• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 22,689 Views, 1,308 Comments

A Dream is a Wish...or a Nightmare - Mekon

When you wish upon a star, you may not get what you're actually looking for.

  • ...


Twilight groaned as she struggled to open her eyes, rubbing the last dregs of sleep out before finding herself in a strange, dimly lit room, the walls colored a dark, earthly brown color, bark, with the smells of fantastical foreign plants and burning, charred wood hovering strongly in the air. Slowly, she tried to lift her head up off the pillow she was laying on to look around, but her head refused to listen to her commands, and similarly, her entire body was immobilized, protesting with strong aches and spasms at her every wish to move. Everything hurt, and Twilight could only groan as the pain took over. The morning soreness she had felt that day was nothing compared to the aches she felt now, and in addition to that, her head felt muddled and completely battered almost if she had gone a few rounds with Celestia herself.

To sum it all up in simple terms – She felt absolutely horrible.

She sighed; waking up like this was definitely not a good habit for her. With excruciating effort, Twilight was able to shift her head position on the pillow left so that she could get a better look around the unknown room while trying her best to ignore the burning pain.

It was quite empty, only adorned by a simple bedside table and dresser, but there were some very distinct decorations hanging on the wall that told Twilight exactly whose home she was in.

“Zecora's house huh?” she muttered to herself painfully as she laid eyes on various, exotic tribal masks painted greens, blues and reds hanging alongside thick golden rings. For a moment, Twilight wondered what in Equestria she was doing in Zecora's bed in the first place until she finally remembered. Luna. Magic. Spell. Mirror. Wind. Explosion.

“Ugh...Idiot,” Twilight said, berating herself for so easily forgetting such a simple safety check in her excitement. She felt like an amateur all over again!

Suddenly, Zecora popped her head from around the corner of her door-less bedroom entrance, instantly noticing her awake patient and friend.

“Ahh...Awake finally you are I see. Thus, much thankful relief overcomes me,” the zebra greeted with a smile as she stepped fully through the entrance, and the immobilized, purple unicorn sighed as she shifted her head slightly to meet her zebra caretaker who didn't look like she had been nearly mauled to death by a dangerous chimera just a few days ago, thankfully. Twilight attempted to smile back earnestly, but only managed to grin weakly much to her chagrin.

“Good...you're alright Zecora,” Twilight rasped sincerely, finding her new situation somewhat ironic in every sense of the word.

“Indeed. That is very true, but magical mishaps are worse for you,” Zecora scolded lightly with a chuckle as she walked back into the main alchemical room. Twilight craned her neck slightly, as she heard the sounds of splashing through the thin tree walls, slightly wondering what the zebra had brewed up. Her curiosity was quickly answered as the alchemist zebra trotted back into the room with a filled vial containing a dark green concoction, freshly smoking and altogether suspicious. The light smoke wafting from the lip of the container easily told Twilight what it would taste like as well: sour and extremely bitter.

“The little dragon hurried to my stead, yelling and screaming off his poor head. A couple of long hours you have been out, a result of intense magical feedback, no doubt. Your body is under intense stress, a side effect of internal mess. Quickly, drink this potion my dear, and your magic will stabilize without fear,” she assured as she held the glass to Twilight's mouth, and the suffering unicorn took it with a little hesitation. Despite the fact that Zecora had never failed them, Twilight wasn't really looking forward to tasting the medicine.

Nevertheless, she finished every last drop of the herbal remedy, and Twilight hacked violently as the taste and sharp potency of the potion took over. Immediately though, she could feel the magic inside of her body responding to the medicine, and it was anything but pleasant. It felt like there were a hundred thousand feathers tickling her all over from the inside and out, and she wiggled and spasmed and cried out as she tried to endure the overwhelming sensation.

After a few moments of uncontrollable laughter, the tickling died down, and Twilight took a few deep breaths to stabilize herself and regain her composure. However, she felt immensely better, and the purple unicorn could feel her body finally responding to her commands. Slowly, Twilight swung her legs over the edge of the bed, feeling an extreme amount of relief at the fact that she could move again.

