• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 22,690 Views, 1,308 Comments

A Dream is a Wish...or a Nightmare - Mekon

When you wish upon a star, you may not get what you're actually looking for.

  • ...


Twilight didn't know what to do, her frozen mouth simply agape, hanging listlessly on the floor. What could she even do in this situation? The Elements of Harmony weren't here; she certainly didn't have enough time to call for their help, and she highly doubted that disintegrating the mirror into a fine, white powder would actually dispel the monster in front of her. She was still tempted to do it anyway.

“Why so shocked my dear?” Nightmare questioned, her image leaning forward in the mirror while her face actually looked like it portrayed some amount of real confusion and alarm. The fact that she was closer to Twilight didn't really help disarm the trepidation that rooted the purple unicorn in place, however.

“Wh.....what....what are you doing here?” Twilight stammered, trying her best to put on a brave face while trying to simultaneously formulate a plan of escape, “What do you want?” Suddenly, the sounds of light giggling rang through the misty air, and Twilight's eyes shrunk to tiny pinpricks as she deduced that the sounds must be coming from the evil mare in front of her. She wasn't sure why, but that sound was exponentially more terrifying than Nightmare's evilest cackle.

“Well really, it's not a matter of what I want, but instead of what you want my delicious little unicorn,” Nightmare purred, batting her half-lidded eyes alluringly as she pursed her lips.

Twilight squeaked backing up against the tub, almost perfectly imitating her shy friend, Fluttershy, and she couldn't help but feel a little bit violated as Nightmare metaphorically undressed her with her eyes, something that would be rather difficult for most ponies since they were usually always naked.

“I'm...I'm not sure that's a good idea...” the purple unicorn protested, her voice a bit higher and shaking even more, “If you leave, I'll pretend that I never saw you, honest!” Twilight knew that bargaining with an evil supervillian usually never works, but she had to try something.

“Leave?! So soon? Now why on Equestria would I do something silly like that?” Nightmare asked, folding her hooves if pouting, “Besides, I can't really leave anyways.”

“Why not?” Twilight demanded, starting to gain back a little more confidence, as she jumped back up on all fours. She had faced this beast before; she could do it again. Nightmare shrugged.

“It's rather simple really. You and I share the same body now,” the goddess answered with a little grin gracing her black muzzle, a single sharp tooth hanging out. Twilight froze, her mind mulling over what she had just heard. It wasn't possible.

She stared back at the partially cleared mirror, finding that Nightmare Moon was no longer there, but instead only her own image remained in the shining patch, staring back at her with the same aqua-teal, dragon eyes. If Twilight's pupils could have shrunken any further, her eyes would have ended up looking entirely white. Instead, the poor mare's eyes rolled to the back of her head as the dark goddess' giggling greeted her in the warm darkness.


Everything was so muddled, like walking through a dark cave while wearing a cloth blindfold and holding a flaming torch. Twilight could see, and then she couldn't see. She groaned as she bumped into one of the rough walls again which she had continuously been doing for a while now. The very walls themselves seemed to be shrinking, causing her to slam back and forth every which way as she continued into the cave.

A strange echo floated through the damp and musky air of the cavern, whispering her name, slowly getting louder and louder as she moved deeper in. It seemed close now.

“Twilight! Twilight! Twilight!?”

“Huh! Wha?” the mare rasped out as she finally came to, the light of the morning sun blinding her temporarily as her assistant's rapid shaking finally stopped.

“Phew. Thank goodness,” Spike said, wiping his brow in relief, “I woke up because I heard this loud 'thunk' coming from downstairs! Then I walked into the bathroom to find you out cold on the floor! Are you alright?”

“I'm....I'm fine Spike” Twilight assured weakly, standing up slowly, her hooves feeling disconnected from her body. She looked quickly into the mirror to find only her own plain reflection with the right eyes looking back, just like a good reflection should, but the image of herself with Nightmare's eyes was seared into her memory. “I'm sure I just slipped or something.” Twilight rubbed her head slowly to accompany this statement even though she did not feel any significant amount of throbbing pain lingering in that area that would indicate any sort of head injury.

