• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 4,245 Views, 250 Comments

Extraterrestrial #51 - TundraStanza

The people being affected in the PonyEarthVerse are being shoved into the bodies of ponies left and right. However, some of them are being merged with slightly different creature archetypes. Follow the hectic path of this young man in a changeling.

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Ch. 10: Breaking the Inception Wall and The Cavalry Hath Arrived

A/N: We need to go deeper. I did mark this story with the “Random” tag after all.

Breaking the Inception Wall and The Cavalry Hath Arrived

---{Cier’s POV}


“I remember the friend who taught me the importance of giving part of oneself to ensure the benefit of another.”

“I remember the friend who showed me that the best way to stay loyal was to be truthful and straightforward, accepting the consequences.”

“And I remember the friend that helped me open up my personal bubble and did everything she could to make me happy.”

What was going on? Why was I just standing there and letting these three ponies monologue?

“What? That’s impossible!” I exclaimed, “This shouldn’t be happening!”

“You think you can destroy Harmony just by bringing out darker personalities.”

“But the spirit of those Elements lives on in us.”

“And the hearts of those that bear those Elements will stay alive as long as even one of us remembers.”

All I wanted to do right then was to get away. But, all I could do was cry out in terror as the combined efforts of Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight blasted me in the full spectrum of light.



She fell back to the floor. This was it! I could finish her right now.

The darkness cannot have me! her heart cried out against me, I must master it.

I opened my eyes in shock as her keyblade released a hail of dark arrows. Their very energy burned as they pierced my skin all over. My keyblade fell from my mouth as I crashed headfirst into the floor.

With all my remaining strength I watched Princess Luna walk over to look at me. I couldn’t help but smile sadly at my own demise.

“You make a good other,” I said softly as I felt my own essence fade away.



That one pony had made a mockery of my tournament long enough.

No matter, I thought, I will finish this Tundra… permanently.

This simple killing soon turned into a complicated task. Not only did her shape-shifting abilities rival my own, her experience in the different fighting styles made predicting her moves next to impossible.

I felt extremely cold as soon as she snapped my neck.



Nightmare Moon’s lightning surged through me.

Shadow’s Chaos Blast consumed me.

Fluttershy’s stare left me completely powerless.

I had no magic left to contend with the little girl named Blossom.

The clown shot my face.

The beast destroyed all my bones.

That man in red armor fired a rocket and destroyed me.

Larxene burned me.

Kratos had slain me.

I couldn’t think.

Chrono had stabbed me.

Xaldin’s lance tore through me.

My own lexicon had engulfed me.

The last thing I saw was the light of Izanagi-No-Okami.



My everything hurt. I could barely keep my eyes open.

“Stop,” I panted, “Please… no more.”

“Mask of flesh and blood,” she chanted, “Universe soar. The one crowned with man’s name. Carve a twin lotus into the wall of blue flame and await the blazing fires to reach the distant heavens.”

“Shirayuki, no!” I shouted.

“Hado 73,” she finished, “Soren Sokatsui!”

I was engulfed by the giant, blue fires crashing down upon me.



"By order of Princess Celestia," she declared with a bit of forced emphasis, "I command you all to climb through the nearest window!"

Who was this pink-haired punk to believe that she could order us to perform the most ridiculous and stupid actions? Yet, as soon as I laid my eyes on that weird red light in her eye, my body moved on its own. I tried to fight against the unknown force. But, it was futile. My eyes were forced to stare straight ahead as my body slowly fit itself through the rectangular frame.

I couldn’t even scream as I watched the ground race toward my fragile self.



“D-don’t you want us to be reunited?” I stammered while trying to back away.

Love was not in her eyes. Their bluish-white hue only shone with the look of one who had been betrayed: empty.

“You’ve done nothing but use me,” she spoke, “How many lives have I taken? How many more must I take? What kind of reunion justifies the horrible deeds that we’ve done?”

I backed into the wall. The disadvantage of no longer being a bodiless soul was that I couldn’t phase through walls anymore.

“Spirit Redeemer, please,” I tried again, “I only did this for you.”

“Crabapples!” she shouted, “That’s the lie you’ve been telling yourself this whole time! You… you’re no father of mine.”

She held the unobtainium dagger against my throat. I could already feel it eating away at my essence.

“I am through doing your dirty work for your benefit and the cost of my own sanity,” she continued, “See you in Tartarus.”



7:30 PM (Eastern Time)

“No! Wait!” I yelled. My hooves ended up beating against a smooth surface.

“Well that sounds like a fun dream,” Mom remarked.

“Huh?” I blinked as I looked around and reassessed my surroundings.

It took at least half a minute for me to realize that the uncomfortable restraint against my midsection was my seatbelt. That smooth surface I had just kicked was the seat in front of me.

“We’re here,” Dad pointed to the window.

The low level of light outside showed the dark pavement that was a runway. At the rate that it was moving, that meant we were just taxiing now. It was only a matter of minutes before we would be arriving at a gate.

What was that all about? I wondered, That bad dream. Was I really in my own fan fictions?

