• Published 15th Dec 2023
  • 477 Views, 40 Comments

Crisis of Infinite Trixies - Rixizu

A mysterious evil force is trying to destroy all Trixies across all the multiverse. It's up to a ragtag group of Trixies to stop them.

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Contradictory Selves - Chapter 8

“What are they doing?” Their hated foes were planning something. Antithesis hated plans. Plans messed everything up. While all Trixies were complete nincompoops, the number of them meant those doofuses still might hit gold by total happenstance.

“The usual.” The Horned Trixie waved a vague hoof. “Gang up on the princess, disable her magic with a magic suppressor, then cleanse her mind with the Mind Stone. It might work.”

“If only I didn’t lose the Mind Stone.” At least those foals won’t have the power to wield it efficiently. Even so, the fact they owned such a dangerous item worried her. “Whatever. Sounds easy enough to stop. We’ll crush them to a pulp.”

“Pulp.” The Horned Trixie paused. “I could go for some oranges. I’m starving!”

“What? Why are you thinking about food? What about the mission?”

“Hey, they have an apple stand over in the market! Be back in a jiff.” Antithesis opened her mouth to protest, but her ally had already disappeared.

“What about watching the Trixies?” Antithesis said, annoyed. She watched as her ally returned with three bags of apples.

When the Traitor Trixie caught Antithesis’s reaction, she shrugged. “No one was ponying it, and I’m hungry.”

“Anyway, can you cast illusions like this universe’s Trixie?”

Her ally took a deep bite of an apple, juice dripping down her mouth. “You insult me. It’s kinda my specialty.”

“Perfect.” Antithesis rubbed her hooves together. “Then we can pose as allies and strike them when they least suspect.” And with them foolishly thinking she was still a prisoner and still a faithful ally, they’d never see it coming!

“Rudimentary, but it works, I suppose.” The Horned Trixie said, uninterested. Much to Antithesis’s surprise, she’d already gone through a bag of at least two dozen apples.

“You think it’s inadequate?” Antithesis asked, losing her patience.

“It’s dull, but it does the job.” Her ally said, opening the second bag of apples. “Are you sure you don’t want one? These Midgard apples are quite sublime.”

“Yes, I’m sure. If you have a better suggestion, I’m all ears!”

“I noticed there’s a herd of cows hanging outside a town. What if we caused them to stampede as Trixie and her fellows fought Luna? Think of the chaos that’d cause!”

Cows? She’d noticed them but thought little of them. Weren’t they just dumb animals or something? Still, the idea had merit.

“It would cause a lot of confusion and destruction.” Antithesis said, growing to the idea. She couldn’t wait to see Trixie’s face when she was suddenly faced with an angry stampede. And seeing the hated mare get trampled to death? All the sweeter. “Let’s do it!”

“Perfect.” Much to Antithesis’s astonishment, the Horned Trixie had already finished her third bag of apples. “I’m sure Proto will be proud! Proto be praised!”

“Yeah, Proto be praised.” Antithesis replied dryly. What? Did this mare think she worshiped her boss or something?

“To bathe in his majesty, I can’t wait! The reward will surely be beyond compare!”

“Sure.” Antithesis replied, agreeing with whatever this dumb mare was saying.

“No doubt he’s an alicorn that stands hundreds of hooves tall, a god beyond god!”

“I won’t go that far,” Antithesis replied, snorting. “He’s just some unicorn, from what I saw.”

“Really?” The Horned Trixie stared wide-eyed.

“Not that he isn’t powerful. His Empyrean Throne allows him to survey all creation.”

“No!” The Traitor Trixie glanced around, worried.

“We’re too small to worry about. Proto has other things to worry about in his Limbo Castle.” And what a castle it was, dwarfing Canterlot’s castle’s grandeur and majesty.

“Limbo. I’ve read legends about it. I’m surprised anything can live there. It’s a realm of flux, a cacophony of space-time. My kinda place!”

“I’m glad you like it.” Trying to navigate the place was maddening, its halls and corridors moving in a constant flux. Even the castle’s architecture had no consistency, hoping centuries in a blend of contrasting styles that didn’t even remotely match.

“But forget about Proto.” While his majesty was great, he didn’t know everything. A sly smile grew across Antithesis’s muzzle. She could use that against him, gain the throne for herself. Proto was no god, only a pony with advanced technology. That meant she could take him down. First, however, she had a mission to complete. “Let’s go. Time’s short.”

“Right after we get some dessert. I’m in the mood for some Midgard cupcakes! I saw a delightfully designed bakery near here.”

