• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 13,165 Views, 751 Comments

Ponies and Grey Wardens: The Equestrian Age - Icecane

A Dragon Age crossover. The Commander of the Grey and several Wardens find themselves in Equestria.

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As everyone became fully awake and joined together in a single room to discuss their plans, it was quickly decided that they would all go to Ponyville. Alistair and Commander Cousland were already adament about the plan, while Shale cared little to where it would wait for its chance to leave the painfully colorful world. There was little argument to be had from Oghren and Anders, with the dwarf still too tipsy to offer a rebuttal and the mage's head throbbing with the force that only a hangover could bring.

As their plans were made certain and decided, they were approached by a guard and told to meet within the throne room. While everyone else headed for the chamber without delay, Alistair became noticeably hesitant, almost having to be dragged there. Soon enough however Twilight and the five outsiders entered the the large room to find a princess awaiting them.

Luna stood silently as she watched the group enter the chamber, her eyes focused on each of them at once. A respectable distance was made between them and her, more for formal custom than anything else. As they waited for a response however, the azure princess said nothing, simply holding an expression of expectation within her gaze, as if waiting for their approach.

None of them made a step forward however, each waiting for another to do so instead. The commander himself was waiting for his king to take the position to see what was wanted of them, but the royal Warden made no such attempt. It created a thick silence within the throne room, one that lasted several unnerving moments.

Suddenly, the Warden-Commander was pushed forward by a violent shove, nearly knocking him to the floor in a stumbling heap. Turning around angrily to see the culprit, the Warden witnessed Alistair wearing the worst expression of innocence he had ever seen, as he kept his eyes skyward with a nonchalant blankness on his face. Seeing himself singled out, the commander stepped forward to the princess, shooting a glare toward the Warden-King before doing so.

“You wanted to see us, Princess Luna?” the commander asked, keeping his tone as cordial as possible, not wanting to incur any sort of wrath from the touchy mare.

“Yes,” Luna replied evenly, holding her regal mask of cold indifference in her expression as she addressed him. “My sister regrets not being able to see you here herself, but she is currently away to supervise the examination of the items you had given to her, and she has asked me to see you here.” There was a sudden, drawn out breath that then came from Alistair. It sounded like a sigh of relief.

Essentially being told that the princess wouldn't be there if she didn't have to be, the commander's polite smiled lessened slightly, quickly giving a weak chuckle to keep things going. “It's quite alright,” he replied. “We understand that she is trying to help us the best she can.”

Luna nodded slightly before saying, “Yes, I am aware of your plan. But I also know that even with this sliver of an idea you have, there is no guarantee when you will be able to leave. As such, Celestia has asked that I give you this.” A brown sack became caught in a silvery-blue glow, being lifted into the air and placed into the Warden's hand. The metallic clink of coins bumping into one another could be heard as he shifted the sack in his palm. “This should be enough in monetary funds to aid you in your stay within our land.”

Weighing the hefty bag of coins in his hand, Commander Cousland gave an appreciative smile and bowed his head as he graciously said, “Thanks you, this is very generous.”

As the commander dismissed himself back to the group, he tossed the sack of coins to Alistair, designating him as the one to hold their money. It brought on a sudden whine from the king as he doubted his own ability to handle the responsibility. While they bickered, Twilight approached the lunar princess.

“You are taking them back to Ponyville, are you not?” Luna then asked, regarding the student with a questioning gaze.

“Yes,” the lavender unicorn nodded, taking a glance toward the strange creatures and unable to keep herself from smiling. “I think that would be for the best.”

Again, the princess' gaze steadied on Twilight for several moments, as if dissecting her for muted information. “If that's your desire,” she finally said. “But I would request that you keep watch over them. I do not wish to receive word of any incidents brought on by them. Do you understand?”

“I understand, Princess,” the mare reassured. “I will keep my eye on them and make sure nothing happens.”

“Very well,” Luna responded. “Then I must ask. How do you plan on bringing the creatures to Ponyville?”

Twilight turned to look at the otherworldly group, a large smile expanding on her lips as she already knew what she could do. Having worked so well before, she had no doubt in her mind that it couldn't succeed again. It was a brilliant idea.

“This is a stupid idea,” Alistair growled agitatedly, feeling his nose nearly breaking as it was smashed against the side of the crate he was facing.

