• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 13,165 Views, 751 Comments

Ponies and Grey Wardens: The Equestrian Age - Icecane

A Dragon Age crossover. The Commander of the Grey and several Wardens find themselves in Equestria.

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A Simply Perfect Day

Lazily opening his eyes, the Warden-Commander found himself gazing into Twilight's own closed ones. She wore a blissful smile as she remained asleep, her forelegs wrapped around the human's body, just as his own arms were around her. They were embraced together, locked together lovingly as they rested from the events of the previous night. As much as he wished to stay like that, he knew he wouldn't be able to. With slow, careful movements, the Warden managed to release himself from the mare's grasp, allowing for him to sit up in the bed and rub the drowsiness from his eyes.

The commander almost laughed, realizing that it was his third time waking up beside the scholar. This time however, it meant so much more to do so. It helped form a smile on his face as his gaze fell back down to Twilight, feeling an immense amount of joy as he did so. How much he cared for her was no longer in question, but even then, there was no avoiding the fact that what was between them wouldn't last. Cut apart by worlds, monsters and magic, it seemed as though their meeting was just another bittersweet game of life.

It nearly caused his smile to fade. But before any sense of sadness could overtake him, the Warden shook such thoughts away, not wishing to dwell on them any longer. It was the second time he has had to learn not to think on how it would all end. He wasn't going to waste what little time he had left worrying over it, not with Twilight's own feelings toward the subject having been known.

Leaving the mare to rest for as long as she needed, the Warden simply leaned over her and lightly kissed her on the cheek, taking care not to wake her as he climbed out of bed. A sudden chill immediately hit his bare flesh, no longer having the soft covers or warm body of Twilight to keep the cold away. It helped bring him to grab his clothes, having been discarded about the room in a great haste before, and throw them on.

Pausing only a moment to look back to the lavender-coated mare's sleeping form, the commander grabbed for the door leading out into the hallway. Again he paused, noticing that the door wasn't fully shut, opened a small crack. It made him breathe an involuntary sigh of relief, realizing the bullet that had been dodged. It would have been an awkward moment of explanation and racing hearts if someone had walked in on them. Chuckling lightly at the thought, the commander left his room, slowly shutting the door behind him.

Though the hallway looked deserted, there was no denying the fact that the commander was acting more cautious than normal. He wasn't certain just yet if the people he, or even Twilight, knew should be privy to what was going on between them now. It was at least something he would wait to ask the mare herself. But no one was nearby, either still asleep or going through their early routines.

Hunger was prevalent in the commander's thoughts as he trekked through the many halls of the castle, it helped him realize that he hadn't been eating much recently. Now however, he felt renewed, overly cheerful about everything. It was obvious enough as to why, but there was no ignoring how much he was brimming with happiness. Focusing on his own thoughts, it became a sudden surprise as he ran straight into something.

Stumbling back, rubbing his suddenly sore forehead, the commander looked forward to see Anders doing the same. “Sorry about that,” he murmured through a groan, slightly surprised to see the previously drunken mage up already.

Anders gave a very different reaction immediately upon his recovery. As though frozen in place, the mage's entire body stiffened like iron, his eyes wide with alarm. Gaining an eye of peculiarity from his commander, he was quick relax himself, unable to hide away the uneasy look on his face. “Oh, hey... heh-heh,” he said quickly, pointing repeatedly off in the opposite direction. “I-I was just- just... going to the Eluvian! Yeah...” with jerky movements, he sidestepped the Warden-Commander, “that's it... So, I'm going to go do that now... To the Eluvian... To fix it... Sending us back home and all that... See ya.” Backing away slowly, Anders immediately turned down the first hall that he could, breaking into a run when he was certain that the Warden couldn't see it.

The commander merely scratched his head in confusion as he turned back to his previous path, nearly crashing once again as he was about to trip over the small frame of Fluttershy. The pegasus mare sat there, looking up at him, her eyes blankly staring as a small flush of pink developed across her cheeks.

“Oh... Fluttershy?” the commander questioned. “When did you get here?”

