• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 22,700 Views, 1,308 Comments

A Dream is a Wish...or a Nightmare - Mekon

When you wish upon a star, you may not get what you're actually looking for.

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After repeatedly assuring an overzealous Rarity that she was indeed fine and not nearing her deathbed, Twilight slammed the door shut, leaning up against the cool wood of the front door, wistfully sighing as she slumped to the floor in exasperation. She dumped the prolific amount of extra clothing Rarity had insisted she have on the floor, staring up blankly at the empty expanse of the library ceiling.

She called out for Spike, but no voice or dragon returned her summons. Most likely, he was out on a midday errand. However, the unicorn was half-relieved and half-irritated that she didn't have her assistant there to help her.

“What a mess,” Twilight muttered as she brought herself to her hooves, knowing that Rarity was going to go out and tell all of her friends that she was ill, and that would make them all worry and freak out. She could be expecting them later on today without a doubt, sporting all sorts of get-well gifts and wishing. Twilight had to deal with the local, resident goddess quickly is she even hoped to act normal during that.

Drudging up the stairs, she plopped herself down in her bedroom at the foot of her bed, wheeling over the full body mirror she owned to commence after making sure no pony else was hiding in the house, particularly a pink party pony who had a penchant for hiding in mirrors and yelling "FOOORRREEVERRR". Deeming it was safe, she began, looking straight at the mirror.

“Alright...I know you're there,” Twilight said, glaring at herself for a good minute, the purple unicorn in the beauty device remaining unchanged, perfectly imitating her every movement. “Nightmare...” A little titter, confident and mischievous, filled the air as Twilight's image transformed in a blur.

“You called?” the visage of the dream goddess asked, a knowing grin plastered across her muzzle as her aquamarine eyes scanned over her host.

“You know darn well I did,” the lavender mare snapped, tired of the head games and playing around, “Can you just act serious for once? This is important to me, and if what you say is true, to you too.” Nightmare's smile suddenly dropped, her face taking on a serious expression, a sight that still made Twilight a bit uncomfortable.

“Very well then,” she answered, her voice no longer light and playful. She sat down on her haunches in the mirror as she prepared for the question session. “You may begin whenever you deem yourself ready Twilight. I did say we would talk.” Said mare balked, believing earlier that getting to this stage would require a lot more teeth pulling; Nightmare was anything but predictable. However, she pressed on, undeterred.

“I want to hear more about this contract. What does it mean for me and for you?” Twilight questioned boldly, direct and to the point. “Also, how does this body-sharing work? Are there any side-effects? Negatives? Positives?” The black alicorn nodded.

“As you are the contract holder, the contract you have struck with me binds my essence to yours, temporarily, until the payment has been met. For you, this means the fulfillment of your dream,” Nightmare lectured, repeating information Twilight already figured out. However, the mare knew something: there was always a price for a service.

“And my payment for you?” Twilight asked, her face dead serious and even threatening. A pregnant pause labored in the bedroom; Twilight's incessant stare never wavering from Nightmare's image as she awaited the announcement of her dark price.

“A chance to see the world,” Nightmare answered finally, her voice quiet, almost trembling. She looked away, trying her best to avoid answering the question in full. Of all the things Twilight had expected, Nightmare's answer was not one of them.

“What do you mean Nightmare?” Twilight asked, her voice absent of of any hostility, confusion taking its place. Surely the reasons behind the entire ordeal were not that simple. Wasn't there an underlying plot? A secret motive? Some eventual grand plan for world domination that Nightmare would facilitate through her?

Nightmare sighed, looking off to the distance as if her eyes were fixed on some nonexistent object conjured by her mind or memories. “It is unimportant to you,” she answered coldly and curtly.

Twilight's eyes squinted to dark slits. No pony withheld information from her.

“As your mistress, I demand that you tell me,” Twilight barked, banking on the fact that Nightmare had referred to her as the contract holder. This time, Nightmare was the one to physically balk, surprised that Twilight had become so aggressive and forward. She regarded the gutsy unicorn for a second, and instead of refusing, Nightmare actually smiled.

“Very well my mistress. I'll tell you,” she answered, amused, deciding to play along. “Having no body of my own, I must rely on others to experience the feeling of living,” Nightmare continued, her eyes returning to the small unicorn, boring into her. “Or else, I am merely an entity, not a being, a warped construct with no real place on this plane. I, in the real sense of the word, live through others.” Twilight paused, trying to absorb this new piece of information, but she was having trouble wrapping her head around it.

“Couldn't you just manifest on your own?” Twilight asked pointedly, “You didn't seem to be having a problem with it at the Summer Sun Celebration. In fact you created like three Shadowbolts to try and trip up Rainbow Dash.”

“A manifestation through Luna's body and powers,” Nightmare replied simply with a shrug, “She was my host.”

“Did you ever have your own body?” Twilight asked, her voice soft and unsure. Nightmare looked away again, her speech stopped, faltering in her stoic demeanor, believing that the unicorn would have given up by now.

“Once, but no longer. I am cursed to roam the plane of ethereal existences, to live through centuries and millenia with no real place of my own.”

“That's...” Twilight could only whisper, feeling shudders of pity snake through her frame. “I can't imagine...”

