• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 13,165 Views, 751 Comments

Ponies and Grey Wardens: The Equestrian Age - Icecane

A Dragon Age crossover. The Commander of the Grey and several Wardens find themselves in Equestria.

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What's Worth Protecting

Fluttershy continued to watch Anders quizzically, his eyes darting back and forth on a nearby table, looking as though he was searching for something. “Where is it... Where is it...” he murmured to himself, moving aside stacks books and papers.

“What are you looking for?” Fluttershy asked, tilting her to the side in her confusion.

Anders didn't turn to look at her, his eyes still searching the immediate area, simply saying, “The only thing I can think of that might- Ah! Here it is!” Buried under a small pile of tomes was a small, palm-sized box with a glass lid. Picking it up, the mage's lips parted in a smile as he looked at the blue ring that was inside.

The strange piece of jewelry catching her eye quickly, the pegasus mare looked between it and the mage with curiosity. “What's that thing?” she asked.

“Lyrium,” Anders replied, opening up the box, his hand cautiously hovering over it but never touching it. “Not a lot... but maybe enough.” Setting the box back on the table, he looked around again before kneeling down. With a swift motion, he tore off a scrap of cloth from the hem of his robes.

Noticing his pony spectator's gaze still locked on him, Anders figured he'd clue her in as he wrapped the piece of tattered cloth around the ring. “This stuff, as it is now, like poison to mages,” he explained. Just touching it could kill me... or worse. Heh, ironically enough, I could use it to completely rip any magical connection from me too... Probably even let me stay here in this world... Too bad it also rips any sort of personality out you too, not the most viable of options.”

With the ring safely wrapped up, the mage carelessly tossed it up and down as he stood before the large mirror. Just holding the piece of jewelry in his hands, there was an unmistakable spark of magical energy as he got closer toward the Eluvian shards. The magic within both of the objects were reacting to one another, making the mage all the more certain that his plan might work.

“Alright...” Anders murmured, his voice still holding a hint of uncertainty despite his otherwise determined look, “hopefully this plan works...”

“What are you going to do?” the pegasus mare asked, already stepping behind the overturned table barrier as a precaution.

An exacerbated breath left the Grey Warden as he continuously looked between the Eluvian shards and the ring held in his grasp. “Well,” he explained, “since trying to 'copy' the magic that the Eluvian has into the mirror has proved to be an utter failure, the only other method I can think of is to try and transfer the magic from the shards themselves into the mirror.” His hand tightened around the ring. “With the lyrium as a catalyst, I might be able to do it. But...” he trailed off, swallowing the lump in his throat. “The attempt alone will destroy the shards entirely... So if it fails...”

“You'll have no other way back...” Fluttershy murmured, realizing where the mage was going.

Biting his lower lip, Anders shook his head. "Technically no,” he corrected. “The only other option would be to use blood magic. But even then, there's no telling what it would do. Ancient elves never used such methods with their spells. And then there's the fact that even attempting blood magic would require... sacrifices...”

“Sacrifices?” Fluttershy whimpered, a quiver in her voice at the concept alone.

“But it won't come to that!” Anders said loudly, mostly to himself. “This will work... I know it!” He turned toward the mare, worry in his eyes. “Just... just stand back, and be safe.” Fluttershy did as she was told, not leaving her place behind the table as she watched the mage get to work.

Much like his previous attempts, Anders steadied himself before the Eluvian shards and the mirror. His chest repeatedly began to rise and fall from his heavy breaths, nostrils flaring. Only a second lasted where he took a single glance at the lyrium ring before his hand clasped around it. Readying himself, steeling his nerves and concentrating every last thought he had into the task, the mage's hands ignited in a powerful blue and white glow.

The change in power was easily noticeable, Anders could feel the added benefit of the lyrium in his clutches immediately. His magic was becoming more potent, increasing every moment as his eyes remained trained on the Eluvian shards and the mirror.