“How are you still hungry?!” Much to her disgust, Antithesis noticed her partner had already finished each bag of apples. Why was she thinking about wasting their time getting stupid cupcakes? “Fine, whatever. Meet you outside town in twenty minutes.”

Again, she questioned the wisdom of allying with this alternate Trixie. Did she not take anything seriously? Antithesis felt like she was herding a cat!

Whatever. The traitor’s help hastens Trixie’s destruction. Besides that, Trixie was already walking into her own destruction. Antithesis laughed, well pleased with herself. “Now let’s see how well my “Hate it, Kill it” spell works on bovines!”


Fire flitted around the street as Corona’s fireball blasted against Luna’s hastily summoned shield. Representative Trixie yelped as some embers landed on her coat. More embers landed on grass, causing some minor fires.

“Trixie Lulamoon, we must work together to subdue my sister,” Corona said, dodging a purple bolt from her sister’s horn.

“Are you kidding me? Why would I do that?” Trixie said, taking cover behind a bench.

“You heard my sister’s mad plan. We must put aside our differences to deal with this crisis.”

Representative Trixie uttered a curse but conceded the point. “Fine.” The word tasted like ash on her tongue, but they needed to be said.

“Don’t worry, we’re behind you!” Captain Cosmos said, popping up from behind a bush. Luna yelped in surprise as a grappling hook wrapped around her neck, choking her.

“What madness is this? Another Trixie?” Corona said, whining in shock. Her eyes widened to dinner plates as an alicorn version of Trixie appeared, shooting stun bolts into the Bloody Mare’s flank. Luna roared in fury, the rope constricting and bursting to pieces. The Great and Powerful Trixie joined the battle next, using her illusions to make it hard for Luna to shoot retaliatory bolts at Humility.

“And more Trixies. Have I entered a waking nightmare?” Corona said, gapping at the multitude of Trixies fighting her sister. Human Trixie stayed hidden behind a bush, throwing rocks as a nifty distraction. The Tyrant Sun raised an eyebrow at that Trixie’s appearance. “And a human version as well. Truly a curious adventure you’ve found yourself on, Trixie.”

“You know what a human is?” Representative Trixie said, surprised.

“Over the millennia, I have learned many secrets and have visited many worlds. But that’s a matter for later. We must defeat my sister. Our numbers should allow us victory.” Corona replied.

“I guess.” But it was quickly shown that Trixie had spoken too soon, as Humility was sent flying by a carefully timed magical burst from Luna. The Great and Powerful Trixie tried using her magic to hide from the charging Luna. But no illusion was clever enough to fool her. A smack to the face knocked her unconscious. Human Trixie fled as a magic bolt flew past her head.

“This is foalishness, my student! And you dare side with the tyrant over me?!” The Bloody Mare cried, seething, hurt by this perceived betrayal.

Representative Trixie yelped in fright as dozens of magical bolts shot in her direction, she took cover behind a nearby tree, but it burst to pieces. Representative Trixie winced as a splinter scraped across her cheek, but the obstacle had protected her from the worst of her mentor’s wrath.

“No!” Corona charged head first into her sister. Two alicorns engaged in a rather nasty game of hooficuffs. They fought with a ferocity only two sisters could have.

“Element of Humility, are you okay?” Representative Trixie said, crawling over to her alicorn counterpart and shook her.

“I’ll live.” Humility replied, moaning and holding her sore head. Representative Trixie helped drag Humility behind a building. Representative Trixie peeked over and saw the mess the two alicorns had caused in Ponyville Square.

While Luna fought like a demon, the Tyrant Sun had a clearer head, scoring some lucky hits. Corona howled as Luna bit her on the neck, and she retaliated with a blow to the nose. It left Luna bloody, sprawled across the cobbled street.

“Forgive me, sister. But I must banish you to the moon.” Genuine regret crossed over the Tyrant Sun’s muzzle. “Hopefully, whatever evil malady that inflicts you will pass when you return.” Her horn glowed with a radiant, golden light.

Should I stop her? Do I have the right? The Goddess and Twilight stood ready to use the Mind Stone to cleanse her mentor’s mind, but there wasn’t any guarantee it would work.

But then we’re stuck with Corona! Maybe use the Mind Stone against her instead? Representative Trixie closed her eyes, hating herself for this weakness. Sorry princess.

Before Corona could deliver the coup de grâce, everypony whined in surprise as the ground rumbled.

“What now?” Representative Trixie looked up. Her eyes widened as dozens of red-eyed cows and bulls charged into town, blind fury on each of their faces.

“What the hay?”

Riding on top of the lead cow was a familiar, mismatched pony. “Hey, Trixie, miss me?”