Silent for several long moments, the feathered pony tilted her head forward, her pink mane falling over her face. With her obscured expression, she found her voice to speak. Even with it though, it made her no more understandable. “Oh... I-I got here last night...” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “Um, I r-really need to get going... Anders thought I could help with this project he's doing... and I should get back to him...” Keeping her gaze down to the floor, Fluttershy walked past the commander and followed the same path Anders had.

Watching her go, the Warden held his chin in thought. As a toothy grin spread across his mug, a bemused chuckle escaped him as he murmured, “Reasons to stay, huh?” Realizing it wasn't his place to pry, he shrugged dismissively toward the subject and turned back to his previous task of self-indulgence.

With nothing else interrupting his journey, it didn't take the commander very long to make it to the banquet hall. Anders' previous night of alcoholic drowning had been cleaned, looking as though the grand dining table had never been touched. A few servants walked about, performing their duties, whatever they may be.

Not even needing to sit down, one of the hard-working mares was quick to approach the commander, asking if he needed anything. Wanting something to eat that didn't have more plants in it than a garden, the servant nodded with a smile and trotted off to find something.

Again reminded of the excellent service, the commander barely had to wait for a bowl of grey mush to be presented to him. Eying it curiously, he was told it was a breakfast called oatmeal. A spoon poked out from inside of the mess, allowing him to scoop up a small bit of it as he tasted it. There was a overpowering taste of cinnamon added to it that he immediately picked up on, making the meal oddly satisfying to eat.

With only a few passing servants nearby, the banquet hall remained moderately silently, only broken by the quiet sounds of the commander eating or the echoing thud of hooves striking the ground. It helped to clue the Warden in when one pair of hooves were approaching him, their generated sound growing steadily louder. He didn't even need to turn toward the approaching presence as he felt a soft cheek nuzzle against him.

“Good morning,” Twilight whispered taking the spot next to the human.

The commander smiled cheerfully as he looked at the unicorn, seeing her own face practically glowing with joy. “Morning,” he replied. “I figured you'd still be sleeping right now.”

“I couldn't,” the lavender mare said with a shake of her head, right before embracing the commander once again, “not without you.” The Warden chuckled somewhat uneasily as he wrapped an arm around her, keeping her close. Twilight took notice to it quickly, looking up at him with confusion. “What's the matter?”

“It-it's nothing,” the commander said with a reassuring smile. “I just... didn't really know how you wanted us to act... around each other. I mean, they're your people after all. I just didn't want to put you in any awkward or embarrassing position where-” The commander was soon silenced as the unicorn brought her face directly toward his own, her eyes lighting up with wonderment.

“I don't care what they know,” Twilight said demurely, pressing herself forward and locking her lips with the human's, her taste buds already taking in the leftover cinnamon of his breakfast.

The Warden was nearly knocked over by the force of the loving assault, surprised both by the sudden forwardness of it, as well as their current location. But such surprise didn't keep him from returning the sentiment with just as much enthusiasm, cupping her cheek in his hand and pressing against her as well.

However, his gaze did drift out to the chamber they were in, his sights falling on one of the servants who was halted in her duties as she eyed the two from afar. A clear look of surprise was worn on her face, as well looking noticeably flushed before she quickly adverted her gaze and half-trotted half-galloped away. It didn't stop the commander in the slightest, having spent too much time fearing his emotions himself, he wasn't going to waste anymore worrying about others.

Twilight's own actions also made him realize what they meant to one another. The scholar had crossed a mighty threshold, going through many new experiences all at once. It helped to explain the sudden affectionate turn the mare had taken. But the commander wasn't complaining, actually feeling proud to be the one to be with her on such a trip for her.

As they broke their kiss, Twilight continued to look at the Warden lovingly. Matching the expression, the commander said, “So, what do you want to do for the day?”

“Anything,” the unicorn replied, wrapping her forelegs around him in a tight hug, “so long as it's with you.” Holding her close as well, the commander developed a wide smile. That's exactly what he was thinking too.