The other Grey Wardens were all in similar predicaments, feeling compressed in the limited confines of their box cage. It was almost nostalgic for the commander and Anders, having gone through the torment once already. Now, two more joined the party as they were all cramped in a standing position within a new crate, one that wasn't even twice the size of the previous one. Shale was the lucky one, traveling in the train's luggage car with a tarp thrown over it, standing as perfectly still as a statue. It was a position that the golem was adept at, for obvious reasons.

“Like you'd have found a better way,” the commander chided, his mood faring no better than his companion.

An annoyed huff came from Anders as he rolled his eyes. “We could, you know, walk. Like normal people,” he retorted. “Nothing says suspicious like being smuggled into town.”

“He has a point,” murmured the Warden-King in agreement.

“Yes, and probably cause a mass panic while we're at it,” the Warden-Commander shot back. “That's bound to happen without a ready explanation. You were at Vigil's Keep, Anders, you know what trouble misunderstandings can bring.”

Anders scoffed. “That was different,” he said. “They were darkspawn for Andraste's sake.”

Oghren, who had remained utterly silent all throughout their claustrophobic travels, suddenly released a pleased sigh. “Ah, that's much better,” he murmured.

The three humans held looks of inquiry as Alistair asked, “What's bet- Oh Maker's breath, Oghren!”

Loud cries of disgust and agony erupted from within the crate, the wooden box shaking back and forth violently. The humans pounded against the wooden walls of their prison, trying to free themselves as their nostrils burned and their throats gagged. For all they could tell, a giant rat had just voided itself within the small space that was their crate.

“Damn it,” the commander shouted, trying his hardest to beat his side of the crate open. “Oghren, how could you?!”

“Seemed like a good a place as any,” the dwarf remarked, a devilish smirk on his face as he stood contentedly in place, inwardly laughing like a madman.

As the other Grey Wardens tried desperately to escape, continued to rock back and forth. Eventually, it was too much for the vertical box and it toppled over, causing the Wardens to crash into one another in a single heap of four bodies. They stayed like that for some time as the train neared its destination. Twilight was surprised as she went to retrieve the crate, seeing it lying on its side and looking heavily battered.

Thankfully, the torment of the Wardens neared an end as the unicorn hurriedly took the crate and Shale's unmoving form across Ponyville and into her humble library home. Sounds of sharp gasps erupted in the library as soon as the crate was opened, the passengers within scrambling out of the foul box to take in as much fresh air as their miserable lungs allowed.

“Thank the Maker,” Alistair managed to say, still gulping down air like a glutton, “it's finally over.”

“It couldn't have been that bad,” Twilight said skeptically.

The unicorn flinched as the royal Grey Warden turned to her with a terror inducing glare. “You have no idea,” he snapped.

With their lungs refilled with precious, non dwarf contaminated air, the Grey Wardens climbed to their feet and stretched their aching joints. Having been within the library before, the commander and Anders were both already aware of their surroundings. But for Alistair, Oghren and Shale, it was another new place in the strange world they were in.

As they were looking about their surroundings, they didn't notice the scurrying feet of a certain assistant as he came toward the source of the sudden commotion.

“Oh, you guys are back!” Spike said happily. Running up to his unicorn caretaker and giving her a hug, he then turned to the three newcomers and stared at them some time. It was easy to tell by their reactions that they were surprised.

“W-what is that thing?” Alistair asked, jumping back as he witnessed the tiny dragon.

“It looks like a scaly nug!” Oghren answered, staring amusingly at the infant reptile.

Spike folded his arms and glared indignantly at his spectators. “I'm a dragon!” he growled fiercely, sounding more like a stubborn child than a ferocious beast.

The young assistant's attempt at appearing intimidating backfired as the loud dwarven Warden burst into a bellowing laughter. “Ha! The thing's so tiny. I've seen sodding rodents that are bigger!” Spike puffed out his chest angrily while huffing in agitation, causing small trails of smoke to spark from his flaring nostrils.

“Oh, Spike,” Anders said, eyeing the dragon expectantly. “Where's Ser Pounce-a-lot?” The small kitten had been left behind, his mage master putting him in the care of the assistant while they were away at the castle.

Spike gained an even fiercer look as he pointed off to the far side of the room. “That... beast is over there.” Anders gasped in shock as he saw where his beloved feline friend was. Against the wall, a small fort made out of books was erected. Trapped inside, the white-furred face of Ser Pounce-a-lot could be seen.