But like most of my dreams, this one quickly faded to the point where I couldn’t remember the first thing that I had seen or done in it.

Any ideas, Fifty-one? I directed my thoughts to my other mind.

Sorry, I was in deep sleep while you were in REM sleep. I do not know what you were dreaming.

How’d you know what REM sleep is? I inquired.

I found out from your memory. You are quite the retainer when it comes to information.

Why, thank you, I grinned.

I hoped that this wouldn’t be the last time either of us would get to share compliments. I just couldn’t shake a nagging feeling that a final battle was about to begin.

---{#51’s POV}



Although I could not see your dreams directly, I could still feel your emotions.

You dislike having all the attention. When you do have it, you feel guilty. You believe that others are more deserving.

Your subconscious forced you into states of pain and grief as if to make up for your guilt.

You have a strong sense of right and wrong. Yet, you expend that sense by judging yourself so harshly.

Kind of like how I’ve judged myself recently, huh?

A little humility is commendable, but self-demeaning is destructive.

---{Cier’s POV}

7:35 PM (Eastern Time)

The plane finally came to a stop and the pilot gave his standard procedure statement of ‘thank you for flying such-and-such’. Passengers started crowding the aisle. One of them actually dropped their bag from the overhead compartment. It was a bit painful to watch. I couldn’t imagine how bad it was for him.


Huh? What’s up, Fifty-one? I thought back.

Let’s learn from the past and look forward, yeah?

Um, sure, I nodded as I picked up my laptop case by the handle in my mouth, Where did that thought come from?

We… shouldn’t live in constant regret. We should… aim to do better. That is a popular human path to take, right? To do better?

Well, yeah, I slightly smiled, That’s valid.

Good. I’m… glad.

“Ready to go?” asked Mom. Her small bag was already situated on her back.

“Af freddy af will ever me,” I muffled before setting my case down for a second. I restated, “As ready as I’ll ever be.” Then, I picked the case back up.

“Good answer,” Mom nodded as she walked into the aisle.

“Look out, dragon. Here we come,” added Dad as I stepped out of the row.

“Tefnifally, vee emeny if cured a draconequf,” I mumbled through the handle.

“What?” asked Dad.

Letting go of my luggage just to talk was soon becoming a hindrance. Still, it was necessary. I wasn't interested in melting my computer just to find out if I could use magic properly. I didn't want a repeat of my doorknob the other day.

“I said, ‘Technically, the enemy is called a draconequus’,” I repeated before biting onto the handle again.

“Oh,” Dad blinked, “What’s that?”


7:40 PM (Eastern Time)
Gate *number withheld*

After finding some space out of the way, I told Dad about what I understood Discord to be. He had a head of a horse, a serpentine body, and a bunch of misplaced animal limbs. As far as abilities went, he was basically Q from Star Trek on opium. But, his intellect far surpassed his insanity.

“I see,” said Dad as he thought to himself.

Sounds like a rip-roaring good time,” piped in a half-whisper.

“Honey, what happened to your voice?” wondered Dad. However, I already recognized that strange voice from before.

“Oh, hi again,” I greeted before exchanging names, “Dad, this is a ghost named Peter who can take over Mom’s body. Peter, this is my dad, Terry.”

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Dylan,” smiled the yellow-eyed ghost.

“Um, yeah,” said Dad with an unsure tone, “You too. How… exactly does this work?”

“As it turns out,” explained Peter, “Spirit Redeemer has high spiritual awareness. This allows her to hear and talk to ghosts and inadvertently let them overshadow her temporarily.”

“Well,” stated Dad flatly.

“I know,” I nodded, “Total mind-bomb, right?”

“That’s a good way to describe it,” he confirmed.

Mom blinked and the yellow glow left her eyes.

“So, he can just take over whenever he wants?” pondered Dad.

“Pretty much,” shivered Mom. The afterlife must be really cold.

“Well, I’ve officially lost my mind,” chuckled Dad, “Let’s go face Q!”

“To victory!” I exclaimed.

Let us do this. Leeroy Jenkins!

Don’t you mean Leeroy Wingkins? I questioned.

Who’s Leeroy Wingkins?

Never mind, I picked up my laptop case handle and started the long trot to the appropriate exit.

“Hey, Cier,” said Dad.

“Hm?” I responded with my currently muffled mouth.

“Who’s Spirit Redeemer?”

Couldn’t I just have two minutes where I can carry my luggage without having to stop? Forget Discord. Life was the one who had it out for me.

---{#51’s POV}


That presence…

It’s faint, but…

She is most assuredly closer now than she was while I was in the territory of “California”.

Your majesty, I will be there to support you.

This Empathy Sickness will not be my crutch. Rather, it will be the strength that adds to my discipline.

I will not fail you, my queen.


Author's Note:

You thought my backstory character chapters were hard to follow?
You haven't seen anything yet.
In an unrelated note, I am back in school now. If this story had any frequency, it no longer will. Luckily, if Erishy's notice is anything to go by, I won't have to worry about updating this again until March.
See ya'll later.