“Maybe you should go check in with Nurse Redheart. Make sure you don't have a concussion or something,” Spike offered, spotting a rather sizable puddle of water pooling on the tiled floor that could have caused Twilight to fall. The unicorn could only nod, conceding to her worried assistant. She decided to withhold the possibility of being haunted by some crazy, dark goddess from the dragon, not wanting to worry him further than he already was. “Don't you worry. I'll clean this up and have breakfast ready when you get back alright? Just make sure you're alright. Okay?”

Twilight smiled, nuzzling her wonderful helper. “Alright. I'll be back. I'm pretty sure I'm okay.” Spike nodded, shooing the mare out of the house as he began his usual tasks for the day, making sure to make extra coffee.

Slowly, Twilight trotted down the mostly empty streets of Ponyville, deserted because of the early hour of the day, save for a few shopkeepers that were already setting up their stands, ready for another day of selling. Twilight decided against teleporting on the slight chance she did indeed have a concussion; brain damage was never conducive to good spellcasting. Plus, the long trek would let her think about what on Equestria could have possibly happened this morning.

Did she really see an image of Nightmare Moon this morning in the mirror? Or did she simply hit her head on the side of the tub after slipping on a puddle of water, resulting in a vivid, life-like dream? And if so, what caused it?

Without warning, Twilight found herself at the main entrance to the Ponyville hospital, so lost in thought that she hadn't noticed she had already arrived at her appointed destination. The oak doors swung open, allowing her to enter the lobby.

“Ahh...good morning Ms. Sparkle!” the receptionist said with a warm smile as she adjusted her spectacles from behind the mahogany desk, “Is there something I can help you with this morning?” Twilight nodded.

“I think I could have possibly given myself a concussion by slipping on a puddle of water this morning in the bathroom. Can I see Nurse Redheart?” Twilight asked, snapping out of her long reverie, remembering why she had come to the hospital in the first place. The receptionist nodded, flipping through her records, looking for the purple mare's file. She placed Twilight's file on her clipboard, verifying all of the appropriate measures and checking for scheduling issues.

“Luckily, we are not very busy at the moment. Nurse Redheart can see you immediately,” she answered as she finished looking through Twilight's medical coverage and credentials which were all covered under Princess Celestia. “Room three if you will.” Twilight nodded, following the receptionist into the sterilized room, placing herself on the examination table as the sun warmed her back through the window. It was a rather standard room, accompanied by a large metal sink, bio-hazard trashcan and charts plastered all over the white walls entailing how to look for signs of disease or advice on how to keep healthy.

“She'll be with you in just a moment dear,” the receptionist assured as she closed the door. The lavender mare twitched... “dear”. A brief image of the evil, onyx mare flashed through her mind, causing her heartbeat to rapidly rise while her breathing became labored.

“Calm down Sparkle. She's not here right now. It was just a dream. Just. A. Dream,” she forced, willing herself to think of peaceful things, like her lovely mentor in all of her splendid regalia teaching her a new spell. Slowly, Twilight's pulse returned to resting state as the mere image of her teacher was enough to calm her frazzled nerves. She sighed helplessly and silently hoped that she did have a concussion as opposed to the other possibility.

“Good morning Ms. Sparkle,” a sudden soft voice greeted as the wooden doors to the examination room were opened with a click. Nurse Redheart walked in as she reviewed a few files, perusing through Twilight's medical history. “What seems to be the problem dear?” Twilight twitched again.

“Oh...um..I might have hit my head this morning after taking a bath. Spike wanted me to go and check to make sure I didn't have any brain trauma or anything,” she said rubbing her head nervously. The practiced nurse nodded.