Throwing his arms forward, Anders' could feel the building magic extend outward, the shards and mirror swirling with the same aura that encompassed his own hands. Focus never breaking, beads of sweat formed on his brow, his teeth grinding against each other as every muscle in his body tightened to painful lengths. But the mage never stopped, never blinked or let up in his magical assault. He knew the stakes of what he was trying, knowing full well what failure meant.

The magical shards of glass began to rattle on the table they were placed on. A bright light emanated from the surfaces, as though caught in the reflective surface of the glass. The strain of the magic could clearly be seen on the objects themselves. The blinding light from it became too much for Fluttershy to take, forced to duck down fully behind the table as the air within the small chamber felt heavier, almost crackling with magical energy.

Even in the light emanating from them, Anders could see cracks appearing across the shards. They deepened more and more until a sudden burst of magical light consumed the room. From within the abyss of light that engulfed them, Anders and Fluttershy could hear the sound of shattering class reverberating through the chamber.

Several moments past before the light finally faded, allowing for the mage and pony to see once again. On the table where the Eluvian shards once rested, there was nothing but a few particles of a white powder. Just seeing it almost caused the rest of Anders' strength leave him, his knees buckling as he knelt on the ground. Droplets of sweat splattered onto the floor as his mouth hung open, his haggard breath being the only sound in the room for some time.

Recovering enough to stand, Anders looked away from what remained of the shards and looked to the mirror itself. As his gaze fell on the object, his eyes grew wide as his mouth hung open in shock. No longer was the mirror holding a reflective surface. It looked as though a dark-violet abyss had been trapped behind a pane of glass, swirling with an endless nothingness that looked as though it could consume all that approached it. Crackles of magical energy resonated from the mirror, snapping out like lightning.

With slow, hesitant steps, the Grey Warden approached the mirror. Fluttershy's head poked out from behind the table, watching the mage go with nary a word to say otherwise. She was just as speechless as he mage as he closed the distance between himself and the object.

Just standing there, inches away from it, there was a swelling feeling of energy surging into the human's body. Added to it however, Anders felt as though his own power was being sucked away, taken into the abysmal maw that was behind the glass. It was an endless cycle and give and take, making the mage almost fearful as his hand reached out toward it.

It was cold. It was the first sensation his skin felt as his palm rested against the mirror. It was as though there wasn't even glass there any more. But as he ran his hand across the surface of the mirror, it rippled underneath of his touch, like a disturbed pond of water. As he did it, a smile twitched itself onto the mage's face, a winded chuckle escaping him.

“It... it worked!” Anders exclaimed. “Woohoo! It worked! I've made an Eluvian!” He jumped into the air as he cheered, his voice rising with triumph.

“You did it!” Fluttershy said herself, flying into the air around the human. Her lips parted into a large smile as she took a deep breath and then gave a miniscule, “Yay...”

Joy was still apparent on Anders face as he continued to jump ecstaticly. “Ha ha! I can't believe it worked! That's means we're done here!” His smile began to slowly deflate.” We can finally... go... back home...” Just as quickly as it had ignited, the spark of celebration fizzled out. Anders and Fluttershy looked at one another wordlessly, their gazes falling as the bittersweet accomplishment fully dawned on them.

Cuddling against each other, Twilight and Commander Cousland laid stretched out on the human's bed. The Warden absently stroked the mare's mane, running his fingers through it gingerly as their gazes looked at the nearby wall blankly. Already, a good portion of the day had gone by, being just as eventful as the last. But, as the day began to wind down, there was no escaping the sorrow that was creeping into their hearts.

“From what Anders says, the Eluvian will be ready soon,” the commander murmured, speaking what he knew they were both thinking. Simply letting those words out in the open seemed to release a compounding feeling of tension amongst them, a saddened sigh escaping them at nearly the same time.

Twilight nodded dishearteningly. “Yeah... I know,” she murmured, her voice barely rising above a whisper. It was filled with a pain that the Warden had been expecting, and also dreading.

