• Published 28th Feb 2024
  • 182 Views, 0 Comments

A New Adventure - coolpony01

After Twilight's son is taken by the nobility as punishment for him being granted a mural in Canterlot along with a golden heart. She is determined to get him back and will have to travel back to the realm she used to live in to have any hopes

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Ch 10

There was a warning that one of the people near the border of the city. They found out that my mom is coming with the colossus and that giant weapon in two weeks. Since there’s no way they spotted him since we used an invisibility spell that I finally was able to learn they won’t be able to invade at a quicker date like last time. Pinkie and I along with the rest of the future industries and our friends are planning on leaving the city. For the members of future industries it’s because they don’t want their work to fall into the earth empire’s hands since it could be used for less than just reasons. For my friends it’s so we can regroup and figure out how to get back into the city without being detected by perfecting an invbilibity potion. I know the recipe I just need more practice. I hope this works because I can’t tell my parents they may think that my princess sending me as simply like a spy and thus view us as a threat. At least, I know we can get the thing done and we’ll get out of the city safely.

Kuvira was agitated. “Ugh stop it stop it.” She demanded herself.

Flashback. Kuvira recently lost her daughter. She has no idea where she went. She is visiting Suyin and her family because she blames him. “I hope your proud of yourself you not only took away our chance at a proper family you also are the reason my daughter is gone.” She stated disappointly to them for causing this. If only they just surrendered then maybe her daughter wouldn’t of gotten so frightened and left.

“We didn’t do anything. This is entirely your doing. You took over my city. You forced my people to bow to you on threat of locking them up like animals. You arrested my son and husband despite the fact that they were peaceful. How did you expect your daughter to react?” Suyin pointed out.

Kuvira was silent; she knew Suyin was right as much as she didn’t want to admit it. She then met up with her husband Bataar. “So how did it go?” He asked.

She sighed. “She wouldn’t listen to reason and even argued that it was our fault our daughter left.” Kuvira said disappointedly.

“How rude of them perhaps we can allow our soldiers to punish them for what they did.” Bataar spoke darkly.

Kuvira was in shock at the horrid idea of her fiance. “Bataar how can you think to just punish them over this sure they can be and are being punished for attacking me but we can’t just harm them for no good reason. Besides they’re right we did mess up we shouldn’t of made Chika see all that she’s just a child and wasn’t quite ready to see the more undesirable aspects of our rule. It is best that we are wise and only punish when necessary and needed this will allow for when our daughter is found that she learns to understand the necessity of our rule.” Kuvira said.

Bataar sighed. “You’re right I’m sorry I was so dark right then it was a little too much.” Bataar admitted.

“It’s alright Bataar, we must focus on doing the right thing for our people and our daughter in the future.” Kuvira said to her husband before embracing him warmly.

And do the right thing she would. She wouldn’t force her daughter to believe in what she believes in she knows better than to do such pointless things. But she would try to ensure that her daughter tries to understand her father and hers’ rule and she would be there for her like she was in the past she would…

“Whoa Kuvira calm down I know you’re interested in getting our daughter back but you have to make sure not to get too into it.” Bataar said.

“Yes I know. I have always been… protective of her. It’s just that she's our daughter and needs us. Someone has to take care of her especially after all the pain she's likely been through and we need to be those people.” Kuvira said with passion towards her daughter’s well being.

“Yes I know though we also need to focus on getting the city back under our control and do it right. Perhaps killing all those soldiers gave us a bad wrap around there.” Bataar said.

“Yes perhaps that is true getting our daughter back is just an added bonus.” Kuvira said.

“But you’re right she does need us and it is best that we get there as soon as it is possible.” Bataar said.

“You’re right as soon as possible. I have to leave now our troops need the support of your grand invention.” Kuvira said.

“Oh stop.” Bataar said happily.

“What it is a grand invention and will bring about great things for the future.” Kuvira said. She then embraced her husband. “I couldn’t of done this without your help after we get back we can finally be a family again all of us.” Kuvira said happily. All of us.