“Simple enough,” the white mare answered as she opened one of the various drawers, rattling through the various tools, fetching a shiny circular piece out and placing it on her head, the metal headpiece glinting periodically as a few stray beams of light hit it.

“What's that?” Twilight asked, her curiosity getting the best of her as always.

“Oh, it's just a simple head mirror. Ponies used it ages ago to direct light so they could see,” Nurse Redheart explained, “Normally, I'd use one of the battery-powered light-pens, but they've all run out of power. Luckily, there's enough light to use this right now.” She gestured to the first, powerful rays of the sun peaking through the clear window, directional enough to be redirected. “Now then Ms. Sparkle. Would you please look into the mirror?”

Twilight hesitantly complied, the events of the morning still afresh in her mind. Perhaps she did suffer from some sort of brain trauma, though not necessarily from physical means. Nevertheless, she looked at the circle.

All of a sudden, a brilliant beam of light fell into her eyes as the rays of the morning entered her eye, bouncing off of the mirror. The blinding spot passed from one eye to the other, back and forth for a couple of moments, allowing the nurse to check Twilight's pupils. Nurse Redheart nodded her head in satisfaction as she pulled away. “Well Ms. Sparkle. I believe I can safely say that you do not have a concussion. Both eyes are functioning normally,” Redheart diagnosed as she pulled away from her patient. Twilight sighed, half relieved, half worried, as she looked up towards her caretaker.

She was about to thank her when her eyes suddenly drifted to the shiny piece of metal sitting on Redheart's forehead, no longer a brilliant beacon of light. A single blue, draconic eye appeared there, winking and suddenly disappearing, only to be replaced by Twilight's own wide, purple eyes.

“Well, I believe that is all Ms. Sparkle. If you have any further symptoms, headaches, nausea, fainting spells, or anything of the sort, do not hesitate to come back immediately. Have a nice day dear!” Nurse Redheart finished, checking off appropriate boxes on her report, opening the door and leaving, unknowingly, a panicking purple unicorn who was probably suffering from all of the aforementioned symptoms at once at that moment plus more.

Slowly, she made her way out of the facility, trying to act as normal as possible as she left, hiding all of her terror deep down inside of her, but once she had finally reached the outside, Twilight ran. She didn't know where she was going, but she just ran for her life and for her own crumbling sanity.

Inevitably, she tripped, falling face first into a puddle of water, her perfect mane and coat ruined. She pulled her face out of the water and shook her mane dry, bits of mud and stray pieces of plant clinging to her.

“You should really calm down dearest,” an unfortunately familiar voice sang, making Twilight's eyes snap directly to the makeshift mirror in front of her. “And look! You've gone and ruined your beautiful mane and coat!” The unicorn sucked in a deep breath.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?” Twilight screeched, unable to take this continuing madness, “I'LL DO ANYTHING! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” To her unending frustration, Nightmare's only response was more giggling.

“Has anyone told you that you're absolutely adorable when you're frustrated?” Nightmare laughed, holding her hoof in front of her mouth in a rather ill-disguised attempt to stem her amusement, rendering the Element of Magic speechless. “Besides, I already told you. I can't leave you, and I don't want anything from you.” Twilight snorted, not falling for the dark goddess' lies for one moment.

“Yeah right! If you don't recall, I've faced you before,” Twilight snapped derisively, her nose almost pressed against the waving surface of the puddle, her breath creating small ripples that spread out through the small body of water, “I know what you are.” Nightmare smirked.

“Indeed. You faced me when I was in Luna's body if I recall correctly,” the black alicorn agreed, “But that's exactly the point. I was in Luna's body.”

“I fail to see how that makes any difference on whether or not you're lying and are completely evil.” Nightmare genuinely laughed at that comment, much to the annoyance of Twilight.

“Evil? I resent that comment. I am a goddess of dreams and wishes. I merely bend to the will of my master or mistress,” Nightmare responded with a click of her tongue causing Twilight to back up mentally.

