• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 22,697 Views, 1,308 Comments

A Dream is a Wish...or a Nightmare - Mekon

When you wish upon a star, you may not get what you're actually looking for.

  • ...


It was weird.....An unusual, undisturbed silence had settled on the Ponyville library. Normally, one would think some nice quiet would be good for such a place, but for Twilight, ironically, it felt a bit creepy.

The unicorn librarian sat on her favorite, reading cushion in the middle of the library's main reading room, perusing lazily through a couple of books she had been meaning to catch up on while Spike went about doing his daily work. Idly, she would check the clock every few moments to see how much time had passed, and to her dismay, it was usually only a couple of minutes at best each time she peeked up from her book.

She pondered the rare silence that she was stooped in, finding it strange that she would feel so uncomfortable in such a perfect atmosphere that would allow her to concentrate and learn to the best of her abilities. Days like this were hard to come by, especially since she had lived in Ponyville and had a certain set of friends that liked to stir things up ever so slightly.

Twilight sighed, plopping her head down on the small reading table, watching the clock pendulum swing back and forth in its rhythmically hypnotic cycle. She was loathe to admit it, but she was bored. Twilight Sparkle had a book in her lap, and she was bored!

“What's wrong with me?” she muttered as she stared blankly at the wall, her ears twitching with each passing of the clock. Twilight had never been bored with a good book in her hooves. Heck, she got a kick out of reading the dictionary for Celestia's sake!

It was slightly worrying for the normally book-addicted mare. Had she caught some weird disease!? Perhaps there was a new disease that made ponies allergic to reading or something terrible like that? She was so caught up in her musings that she didn't notice the sounds of a window being pushed open.

“Hey Twilight, what's up?” a sudden voice asked while a hoof poked Twilight's side, rousing her from her stupor.

“Huh? Ack! Rainbow! When did you get in here?” the purple mare asked, scrambling away from her friend out of surprise, nearly banging her head on one of the bookshelves. Shrugging, the cyan mare simply pointed behind her towards the ceiling, drawing Twilight's gaze to an opened, circular window. Groaning, Twilight face-hoofed.

“Rainbow, you know how many times I've told you to use the front door....” Twilight sighed, grabbing the extended window frame with her magic and closing it shut.

“Yeah....” Rainbow answered a bit guiltily, “But the window is so much easier and faster...Flying and all that you know?”

“Yes. Yes,” Twilight conceded, knowing she would never win this argument with her pegasus friend, “So what are you here for?”

“Oh...um....hehe. You know. Just visiting and all,” the pegasus stuttered impressively, grabbing a random book from the nearest shelf and opening it up at a random spot, pretending to look occupied.

“Rainbow...It's upside down,” Twilight deadpanned, her stare becoming more and more suspicious.

“Oh. I knew that!” Rainbow defended herself, flipping the book in her hooves rightside-up, “I was just uh...reading a message somepony scrawled in the corner. It was upside down.”

“What!?” Twilight yelled, jumping forward to snatch the book out of Rainbow's hooves, intending to look through her logs to figure out the last pony that had rented the book. Once she had the name, she would charge them accordingly for defacing public property and give them a lecture on the importance of maintaining literature for posterity.

“Oh! Whoops! My bad. It was actually all part of the book's design,” the cyan mare dodged, shutting the book closed immediately and slamming it back into place, “Anyways...Err....Where's Luna and Diana? I haven't seen them around."

“Sleeping,” Twilight answered simply with a slightly annoyed huff, “They are a bit sick from last night.”

“Huh? What happened? Are they okay?” Dash asked, her protective streak showing through, “They're not...like dying right!?”

“No. Of course not Rainbow,” the lavender mare answered with a small chuckle, “They are just physically and mentally drained. They should be fine by the end of the day.”

“Oh. Right,” the prismatic pegasus replied with an embarrassed blush, “So, anyways...uh...what's up?”

Twilight stared curiously at her friend, one of her eyebrows quirked in suspicion; something about Rainbow was off....

“Rainbow...” Twilight began, her tone a bit stern, “What are you really doing here?”

“What? Little ol' me? Nothing much. Just visiting a good friend. Yup. Just visiting!” the cyan mare lied terribly, her eyes darting back and forth, trying to distract herself and appear normal.

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight deadpanned, her stare's intensity increasing, causing Rainbow to break out in a nervous sweat. After a few more seconds of firm glaring, she cracked.

“They made me do it! I swear!” she confessed, her back against the wall, her eyes pleading.

“What? Do what?” the lavender mare questioned quickly, her eyes serious, “What's going on Rainbow?”

“Ack! No no no no no no! If I tell you, they'll do it! I can't let that happen!” Rainbow answered fearfully, desperately begging Twilight to just play along.

“Tell me what's going on,” Twilight growled, her face inching closer and closer to her friend's.

“I...I ca...”


