• Published 28th Feb 2024
  • 181 Views, 0 Comments

A New Adventure - coolpony01

After Twilight's son is taken by the nobility as punishment for him being granted a mural in Canterlot along with a golden heart. She is determined to get him back and will have to travel back to the realm she used to live in to have any hopes

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Ch 1

I am joyous for my son is growing into quite the virtuous person. He is a very sweet kid and I couldn’t ask for anything better. I smiled as I walked down the halls of the castle looking upon all the victories of my friends and I Nightmare Moon, Discord. All of them were feats of heroism and show that through friendship and hard work we can do the right thing.

I then grew proud to lay upon the sight of my son’s victorious mural. It depicts him defeating King Sombra and returning the crystal heart to the empire. A feat that I knew would surely have my son earning much credit.

I then realized that this maybe wasn’t going to all lead to anything good when I heard my son yell. “Help!” I heard him call out. My motherly instincts kicked in and I ran towards the sound only to see my son flung through a portal before I could reach him I felt a trmeous amount of guilt and rage at myself for not reducing him and rage at whoever did this to him. I then saw it was Prince Blueblood that racist narcist dare hurt my son. I charged at him which he was prepared for “What did you do with my son Blueblood!” I demanded accusingly.

He laughed diaboltically at me. “Just to a place where his kind get what’s coming to them.” He said in a self righteous tone Celestia then appeared.

“My faithful student nephew, what is going on here?” Celestia asked in concern.

“Aunt this ruffian attacked me with no good reason.” Blueblood lied in his noble tone.

“Celestia he’s lying he just sent my son through a portal.” I stated angrily.

Celestia’s face then went cold. “Well nephew if you don’t mind I’ll need to do a memory scan on both of you to determine whose telling the truth so you might as well tell the truth now.” Celestia said.

“Aunt Celestia how could you allow a dragon to receive a golden heart led alone allow him to be granted a mural of himself in the castle. It shows that Equestria is going down a dark path if such… beasts are allowed to be worshipped as heroes.” Blueblood said as if he were explaining foal’s knowledge.

“How the Blueblood’s become so empty hearted I will never understand. Now Blueblood you will tell me where you sent Spike.” Celestia demanded.

“Simple I send him to the world your faithful student once resided in. Do you really think the noble bloodlines didn’t know about it. How do you think she was sent there in the first place.” Blueblood said.

I then felt rage. My parents I could have returned to them. No that couldn’t of happened since the elements of harmony sent me back. But they still would have known that I was alright and we could have had contact and made wonderful memories together. All those lost memories of my parents meeting my other family members never happened. All those outings with my parents and possibly some of my other family members and friends wasted. “How dare you keep me from my parents!” I yelled in full out rage.

“It wasn’t for low class members of society to know about.” Blueblood said as he looked down upon me like I was dirt.

“I am not lowly not like you anyways.” I stated in rage.

“How dare you!” He yelled.

“No Blueblood how dare you keep this from me. Knowing about how to get to the other universes we could’ve made contact by now and created real change to Equestria. What Twilight gave was enough but did you even think about what could of happened if we got all the knowledge of course not you’re too much of a fool to realize that.” Celestia stated.

“Aunt with all do respect to your majesty why would you want to socialize with other cultures they’re not even Equestrian.” Blueblood stated as though that would change anything.

“Not even Equestrian Blueblood do you even hear yourself right now we already socilaize with other nations this would only increase our allies and our cultures would come together.” Celestia said.

“That’s exactly what the nobility was afraid of we were afraid that our cultures would blend too much and that true original traditional Equestrian values would be lost forever.” Blueblood stated seemingly loving the idea of traditional Equestrian values.

“Traditional values. Blueblood from your teachings you should know that all cultures matter and it is good to learn and gain culture ourselves why would your nobility keep us from reaching our full potential because of tradition that’s ridiculous.” Celestia stated.

“What are y’all going on about.” Applejack stated confused.

“When Twilight was around two or so. Her parents sent her to another universe because they felt that she deserved it because her existence would ruine their lives. There she meet creatures known as humans. They’re similar to apps and chimpanzee but walk upright and they are just as intlliegent and emotional as us and very smart. They are the ones who originally developed the gun and taser after all.” Celestia stated seeminly still in awe with the inventions of humans.

“So that’s where those inventions came from.” Applejack said. “Well I ought ta thank them they gave us earth ponies a much better advantage over pegasi and unicorns who thought bout attacking us earth ponies and stealing our crops. ….No offense.” Applejack stated to her unicorn and pegasus friends and the princess.

