• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 13,165 Views, 751 Comments

Ponies and Grey Wardens: The Equestrian Age - Icecane

A Dragon Age crossover. The Commander of the Grey and several Wardens find themselves in Equestria.

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With a pleasant smile, Alistair shifted happily in his sleep. As the king of Ferelden rolled onto his back, his hand rose up and rubbed against his nose, pawing at it like a cat playing with a ball of yarn. “Mmm, that's... kinda nice,” he murmured lightly, his smile growing. Too deep in his sleep, the Warden-King wasn't aware of the company that rushed toward him and his makeshift camp, or the hoof being pressed against his side.

“Alistair... King Alistair,” the mare urged, nudging the slumbering king with hoof.

Alistair did little in way of a response, only adjusting himself slightly and mumbling, “Oh.... not bad... for royalty...”

The hoof now digging into the king's ribs, the unrelenting pony shook the human almost violently. “Please, wake up,” the mare begged.

Still, there was no sign that Alistair was about to wake any time soon. Too caught up in whatever form of dream he was having, he continued to mumble. “...a-almost... watch the... horn...” he muttered.

A huff of frustration left the mare's nostrils as she glared down at the incessantly sleeping royal. Emanating from the pony's horn, a sudden spark of magic grew and then vanished within moments. Just as the spark was gone, Alistair's eyes flew open, a startled cry leaving his throat. His entire body jumped into the air by nearly an inch, feeling as though he had just been struck by a bolt of lightning.

Scrambling to an upright position, Alistair's gaze darted about until it landed on the mare standing before him, making his eyes widen in horror. “I swear, it wasn't my idea!” he cried, holding his hands up and cringing back like he was preparing for something to strike him.

After a moment of tense silence where nothing happened, the Warden-King's eyes focused more clearly on the unicorn, recognizing the purple mane and lavender coat. “Twilight?” he questioned, his voice rising as the name grew into an uncertain vocalization, unsure if he was right.

The young scholar didn't notice it however, her mane a disheveled mess and her eyes wide with near-panic. “King Alistair,” she said quickly, seeing that she had gained the king's attention, “he's gone!”

Crooking an eyebrow, Alistair drowsily looked around. As his eyes fell on the still sleeping forms of Oghren and Anders, as well as Shale standing stoically off in the distance, there was a small click in his mind as he slowly pieced together who the mare was referring to. “What do you mean gone?” he asked placidly through a coming yawn.

“When I woke up this morning,” Twilight began to say, her rising anxiety showing in her voice clearly, “he wasn't there. He just disappeared and I don't know where he went or why. I think something bad might have happened to him, I-I just can't find any clue or anything to what happened and-”

The Warden-King raised his hand, cutting the unicorn off as he eyed her skeptically. “Okay...” he murmured, running by what the mare had just blurted out. “So... he's just gone? Are you sure he didn't just go somewhere without telling you?”

Twilight shook her head vigorously in response. “No,” she stressed. “I would have known if he had left. I know he would have said something. And he left his sword behind, I'm sure he wouldn't normally do that!”

Though Alistair was about to simply ignore the mare and attempt to go back to sleep, he couldn't help but notice how she was acting. The scholar was frantic, with a pleading need for help in her eyes over the lost human. It appeared as though his disappearance caused her a great amount of distress. Too tired to put a lot of thought as for the reasons however, Alistair gave a weary sigh as he rubbed the drowsiness out of his eyes. “Look,” he said evenly, “I know you're supposed to be watching us, making sure we don't burn down anything or what have you, but he's a big boy. You really don't need to worry if he decides to walk off or do something. The chances of him getting into any sort of trouble are slim.”

As the king spoke, a large rock was hurtled through the air, striking Alistair in the side of the head. Along with the rock, an agitated voice spoke out. “Will you shut your traps, I'm trying to sleep!” a half-sobered Oghren shouted.

Rubbing the throbbing side of his head tenderly, Alistair shot a fierce glare toward the sleeping dwarf muttering, “Unlike some of us.” As Twilight continued to stare at the king unconvinced, he sighed once again as he decided on an ultimatum. “Okay, how about this. Maybe let me sleep a little bit longer, not be so cranky for the coming day. Then, if our darling friend hasn't returned, we can look around for him. That sound fair?”

Twilight's expression was quick in showing that she didn't like Alistair's plan in the slightest. But as she tried calming herself, the unicorn's mind soothed with the notion that she was simply overreacting. “Okay,” she breathed evenly.