“You?” Representative Trixie’s eyes widened, realizing the herd was charging right at her. The bovines caused unbelievable destruction in their wake, stomping or smashing everything in their path. She watched as the Roseluck’s flower stand flattened underhoof, crushing her entire flower stock without care.

“What is this madness?” Corona said, flying high before she suffered a similar fate. Much to Representative Trixie’s horror, she saw her mentor fall under the countless hooves, unable to fly free in time. Much to her relief, however, when a sparking red mist flew free of the stampede, reforming back into her mentor.

“Oh…” Representative Trixie cursed, stuck alone and helpless against the charging, deadly bovines.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you!” A figure bounced from the sky and ripped her from the ground before she got crushed. Captain Cosmos lifted her and Humility high in the air, some strange coiled springs attached to her hooves.

“You have got to be kidding me! Just die already!” The trio of Trixies yelped in fright as Antithesis shot bolts of black energy in their direction. The edges of Representative Trixie’s mane sizzled as a stray bolt struck it. But Captain Cosmos was quick on the uptake, diving through a shop window and taking cover inside. Representative Trixie winced as glass scattered everywhere as the superhero destroyed the window, but thankfully nopony got cut to shreds.

“Don’t think you can escape! Cows this way!” Antithesis yelled.

Much to Representative Trixie’s horror, the stampede had pivoted in her direction.

“Fowl creature, are you behind my sister’s madness?” Corona said, her mane flaring with her anger. Antithesis yelped in fright as a barrage of fireballs exploded in her direction, realizing she might have enraged the wrong pony. The fire caused considerable collateral damage, but the Tyrant Sun didn’t care, having only eyes for the hated fake pony.

“I’m afraid I can’t allow you to harm my associate.” A voice said.

“What?” Corona whined in surprise as a hoof punched her in the face, staggering her with a shocking amount of power. To Representative Trixie’s shock, it was the Goddess of Mischief herself.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for many centuries! It delights me to see you so fallen, mother.” Trixie Celestiamaden said, beaming.

“Mother?” Corona replied, still reeling from the unexpected punch.

“You aren’t her, obviously, but close enough.” Trixie Celestiamaden said, struggling.

“What the heck are you doing?” Representative Trixie said, outraged by this sudden betrayal.

“Your cause was doomed, so I picked the winning side!” The traitorous Trixie said.

“You!” Representative Trixie seethed, almost too furious to notice the hundreds of deadly bovines charging in her direction. But Trixie Celestiamaden only ignored her, engaging Corona in a game of cat and mouse.

“I don’t know what you are, other Trixie, but I won’t allow you to stand in my way.” Corona unleashed a barrage of fireballs in the traitor’s direction. The so-called goddess burst into flames, but faded into mist moments later. Corona stared wide-eyed in amazement, shocked anypony could create an illusion capable of fooling an alicorn, reeling as Trixie Celestiamaden threw an apple into her face.

“Hold on.” Captain Cosmos grabbed Representative Trixie again, leaping high before the storefront suffered the same fate as the flower pony’s unfortunate stand. Humility mustered enough strength to fly away. Unfortunately, Luna was there to greet them in the air.

“I tire of this game, my student. I will ask one final time, forgo this foalishness, and flee with me to safety. You don’t need to die with the rest of Equestria.”

Punctuating the princess’s words was the moon hanging high above their head. It was impossibly large and round, close enough to touch. The ground rumbled, the force of having the moon so close to the planet causing a violent reaction. It wouldn’t be long until it crashed into the planet, destroying everything Representative Trixie loved.

“You know I can’t,” Representative Trixie said, landing on a nearby roof, safe from the charging bovines. She only hoped the others were safe. Humanity and Captain Cosmos joined her, ready to fight to the bitter end.

“Then I will make this quick.” The Bloody Mare said, her voice resigned. “It’s soon getting to a point where even I won’t be able to escape in time.”

The rumbling continued, making standing difficult. But Representative Trixie didn’t dare falter, not with Equestria on the line. She would save her mentor!

“Be ready, Twilight!” Representative Trixie said before charging. The other Trixies joined her, adding to the mess of Trixie and confusion. She separated into three Trixies, each attacking from a different direction.

“Such tricks won’t work, my student. I can see through your illusions.” Luna said, batting Representative Trixie across the head with a hoof.

Much to her shock, who she hit wasn’t her student. The subtle illusion faded, revealing a different pony posing as Representative Trixie. Humility took the blow like a champ, smiling through her pain. She jabbed her horn hard into Luna’s chest, drawing a speck of crimson. Humility spread her hidden wings out wide, unleashing every bit of magical might.