“None taken Applejack this is all a bit to take in.” Rarity said in shock.

“Well not for me. I always knew just knew better than to say anything.” Pinkie Pie said. Well I shoudln’t be surprised about that it was Pinkie Pie after all.

“You’re never find him there have been many changes too that world since you last where there Sparkle and so I don’t think some ill educated ruffian will find him.” Blueblood sneered.

I just laughed “Ill educated? I'm Princess Celestia’s student for pete’s sake. And I noticed that Chrysalis was pretending to be Cadance when apparent nobles couldn’t get the memo. So I think I can find him.” I said.

“And I have every confidence you will be able to Twilight. I have always had faith in your ability.” Celestia spoke proudly to me. Then disgustingly at her mentor.

“As for you Blueblood I hereby revoke your title as prince. I can’t take away your noble status over this but I can imprison you and if you ever want freedom you will tell us everything you know.” Celestia stated.

“Aunt you can’t be serious.” Blueblood said in a noble tone.

“Oh I am. Guards.” Celestia said.

They then led the traitor away.

“Twilight it will be okay we’ll find your son.” Fluttershy said as she looked me deeply in the eye to let me know that I’ll be okay.

We’re supposed to be celebrating our first year anniversary today. It was meant to be special but Spike comes first. And I can’t celebrate while I know he’s in danger.

Celestia then checked the minds of all the nobles including Blueblood as he refused to talk and found the spell. She found that it was similar to Starswirl’s spells regarding universes and thus knew that it would be accurate.

“Alright Twilight you will have to go attrive Spike because if I send te guards it may look like a declaration of war and would thus not be a good environment to put Spike back in. Though you’ll need someone to go and realize any potential dangers which is why I recommend Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie Pie even looked shocked as did I. I did not expect that coming from the princesses mouth. “You’ll need her to determine if there are any dangers available due to her earth pony ability to spot future events.” Celestia explained.

“Oh that makes sense.” Pinkie Pie said.

“You will need to leave as soon as it’s available.” Celestia said.

I gathered all my things together. My books, my potions, some clothes to fit in, plenty of food, as well as water, and medicine. Pinkie Pie packed only the necessities two food some prank traps as she is an earth pony and well Pinkie Pie. She did pack some cupcakes tough she said they’re special ones that help her think but I know her.

We then arrived and looked upon our friends. They looked worried but hopeful and determined Pinkie Pie and I would succeed. “It’s time to depart now.” Celestia said as the portal opened up. “We’ll tell you where exactly to go once we determine where Spike is being held.” Celestia said.

We then went through the portal and it was like a rainbow and we went on one and I saw the entrance to the realm through the other side with its more detailed dimensional patterns and all. We then decided to have a bit of fun and ran down the path towards the exit I was thinking of one of my favorite songs like the wind when we were doing this.

We then made it through. I could see it was nightime but I was confused because we were in a forest. Shouldn’t we be where Spike is being held at. “Whose there.” A voice called out.

I recognized the voice but couldn’t quite pin point who it was. I then saw a voice he looked shocked and then smiled. “Chika is that you?” He stated. I then squirted and smiled.

“Kenzo!” I said as I ran over to him.

I could see Pinkie Pie was still hiding. “It’s okay you can come out we’re friends.” I said.

Pinkie Pie then came out. “So you finally found another one that looks like you.” Kenzo said.

“Actually there’s a lot of us.” I admitted.

“Really?” Kenzo looked excited to hear that and excited for me.

“Yes let me explain.” I said.

“Alright though we should go somewhere quieter not as many friendly people around these parts as there used to be.” He stated sadly.

We went to this apartment but he said that Pinkie would need to be covered because we couldn’t quit let people know that there are more of us.

I told him about Equestria about our culture, our abilities, all the other cultures my adventures my family, my… son and what happened to him. “Wow that is quite a lot to take in.” He stated in shock.

“Yes I know it is rather shocking since we used to joke and say I was likely from another planet.” I chuckled in remembrance at that.

“And I am so happy about what happened to your son. Don’t worry we’ll fight to get him back if he’s really in this city we’ll help you find him it’s kind of our job to help out people.” Kenzo said.

“That’s.. Amazing.” I said impressed at my friend’s virtue.

“Yes it is.” He said.

“Well how about a mover we haven’t watched one in a awhile while we settle in.” He suggested.

I smiled “Of course.” I said. Pinkie Pie and I then settled in for tonight I may have lost my son but I’m determined to get him back. But for now I should just get my bearings alongside Pinkie.