Thinking up an attempt to lighten the mood, a smirk made its way onto the commander's face. Chuckling lightly, he tightened his hold on the mare, bringing her closer. “You know,” he said amusingly, “I really feel I should thank those changeling creatures who abducted me before.” As he spoke, he could feel the mare shifting slightly. Another chuckle left him as he could easily sense her apprehension. “Come now. Had it not been for them, I might not have been put in the position for you to... assault me.”

A huff left the mare as she turned her sights toward the human. “I don't remember hearing a complaint from you, even at the time,” she remarked, holding a wry smile underneath a coy gaze.

“You're right,” the commander said, leaning in close as he kissed her, their lips locked together for several moments.

As they broke away, Twilight's eyes narrowed fiercely as she held the human in a possessive grip. “Chrysalis is just lucky she got away when she did,” the lavender mare said, “especially after what she did to you.”

At that, the commander burst into laughter, his voice carrying through the small guest room. Twilight even smiled herself, the Warden's attempt to cheer her up having succeeded. As they remained there, lying together as lovingly as they could, the commander continued to let loose a hearty laugh.

The fit of enjoyment was suddenly caught in his throat however, the sound of knocking cutting it off in an instant. Upon hearing the new noise, the commander and Twilight both turned their gazes toward the only exit, seeing Alistair standing in the doorway.

The Warden-King looked at them both, wearing a morose expression. Taking a moment to clear his throat, the king heaved a sigh and murmured, “Hey, uh...Anders wants us now... thinks he has everything ready to go...”

The commander nodded and Alistair promptly turned away from the threshold, disappearing into the hall. As Twilight turned back to the human beside her, a clear look of need was written on her face, she wanted nothing more than for them to stay right where they were. But the unicorn's silent plea was unable to be heeded by the commander, as he left the mare's side and climbed out of bed.

With slow, lax movements, the Warden-Commander began to put on his armor, knowing what was coming, he knew he would be needing to wear it. Surprisingly, the suit of armor seemed to be much heavier than he remember, weighting him down immeasurably so. But the human did not stop, putting on each piece of armor one by one. It was obvious that it was not the weight from his gear he was feeling, but the weight in his own chest.

“I guess this really is our last day here,” the Warden murmured dejectedly, choking slightly on his own words.

Standing there, watching the human dress himself, Twilight felt as though she was going to cry. No tears were shed however, only the sadness weighed her down, gripping that beating organ in her chest as her ears fell limply against her head. “I... I don't want you to go...” she whimpered out, unable to fathom how she wasn't already a sobbing mess on the floor.

“Please... don't,” the commander begged, kneeling before the mare as he caressed her cheek with a tender touch. It was all that it took as the unicorn's eyes began to water, her lips quivering as she threw herself forward and wrapped her forelegs around the human.

The Warden did the same, holding her in his arms tightly, never wanting to let go but understanding that he had to. “Do you remember what I said in the forest?” he asked, pulling away from their embrace just enough to look the mare in the eyes. “How I would protect anything that I've found to be worth it? That's you, Twilight. You are worth protecting... Whether it be with my life or... any other means. In order to keep you safe, me and the others... we have to leave. And not just for you, for your land, your people, everyone you care about.”

“But I care about you,” Twilight cried out. Though she knew full well the truth that the human spoke, she still wanted to deny it all.

“I know... I know,” the commander whispered. “Just as I know how much I care for you. But... we both knew this would happen. The only thing we can do now is not focus on what's coming. All we can do is remember all of the good things we've had together. Please, Twilight... just remember.”

As Twilight nodded her head, the commander gave a soft smile as he wiped away what few tears had graced her face. Not another word was said as the human stood fully upright and they made their way out of the room.

Making it into the hallway, heading toward where they needed to be, the commander was stopped as he felt a hand placed on his shoulder. Turning his head in the direction, the Warden-Commander saw Alistair looking back at him. There was sympathy and understanding brimming in the king's eyes. It formed a small smile on the commander's face as he nodded toward the their destination and they made the arduous trek to where they were needed.

