever said, using her magic to examine a half-full bottle of booze.

“I am not an alcoholic! I was enjoying a nice, quiet drink!” Representative Trixie said, glaring at her offending counterpart. Recognition flashed in her eyes. “Wait, are you the same Trixie from before?”

“You mean when your reckless use of teleportation magic nearly destroyed both our universes and created a murderous supervillain? Yes, it is I, The Great and Powerful Trixie!” Her cape whooshed dramatically behind her.

“Figures.” Representative Trixie said, rubbing her temple. “And there was plenty of blame to go around for the Antithesis Crisis, thank you. And don’t drink that! That’s my best stuff! Cheerilee got it for me for Hearth’s Warming!”

“Too late!” Trixie Celestia-whatever chugging the entire bottle with a single swig. “Burns the throat, just how I like it. I needed that!”

“I’d like some tea, if that’s okay with you?” Humility asked.

“In the kitchen, top right cupboard.” Representative Trixie did a double take as she noticed the pony exploring her kitchen had wings. Her mouth dropped, eyes widening to saucers.

Human Trixie rubbed her temple. “We’re on the run from invincible, unkillable robots. Is it such a good idea to start drinking?”

“Now’s the best time!” Trixie Celestia-whatever said, chugging another bottle. “Want some?”

“No, I’m underage!” Human Trixie said, aghast.

Trixie Celestia-whatever only shrugged in response, downing the bottle. “More for me.”

After sending another glare to her helmeted counterpart’s way, Representative Trixie registered Trixie’s words. “Wait, what’s this about unkillable robots?”

“Allow me!” Captain Cosmos said, taking a heroic pose. After introducing everyone, she gave an overdramatic version of the current events, complete with sound effects and hoof gestures, while Humility served everyone tea.

“So, you’re hoping to capture one of these death robots and use its magical signature to track it back to its home base somewhere in the wide cosmos?” Representative Trixie asked, summing up their plan.

“Can you help us, Representative Trixie?” Human Trixie asked, eyes alight with hope. If this Trixie was a princess’s student, she must have some extensive connections.

“Actually, I prefer to be called Dame Trixie.” The mare said with obvious pride. The Great and Powerful Trixie only rolled her eyes, and Human Trixie agreed with her. Buying some fraudulent title off the internet didn’t make you actually important.

“As for helping, maybe?” Representative Trixie rubbed her temple. “This is way beyond my expertise, like way beyond. I’m not sure who I’d ask for this. The Princess? Canterlot University? I’ll see what I can do.”

“There isn’t time for research! The robots will be here any minute!” Human Trixie said, paling, when she realized how much time they’d already wasted.

“Time isn’t a constant across universes. It flows differently in each world.” Captain Cosmos said. “The time dilation between our arrival should buy us some time.”


“Days, hopefully.” Captain Cosmos replied. “Then we get overrun by deadly robots without any chance of escape.”


“It still gives up time to plan.” Captain Cosmos said, all confidence. “And I can repair the ship while you do your research.”

“Repair that?” Representative Trixie said, staring at the ruined ship.

“Not a problem.” Captain Cosmos waved a dismissive hoof. “I designed the thing.”

“You invented an extra-dimensional spaceship?” Representative Trixie asked, eyes wide.

“The Masked Matter-Horn isn’t the only genius superhero. They practically begged me to join the Power Ponies.” Though Human Trixie detected that Captain Cosmos was fibbing about the second part.

“It’s a plan, at least.” Humility said, dainty sipping her tea. “One of us should stay to help with the repairs.”

The Great and Powerful Trixie raised a hoof. “Trixie will help. She’s seen enough of this universe from her last visit.” This adventure sounded interesting. Human Trixie would need to ask about it later.

“Okay, I’ll contact Princess Luna.” Representative Trixie scribbled something on a note before throwing it into her hat. It disappeared in a flash of sparkles.

“The vice principal of my high school?” What kind of weird alternate universe had she found herself in?

“Not that bore.” Trixie Celestia-whatever said, rolling her eyes. She took an even deeper swig of Bourbon, draining the bottle empty. “And she’s the princess of this country, really? Celestia’s Mane preserve me!”