“Ahhh!! Rarity and Pinkie Pie wanted me to spy on you! If I didn't, they were going to show our friends the picture they have of me cuddling with Fluttershy from flight school!” Dash admitted, waving her arms about wildly as if it was a life or death situation. Twilight instantly face faulted, pulling her hooves down her face in exasperation.

“Jeez! I thought it was going to be something super important too....” Twilight mumbled, shaking her head and walking back to her table.

“It is important! If they show ponies that photo, my reputation as the coolest and most awesome pony ever will be ruined!” the pegasus explained, her voice making it sound as if the very fate of the world was at stake.

“Yeah yeah yeah. So why did Rarity and Pinkie want you to spy on me anyway? I'm not a particularly exciting subject to study on a normal day like today,” the lavender mare admitted, rolling her eyes as she walked into the kitchen with Rainbow following.

“Eh. I dunno. They kept going on about a bunch of weird things. I didn't really pay too much attention to them,” Rainbow admitted as Twilight fetched a glass of water, “Oh, I remember something now. Rarity kept going on about 'illicit, forbidden, incestuous love' or something like that. And Pinkie kept bouncing around yelling 'sexy fun times' or something silly like that....Hey, what does 'incestuous' mean anyway?”

Twilight literally spat out the water she was about to drink, pumping her chest as she choked on the water that had she had inadvertently inhaled, her eyes bulging in disbelief and mortification.

“Don't...don't worry about it,” she rasped out, still coughing to clear up her system, unable to believe her ears. Just what were her friends thinking!?

“Does it have anything to do with kissing or something like that? I wouldn't really know. Rarity was going on about all of these weird things with hearts in her eyes, so I just assumed it was something mushy like that,” Rainbow continued on innocently.

“What in Equestria made Rarity and Pinkie want to spy on me for that!?” Twilight screeched, beyond embarrassed now. Apparently, her friends thought she was in some sort of hidden, forbidden relationship of sin and lust with Nightmare! Just the thought had Twilight's face burning.

“Ehh? I dunno. Probably when you kissed Diana in front of all of us?” Rainbow squeaked, looking away, remembering her particular reaction to that scene, “So uh....anything to report?”

“NO!” Twilight roared, rubbing her temples in agitation; everything was just going wrong, “I'm not in a relationship like that and especially not with Diana! She's my cousin! She's family.” She blushed too as she remembered Nightmare taking her first kiss, albeit by accident, but a first kiss is a first kiss.

“You sure? It looked a lot more than that to all of us....” Rainbow muttered, her sky blue cheeks still flushed, “I'm kind of curious myself really.”

“Ugh,” the purple unicorn groaned, shutting her eyes, unable to deal with this now. Even with Nightmare out sick, she was still causing problems for her! Well, she couldn't really blame her for this one since it had been an accident, but she still had to deal with it somehow.

“So uh...can you tell me about it? I promise not to tell them. I'll just say nothing interesting has happened, “Dash asked, staring off at a random direction again, trying her best to appear mostly disinterested, though her question really worked against her.

“Ugh..whatever. I'll answer one question. One question,” Twilight gave up, moaning hopelessly as she took a deep swig of water, wishing for once in her life she kept alcohol in the house.

“Did you use tongue when you kissed Diana!?” Rainbow asked promptly, her eyes shining and burning with curiosity, and the purple mare was instantly reduced to a spluttering mess.

“Wha....wha...NO! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASK THAT QUESTION!?” the lavender unicorn yelped, shaking her head wildly as if physically denying it would allow her to mentally deny it, though she wasn't really sure of it herself. Had she actually felt Nightmare's.... “NO! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!”

“Alright. Alright. Jeez,” she surrendered, “It was just a question. I'll go report to Rarity and Pinkie nothing happened. Okay? No need to bite my head off.” Groaning in defeat, Twilight nodded, pleading with whatever gods she had angered to just finish her off already and save her from all of this humiliation and embarrassment.

“Well, see ya later then Twilight,” Rainbow said cheerfully, trotting out of the kitchen and flying up to the library ceiling. She pulled the window open and flew out, leaving the same way she came.

Twilight sighed, smacking her head down on her kitchen table.

“That's the last time I ever admit I'm bored of books....”


Lunchtime was rolling around, and Twilight was doing her best to invest herself in the history book she had been reading. However, it just wasn't clicking. She honestly didn't feel like reading right now, so she figured she would prepare lunch to get the stressful morning off of her mind.

Spike was suspicious again, but didn't comment, allowing his caretaker to make some simple haywiches for them and the two sick ponies.

Satisfied with her creations and deemed up to par by the dragon chef himself, Twilight delivered them accordingly.

Luna didn't put up much of a fuss, still too embarrassed to face Twilight face to face, pointing to the same bedside table with her hoof while she hid underneath the covers. She was thankful for lunch and wolfed it down once Twilight had exited her room, resuming her reading of the various, extra books that had been stored in the closet of the guess room.