Everyone was standing in a grand chamber, immense in its size as well as beauty. Perfectly tiled floors that were as smooth as physically possible spanned out under their feet. Mighty pillars held up the roof above them, decorated with ornate designs with the different kinds of ponies made into it as well. The furthest wall was barely even a wall at all, with enormous windows that started at the floor and stretched up to the ceiling, allowing all who looked out of it to see the open sky where Luna's moon shined through beautifully.

Anders stood near Princess Celestia and Luna, caught up in a discussion with them that the others couldn't hear save for Fluttershy who stayed by the mage's side. Oghren leaned on his ax, gazing about the room absentmindedly as he awaited for the events to transpire. Shale did what it did best, standing stoically away from the others as it played the waiting game itself, while everything and everyone in the room remained in its sights. The little dragon Spike stood alone in the room as well, waiting for his caretaker to show herself.

As Twilight, Alistair and the commander entered the chamber, their eyes were immediately drawn to the most prominent object in the room. The Eluvian crackled and sparked with magical energy, making itself known to the young unicorn in an instant. Even the commander was unable to tear his gaze away from it easier, his mind swimming with a multitude of thoughts, many pertaining to when he saw a similar sight to before.

It looked just like the other one had, minus a few superfluous decorations. The Warden could almost see himself once again surrounded by water by all sides, with only a path forward leading to a small island, and a path backward leading to the exit, as well as the rotting corpse of an ancient beast. He could almost hear the frantic barking of his mabari as he ran ahead, jumping up and down eagerly at the sight of an old friend. Then a voice came to his mind, saying something despite the fact he wasn't listening, something about a book. The commander shook his head violently, realizing that his thumb was rubbing against his finger.

Seeing that everyone was finally with them, Anders gestured for everyone to gather closer. It was clear to anyone who bothered to look that the mage was holding little in his usual brand of enthusiasm, it being even more obvious to the Warden-Commander as to why.

“Alright then,” Anders said as he addressed everyone, “as you can all see,” he gestured over to the Eluvian, “our way back is looking finished. To that I say... yes and no.” Raised eyebrows were had from everyone as they said not a word, making the mage clear his throat as he prepared to give a better explanation. “While yes, the Eluvian is an Eluvian by any sense of the word... it's not powerful enough to actually work right now.”

“Not powerful enough?” Alistair questioned. “If it's not ready, then why did you call us here?”

“Because I can make it ready,” Anders replied. “All it needs is a huge source of magical energy. Though, seeing as I'm the only mage here, and our only piece of lyrium is a pebble, there's a problem. But, as you've all seen before,” he nodded toward the two equine rulers, “a little princess power does wonders. So they've agreed to offer their power in order for me to finish the Eluvian.” A subtle sight escaped the mage as his gaze drooped down for single moment. “So... let's get this done and we can... go back home.”

Staying silent, everyone nodded to one another as they stepped back, giving Anders and the princesses ample amounts of room. When everyone was a safe distance away, Celestia and Luna both took a seat next to the mage, closing their eyes. As the silence thickened, everyone watched as their horns were enveloped in a bright, magical aura. Celestia's horn glowed with a golden magnificence while Luna's own was a beautiful silvery-blue.

Just as the horns of the royal equines were fully light up, the same glowing colors washed over Anders. The mage shuddered from the sudden onset of power, his body shaking as it seeped into his very being. His breathing deepened as his eyes narrowed toward the Eluvian, most of the magical power culminating around his hands.

Raising his hands and holding them toward the mystical object, the air itself in the chamber seemed to shudder as Anders forced the magical power into the mirror. The Eluvian reacted to it instantly, the purple abyss within it thrashing and churning violently. A deep blue glow shined from the outer edges of the mirror, from the base that kept it standing to the tip top. It was difficult to look at it directly, forcing the spectators to advert their gazes as Anders continued feeding the Eluvian power.

The toll of the it all appeared clearly on the faces of Anders and the princesses. Sweat formed over their strained expressions while the mage looked as though he was ready to collapse. But none of them stopped. Celestia and Luna continued to give their power to charge the mage's spell as Anders never faltered in his own actions.