“Wha? Wait? Master? Mistress?” the lavender mare spluttered, never even dreaming of hearing those submissive words from the proud goddess who had caused them so much trouble in the past. The dark alicorn nodded.

“Luna was my last mistress. Did she not tell you that I was created by herself?” Nightmare asked, already knowing the answer.

“Of course she did! Your turned her into an evil, crazy pony that wanted the night to last forever! You were born of her hatred and jealousy!” Twilight accused, pointing her hoof directly at the vision.

“Hmm...only partially true I'm afraid. I am my own being. I have been here for many millennia, but during the time I served under the lunar goddess, I was but a mirror of Luna's thoughts and feelings, not a true creation of her mind. She wanted attention and love, and I carried out her will as she saw fit to get it for her,” she answered back matter-of-factly, “For a goddess such as Luna, a mere temper tantrum turned into a declaration of war. Poor Lulu.”

“YOU GOT HER STUCK ON THE MOON FOR A THOUSAND YEARS!” Twilight roared, finding that Nightmare's familiarity with Luna was uncannily unnerving. Despite the rage directed towards her, the dark goddess remained eerily calm.

She got herself stuck on the moon. Even without me, Luna had envied her sister for a couple of centuries, always walking in the shadows of the most brilliant light in Equestria. All the while, she wanted so much for everyone to love her night as they loved Celestia's day,” Nightmare continued sadly, “When I came upon her, her hatred and jealousy was already well developed, and she willed me to use them to attain her ends.”

“Lies! Luna would never do something like that!” Twilight defended, her voice becoming less and less sure. “She's not evil! You made her evil!”

“Oh, do not get me wrong,” Nightmare retracted, understanding the implications were upsetting her mistress, “Luna loved her sister dearly and still does, but she was just a little filly at the time. She didn't understand that jealousy and hatred are not the answer. Luckily, she learned her lesson, and she has attained her dream. Ponies now love the night as well as the day.” Twilight faltered in her rebuttal. Everything she had thought and known about this enigmatic goddess was shattered. She spoke as if she discouraged hatred and evil acts!

“That's....I don't!....Why!” Twilight yelled, unable to come up with anything else, “Why are you even here then?!” Nightmare smiled tenderly at her.

“Twilight, I am a goddess of the night, granter of dreams and bringer of nightmares. I told you earlier. I am here for you, your wants, your desires and your dreams, to fulfill them in anyway possible.”

“I don't...I don't understand,” the lavender unicorn faltered, “Why did you come to me? Me of all ponies?”

“Because you called for me,” Nightmare replied easily, “Your very being wished, and I had to oblige. Though, I do admit I happily agreed to serving such an exquisite mare as yourself.” Nightmare winked, causing Twilight to do a double-take.

“I didn't wish for anything...” Twilight bit out, furrowing her brow in defiance, trying desperately to hold onto her beliefs that were slowly being shot down, one by one. Nightmare's expression softened, smiling slightly.

“A dream is a wish my Mistress of the Night, and a powerful wish it was,” the dark goddess replied, with a smug grin, “I must admit. I never expected you to have such raunchy dreams my dear, making love to the night itself...” Twilight squeaked again for the second time that day as he face became as red as Big Mac's coat, causing Nightmare to laugh again. Twilight could only babble incoherently as Nightmare laughed away, enjoying the cute expressions of embarrassment that were gracing the unicorn's face. “I leave you now. I'll be in touch soon.” With that, the dark goddess disappeared in a wink. Twilight's reflection returned to normal.

“Wait a minute! Come back here!” Twilight screeched, “I'm not done with you yet!” Suddenly, a hoofstep reached Twilight's ears, and she swung around to come face to face to Applejack who looked a little more than worried that Twilight seemed to be talking to a puddle.

“Ah...Twi? You alright sugercube?”

Twilight groaned and face-hoofed.