“Luna, huh?” Humility said, frowning. “I suppose it can’t be helped. Clearly, your Luna made better life choices. My Luna’s reformed, but still.”

“Not the Nightmare Moon/Corona thing again.” Representative Trixie said, rubbing her temple. “In this universe, Celestia was the sister that turned rotten, okay. I’m clearing this with everypony, so there isn’t any more confusion.”

Humility absorbed this information in silence, muttering about how this universe was lucky. “In my universe, all three princesses went bad.”

This earned a strangled croak from Representative Trixie. “Even Cadenza?”

“She’s the worst of the bunch.” Humility replied. “I’ve never met anypony so sadistic and depraved.”

Representative Trixie’s face twisted in disgust, her imagination traveling to unpleasant places. “And I thought Corona was bad.”

Trixie Celestia-whatever, however, clapped her hooves in delight. “She’s a villain in this universe, eh? How delightful! Tell me, did she terrorize the entire planet? Tried to enslave its people?”

“Don’t look so happy about it. I lived through that nightmare, and that monster's still out there!” Representative Trixie snapped, but Trixie Celestia-whatever seemed even more delighted, demanding details. Human Trixie, however, had long given up trying to follow the conversation, helping her winged pony counterpart clean up tea.

“After All-Mother’s lectures over the centuries, it’s nice to see Mommy Dearest as the villain for once.” Trixie Celestia-whatever said. “And even worse than me, it sounds.”

“Anyway, I know somepony who might help us while we wait for the princess. It might take some hours until she arrives.” Representative Trixie paused as the goddess pony’s words sunk in, eyes widening. “Wait. M-Mother? Corona’s your mother?!”


“Okay. Let’s see here.” Pony Twilight Sparkle said, examining a bunch of sparking panels. After the crash, the ship’s engine suffered the worst damage, it’d require significant repair until their extra-dimensional craft could fly again. “I guess the mechanism seems simple enough. These compensators need changing, but otherwise, it shouldn’t be too difficult to fix.”

“Perfect.” Representative Trixie said. “The quicker this gets fixed, the sooner it gets out of my damn house! Honestly, the repair costs will be a nightmare! I only hope Luna will give me yet another government grant for house repairs.”

“Eh, so this often happens?” Trixie asked, curious.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Representative Trixie replied glumly. “At this point, I’ve already put several contractor’s foals through college!”

“Still, this technology is amazing!” Twilight said, squeaking in delight. “You said this is alien tech?”

“Yes! From the Zebra Empire in one of their many grabs to claim Earth for their own!” Captain Cosmos replied.

“Zebras?” Human Trixie said, eyebrow raised. First talking horses, and now zebras? And hadn’t she seen donkeys and cows walking around the town, too? Yet, when she saw ponies walking with their dogs, the canines seemed like ordinary animals. What an odd, confusing universe. When she’d entered the ponyverse during her first visit during the cruise incident, her transformation into an equine had her too dazed to appreciate the details. The more she learned about this magical pony world, the stranger it seemed.

“Zebra?!” The Goddess said in their mind, her illusionary self mimicking her shocked, outraged reaction.

“Please don’t do that!” Representative Trixie clutched at her skull, flinching.

“It’s complicated. The zebra once ruled a universe-spanning empire thousands of years ago. Our planet is one of the many they colonized. But when their empire collapsed, the zebra of our planet lost contact with the outer universe. This new Zebra Empire is only a collection of power-hungry zebra trying to reclaim their species’ former glory. Most aren’t bad, as my friend Zecora can attest.” Captain Cosmos replied.

“In my universe, those striped…” The Goddess paused, realizing she was on the cusp of saying something problematic. “Those guys started a war that turned the entire planet into a radiated wasteland!”

“The entire planet? How?” Representative Trixie said, eyes wide. “Some magic superweapon?”

“Yes, a Megaspell called a Balefire Bomb. It was so destructive, only ponies that lived in shelters deep underground survived.” The Goddess replied.

“H-How could it go that far?” Representative Trixie asked, her voice shaking. Twilight stared, stunned, trying to imagine the destructive might of such a magical force. “They just wiped out everything to win?”

The illusion Trixie hesitated. “Well, not exactly. It was a bloody conflict. We were both at war. But they started it! We only shot Megaspells back at those damned strippies to get them back for destroying us!” That last argument sounded a little weak considering the unimaginable destruction and death involved.