Then, with a sudden gasp of a cry, Anders fell to his knees and it all ended. The power swallowing the mage, princesses and the Eluvian faded, the powerful object looking just as it had previously.

“Drat...” Anders said breathlessly, looking up at the Eluvian. “We are... so close...”

Celestia and Luna both looked weak as well, as they attempted to make a simple motion of standing, their legs wobbled and both princesses collapsed. Falling onto the floor as the lied on their stomachs. Startled, Twilight, the commander and Alistair each ran to the sides of the rulers, checking to see if they were alright.

“We're fine... just fine,” Celestia urged quietly, winded herself as it looked like she had galloped across all of Equestria on hoof. “We just... overexerted ourselves a little...”

A short laugh came from Anders as he slowly rose to his feet, legs still shaking under the strain of his own weight. “You really... really gave it your all, huh?” he asked amusingly. “But thank you... You two can just... sit back and rest now though... We only need a bit more power now... and it'll work... I-I can do it myself. Just... just give me a minute or two to recharge... and I'll be ready for round two.”

Oghren smirked as he said, “I bet it was the first time this's happened to ya before too.”

“Sh-shut up,” Anders weakly retorted, chuckling lightly all the same however. Even Alistair and the Warden gave small chuckles of amusement, allowing a little bit of joy to come to them in a moment of sadness and dread.

But, their slowly uplifting mood was abruptly ended, coming to a shattering crash as a piercing wail of a noise consumed the chamber entirely. Crying out in pain, everyone clasped their hands and hooves over their ears, the sharp sound of screeching glass tearing into their brains like a whirlwind of knives.

As the horrible sound continued, everyone frantically searched for the source, their eyes becoming riveted to the massive windows at the far end of the room. Standing there, just outside of the glass barriers, a black silhouette looked at them all. Large cracks formed in the windows, starting just where the figure was standing. In moments, they expanded until they covered the entirety of the glass. Then, the horrible screeching noise ended, as the windows shattered, sending shards of glass in all directions.

They had barely any time to react as the silhouette was on them in an instant. It leaped toward them, claws poised to strike as it stabbed into the ground where they were once standing, the Grey Wardens and ponies being scattered. Within the light of the chamber, everyone's eyes widened as they looked upon the creature that was attacking them, horrified by the mangled sight they were seeing.

It stood like a human, bipedal as far as they could see. Hunched over like an animal, it was difficult to tell of its actual height, still looking as though it beat them by a few feet. Sickly pale-gray flesh wrapped around its boney frame, as though it was nothing but skin pulled tautly around bone. Its spindly arms dangled from its jagged shoulders, much of the forearm and hands being consumed by a dull-azure coloring.

Protruding from each of its fingers, large claws extended out by a few inches, looking more like blades pierced through the fingertips than actual claws, they too were as blue as the creature's arms. There was nothing to see for legs. From the waist down, all that could be seen was a shroud of swirling, black smoke. It was as if it wore the darkness itself, covering its legs and feet entirely. All over its body, hideous growths were formed, from the chest where the flesh seemed to have hardened, looking like black stone spikes, to its face where the flesh was twisted outward in gnarled protrusions that resembled a multitude of horns in the guise of hair.

The creature's face was the most horrific. It didn't have any kind of lips or teeth. Instead, all it had in place for its gnashing maw were thick, serrated spikes forming along the jaw and upper skull. Two eyes that were nothing but black orbs held them all in its gaze, filled with nothing but a furious rage and pure malice. Just looking upon the creature filled them all with thoughts of pain and misery, the likes of which none of them had ever felt before.

“What... what is that thing?!” Alistair shouted.

The commander was nowhere close to answer, unable to look away from the monstrous creature. None of them had seen anything like it, yet there was strange familiarity about it that was implacable. There was no time for them to dwell on it, or even answer the king's question, as the creature lunged at the commander and king, its sharp claws ready to tear into them. Both Grey Wardens jumped back to dodge the creature, grabbing their weapons and readying themselves.

