• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 4,242 Views, 250 Comments

Extraterrestrial #51 - TundraStanza

The people being affected in the PonyEarthVerse are being shoved into the bodies of ponies left and right. However, some of them are being merged with slightly different creature archetypes. Follow the hectic path of this young man in a changeling.

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Ch. 17: Start From The Bottom

A/N: Roll with it.

Start From The Bottom

---{Cier's POV}


7:45 AM Eastern Time

The Inn Bedroom

Fifty-one may have been happy, but I was anxious at his newly granted responsibility. He was going to have to save as many members of the hive as possible. Honestly, I wasn't too thrilled about having to go back into that mess of disjointed noises a second time. Plus, I had no idea what that Map, or whatever her name was, could do if she was expecting an actual interruption of her assimilation plans. We barely got out of there with sanity intact because she wasn't expecting us. What was that fake changeling queen capable of if she were given prep time?

Still, it was a slightly better plan than we had when this whole mess started. For those that weren't paying attention, Plan A simply involved finding the Element bearers in New York and "curing" Mom and I of our merging with the pony and changeling whose bodies we were currently inhabiting. But seeing as there was little chance of randomly running across them on a city-wide gallop, the next best plan was gathering potential allies to face-down against Discord, PAPA, and any of the other number of enemies that pony kind and changeling kin had unintentionally made simply by being on Earth.

Nobody said it would be easy.

"I'm going to need a vacation from this vacation when all's said and done," I said with a sigh.

But having a vacation on top of a vacation defeats the purpose of the original vacation.

Not now, Fifty-one, I thought while shaking my head. I'll explain it after we rescue one of the trapped changelings.

"So," interrupted Dad, "While you and Fifty-one are busy having a battle amongst this network of minds, what are the rest of us going to do?"

I tilted my head while looking at him. "What do you mean? You guys are intelligent adults. You can do whatever the heck you want to do."

"Yes," interrupted Mom, "but there's only so much we can do without feeling guilty of not helping fix up whatever big, horrifying situation we've gotten ourselves into."

I sighed. "Well, I'm not going to give you orders if that's what you're hoping for. If you want some advice, however..." I looked up at Dad specifically. "You can probably keep tabs on the outside of this hotel room and the internet. Keep the rest of us posted on whatever you can find about shenanigans and threatening group attempts both nearby and in the rest of this state."

I turned to about my eye level at Mom. "You should probably keep an eye on me. While my mind wanders, there's no telling what my body will do here in the real world. If I start attacking or setting things on fire or something, do whatever is in your power and Spirit Redeemer's power to calm me down."

I turned once more. "And you... can... uh..."

Um, what can Peter do that he hasn't already? I wondered.

"Go see what you can in areas that Dad can't easily get to," I finally decided, "Ghosts are pretty flexible when it comes to space, right?"

"Well, of course!" the apparition stated through Redeemer's mouth, "We don't need any space at all."

"Any other questions?" I thought I might as well ask. "Okay, see you when I get back."

All right, Fifty-one, I thought while taking a quadruped's meditation pose. You're up!

---{#51's POV}


I swear the amount of impossibly crowded voices were even louder and more unbearable than when I had first been pulled in. It was so hard to comprehend what I was trying to think. I needed to do... something. Get the coffee? No. Tell off my parents? What? No! Urgh! I couldn't hear myself think against everyling else in this sorry excuse for a hive.

Focus! I ordered myself. Concentrate! I... need to... save... as... urgh... many... as I... can!

It wouldn't be long before Mab figured out I was here again. I had to act fast. Normally, I was against the one at a time plan, but without my true queen to guide my path, gut reactions were my best option. I'd have to fix my mind against the mental will of one of these chatterboxes and isolate them.

So, in the absence of any better judgment, I concentrated my magic and blasted the closest screen in front of me. Then, I charged in with as much force as my mind could muster. The sound was akin to flesh being punched through glass.