“Indeed...most cannot,” she replied sadly, averting her eyes from the waves of pity Twilight directed her way, “And I am glad for that. No pony should have to suffer the same curse as I, to be real and not real, to believe you exist when really you do not.” Nightmare hung her head, the otherworldly, starry blue mane covering her face. “In fact....the face you see now is but a construct of your own mind and memories. I have no real image anymore, lost to the annuls of merciless time.” Twilight was speechless, her eyes blinking in pure disbelief. “For even with all of my power, I cannot reverse my fate of nonexistence.”

“That's why you need a host...” Twilight whispered, her voice trembling as she attempted to reign in her overflowing emotions. Nightmare nodded.

“It is also why I made it my mission to fulfill the dreams of my hosts. It is what I owe them for allowing me to live again, even if only briefly,” the black alicorn said as she lifted her face, a fierce expression of determination replacing her melancholy. “If I am to exist, even for only a fleeting moment, I wish to make a difference.”

“And what will you existence do to me?” Twilight continued bravely, trying to shove away the unpleasant reality of Nightmare's situation.

“Honestly, I am not sure,” the dark goddess answered, “Every pony who has hosted me has reacted differently to my presence. Luna, for example, created an alter-ego of her desires, using my power to fuel her other body. One past master used my powers to actually give himself magic, despite the fact that he was just an earth pony. There is no telling how you will react to my power, especially since you have so much of your own already.” Twilight nodded.

“Lastly...are you lying to me about all of this?” she asked, eying the mare of darkness straight on, searching for any signs of deception. Nightmare's eyes softened as a sad smile tugged the sides of her mouth.

Her eyes began to glow a brilliant cyan blue as the entire glass surface was enveloped in the same brilliance, the streaks of light coursing from the mirror in powerful beams. Twilight put her hoof up in front of her eyes quickly, the flash blinding her. She removed the hoof, to find that the mirror was no longer a mirror, but like a screen displaying something.

It was a simple picture, a circle of four ponies sitting around a fire, laughing, and giggling; four friends simply having fun.

“What is this?” Twilight asked, finding the scene to be reminiscent of her own friends when they hung out.

“This...this is my dream,” Nightmare's voice whispered, “To be able to exist, to live like a normal pony.” Suddenly, a fifth pony appeared, her coat jet black while her aqua eyes sparkled with the same jovial laughter as the rest as if she had been there all along. For the second time that day, Twilight was rendered speechless.

“I...I...I..” Nightmare's image returned, and Twilight could feel a comforting hoof placed on her shoulder.

“Do not worry yourself with my troubles my dear. Let us focus on the here and the now, and more importantly your dream,” she said, her normal smile returning. Twilight made sounds of protest, but Nightmare held up her hoof, insisting. “I'd rather not go over my own troubles, and instead help solve yours. After all, that's what I'm here for right?” The purple unicorn fiddled her hooves, unsure.

“If you really want to...” Twilight asked, feeling guilty.

“C'mon now Twilight!” Nightmare said, her demeanor flipping back to cheery, perverted self, “Cheer up! I wouldn't want my favorite sexy mistress to get upset would I?” Twilight screeched, her face heating up to a cute pink as she flipped out in place.

“Don't. Ever. Call. Me. That. Again,” Twilight ground out, finding it entirely too encroaching and highly disturbing. Nightmare giggled.

“But teasing you is too much fun mistress,” the black alicorn replied with a toothy glint. Twilight sighed, but smiled, glad that Nightmare seemed to be back to normal. However, she silently resolved to research more about this enigmatic goddess later. “However, I suppose I can agree for now.” The purple mare groaned. “Moving on. So how much do you know about your own dream?”

“Huh?” Twilight blundered, thrown off by the sudden question. She searched her mind trying to come up with a suitable answer, but aside from the dreams she had had lately, she could not dredge up an response that will suffice.

“I see,” Nightmare responded, grasping the gravity of the situation, “Rejecting your own desires is unhealthy Twilight.”

“It's not that! It's just that...” Twilight protested, her defensive stance going up, not expecting the conversation to switch so suddenly to her.

“There are too many variables to consider and no real process to follow,” the black alicorn stated plainly, finishing Twilight's sentence for her. “No list will help, and few observations will assist. Finding love is not a science or a mathematical formula you can derive from studying a multitude of ponies or a multitude of relationships. Relationships grow, live, breath, feed and die. To take on a relationship is almost like taking on a filly or colt, you have to raise it yourself and adapt to your situation without warning or pretense.”

“I know....and that's what scares me...” Twilight admitted, hanging her head low, “I'm afraid to fail, and I've never failed...” Nightmare smiled tenderly.

“If you love, it is never a failure, no matter what the outcome. Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. And if you do not lose it, all the more better,” the black alicorn stated, “Your dreams are the first step. You dream of a what looks like a mare of uncompromisable beauty in your first dream whom you yearn to love and fill with your love.” Twilight looked up, taking in every word of Nightmare's counsel. “Your second dream, fleeting as it was, is a manifestation of your desire for a partner, a partner willing to take you on a journey, a permanent relationship where there is no turning back. A soul mate.”

Twilight knew Nightmare was right, but she had never admitted it to herself. Ever since she had moved to Ponyville, she had watched on as ponies got together and grew together into something she could only hope to have. Even now, after a few months, Twilight found herself envying her own brother's happiness, wishing that she could find somepony as perfect for her as he did for himself.

“I wouldn't even know where to start...” Twilight lamented wringing her hooves, and Nightmare nodded, knowing this already. However, her face changed into a mischievous grin.

“Fortunately for the both of us. I do!”