As the creature attacked the others, Anders ran toward Fluttershy, her body shivering in fear as her wide eyes stared at the scene unblinkingly. “Fluttershy!” he shouted to her, breaking the pegasus away from her fright. “You have to run! Get the princesses out of here, they're too weak to help now!”

The mare only looked at the human with horror. “Y-you can't fight it!” she cried out, shaking her head repeatedly.

“It's too dangerous!” Anders stressed ignoring the pegasus' pleas. “Here!” Tearing off the bag he wore, he handed it to the pony. “Take Ser Pounce-a-lot! Get him and the others to safety, please!”

Fear still showing clearly on her face, Fluttershy complied with the human and wrapped the bag securely around herself, flying directly toward the still weakened princesses. They were barely standing, attempting to move but finding themselves too weak to. Fluttershy wasn't going to give up easily though, pushing against their backsides as strong as she could. Even Spike joined her to help, pushing against the back of their legs.

“No... we have to... help them,” Luna said, trying to force herself around to aide the others against the monster. But neither princess could, the last of their strength was used in the simple action of walking, only being guided forward by the pegasus pushing against them. Soon enough however, they were at the far side of the chamber, hidden in the shadows and far enough away from the monster to be in safety.

Despite its gangly stature, the creature was immensely strong, learned by the commander as he raised his sword up to block a swipe made by it. As the creature's claws struck against his blade, he felt his knees cry out in pain as they nearly buckled on him. Retaliating, as the commander held the creature off, Alistair charged forward, sword in hands as he swung it upward, slashing across the creature's back.

A powerful shriek of a roar erupted from the monster as the blade cut into it. But to the Warden-King's shock, the wound looked as though it did nothing. It turned toward him, rage burning in its blackened eyes as it swung at him. Raising his shield in time, Alistair felt his feet leave the ground as the creature's claws struck his shield, tearing into the thick metal with ease and toss the king through the air.

As it was distracted, the commander attacked the monster himself, plunging his sword through its back that it had left exposed for him. Another shriek of pain was forced out of it was it turned to face the commander. Before it could even try to attack though, Shale charged it at full speed. The commander was able to pull himself free and get out of the way before the golem's massive fists were smashed into the creature with a shuddering force.

What should have obliterated any monster, from a darkspawn to a bandit in over his head, the horrific creature looked un-phased. Shale's expression twisted into pure ferocity as the construct continued to pound against it, each blow stronger than the last. But just like the first time, the creature seemed unharmed by the shattering strength of the golem. It almost looked as though it was smiling when it raised its arm up and slashed at the living statue.

Shale staggered backward, lifting its hand up to its chest. Across its rocky exterior, deep grooves were shown clearly, made by the monster's claws. Even the golem looked shocked at the scene, having never been injured in such a way. The simple surprise left it open for another attack, the creature striking the golem once again, throwing the construct to the ground.

With a mighty scream of a battle cry, Oghren brandished his ax wildly as he charged headlong at the creature. With his short stature compared to the monster, it was easy enough for him to duck under its swipes, finding an easy target as he landed a crippling blow against the creature. A cry of triumph escaped the dwarf as he lodged his ax into the creature's side, seeing it sink into the flesh. But the sound of victory died in his throat as the creature didn't even flinch from the attack, swinging its arm out and swatting the dwarf away like an insect.

The dwarven ax clattered to the ground as the creature easily brushed it away, looking no more injured than it had when the conflict started. The Grey Wardens could only stare at the monster in shock, having never encountered such resilience before. All they could do was question if it was even possible to kill such a thing.

Only one of them held no such despair, Anders' hands sparking with magic as he threw two balls of fire at the creature. It staggered back as it was struck by the flames, momentarily appearing as though it had actually been hurt. But with the mage's current condition, the spell was weak, having no effect on the monster as it faced its attacker directly and charged forward.