“I suppose it's not really our business,” Anders murmured in reply, looking over the small shards of glass in his hand, feeling the ancient magic still flowing from them. “What happens behind closed doors and all that...” He huffed in annoyance to himself. “Bit hypocritical if you ask me... Tries to berate me then he's the one who goes native.” A sullen sigh then escapes him as he continued to stare down at the shards. “Ah well, as long as their happy, I just hope they both realize that this isn't going to last... We're leaving, that much is certain.”

Fluttershy, simply nodded her head, the bag wrapped around her body swayed slightly from the motion. Ser Pounce-a-lot's head poked out of the opening, looking around the small chamber they were in. A few shelves and tables had dusty old tomes stacked atop them, as well as a few glass vials filled with glowing liquids that neither of them dared to touch. The only noteworthy things in the room were the small table that had the mystical Eluvian shards, as well as the mirror that was stood up in the center of the room.

Anders had to give credit to the talking equines, they had certainly done an amazing job at creating a suitable likeness of an Eluvian. Perhaps not as decorated or as flashy as a real one, essentially being a rectangular mirror with a base to stand it upright. The mage was simply glad that the mirror was large enough to fit them all, half-expecting for it to be pony sized.

Still though, the unicorns hadn't made much headway in recreating the magical part of it. Leaving Anders to solve the conundrum himself. It made sense though, he wasn't about to try and make heads or tails of how magic in their world worked, he didn't expect them to understand his own.

“I just wish you didn't have to leave so quickly,” Fluttershy murmured, her gaze falling to the ground sadly. She had been told about what happened to Twilight, as well as why it meant that they had to leave. Perhaps she didn't fully grasp what she was told, the pegasus was at least able to understand that it meant they had to make it back to their own world as soon as they could.

“I know, I know, me neither,” Anders replied. “I'd give anything to be able to stay... But it's just something we have to do. I've seen demons possess animals for Andraste's sake... I'd never be able to live with myself if I helped cause something bad to happen to you, or anyone for that matter.”

Dejectedly, Fluttershy nodded, quietly murmuring, “I understand...”

Heaving his own saddened sigh, Anders knelt down before the mare, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting hug. “Come now,” he said reassuringly, “there's no point in getting sad about it. We both had fun in the time we've known each other, right? That's all that matters. Now, we need to get this Eluvian finished so that you and all of Equestria can be safe.”

Again simply nodding her head, Fluttershy looked the mage in the eyes. “Okay,” she replied, developing a meek smile.

“Great,” Anders said, standing back up. “Now... you should probably stand back a bit, this kind of magic can be a bit... unstable...” Casting a worried look for a moment, Fluttershy did as she was requested, giving the human a wide berth as he stood in front of the mirror, the Eluvian shards set between them both.

Rubbing his hands together briskly, Anders began taking several deep breaths. Attempting to relax himself proved difficult as he wasn't too eager to attempt what he was about to try. It made things harder as he questioned his own ability to succeed, despite always referring to himself as one of Ferelden's greatest. He was worried he was about to eat those words.

“Okay,” Anders said, mostly to himself. “Casting magic's simply enough... but to put it into an item,” he released a long exhale, “yeah... That's a bit more difficult.” As though to delay himself more and more, he again hesitated to take several more deep breaths. Realizing he was simply stalling himself, the mage shook his head feverishly and stared at the mirror defiantly. “Alright, alright, I can do this. Remember, fortune favors the bold!”

Concentrating as well as he could, the mage focused all of his magical prowess through his body. A glowing mist of white and blue enveloped his hands as the magic coursed around his appendages. His eyes set straight, he stared down the mirror as he forced the magic into the Eluvian shards as well as the surface of the mirror. Both items developed a similar glow, emanating the magical white and blue colors as Anders attempted to replicate the power and create his own Eluvian.

Fluttershy watched with rapt attention. From her point of view, it simply looked as though Anders was pointing at the mirror with all of his fingers at once. It was certainly a strange sight, but the clear strain on the humans face, as well as the mystical power emanating around his hands as well as the items he was focusing on, showed that something was indeed happening. Ser Pounce-a-lot also watched the spectacle, obvious having no idea what his master was doing, blissfully unaware of the entire situation.

“Come on... come on... work!” Anders said, speaking as though his demands would be heeded by the inanimate objects.