Happy to have helped, though mostly so he could get back to sleep, Alistair gave a smiling nod and said, “Don't worry your mane over it. I'm sure he'll be back in no time at all. He's probably just off enjoying himself or something.”

As the commander opened his eyes, they were immediately faced with more darkness. It was all around, suffocating him as it surrounded from all sides. Trying to move, he found himself too weak to. His entire body felt sore, as though he had been poked and prodded like tenderized meat.

It took several moments for his senses to fully returned to him, as they did, the shock struck him hard as he realized that he wasn't too weak to move, he simply couldn't.

His arms were pulled up diagonally, both being completely swallowed up by a substance he had never seen before. It was like a hardened rubber, holding a bright green colorization. It bound his arms better than any rope or shackle ever could. Even as he tried to wiggle his fingers, the rubbery substance stretched for only a moment before becoming resistant to his waning strength. The commander tried to pull and yank his arms away, only tiring himself out all the more in his attempts.

The same substance was around his legs, encircling them and keeping him glued to the floor. It reached up and up his legs, consuming every inch of his shins and most of his thighs. Strangely enough, the substance broke into a V shape as it neared his waist, making him realize that his pants had been torn off of him, leaving him only in his undergarments. The commander also noticed that his shirt had been ripped off of him as well, with only small shreds of it remaining, hanging loosely on his shoulders and draping across his back.

It was almost impossible to see where he was, the impenetrable darkness encompassing him making sure of that. Wherever he was, it was an intolerable place. The room was outrageously hot, making it difficult for him to breath the warm air. Sweat dripped down his face like rainwater, covering his entire body in a slick coat of his own fluids. Panting like a dog in summer, the Warden's tongue lolled out of his mouth, rising up and down with his rampant breathing.

In spite of the futility of it, the commander continued to struggle against his bindings, trying to pull his arms and legs free with all of his remaining strength. It was all he could think of doing, having no idea of where he was or how he arrived there. Grunts of exertion left him as it felt as though his arms were being ripped from their sockets. Even as his limbs screamed in pain, he did not stop, not until he realized he was not the only one within the room.

A soft giggle echoed through the room, a sultry sound that forced itself through the human's ears. “Well, well, well, it seems you've finally awaken,” a pleasant voice cooed seductively. The feminine voice made the commander's heart strike his ribs with a powerful force. Something about it he recognized, how the dulcet voice sounded, the pleasing tone used, perfectly reminding him of a certain spirit from his world. It reminded him of those who preyed on desire.

“Don't hide within the shadows!” the commander bellowed, thrashing against the rubbery bindings that never faltered against his tamed might. “Show yourself, demon!”

A coy scoff could be heard from the darkness. “Demon?” the voice questioned. “Now, now, it is not the time for such filthy names... not yet anyway.”

To the Warden's surprise, his demand garnered more than a vocal response. As the voice finished, its echoing voice dying down and leaving the room in silence, there was the unmistakable sound of hooves stepping across stone. The commander's eyes strained as they tried to pierce through the darkness, attempting to see his captor for what they were. As the hoofsteps became louder, and signs of movement twisted within the shadows, the human gaped at the creature he saw emerging from the black abyss.

In some cruel, twisted way, the Warden was immediately struck with visions of Celestia. The creature before him did not look like the loving princess of the sun however, in fact, she appeared like the exact opposite.

Standing on four hooves, her body was covered in a jet black chitin, holding onto a dull shine even within the lack of light around them. The creature's hair hung limply around her head, lifeless as several large strands obscured portions of her face, as though it were an attempt to appear cute. Across her back, transparent, papery wings twitched and buzzed without warning, looking tattered and impossibly delicate. As though a mockery to the magical equines he had encountered before, a large horn jutted from her forehead, a gnarled, crooked branch of an appendage that was a far cry from the ones that gave unicorns an appearance of magnificence.

As she approached him, the Warden's eyes traveled across her body, stopping as they reached her flank. There was a noticeable uniqueness to her stride, a special sway of her haunches that was impossible for any bipedal female. Surprising him even more was her form, her black hide looking so soft and smooth. The Warden could imagine what it would feel like, to run his hands across the surface of her body, to caress her soothingly, enjoying every inch of her body until he could make his way to her-

The Warden-Commander shook his head violently, not stopping until he could feel his brain rattling in his skull, trying to rid himself of thoughts not his own that were trying to invade his mind. Too gone in his own thoughts however, it struck him hard as the creature stood before him.

