• Published 28th Feb 2024
  • 184 Views, 0 Comments

A New Adventure - coolpony01

After Twilight's son is taken by the nobility as punishment for him being granted a mural in Canterlot along with a golden heart. She is determined to get him back and will have to travel back to the realm she used to live in to have any hopes

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Ch 3

I have joined the members of future industries. I have been able to do my part in the work for the past week since I got the job. I have managed to start and develop security cameras as it was an invention of Equestria. While I was gone I could see they finally made some progress inventing things such as colored movers and photographs. They’ve also developed certain weapons such as gaseous smoke meant to neutralize an opponent. I am in a way very proud of my dad for inventing such things. They truly are becoming as technologically advanced as Equestria is perhaps even more so.

I just woke up I can see that Pinkie Pie looks excited “Heya Twilight. You think we can get more flour we’ll need it for the cupcakes we oughtta celebrate your first week in style.” Pinkie Pie said excited.

I smiled. “Of course Pinkie.” I said.

I told them about Pinkie’s plan and they all agreed having this job for a week surely is something to celebrate.

We then went to have some breakfast it was rice noodles with pig chicken eggs. Pinkie Pie finds the idea adorable they’re like animal combos and I’ll admit if I came in this world for the first time like Pinkie I too would’ve found the idea of mixed animals to be adorable.

We enjoyed our lunch thanked Hana and then left to get going.

Apparently Kenzo has a job there two and I have to admit I am impressed by him. He has such virtue and that is something to be admired. We arrived. When we got there we saw various people walking two and fro. We went to our offices. We began to work on our respected projects mine was developing the security cameras. I explained to them how they work and more importantly how to develop them and they went back to work.

Once we were done. We decided to do a little shopping at a mall that was still operated we got some of the newest music which was jazz of course but still pretty good jazz music even if it’s no longer my favorite.

We also bought some clothes I love the color purple and so I picked out this purple shirt that looks amazing on me it was a bit fun I also found this light blue outfit for Pinkie Pie it has golden balloons on it I know she’ll love it.

We then arrived. “Finally you’re back.” I could see that Pinkie Pie baked some cupcakes.

“Pinkie you didn't have to.” I said gratefully and with a bit of guilt.

“Oh but I did. It's your first week helping all those people it’s important.” Pinkie Pie said.

“I suppose it is worth a little celebrating.” I said.
“Know you're talking like the Twilight I know.” Pinkie said.

We then enjoyed some jazz music while we ate the cupcakes. We did some dancing. It was really fun and I won’t lie I did miss some of the music playing. We enjoyed our time as friends I’ve already made friendships with Kenzo’s friends Hana is so much fun and like’s to have fun and make other’s smile so do I along with Pinkie and so we made fast friends with her. And Kanto is very culturally based and just loves culture and we formed a friendship from enjoying talking about culture and Pinkie Pie got close to him through her cheerful nature along with her love of culture.

We then went to bed knowing we enjoyed our time together.