As it came for him, Anders threw a number of spells at the creature, fire, ice and lightning, all striking the creature perfectly. But none of the spells made any headway against the monster, it simply charged straight into the attacks, showing no sign of injury whatsoever. Anders' own eyes widened with fear as it was upon him. He stepped backward, attempting to get away from the creature, but he tripped, falling to the ground and making it all the easier as creature attacked The entirety of the mage's vision was fixated on the monster's claws, the sharpened appendages swinging down on him. Then, he became surprised as he saw something else, a flash of yellow flying into the monster, striking it away.

Once again, the creature staggered, its head jerking toward the attacker. Fluttershy hovered in place, her eyes narrowed fiercely as she protected the fallen Anders. A growl rattled within the monster's throat as it lunged forward, swiping furiously at the pony. The peagsus did her best to dodge it, flying away just in time to cause the attacks to miss, even swinging her hooves forward to strike the creature across the face. But as the monster's rage increased, so to did its speed, and it soon became too much for the mare as she was cut from the air.

With a heavy thud, the pegasus struck the ground. Anders trembled as he stared wide-eyed at her, seeing the four bleeding gashes that ran across her side, where the creature's claws had cut her. All the mare could do was twitch in pain as the rest of her body shook, completely helpless. As it looked as the creature was ready to finish the pony off, Anders threw himself over her, shielding her with his own body as he was too weak to do anything else. The sentiment was lost on the monster however as it raise its arm upward, ready to end the human then and there.

It was denied its bloodshed though, as a powerful bolt of magic struck the creature in the back. Its flesh seemed to burn as it bent its head back and roared in pain. Swinging around, its black eyes focused on Twilight, the unicorn standing in defiance to it.

As the mare became the only thing in the monster's sights, it charged directly at her, claws poised to strike as its eyes burned with a dark flame. Within that moment, the defiant stance of the scholar was shattered, her eyes growing wide with horror as she froze in place.

“Twilight, run!” the commander shouted desperately, seeing the monster quickly clearing the space between itself and the mare.

Despite the commander's warning, Twilight didn't move an inch as the creature neared her. There was so much she could do in fact. She could teleport away, assault the monster with more bolts of magic, create a protective barrier around herself. She could try to levitate the creature and throw it across the room, create a hole in the ground under it to attempt trapping it in a pit. She could just do what the Warden said and simply run away from the monster. All that and more was possible, but Twilight did none of those things.

All of her knowledge, all of the spells she had spent years learning, they all amounted to nothing in that very moment. Her mind was a blank, filled with nothing but crippling fear as the horrific monster that was charging at become the only thing her eyes focused on. Just staring into its soulless, black eyes, seeing the monstrous visage the likes of which no one in Equestria had ever seen, tore into her senses. It was the same fear, the same darkness that she felt when ensnared by the monster in her dream. She could feel it, swallowing her up completely, nothing but the black nothingness consuming her.

Sheer horror was etched into everyone's faces as they could do nothing but watch, watch as the creature swung at the unicorn, its claws tearing into flesh.

The splatter of warm blood on her face broke Twilight from her fear-induced trance. But the horror did not end for her, not as she saw the monstrous creature before her, and the Warden-Commander standing between them.

With only a split-second to act, the commander had managed to catch the creature's clawed hand as it attack, his sword placed between its fingers as he forced its arm down to the ground and kept it pinned. But the creature's other hand, with nothing to stop it, found its mark, piercing through the human's chest.

Twilight could barely breathe, seeing the tips of the claws jutting out of the commander's back, coated in blood. Already, a pool of liquid crimson life formed in front of her, dripping continuously. The commander's legs shook, straining under his own weight as his strength drained from him. Recovering from their own paralyzing shock, the others gripped their weapons tightly and began to move forward, ready to attack.

“Stay back!” the Warden bellowed, his voice strangled and weak. Even after he said those words, blood gushed from his mouth, painting his chin with a scarlet tint.

Everyone froze on the spot. Even with the commander's condition, his voice brought to its weakest point, his word alone steadied their hands easier than anything else could. So they stayed there, only able to become spectators to the horrific sight, helpless.