Standing just a few inches away, a sudden sensation struck him like a boulder as a thick, musky scent entered his nose. As he took it in, an unnatural warmth swarmed across his body, making his heart pump even faster as he could feel his heated blood course through him. It was made even worse as he could feel her hot breath on him, adding to the scents in an intoxicating combination.

Still the commander fought on, shaking his head continuously to regain his dwindling senses. The creature noticed it as well, eliciting a teasing giggle from her.

“Such a strong will,” she chided. “You certainly are something special.”

The Warden could barely keep his head up, feeling his physical strength being sucked away from him. With little else able to be done, he glared at the faux-equine before him, panting out, “What... are you?”

An expression of surprise crossed her dominating visage as she heard the question, disappearing in an instant as her lips spread wide, showing her pointed fangs in a gleeful smile. “Oh... I am so many things,” she replied, taking a great deal of satisfaction from her teasing remark. “But, I suppose you will need to know me more formally... before we get to know one another in other ways.” Stepping back, she raised her head up to look away aimlessly, looking as though she was trying to strike a regal pose. “I am Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the changelings. You should feel honored, few are ever graced with my beauty.” Chrysalis eyed the trapped human with a seductive, half-lidded gaze. “And so very few entrap my attention so well.”

Without another word, the queen approached the Warden again. Unable to move, there was nothing to be done and the Warden could only stare at the changeling ruler as she came closer and closer, being lost in the vastness of her shimmering green eyes. Even as she was already upon the human, she did not stop her advance, her head leaned forward until the entirety of their vision was the others eyes. Then, the queen pushed forward one last time, forcefully bringing her lips against her captive and kissing him deeply.

Too weak to move, the Warden could only writhe and squirm in place as he felt the changeling's mouth on his own, feeling so warm and moist, creating a loud, wet squishing sound between them. Before long, the commander's eyes opened wide, nearly bulging out of his skull as the queen's tongue invaded his mouth.

But Chrysalis' was not simply playing a round of wrestling with the human's own tongue. Instead, the commander gagged as her tongue began to extend, stretching out as it traveled deeper within his mouth. The Warden's body shuddered as he felt it sliding like a snake down his throat, cutting off his airway and suffocating him. All he could do was struggle in vain as the tongue thrashed about inside of his throat, his vision blurring as his inability to breath was taking its toll on him.

Everything began to fade, the wet sensation of Chrysalis' lips, his numbing limbs as they remained restrained, the rising heat the threatened to cook him from the inside out. The commander could feel the coming darkness overtaking him, his own mortality making itself known clearly as the chilling hand of death loomed over him patiently. As unconsciousness began to take him, a sick sense of mercy was shown as Chrysalis retraced her tongue.

Queen Chrysalis pulled away from the human, breaking their kiss while several ropes of saliva stretched between them, tethering them together for several more moments before they broke. The Warden-Commander became a coughing, sputtering mess as he tried gasping for breath, copious amounts of spit falling from his lips in large globs. It was a sickening thought as he knew that most of the mixed fluid was not his own, unable to drive his mind away from the bitter-sweet taste of her mouth.

As the royal changeling's tongue slithered back into her mouth, it glided across her lips, wetting them even more as she smiled joyously. “Mmm,” she moaned, “such a delicious morsel of a creature.”

The commander had no word of retort to say, hanging limply against his bindings as he continued to gasp for air. He didn't stop in his deep breathing, almost afraid that his ability to would be taken form him once again.

“I was so curious when I had heard that strange new creatures had appeared in Equestria,” Queen Chrysalis explained to him. “But of course, you would turn out to be such a wondrous species.” A pleasant sigh escaped the changeling, sounding like swooning young girl. “I was entranced the moment I saw you. Never before have I encountered creatures who held such... expansive emotions within them. Like a whirled of feelings that could consume anything around it.”

The commander flinched as the changeling queen advanced on him again. Rather than ravish him this time however, she simply rested her chin on his shoulder, nuzzling her cheek against his as she whispered to him, her words tickling his ear. “But you caught my attention over the others. You especially held such deep feelings in you. A deep love, something to be treasured always... The pain of heartbreak, such a difficult thing to go through.... Mmmm, even... a faint rekindling?”