“Gah!” The Bloody Mare howled as dozens of stunning spells struck her at once, her body going rigid like a statue. Captain Cosmos leaped from another illusionary Trixie, using her grappling hook’s rope to tie the princess up in restraints tough enough that even an alicorn would be tough-pressed to free herself.

“Nice going.” Representative Trixie said, genuinely impressed.

“I’ve tied up worse.” Captain Cosmos replied.

“Finally.” Humility said, her body sagging, feeling the ill effects of using so much magic at once. She was at a real risk of overcharging her magic. “Let’s get her to the Goddess quick.”

“Never!” Antithesis said, blocking their path. Behind her, the cows continued to rampage, some even drawn by the anti-pony to join the conflict. “This is where you die, Trixie.”

“Foalish mare! Do you realize you fight me to your doom?” Corona said, still fighting off the Goddess of Mischief. Much to Trixie’s amazement, the mare’s illusions continued to confound the alicorn. No extra tricks are required.

“Quit now? When I’m having so much fun?” The so-called goddess replied, beaming. She suddenly turned in Antithesis’s direction. “Wait, you still haven’t finished them? What are you waiting for?”

“I’m getting to it!” Antithesis said, snarling back, teeth-baring in frustration. But this had been a mistake. The anti-pony howled in pain as a piece of cobblestone stuck into her temple. She wobbled from the strength of the blow. “You! I’m going to kill you!”

“Yes, I believe we’ve already established that.” Representative Trixie said wryly.

“I’m going to enjoy this,” Antithesis said, three cows gathering behind her. Their eyes glowed redder, eager to pound a certain Night Court representative to paste.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” Captain Cosmos said, taking a protective stance. Humility sat next to Luna, too drained to be of much help.


With a snort of hot breath, all three cows charged. Representative Trixie’s feared they’d trample her mentor and Humility if she didn’t do something. Antithesis stood back, amused by her enemy’s desperate attempt to save her mentor.

Gears in her head racing, Representative Trixie summoned an illusionary red cape to draw a cow’s attention. One reacted immediately, instinctually drawn by the provoking movement. It, unfortunately, had the other benefit of having the cow charge right at her. Representative Trixie fled for her life, pushing her legs past the breaking point.

Thankfully, Captain Cosmos lured the other pair into each other’s path. They slammed their heads together, staggering them both. Before they could recover, Captain Cosmos toppled them both with a sudden rushing charge into their barrel. That left Representative Trixie alone with her opponent.

But Representative Trixie was ready, using an illusion to trick the cow into colliding with a waiting lamppost, staggering her.

“You’re really annoying me, you know that,” Antithesis said, fuming. “Why can’t you die already, like a good little pony?”

“Because good never surrenders, villain.” Captain Cosmos replied.

“Please.” Antithesis rolled her eyes before shooting a black bolt into the superhero’s chest. The mare collapsed, grasping her heart in painful gasps. “This isn’t a fairy tale. Here, heroes die.”

“Captain Cosmos.” Representative Trixie said, gritting her teeth.

“You know what? I could summon more cows to help me. But nah, I’ll let them rampage around town. I’d fight you alone, mano a mano. Ripping you apart with my bare hooves sounds much for fun!” Antithesis said.

“Then bring it!” Representative Trixie said, all false bravado. They both knew the chances of an already exhausted Trixie versus this monster. The ground rumbled as the moon encroached even closer, marking their doom in dozens of minutes at most.

The pair circled each other, Representative Trixie wearily watching her opponent. Antithesis gloated, convinced she’d triumph with ease. As they stalked each other, Representative Trixie spotted Twilight Sparkle hiding behind a destroyed storefront, trying to sneak closer. Representative Trixie, of course, pretended not to notice, keeping her opponent’s attention only on her. The ground rumbled again, making it feel like the moon was tearing the entire planet apart.

“Look at you, the Great and Powerful Trixie, so tiny, small, and insignificant, crushed under my hooves like a bug!” Antithesis said, all confidence.

But Representative Trixie took the insult with a bored yawn. “And what about you? You’re part Trixie. Do you really think your master will tolerate that once everything’s finished?”

“No! I’m too powerful! Too important! He won’t dare!”

“Isn’t Proto akin to a god?” Trixie looked at her hoof, idly examining the dirt in her hoof’s frog. “You’re a disposable tool to him, little more.”

“You!” Blind to her rage, Antithesis leaped on Representative Trixie like a wild animal, saliva dripping from her foaming mouth.