His other hand tightening around the hilt of his blade, the Warden-Commander lifted it up and sent it through the creature's chest. A wail of pain and agony exploded from the monster's jagged maw as it became impaled on the massive sword, the commander not stopping until the guard was pushing against its flesh. But now, with its other hand freed, it was only fair game as its other set of claws swung forward, stabbing into the human's chest just as the others did.

“Anders!” the commander shouted, the name rattling in his throat as the strength to simply speak was leaving him. The blazing fire of life in his eyes flickered and dimmed by the second. But those eyes never faltered as his glaring sight was locked onto that of the creature's as he held it in place, his fury emanating from him clearly for what it dared to try and do.

Nothing else needed to be said, not a single word of explanation or otherwise. Anders looked toward his commander and followed where he was positioned, standing right in front of the Eluvian. The mage's eyes widened with the realization of what his commander was planning, having no time to dispute it or react in any other way.

But there was still the matter of the mage's weakened state, he could barely stand, let alone summon any scrap of magic. Frantically looking around, his eyes fell on a large shard of glass, thrown across the chamber from the creature's arrival. With a trembling hand, he grabbed onto the sharp shard and sliced it across his palm.

The glass shard shattered as it slipped from Anders' grasp. Blood seeped from the cut in his hand, already running down his forearm. But then, the bleeding stopped. Every drop of his blood, even that which already stained his clothing, began to trail back up his arm, pooling in his palm as his hand became consumed by a crimson aura.

Even with the dire situation, with no time to truly think on his actions, Anders put his full concentration on the task at hand. It was intoxicating, the sheer power that flowed into his body, his muscles flexing to the point he thought they would snap like rope. It flowed through every vein in his body, pulsing with immeasurable strength, ultimate power. But he wasn't going to lose himself, he wasn't going to allow it to consume him. He was in control, not his blood.

Eyes locked onto the Eluvian, Anders threw his arms forward, feel a grip on his own heart as he poured his own life into the spell. The surface of the mirror began to shimmer, the purple abyss within it thrashing wildly, as thought it had a mind of its own. A dull shade of red mixed into it, constricting around the nothingness within as it melded together.

With a mighty cry of power, the Warden-Commander relied on the last of his waning strength, the muscles in his arms tightening as he lifted the creature off of the ground. The monster thrashed and writhed as it was picked up, but with its claws still sunk into his chest, it was completely at the Warden's mercy as he began to charge forward.

Every step felt like it was a mile, every second felt like hours. None of that mattered to him, not as the commander put the last of his strength, the last of his power, the last of his life into pushing forward. All eyes were riveted to him as he and the horrific creature neared the Eluvian, the surface rippling as their bodies struck into it. As though breaking the surface of water, both the commander and the monster were engulfed, disappearing completely through the Eluvian.

Gasping, Anders choked on his sudden breath, collapsing onto the ground as the flow of magic was cut off from him. His body writhed on the floor for several moments, lasting until he finally caught his breath and managed to stand once again, shaking as though he was freezing.

“No!” Twilight cried out, finding the ability to move once again. She desperately galloped forward, the Eluvian the only thing caught in her gaze. But as she pressed herself against it, nothing happened. All that she was met with was solid glass, even as the mare frantically pounded her hooves against it, trying to break through it.

No one else could say or do anything, frozen in place as the chamber fell into silence. The only sounds that came were the cries of the unicorn as she stopped her attack on the mirror and ran to Anders, nearly knocking him over as she jumped at him.

“You have to open it again!” Twilight shouted, her shimmering eyes wide as they quietly begged the human. “W-we have to go after him! We have to- we have to save him!”

Anders looked down at the mare wordlessly, unable to find the ability to speak as she pleaded with him. But as her pleas and cries of desperation slowly lessened, his jaw quivered as he tried to force himself to say something. “I-I-I can't,” he managed to say. “It'll take take too long to get the Eluvian to work again. W-we don't even know where he is. There was no time to set any sort of destination, he could be back in Ferelden, or sent to another world entirely. E-even then, with that... that thing with him, there's no chance...” The mage's eyes widened as he gasped, the realization striking into him just as it did to everyone else. “He... he's gone...”