“Phew...you're a lifesaver Zecora. Thank you so much!” Twilight exclaimed as she jumped out of the bed and stretched, her magic already beginning to settle and calm. Just to test out her abilities, Twilight grabbed the discarded blankets and made the bed with her magic, nodding in satisfaction as the task came easily to her. Even most of the soreness had subsided, and again, the lavender mare could only marvel at her friend's abilities.

“Not at all my dearest friend. Those words of praise, to you I extend,” the zebra answered with a laugh of her own, “But a 'you're welcome' is given freely indeed, and I also offer my thanks for your deed. I fear that night if you had not arrived. That encounter, I might have not survived.” Twilight blushed at the high praise but shook it off.

“Of course! I'm just glad you're alright,” the purple unicorn responded with a wide smile of her own, and Zecora nodded appreciatively.

“Now to Ponyville's edge I will happily escort. I do not want anything to take you for sport,” Zecora said as she walked out into the main room with Twilight following closely behind. Before reaching the front door, however, the zebra suddenly stopped. “Ah! One thing I forgot. I recall. One moment. I shall fetch it from the wall.”

The lavender mare paused in confusion as she watched Zecora trot to one of her alchemical shelves, open the locked doors and grab something small from inside the cabinet. It was wrapped in a thick, brown cloth and tied together by string.

“What is that Zecora?” Twilight asked curiously as the zebra rejoined her side, “Is it some sort of herb or something for somepony?”

“In due time Twilight, this here I shall highlight,” the mysterious zebra answered as she opened to the door into the outside world and fearlessly stepped through. Looking up into the sky, Twilight gasped as she noticed the first few slivers of starlight peeking out from the veil of the twilight sky. It was already this late! “Quickly now. Let us not dilly or dally. This forest waits for none in the darkest valley.”

Nodding, Twilight followed Zecora out the door into the black forest, not feeling the same killing intent from the shadows any longer. In fact as they walked down the dirt path, it was deathly quiet, almost ominously so. Not a scratch or bird call or buzz could be heart, and in many ways, it was even creepier than the forest being filled with noise.

“Um...was the forest always this quiet at night?” the lavender mare muttered as she stepped a little closer to her friend out of reflex. However, Zecora didn't answer her and pressed on.

Soon, they had reached the outskirts of the forest, and the first few edges of the rising moon were peaking out from the horizon to greet the declining day.

“At the end's road we have come, now I must return to where I'm from,” Zecora announced as she stepped out onto the uncovered grasses of Ponyville's outskirts. She reached around to the package laying on her back and pressed it onto Twilight. “This gift I give, I must forewarn. Be wary when you do adorn.”

“Huh?” Twilight asked, tilting her head in confusion as Zecora pressed the cloth-covered object into her hooves, “What is this Zecora? I don't need any gift from you. We're even after all.”

“Then as the owner, take it in joy, for it was yours to use in your afternoon ploy,” she responded cryptically and with a grin as she turned around abruptly to head back home, cutting off any sort of protest that Twilight could give.

“Uh...okay? Thanks then Zecora!” Twilight called out as she turned around as well to head home.

Zecora smiled as she shook her head and looked into the forest which answered her with loud shrieks and growls, speaking in liveliness once again. “Farewell my friend, Twilight, for your new adventure begins anew. I imagine a goddess such as that has much in store for you.”


It was already early night by the time Twilight arrived at the library. The market place was nearing its closing time as ponies began to pack up their stalls and head out. Ponyville didn't have much of a nightlife as there were no clubs or late night restaurants for such a small town, and most of the Ponyville ponies were content with staying at home and enjoying dinner with their friends or family.

As expected, when Twilight opened the door to her house, she was greeted by an entourage of worried questions fired at her by none other than her assistant who looked her over like she was a glass statue about to break at the slightest breeze. Twilight sighed and idly levitated Zecora's package onto one of the library's side tables before heading further in.