“So, it’s the Cold War, only it got out of control, and the bombs dropped?” She remembered her country wasn’t exactly innocent in that conflict, either. Each nation had harassed the other, keeping the tensions high and fingers on doomsday buttons. But it’d worked itself out, neither nation wanting destruction despite their mutual hatred. Still, it was crazy any war would escalate a conflict into total mutual destruction. What was the point of winning if you destroyed yourself?

“Okay, don’t provoke the Zebras enough that they’d shoot super death magic at us. Sounds simple enough.” Representative Trixie said, scratching them down on a notepad.

If the malformed-like creature could glare, her spite would burn a hole into the mare’s skull. “It isn’t that easy! Watch out. Your world’s likely on the path to calamity, too! I come from the future, and one you all likely share!” The illusion Trixie raised her hooves dramatically as she proclaimed this doom.

“Really?” The Great and Powerful Trixie’s eyes widened. From their understanding, her world wasn’t much different from the Goddess’s, at least until the war started. But she paused, considering. “Wait, in your world, Sparkle isn’t an alicorn. Never mind, we’re good. Our future’s beautiful, bright and full of friendship!”

“Which I still can’t believe. How did she get all the luck? And her own castle too?” Representative Trixie bitterly grumbled to herself about having a long conversation with Princess Luna about this, muttering she at least deserved her own castle.

“Um, that’s how the multiverse works,” Twilight said, piping up. “Free will prevents that. Each decision causes a rippling effect that alters the course of the future. It seems unlikely our universes will share a similar course. Besides, the Zebras are a nomadic, tribal people. They don’t have the technology to bomb anyone.”

“Nopony asked you, Sparkle!” The Goddess snipped back. “Beware, beware! Bleak futures await you all!” But everyone had lost interest in the conversation, switching to one more related to their current crisis.

“How long will the ship repairs take?” Human Trixie asked.

“With this mare’s help, about a day.” Captain Cosmos gave Twilight a playful punch on the shoulder.

“Shucks, thanks! You’re pretty cool yourself!” Twilight and the superhero started exchanging technical jargon in hush whispers.

“And, of course, the Great and Powerful Trixie will provide you with the most crucial backup!” The mare said, raising a hoof dramatically. “Trixie’s an expert at hoofing out tools and other gizmos.”

“Okay, we have a game plan. And Princess Luna should arrive any hour.” Representative Trixie flinched at the sound of glass breaking from somewhere outside the ship. “Oh for! Rainbow Dash, stop crashing into my house and breaking my windows!”

But no response came, annoying Representative Trixie further. Her temper flared to a boiling point when another window shattered, heedless of the pony’s complaints. “What the heck is happening up there?!”

Furious beyond words, the mare stomped up the stairs for some answers. But Representative Trixie gasped, her words icy with terror. “No, it can’t be.”

“What’s happening up there?” Twilight said, leading the group of Trixies as they left the ship to investigate.

“Trixie, what’s happening?” Twilight froze as she stepped from the ship, Trixie Celestia-whatever wincing as her nose bumped into the mare’s back.

“What gives?” Trixie Celestia-whatever said, annoyed.

“No, impossible. You’re dead!” Twilight said, turning white as a sheet. “You can’t be here!”

“Glad I finally got both of your attention.” An odd pony with a coat so blue it was almost purple said. On her flank was a lavender starburst set against a midnight-blue, crescent-shaped nebula. In her hoof, she held a stone, which she hurled at the nearest window. She smirked as the impact made a satisfying cracking sound. “I was worried I’d run out of windows.”

“Antithesis.” Representative Trixie said, her tone breathless.

“Hello, Trixie, Twilight.” Oddly, the blue/purple seemed like a strange cross between Twilight and Trixie. But her eyes shared neither mare’s kindness. Behind those mismatched orbs of violet were gleeful malice, the type of person who enjoyed causing suffering to others. “It really has been too long. And other Trixies, too? How delightful. It’ll make the slaughter even more fun!”

Author's Note:

A familiar face returns to haunt this universe. Antithesis from Crisis on Two Equestrias. Don't worry, you don't need to read that story to understand what's going on.