Pulling away from the Warden, Chrysalis held a sultry expression on her face, her eyes never letting the human go. “I can share so many things with you,” the changeling queen softly said. “I can bring back so many experiences for you, even make new ones as you'd like.”

A bright glow of fiery green began to emanate from Chrysalis' horn, drawing the commander's eyes to it like a trained animal. Within moments, a powerful burst of magic encircled the ground around her, erupting in a twirling magical fire that engulfed her instantaneously. Just as quickly as the green flames appeared, the vanished, leaving behind a new form standing in the changeling's place.

The Warden-Commander gaped in stunned silence as he saw who was now standing before him, Morrigan, appearing just as she did when they fought against the Blight, when they were both together. She was perfect, down the last detail, save for one flaw as her expression continued to hold the seductive gaze of the changeling queen.

“A rather strange form you're so fond of,” the shape shifted queen murmured, looking at her body curiously. “This delicate frame... Such a thin body and small hips, I do not see the appeal. And... what are these doing up here?” Bringing her hands upward, she began to fondle her newly acquired breasts.
Finishing her self-inspection, Chrysalis sauntered toward the Warden, holding her arms out as though to hug him. Being unable to hug her himself, the queen merely draped her limbs across his shoulders, holding tightly onto his neck as she brought her legs up and wrapped them around his waist. “You enjoy this, don't you?” she asked rhetorically, cuddling against him, planting light kisses onto his chest and neck.

The commander said nothing, desperately adverting his gaze from her as he continued to struggle against the rubbery shackles that held him tight. Seeing little rise out of him, emotional or otherwise, Chrysalis pouted before climbing off of her captive. As she began to eye him closely, a wicked grin appeared on her lips. “Perhaps...” she murmured, “you would like to slake your more... exotic tastes.”

Stepping back, there was another flash of green magic as a matching burst of flame consumed the witch of the wilds. Within that instant, the flame was gone, leaving behind a new form. It was a unicorn mare, her lavender coat being a clear reminder as to who the form was.

“Perhaps this is more enticing to you?” the queen asked, her voice matching that of Twilight's perfectly. Seeing the sheer look of horror plastered onto the commander's face only served to part her lips into a lecherous grin. “Oh, but why would a strong, virile specimen such as yourself want a form so timid and inexperienced in such important matters?” she teased coyly.

Still not finished however, the queen used her new body to the fullest, her eyes lighting up with devious intent. Turning her back to the commander, Chrysalis raised her lavender-coated haunches into the air, swaying her backside back and forth provocatively. Using her hoof to rub the soft flesh of her flank enticingly, the changeling licked her lips as she lifted her tail upward, exposing herself to the commander.

A mighty roar of frustration erupted from the Warden-Commander as continued to struggle against the green substance that held him. But just as it had all the many times before, his bindings held strong, without the slightest notion of weakening. Too weak to struggle anymore, the Warden's body shook as he mentally fought against the invasions of the changeling queen, his resistance dwindling.

Seeing her coming victory, Queen Chrysalis formed another swirl of green magic around her, reverting back to her true form. “My, you resist my power so well, better than anyone else I've encountered. It only increases my interest in you though.” She giggled joyously. “Your kind has such strong forms of denial. You fight back the truth that's welling up inside of you, holding it down with a force as strong as steel. But you can't hide anything from me.”

“You showed such interesting things when you visited the forest,” the changeling ruler continued, circling the bound human and she forced him to listen to her. “You were like a white knight for that little student. Doing exactly what I expected as you defended her from that forest, tended to her injuries. You even fought that ursa with such valor and strength, until that flying pest severed my hold on it anyway.”

Once again, the commander felt the changeling ruler's lips brushing against his ear, her voice softly whispering to him. “You have such love within you. I want you to give it to me. Give it to me, and I'll give so much in return.”

The afternoon sky hung over Ponyville like a clock, showing the denizens below how much of their day had passed.

Running toward the local library, the four Fereldeners approached a frantic Twilight. Pacing back and forth, the scholar looked at the bipedal creatures expectantly. Catching her gaze, Alistair himself frowned. “So... you haven't found him either?” the king asked, already knowing what the mare's answer would be. Worry began to make its way to the Warden-King now, realizing there really was something wrong.

“And you haven't either,” Twilight muttered sullenly, sitting down as her saddened gaze fell to the ground.