It walked right into Representative Trixie’s trap, who gingerly stepped aside. Antithesis howled in pain as her skull collided with a lamppost hidden by Trixie’s illusion. As powerful as the anti-pony was, she wasn’t very observant, too ruled by emotion.

“I’m going to rip you limb from limb!” Blood dripped from Antithesis’s nose in ugly globules, firing blindly with her magic.

Okay, I got her hopping mad. Now what? Trixie hadn’t exactly planned further from this. Another fierce rumble, and Representative Trixie looked up. She gasped, the moon seeming almost close enough to touch with a hoof. The sky had turned a blood-red, the rumbling increasing by every second. Was this it? Had they finally reached doomsday?

“Dang it.” Antithesis said, swearing under her breath. “Seems I played too long. Oh well, I got my wish. I’ve killed you all. A job well done.”

“Is this where we leave?” Trixie Celestiamaden said, appearing from nowhere, startling them all.

“What happened to your fight with Corona?” Antithesis said after regaining some measure of calm.

“Back here, villain!” Corona’s wrathful voice boomed from across Ponyville, causing some house shingles to fall off. Impossible! She could maintain her illusions at that range?

“Busy.” Trixie Celestiamaden said, smugly.

“You won’t get away with this.” Representative Trixie moved to intervene, but a bolt from Antithesis’s horn drove her back.

“No, it seems like we will. Now, how about that escape route? I guess we have about four minutes until this town gets flattened.” Trixie Celestiamaden said.

“Great plan.” Antithesis swung her hoof, making alien, unfamiliar arcane symbols in the air. A small disc dropped from the sky, landing in her hoof. What was this? Some kinda high-tech wafer?

“Bye, Trixie. I wasn’t nice knowing you.” Before Antithesis could activate the device, a piece of limber stuck the anti-pony across the skull, staggering her. Much to everypony’s shock, it was from Trixie Celestiamaden.

“What are you doing?” Antithesis said, shocked and horrified by the sudden betrayal.

“Betraying you. I couldn’t have gotten this device without you! Thank you!” The Goddess of Mischief said, taking the wafer from the dirt and examining it. Antithesis raved and ranted at the betrayal, but a swift kick to the head knocked her unconscious.

“Whose side are you on?” Representative Trixie said, eying the other Trixie wearily.

“Mine of course, now there’s no point arguing about who betrayed who. We have minutes until total destruction.” After slipping the wafer into a hidden pocket, Trixie Celestiamaden picked up the restrained and struggling Luna like she was dealing with a troublesome foal. “We better get Aunt Luna to Twilight Sparkle and the Goddess before the heavens drop on us!”

“Fine.” Representative Trixie bit back an angry retort. There wasn’t time to argue. Still, she didn’t lessen her guard. The other Trixie was too unpredictable for her liking.

“Trixie.” The twin voices of the Goddess and Twilight said in unison. With her magic, the unicorn was lugging the tank from a hiding spot behind a house. “We’re glad you’re safe.”

Representative Trixie shivered, unnerved by the uncanny way the pair talked out loud and in her head. “Quick, time’s short!.”

“Right.” The joined pair said. Twilight gave traitorous Trixie a suspicious look. “Even with the mind stone, your mind is slippery, Trixie Celestiamaden. We are unsure you can be trusted.”

“I won’t have it any other way. I’d hate to become boring and predictable.” Trixie Celestiamaden said with a smug grin. “But I’m on your side. I’m not a fan of dying in particular.”

“We can discuss this later. Fix Luna!” Representative Trixie said, eyeing the even-closing Luna with palpable dread.

“Very well.” Twilight and the Goddess replied. “Place Luna here. Together, I’m confident we can purge Luna of Antithesis’s taint.”

The bindings were bending under Luna’s squirming and won’t hold her long. Representative Trixie feared they’d break any second. Twilight placed a hoof on the princess’s forehead after Representative Trixie gripped the alicorn’s head firm with her magic.

“Let our mind be your mind. Fear not! We are here to help.” Twilight and the Goddess said. Much to everypony’s relief, the princess calmed down, closing her eyes with a peaceful smile.

“No! Everypony will burn!”

“Look out!”

A black bolt streaked across the sky in Twilight’s direction. With her distracted from the mind meld, she was a sitting duck. Representative Trixie moved to intercede, but her movements seemed like molasses compared to the deadly, lightning-quick beam.

“Gah!” But somepony intervened, and it was nopony anypony had expected.

“I won’t let you doom this world.” Trixie Celestiamaden said, a sickening black scorch mark on her chest. It was like her flesh had aged and decayed to mush in seconds. After giving a brave smile, the Goddess of Mischief collapsed, her brave sacrifice saving everyone.