“Ser Pounce-a-lot!” the mage cried as he rushed to save his pet, demolishing the book fort and rescuing the trapped cat.

Twilight looked at her assistant sternly. “Spike,” she said in a scolding tone.

The young dragon turned to his caretaker without the slightest bit of remorse. “That thing is a monster!” he said angrily. “It wouldn't listen, it made a mess out of everything, and it tried to claw my eyes out. And look at this.” A clawed finger pointed down to his own chest, showing several red scratch marks running across the dragon's soft underbelly.

Anders remained unconvinced himself however, holding his precious cat in his hands while he nuzzled him softly. “Was the big bad dragon mean to you?” he cooed softly. “It's okay, Anders is here now.” Oghren made a loud gagging noise as he turned away from the obscene scene, while the other Wardens simply rolled their eyes at the display.

The Grey Wardens all waited quietly at the front door of the library. They were alone as Twilight and Spike departed some time ago to gather the townsfolk, their plan being to introduce the otherworldly guests to everyone at once. Sounds of movement and muffled voices could already be heard just outside, clearly the gathering ponies as they waited outside of the library.

“So,” Oghren said to Anders, his passive-aggressive tone sounding provocative, “since you're no longer a mage, what will you tell these pony creatures when they ask why you wear a dress?”

“I don't know,” the mage replied, matching the dwarf's tone to perfection. “Will you be telling them that they're most likely to be killed by you in drunk induced rage?”

Oghren huffed slightly. “Just maliciously scarred,” he retorted. “They should be afraid of you anyway. How cuddly you get with furry animals, I'd be watching my hide around you.” The low laugh came from the dwarf as he grinned at his human companion.

“That's disgusting,” Anders replied, grimacing deeply. “Besides, you're one to talk. I've heard about how you were banned from getting near the stables back at the keep. Though it doesn't surprise me, with what happened to your first wife, a step down the womanly ladder would be all you could get.”

A deep growl escaped the fiery dwarf as his eyes began to narrow up at the human. “That was for a completely different reason! You should watch what you say. I saw what happened with that dalish girl after that darkspawn mess was sorted out. Like where her staff landed as you tried playing the cuddly man around her. You're voice got a little higher for awhile after that.”

Anders folded his arms as he kept his gaze straight forward. “This coming from the dwarf whose wife left him for another woman,” he muttered, just loud enough for the dwarf beside him to hear.

“Pansy,” Oghren muttered back.

“Slack-jawed brute.”

“Templar's bitch!”


“Pathetic worthless mage!”

The residents of Ponyville began to group together in front of the massive tree that made up the town library. Twilight and her assistant Spike both stood idle as they awaited for the word to fully spread that they were to meet there. The unicorn's five friends were already up at the front row, looking about curiously at what was so important, murmuring to themselves as they came up with their own answers.

“What's going on?” one of the ponies asked, causing several more to voice their similar question. As it looked like most of the town had arrived, Mayor Mare stepped forward, holding a questioning gaze similar to those around her.

“Yes, Twilight,” the mayor said. “Just what is it that's so important.”

A silent pause came from the scholar as she prepared herself for the worst, silently hoping that nothing would go wrong. Clearing her throat thoroughly, Twilight replied, “Everypony, if you would please listen, there is something very important I must explain to you.”

As the murmuring stopped, Twilight felt all of the many eyes immediately rivet onto her, making her shift uneasily in place. After taking a deep breath, she readied herself completely. “Alright then,” she called out to the crowd. “I have called you all here because, not too long ago, Equestria has received strange visitors, the likes of which nopony has seen.” More murmuring erupted into the crowd as the ponies looked at one another in confusion. Twilight waited for it to die down before continuing. “Now, don't worry. These visitors are from... a very far away land. They are going to be here for a little while as they prepare to go back to their home. The princesses have already seen them for themselves, judging them to be friendly creatures Now, they may look strange, they might even look dangerous at first glance, but I assure you that they can be very nice and-”

Twilight was interrupted as the door to the library was suddenly flung open. The bodies of Anders and Oghren tumbled out in front of the crowd, forming into a mass of flailing limbs, loud grunts, and thrown punches. Though the dwarf was greater in physical strength compared to the mage, Anders had the advantage in height, making it more difficult for Oghren to find the right places to plow his fists into.