The sound of galloping hooves caused them all to turn their heads toward the three mares rushing toward them. Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash all stopped in front of the library, joining the others.

“Have you found anything?” Twilight asked, almost pleading with her friends as she held a weak glimmer of hope.

“Me and Rarity weren't able to find him at the farm,” Applejack said with a dejected shake of her head.

Rainbow Dash hovered in place as she shook her head as well. “I've flown over the area at least a dozen times and haven't seen any sign of him. Fluttershy says that none of the animals she's talked to have seen anything either.”

As eyes became drawn toward the third, unspoken mare, Pinkie Pie jumped up and down merrily. It took several moments for it to register to them all that she was sporting a large beard made out of frosting. “I haven't seen 'im either,” she said, almost singing it out. “I checked every cake in Sugercube Corner, and he just wasn't in any of them.” With her report finished, the bubbly mare's tongue stuck out and lapped up her sugary facial hair in a single swipe, causing her to smack her lips happily.

“So he's not in Ponyville,” Alistair murmured, grimacing deeply. “That's not good.” His eyes drifting off toward the town outskirts, he looked to Twilight questioningly. “Would he have had any reason to go back to the forest?”

Twilight shook her head. “No,” she answered, “there wasn't anything there worth a second visit.”

“Maybe he's hiding,” Oghren shrugged, showing little concern for his missing commander. “It's what I've done. Especially after being with a clingy human.”

Alistair heaved a sigh as he glared down at the dwarf. “Oghren,” he said flatly, “shut up.”

“Just giving suggestions,” the dwarf murmured, folding his arms indignantly but remaining quiet.

Then, Pinkie Pie gasped sharply, an idea hitting her suddenly. “Ooo ooo, I know!” she said excitedly, making everyone look at her with bated breath. “I didn't check any of the pies! He could be in one of them, I'll be right back!” Before another word could be said, the pink-coated pony darted off, disappearing within seconds.

“Say what you will about the plan,” Anders said as he watched her leave, “at least she comes up with them fast.”

An angered grun left the Warden-King as a wolfish glare shot toward the mage. “We're missing one of our own, our friend, and you're making jokes. Now's not the time.”

Matching his narrowed gaze, Anders retorted, “It's not like there's much else to do now. We don't have a lot of options. It's not like we have some magical pointer to guide us to him. I know, maybe before this happens again, to help anyone who might be looking for us, we can shove lengths of rope up our-”

“Wait,” Twilight said, her eyes widening with her sudden realization. She wanted to kick herself for not thinking of it sooner, remembering one important detail about the commander.

Closing her eyes to concentrate, Twilight's horn began to spark with a magical magenta glow. Everyone stepped back to give her room as the sparks intensified, bursting from the appendage and fading as it reached the ground. As she concentrated, the scholar tried to focus her magic, searching for a distinct trace of magic, a black dot in the white canvas of their world.

Twilight gasped as she felt it, the indistinguishable magical aura that she had felt once before, wrapped around the commander's finger. It was faint, being a grand distance away from where she was, but she was certain she could follow it. As her gaze became riveted to the spot, she realized that she was looking in the direction of the Everfree forest.

“He's in the forest,” Twilight said to the others, gaining looks of confusion over her sudden knowledge. “I think I'll be able to find him.”

Though there was a look of uncertainty in his face, Alistair nodded his head firmly. “Alright, lead the way and we can follow you,” he said, gesturing to the other Wardens around him.

“Into the forest?” Shale muttered, a hint of apprehension in its voice. “I think... it would be better if I stayed here. Just in case it happens to return on its own.”

A stifled laugh came from Anders as he smirked at the golem. “You're just scared you'll get eaten again,” he teased. The mage quickly jumped back as the construct's eyes jerked toward him, looking as though it was about to strike him with one of its massive fists.

“Maybe you should stay too then, Anders,” Alistair suggested. “You wouldn't be much use to us in there anyway. Besides, in case we get lucky and it turns out he's just sleeping in a bush somewhere, you'll be here in case he shows up.”

“Fine by me,” the powerless mage said, sounding disappointed but realizing his limits.

Alistair looked to Twilight and nodded toward the forest. “Alright,” he said, “lead the way.”

Giving her own determined nod, Twilight charged into a gallop and headed toward the forest. Focusing her full attention into where she was feeling the commander's ring, she led her two friends and the two Grey Wardens into the forest, ready to face whatever unknowns that lurked within.