“Are you sure you're alright Twilight? You just recovered from your last accident and now this happens! I don't want you to strain yourself,” Spike insisted in worry as he pestered her all the way to the kitchen.

“Perfectly fine....again,” Twilight stated, giggling, “But I am starving Spike. Got anything to eat?” Like a well trained soldier, Spike saluted his caretaker, running around the kitchen and grabbing various ingredients and tools to whip up something suitable for dinner.

In no time at all, Spike had a large pot of daisy and alfalfa soup topped with carrot shreddings and fresh parsley for them to eat. Twilight sighed happily as the warm soup hit her tongue, re-energizing her with its strong and fulfilling flavors. The purple mare was extremely glad that she had Spike as an assistant.

“So what happened Spike?” the purple unicorn asked as she finished her second helping of soup, and Spike grimaced as he recalled what had happened earlier that afternoon.

“Well the experiment looked like it was going to work, but suddenly the wind moved one of the mirrors and shifted the beam to you,” the baby dragon explained, and Twilight nodded, already knowing that part, “After that, there was this huge explosion of energy and you fainted. I couldn't get close to you for a long time either, because there were these huge arcs of energy that kept zapping me every time I tried to get close. At that point, I ran to Zecora's house, because I thought that she was probably the only other pony in the area that would know what to do with you.”

“Good job then Spike,” Twilight praised, “Thanks for taking care of me. Zecora definitely did know what to do, luckily.”

“Yeah...but let's try to keep explosive experiments to a minimum for now okay? I think you've had enough injuries for the month,” Spike said with a chuckle, drawing a laugh from Twilight who nodded enthusiastically, “By the way, I've cleaned up the house and everything for Luna, and the guest room and bed is prepared too.”

Twilight nodded in appreciation, and idly wondered what Luna would think if she told her what had happened to her right after she left. She imagined that the lunar goddess would feel guilty, so she decided to keep the whole thing a secret for the time being.

“Thanks so much Spike. Dinner was great too as usual. What in the world would I do without you huh?” the purple unicorn yawned as she stretched. The day's activities and excitement had already taken their toll. “I think I'll take a shower and then turn in early for the night.”

“Sure thing Twi,” he said with a smile as he put away the leftovers and placed the dirty bowls into the sink, “Make sure you get a good night's rest. I don't think Luna would like it if you were falling asleep on her all over the place.”

Twilight smiled and laughed. “Yeah..you're probably right.” Standing up from the table, the lavender mare headed upstairs and opened the door to her shower. However, a sudden curiosity overcame her as she remembered placing the strange cloth-covered package on one of the tables. She reasoned it was a perfectly good time to take a look at it.

Levitating it off of the table and up the stairs into the bathroom, Twilight closed the door behind her and laid the strange bundle on the white bathroom countertop. It was light and she felt it manually for a moment, trying to discern what it was before actually opening it. Grabbing one of the strings, she pulled and unveiled the package and its contents.

The lavender mare gasped as she laid eyes on what lay inside the inconspicuous wrapping; it was the same focus crystal, black and smooth, set inside a gold centerpiece attached to thin gold chain forming a simple yet elegant necklace. It looked professionally done, but Twilight had no idea why Zecora would even give her such a gift. Then she noticed that there was a note placed underneath the golden necklace, and she moved the jewelry to get a clearer view.

As I've said, this jewel of black belongs to you. This setting, I've crafted to express my

gratitude through. Be careful with this here, and enjoy my dear.


“Enjoy?” Twilight said with a confused look, “I guess even I enjoy good jewelry every now and then.” She smiled and made a mental note to thank Zecora again later on.

She shrugged as she levitated the piece in place around her neck, and with one look in the mirror, she decided that she looked pretty good with it on. Twilight grinned and struck a small pose in the reflective glass, and she began to giggle to herself while closing her eyes, feeling a little silly for getting so worked up over a small piece of jewelry. Nonetheless, she felt as if there was something special about it.

