• Published 28th Feb 2024
  • 185 Views, 0 Comments

A New Adventure - coolpony01

After Twilight's son is taken by the nobility as punishment for him being granted a mural in Canterlot along with a golden heart. She is determined to get him back and will have to travel back to the realm she used to live in to have any hopes

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Ch 2

Pinkie Pie and I just woke up we are planning on talking to Kenzo and his friends. We went downstairs to see that breakfast was being made we could see it was rice noodles a common breakfast dish. I got excited to see that it was from falmino hot noodles I haven’t quite figured out how to get their flavor right growing up in Equestria.

Pinkie Pie seemed to enjoy it. “This is the best noodles I’ve ever had.” Pinkie Pie complemented.

“Why thank you I try to be a good cook.” Kenzo’s friend said. I believe her name was Hana.

“So Kenzo told us that you and him are very close.” A younger male said I believe his name was Kanto.

“Well you heard right we used to do all sorts of things together like watching movers, getting ice cream and just well goofing off.” I smiled fondly at the memories.

“That sounds nice. Ever since we met him he’s been nothing but kind to us all. He says he learned a lot about kindness and other such traits from you.” Hana said.

“Well I’m not surprised Twilight here is a very kind hearted mare and has always been so around others especially her son.” Pinkie Pie said proudly of me.

I blushed. “It’s true I do care about my son and I’ll do anything to get him back.” I said with deep passion.

“And we will uh… Twilight.” Kenzo said. He’s not used to calling me that yet but he’ll get used to it.

“But first we have to figure out where he could possibly be.” Hana said as she pulled out a map.

We did some searching since the northern, eastern, and southern parts of the city are mostly secure he’s likely not being held in such places because we would have heard of it.” Kenzo

“So he’s likely closer to the sea side.” I stated.

They nodded their heads. “If we scout the regions and ask around we might get an idea who took your son.” Kenzo said.

“It was probably the rat elephant triad.” Kanto stated.

“The what?” I asked never hearing of that particular triad before.

“That’s right when the city was taken over by Kuvira.” Kento

“What! You mean my parents took over the city!” I yelled in shock.

“Not a good way to tell her.” Hana stated.

“Yes well after your parents took over Zaofu no one knew they were done. Because they wanted the republic they insisted that since the land was originally earth nation territory it should belong to the earth empire.” Kenzo stated.

“That’s insane the people choose to leave due to the advantages they received from having other nations working together why should that not be respected.” I stated disgusted at my parents actions.

“Yes well they took over the city. See your mother made the mistake of whipping out the navy.” Kenzo said.

“What!” I said disgusted at her for wiping out the entire navy just because she was mad they had territory that had at one point belonged to the earth nation.

“Hey you should probably tell her about the weapon.” Kanto interjected.

“Let me guess it has something to do with spirit vines?” I asked.

“Yeah how did you know?” Kenzo asked.

“Because there was this incident that occurred on the train when Varrick was testing them out for a new energy source it ended up turning into a large blast of energy that destroyed the back of the train.” I said.

“I’m not surprised I heard that thing destroyed a mountain.”

“What dad created a weapon that’s capable of destroying a mountain. Is he out of his mind?” I thought aloud.

“Potentially well see he connected into to this giant mechasuit that’s over 40 stories tall.” Kenzo explained.

“Okay so dad you created a mechasuit that big with a weapon that powerful wow he really does take go big or go home to the extremes.” I stated in shock.

“Well they took over the city for a short while but they couldn’t stop the triads and the newly developed elephant rat triad convinced everyone that Kuvira was in the wrong to take over so they took back the city but those thugs only look out for themselves.” Kenzo said in disdain.

“Wait Kenzo what are you even doing here? Shouldn’t you be back in Zaofu?” I asked confused.
“My parents knew Kuvira would force everyone to accept her rule and she didn’t want that for me and frankly neither did I so she got me citizenship in Republic City months prior. We just didn’t know that Kuvira planned on attacking. Because this city just isn’t safe right now.” Kenzo said.

“Wow I’m so sorry it was so rough on you.” I stated.

“It’s alright things have been rough on everyone but we’ll need some ground rules first. Number one no using magic unless absolutely necessary. See your parents are others may view it as a threat or worse an asset and it would be best to avoid that. Second Pinkie Pie you’ll need to remain in the apartment we just can’t get it out that there’s more of us because Kuvira and Bataar both can’t know about the other dimensions at least not until we can ensure that this mission of Twilight’s is done in a way that doesn’t start some sort of interdimensional war.” Kezo stated.

“Okki dokki loki.” Pinkie Pie said happily and understood the situation.

“So what should we do know?” I asked.

“Well first off we gotta ask around but leave it to us because if something happens to you it may cause conflict. I’d recommend that you do something else perhaps you can find a way to be self fulfilled and a benefit to our little society. You could always join Future Industires there always looking for new scientists and from the inventions your world has it would certainly be useful.” Kenzo said.

My face brightened up at that “You really think so?” I said.

“Of course I do you’re your father’s daughter after all. I’m sure he’s genius rubbed off on you.” Kenzo said.

“More like the geniuses back in Equestria but yeah you’re right.” I said.

I came down to my decision. I am going to join future industries to try and make a difference in this world. I know my mentor, my friends, and family would be just as proud of myself as I am right now.