Her delivery to Luna completed, Twilight climbed the stairs and knocked on her bedroom door, swinging it open to find a recognizable Nightmare Moon-sized lump still lying on her bed, the blanket draped over her and the pillows discarded, lying on the floor, forgotten and pushed aside. The lavender mare sighed, shaking her head.

“Nightmare,” Twilight said, walking over to her bed, peeling away the covers as if the goddess that lie underneath it was an ancient mummy, “Lunchtime. Wake up already. You can't lounge around all day you know.”

The snoozing alicorn didn't respond and instead flailed her hooves around in her sleep, attempting to reclaim her lost covers. The puple unicorn huffed, setting down the haywiches and moving to wake Nightmare.

"Hey. Wake up,” she said a bit more forcefully, a tick mark appearing on her head out of irritation. Even now, the trickster goddess managed to look so innocent. Her mane was splayed across the bed in a messy sprawl that somehow managed to be both alluring and natural looking at the same time. Her snores came in slow and even bouts, not too loud, but just enough to make them sound cute, and the twitching of her hooves only added to the scene which painted her as your picturesque dream mare.

Twilight knew better luckily. Still, the purple unicorn was intrigued. Just this morning, she had learned something new about her new friend, and it reminded her that she needed to discover more about Nightmare's past, which she had spoken briefly about all those nights ago. Despite her thoughts about the mare, Twilight begrudgingly admitted to herself that she wasn't all that bad.

She didn't want to believe it, but in the short time they had been together, Nightmare had grown on her, as impossible as she would have believed it to be had anypony even suggested the idea before this. The goddess may not have been all rainbows and sunshine with a perfect smile and attitude to match, but there was something there that she just couldn't put a hoof on.

Twilight shrugged, deciding to push the matter aside. For now, she would simply let things play out.

Not saying another word, the unicorn resumed her attempts at waking Nightmare up. However, as she looked down to see if the disguised alicorn had woken up yet, Twilight was met with two open eyes blinking at her. She was caught a bit off guard and just stared into those azure eyes.

She didn't know if it was true, but Twilight saw something in those orbs, happiness but also a deeply buried pain; the librarian couldn't confirm it, because just as soon as she caught a glimpse of it, it disappeared.

“This is the second or so time you've visited me in bed. Some ponies might get the wrong idea you know,” Nightmare answered with a grin, sitting up, unaware of the fact that there were already ponies like that, namely Twilight's friends.

“Haha. Say's the pony whose sleeping in my bed,” the lavender mare responded coolly, grinning back, earning a very small blush from Nightmare who scowled lightly.

“Not fair,” she pouted, crossing her hooves at her chest, “You just had to learn how to talk back.”

“Well, a good mistress has to be able to relate to her pet right?” Twilight answered with a laugh, petting Nightmare's head jokingly, missing the red that painted the goddess' cheeks afterward.

“Hmph. That just means I'll have to step up my game,” the dream goddess stated, smirking evilly but suddenly clutching her head and groaning as a small headache returned.

“Eat. Then take more medicine,” the lavender mare ordered with a kind smile, “Hopefully, the hangover will be gone by dinner. You must have drank some crazy stuff for it to last this long even with food and water.”

“Ugh....that's just it though...I don't even know what I drank....” Nightmare began until she came to a possible conclusion, “Unless....ugh...those girls...”


“Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

That was all the dream goddess had to say for Twilight to understand. No doubt, those girls had probably tried to 'spice up' the backing process, which meant they had done something unnecessary which lead to trouble; trouble that had manifested itself in the form of two very drunk goddesses.

Twilight face-hoofed, making a note to herself about lecturing the girls on the dangers of putting unknown substances into cooking without telling others.

“Shesh, you must have stuffed your face with cupcakes then if you were that drunk,” Twilight joked, earning an indignant glare from Nightmare.

“Har har har,” the disguised alicorn answered sarcastically, rolling her eyes but joining in on the laughter afterward.

“You know....This is fun,” Twilight said randomly with a grin, earning an inquisitive glance from Nightmare who didn't understand.

“What is?”

“Teasing you. You're the first pony I've really ever teased. It's fun.”

“Gee...I don't know if I should take that as an insult or compliment,” Nightmare answered dryly, shaking her head while Twilight giggled, “Most ponies don't take too kindly to teasing.”

“Aww c'mon. It's all fun and games between friends,” the purple unicorn replied, mirth in her eyes and a smile on her face. Nightmare just quirked an eyebrow but broke out into a small, real smile as well.

“Hmmm....I guess you're right,” she answered softly. Stretching, the goddess yawned theatrically but grabbed one of the haywiches, “I guess I better eat and take the medicine. After all, I won't be able to tease you with my full ability until I get over this hangover, so you'd better expect some payback for earlier.

Twilight grinned wolfishly, not saying a word as she walked toward the door, looking over her shoulder one last time before she exited.

“And don't expect me not to fight back. After all, I can't let you get ahead now.”

Author's Note:

Some nice little filler for everyone! College is starting up soon, so updates could be randomly sparse or so for a while.