The crowd of ponies looked at the scene in shock, seeing the strange creatures fighting one another.

From within the library, the commander and Alistair both looked at the scene in exasperation. The commander held Oghren's ax, having plucked it from his back before the inevitable scuffle started so no one would end up hurt, while Alistair managed to slip Anders' bag off of him, keeping the small cat within safe. Both of the two Wardens had matching expressions as they looked down at the floor and pinched the bridge of their noses.

“Shale,” the commander murmured, “would you please stop them?”

Heaving a sigh, the golem stomped toward the still brawling Wardens and grabbed each one by the backs of their shirts. With the construct's mighty strength, it was able to lift both of them off of the ground with each hand, giving Oghren a much greater distance from his feet to the ground given his shortness.

The air became still as Anders and Oghren hung in the golem's grip and the many ponies stared at the creatures in utter shock, even Twilight's own eyes were wide, too afraid to say anything out of fear of starting a mass panic.

Setting the dwarven ax away, the Warden-Commander stepped forward, causing the gazes of the many ponies to lock onto his sudden movements. Standing before them all, the commander looked out to their silent, waiting forms and decided to speak. “Everyone... Everypony,” he quickly corrected himself. “It is wonderful to finally see you all here. Me and my companions have heard a great deal of your land and your people from both Twilight and your princesses. Now, we simply wish to stay here among you while we prepare a way for us to return to our own home. We do not want to appear hostile or antisocial. Please, feel free to ask us whatever you'd like. We would be happy to answer any question you have about us.”

Though many of the mares and stallions looked shocked and cautious toward the human, none became fearful or panicked as he spoke to them, a fact that made Twilight breathe a well deserved sigh of relief. There was even one mare who looked positively ecstatic to see the bipedal creatures, a unicorn who looked on from the crowd with a large smile, one that kept growing to grand proportions. Though none of the Grey Wardens noticed her, or how unnerving her gaze on them might be.

Things quickly began to die down, most ponies returned to their lives before the librarian interrupted them, several ponies took it upon themselves to give a friendly hello to greet the visitors. Twilight's five friends especially stayed, having many questions popping into their heads as they kept their sights on the commander.

After everyone else was gone, Twilight and the commander took it upon themselves to explain what was going on. They told the ponies the gist of what was going on, that they were from another world, as well as how they were planning on returning. They were accepting enough, if a little confused toward the initial secrecy that their librarian friend had.

The commander then departed from the company of the six mares, leaving Twilight to continue conversing with her friends. He took the chance to breathe the fresh air in deeply, finally feeling free for the first time, not having to hide from unsuspecting eyes. His personal enjoyment soon ended as he heard someone approaching him. As he turned to see who it was, Alistair looked at his friend with a smile.

“So... that went well,” the king muttered, looking over toward Anders and Oghren who were still directing heated glares to one another. “At least they seem accepting enough, though I'm sure things will get a little tense for a while.”

The commander shrugged. “They just need to get used to us. We've already seen from Twilight and the princesses that they can be understanding when they need to be.”

“True...” Alistair trailed off, a subtle frown creasing across his mouth for only a moment. “Anyway, I figured with us being shown off to the town, we can get some supplies.” He held up the sack of coins that Luna had given them. “That library's not going to be big enough for us. So I figured we can buy a few bedrolls and food here, then camp out just outside of the nearby forest. It'll be just like old times.”

“Camp out?” the commander questioned, looking away awkwardly from his friend.

“Of course,” Alistair said with a nod. “I've already told Oghren and Anders while you were off talking to Twilight's friends. You're coming with us too... aren't you?”

The Warden-Commander began to scratch the back of his neck in his uncomfortable state, his gaze turning toward the nearby lavender-coated mare before being shifted back to his royal friend. “Well... It's not like it doesn't sound like fun or anything... But Twilight's offered to let me stay in her house and everything... I just don't want to seem ungrateful to her.”

Alistair was a little surprised by the answer. “Oh,” he replied. “Well that's fine I guess. If she's being so generous and all.” Despite his quick acceptance to his friend's wishes, Alistair kept a suspicious gaze on him. The Warden-King's eyes suddenly widened as a shuddering thought entered into his imagination. He quickly shoved the thought out of his mind, telling himself how much of an absurdity such a thing was.