“Hehe...I like that new look of yours Twilight,” a low and silky voice suddenly purred, and Twilight's entire form was suddenly hugged from behind by a random body as a cool stream of air was slowly and sensually blown into her left ear. Twilight's whole body seized up immediately as a fiery blush began to rage on her face. “My my...I like this arrangement much, much better. I'll have to thank that zebra witch later.”

Twilight snapped her eyes open to find a pony, her coat a pure, pitch black, hugging her from behind tightly. It was obviously a mare by the way she spoke and the contours of her body which Twilight could easily feel with her own, a fact that sent a bit of heat surging through her body. But it was impossible! She wasn't supposed to actually be there!

“Night...Night...” Twilight began to scream before a pair of hooves wrapped themselves over her mouth tenderly as the goddess hanging above her began to grin mischievously.

“Now now mistress. You wouldn't want Spike to waltz in here and see this now would you?” Nightmare teased with an extremely amused smirk, “Unless you like ponies watching...” Instantly, the dark goddess given form started giggling as she watched Twilight's face light up and her body begin to squirm underneath her.

The purple mare squeaked as she was embraced even tighter from behind by the taller mare, and she could tell that this was no projected illusion. This body was solid and corporeal!

“How! How?!” Twilight muttered through the hooves held on her mouth as she stared at the reflection in the mirror, finding the same goddess looking back at her with a smirk. However, in the real world, the body was definitely different. She was only a bit taller than her, and the purple unicorn could tell that there was something strange about her appearance.

“So what do you think mistress?” the dream goddess asked in a sultry tone as she slowly began to nibble on the edges of Twilight's ear, eliciting a sharp gasp from her helpless captive, “Is it to your liking?”

“I....I...I don't care about that...” Twilight rasped out in-between uneven breaths, “Just! Just get off!” Nightmare chuckled and made one more nibble pass before climbing off her mistress.

“As you wish my lovely mistress,” the dark alicorn chimed before extracting herself from Twilight's back, laughter apparent in her eyes, “As usual, you are so cute my mistress!”

“Shut up...” the purple unicorn hissed as she turned around, finding that Nightmare was indeed right there. Twilight was finally able to get a good look at what the goddess looked like, and as she suspected she wasn't the same as her mirror version. She was definitely taller than herself, but not tall enough to pose as a goddess like Luna or Celestia. If the lavender mare had to guess, her body type was comparable to Fluer De Lis, the pony supermodel.

The most important part, however, was the fact that she only sported a horn instead of both wings and a horn. That in itself would keep any suspicions on the down-low. Similarly, gone were the reptilian eyes of Nightmare Moon, and instead normal pony eyes replaced them. However, they were no less stunning than usual.

Her dark blue mane was still and cascaded around her face and down her body elegantly, and her sleek tail was the same, complimenting her black coat perfectly. And the last, finishing touch was a simple, white crescent moon with a small six-pointed star on one of the ends that posed as her cutie mark.

If Twilight hadn't known any better, she would have thought that a random, beautiful mare had just stepped into her bathroom.

“Shesh mistress. If you're so interested in my body, you could have just told me you know,” Nightmare said coolly with a toothy grin, and immediately, Twilight looked away, “This is going to be so much fun! Now that I have a body, I can do all sorts of things with you mistress!” Abruptly, the dream goddess' expression transformed into the look of a predator stalking its helpless prey, and she slowly began advancing upon the frozen unicorn who could only babble uselessly as she backed into the countertop. Twilight was completely trapped.

“In fact...let's do something fun now! I hear that showering with two is a rather enjoyable,” Nightmare chuckled evilly as she grabbed Twilight without warning.


Spike suddenly stopped washing the dishes as he heard a shrill scream rip through the house and sighed. He shook his head.

“That Twilight....what in Equestria is she doing now?”

Author's Note:

Yay! Now the fun really begins!