Then, the mage's arms fell as the glow around his hands diminished. Surprise was etched onto his face as he stared expectantly at the mirror, the surface looking as though it was turning into water. A smile began to form across hi lips, excitement building as he realized he was doing it, on his first try no less.

Before he could begin patting himself on the back however, a loud crackling sound consumed the small chamber and a mighty burst of magic shot out from the mirror. Anders was knocked off of his feet, thrown backward a good distance. Striking into one of the tables, he flipped over it immediately on impact, landing on the other side as the table was knocked away, the tomes lying atop it being thrown around in all directions.

Gasping in panic, Fluttershy ran to the mage's side as he groaned in misery. Sitting up slightly, Anders looked around dazedly, quietly murmuring, “Okay... maybe I should try a different approach...” before he collapsed back onto the floor.

Walking down the winding staircase at a steady pace, Alistair's gaze drifted about the cold, grey stone walls at his sides. They looked no better since the last time he saw them, knowing fully well why but still finding such a sight peculiar. It was a feeling that he shrugged away quickly, thinking that it had to be a good thing that such a place was rarely seen, meaning needs for it were just as rare.

At the bottom of the stairs, another stone hallway looking up, looking just as damp and dark as the last time he had seen it. Near the foot of the stairs, a royal guard stood at his set position. Not looking like any of the other guards one would see in the castle, this one in particular held a clear look of disdain and boredom about him. Despite his appearance however, the guard was quick in straightening up as he noticed the approaching human, developing the stoic stance that was akin to the armor-clad stallions.

“Do you mind leaving us for a few minutes?” Alistair asked politely, directing his best smile toward the guard.

The stallion looked as though he was about to protest. But as he stopped himself, it was clear that he was internally debating about the request. Coming to the conclusion that there would be no harm done, as well as realizing that the bipedal outsiders held great sway with the princesses, the guard gave a simple nod of his head and made his way up the tall staircase to the castle surface.

Looking at the door that the stallion was guarding, Alistair peered through the barred hole cut in at the top. Inside, Corvick could be seen, leaning against the wall as he looked off blankly. The only sound he made was unintelligible mumbling.

“Seems we'll be heading back home soon,” the Warden-King said, leaning his shoulder against the door as he developed an uninterested stare about the area. “Really, I think the only difficult thing we'll have left to do now is coming up with the reason for your punishment. Doubt the Knight-Commander will be too happy about it... or the Grand Cleric for that matter. Ah well, I'm the king after all... and I'm not going to let what you've done go unpunished.”

“He's coming for us...” a quiet, mewl of a voice managed to say.

“Huh? What was that?” Alistair questioned, looking back into the cell. He noticed Corvick's head was turned toward him, his dazed, unblinking eyes pointed in his direction.

“He... he's coming to find his children... His whispers... I hear them,” the crazed templar said aimlessly. “Drawn by the source of silence... Whispers... keep coming... never stopping. Can barely hear them... but they plead, beg for it... All the whispers want is what they were promised... Whispers again and again... he asks for them... searching, always searching...”

“Going on about the Maker again I see...” Alistair murmured, noticing how much more the old man had become unhinged.

But things only escalated. Frantic breaths escaped the templar as he began to run his fingers against he stone wall, as though he were trying to claw his way out. “Maker, why?” he shouted, his voice rising to shrill cries. “Why blackness? Why whispers? Only silence and darkness is what they are given!” His shouts then stopped, his eyes again going blank as he pressed his back against the wall and slid down to the floor. “Such promises... but nothing given back... then betrayal... so long... only the children to be seen... They wished to break the silence as well... but nothing... then freedom, but still not... He must come, to be freed... find the source of silence... find the beautiful one's voice again...”

Just watching the old templar go only filled Alistair with a sense of relief. Only fortune could be seen from it, fortune for having left the templars when he did. It almost sent a chill up his spine thinking about how such a state could have befallen him at some point. But still, such a thing was avoided, now there was no sense to dwell upon the what ifs.

Turning away from the door, Alistair made his way back up the winding stairway, having no wish to hear the insane ramblings of the fool any longer.

“Alright... time to try this once again,” Anders said, a small hint of hesitation in his voice. After what happened last time, it was easy enough to see where his trepidation would come. Thanks to the help of Fluttershy though, the mage was a little more prepared this time. With her quick thinking, the yellow-coated mare managed to grab two hard hats for them to wear. Safety first after all.

The top of the pegasus' mane was flattened down on top of her head as she wore the white piece of headgear. Anders' own wasn't the best of fits however, his own head being differently shaped and smaller compared to that of a pony. It caused the hardhat to move about on the top of his head and occasionally obscure his vision as it fell forward over his sight.

Ignoring it, the mage once again stood before the mirror, Fluttershy ducking behind an overturned table as a makeshift barrier of protection. She barely peeked over the edge as she watched Anders do his stuff. Like before, his hands began to glow with the same white and blue coloring, matching that of the shards as well as the mirror as he attempted to recreate the magical enchantment of the Eluvian.

Small beads of sweat formed on the anxious mage's brow, expecting for another magical explosion to throw him through a wall. His fears didn't stop him from trying his hardest however, his full concentration being put into the mirror as he focused all of his magical ability into success.

The seconds slowly began to pass by as Anders held his stance and did his best. His excitement began to grow as it appeared like the glass of the mirror was almost liquifying, rippling with a magical touch.

Then the magic stopped flowing. Anders dropped his arms and stared at the mirror, his body tensing as he prepared himself for the sudden reaction. But nothing happened. As his lips spread apart in a massive smile, his pounding heart thudded painfully in his chest.

Relaxing his body, the mage simply looked happy and dumbfounded as he eyed Fluttershy saying, “Heh, I think we've-” His words were cut off as a sudden burst of magic suddenly erupted from the mirror once again, throwing the mage through the air for a second time. Thudding against the wall, Anders was nearly knocked unconscious as he came to a halt on the floor.

“Oh, come on!” the mage painfully shouted at the object. “Why did there have to be a delay?!”

For the scholar Twilight and the Commander of the Grey, no one could say that their day together was eventful in any sense of the word. But, to them, it was one of the greatest days they had ever had since the strange creatures had been thrown into the magical land of Equestria.

They hardly left each others side, always together as though they were a long time couple. Their smiles looked to be permanently carved onto their faces as they beamed brightly with joy. Few really had a chance to see them in such light however. Though neither of them cared who knew or who didn't about their sudden closeness, that didn't mean they were ready to let their time together be spoiled by any other, knowing full well how three was a crowd.

Occasionally they talked about nothing like it was a grand subject, sharing laughs over stories as they had realized they were both adept at doing. When the hunger of midday hit them, they shared a large salad, eating the leafy greens and vegetables with great relish. Perhaps not the tastiest meal the Warden could ask for, but he didn't mind it at all. Then, when the sky began to darken and the sun began its descent from the sky, they returned to the commander's room to lie on his bed. Snuggling against the human, Twilight levitated a lovely story in front of them, allowing them to read to pleasantly read to one another. When the hour grew late, and their eyelids became too heavy to hold up, they fell into a warm sleep while remaining in each others embrace.

Perhaps they weren't making the best of their limited time together, but neither of them really cared. Just being near the other was enough for them. Whatever simple task they performed or accomplished was irrelevant as long as they were together. All that mattered was that they were happy, and they most certainly were. To them, it was a perfect day.

But as night fully blanketed the sky, Luna's moon hovering above all of Equestria, there was a dark disturbance far away near the edge of Everfree Forest. Emerging from deep within the foreboding blackness, a malevolent creature placed its hand against a nearby tree to brace itself. It was finally out, having followed the trail for some time, driven by only one thing in its otherwise empty mind.

Its serrated maw hung open, allowing the haggard exhales to escape it all the easier, growing heavier and heavier by the second. As its head tilted upward, the creature's blackened eyes locked onto the regal castle that was perched on the side of the far off mountain. The castle never leaving its sight, the creature's nostrils flared repeatedly, catching a familiar scent in the air. A shriek of a growl vibrated from its throat as the creature moved forward. Dragging its hand across the side of the tree, its sharp, blade-like claws sliced into the thick trunk of the plant with ease.