I opened my eyes to a cavern. Its layout was very similar to my shared mind space with Cier. Thankfully, it was much quieter than Mab's hive mind. I noticed that the visible cocoons had a slightly different layout. Additionally, the atmosphere didn't feel as inviting as my home. Someling didn't want me here.

So, whose mind did I stroll across? I wondered.

Aw, come on! Really? another presence reverberated. Why would anyling need to break down my inner wall?

I whirled around. A creature of my race plopped in front of me. I felt the urge rise to bare my fangs, but I was here on her majesty's order to save, not to intimidate or kill. So, I held back my rage, opting to shake involuntarily instead.

I mean, I didn't exactly lock the do-ho-ho-hor! Not you! he stammered an exclamation.

Wait a minute. I recognized that hollow mental projection. Of course, the recognition only made me groan internally about how much more difficult this rescue effort would be. This was the last member of my kind that I wanted to come across. Taking a breath, I tried to remain calm.

It's been a while, Ninety-nine. I flexed my wings briefly. How are you holding up?

He gave me a cold stare. That was impressive considering that most of the other drones in the eighty and ninety values couldn't even manage that. His fangs showed in the snarl that I really wanted to show back to him.

You've got a lot of nerve showing up here, Fifty-one, he directed toward me, What? Was the physical beating not good enough for you? Now you're going to attack my mind?

He had me there. Not the mind attack, I mean he could hold the bruises I gave him in the past over my head. The emotion of guilt was creeping back up to my surface. Normally, I'd want nothing more than to cure my Empathy Sickness, but I might need it if I wanted any chance of saving members of the hive.

I sighed. Look, Ninety-nine...

Don't call me that! he spat, short of growling. I have a new life now. The great Queen Mab has granted me the title of Sigma!

I coughed down my urge to vomit at hearing the letter.

That's right! he continued while pounding his right hoof against his chest. I'm in the top eighteen! It's a rank that you could never hope to achieve.

Well, that was just great. The fake queen gave him an ego boost. As if gaining his trust wasn't already at a high enough level of difficulty.

Be that as it may, I thought-spoke, a rank like that doesn't mean much from an illegitimate royalty.

Hah! He smirked. You would say something like that. Face it, you bully, your precious queen has fallen flat on her hindquarters! The only hope that changelings have is in this new world ruled by a fresh leader. Her Majesty Mab is the perfect choice.

Uh-huh, I responded with a deadpanned expression, and just who told you this?

Queen Mab, duh! He rolled his eyes.

By Yggdrasil's grace, did I just enter a dungeon of what Cier called "Dark Souls" or something? I got it! This wasn't going to be an easy task. Please stop rubbing that in my face.

Listen, Nin- er... Sigma, I tried again, There's something much bigger than you or I going on right now.

You're dam right that there's something bigger! he willed his thoughts at me. The hive of Queen Mab shall spread and consume all of the changelings to her side and Chrysalis shall be crushed under her might.

I shook my head. Discord is out there causing havoc among this world's population of human, pony, changeling, and most likely other creatures. I know it seems hopeless, but perhaps together we can find a-

He chittered an equivalent to a laugh. Are you even listening to yourself right now? That is so cheesy. Not to mention, it doesn't sound anything like the Fifty-one I know. You're a big selfish cockroach that doesn't care who he steps on to get his kicks. He motioned one hoof to the side. Besides, everyling knows that it's impossible to fight the master of chaos himself. Why not join the winning side?

I stared at the floor of his mind. You know for all your prattling, you are right about one thing. I closed my eyes. I'm not the Fifty-one you know. Since my arrival on the new world, I've been forced to occupy the same space as a human. Forced to endure some rough times, I've since developed some... feelings.

Heh, how the mighty have fallen. He spat. You actually fell prey to the Empathy Sickness.

I took a deep breath before lifting my head. I opened my eyes, mustering my sincerity.

Ninety-nine/Sigma's eyes went wide. What the moss? What happened to your eye? What happened to your fang?

But I had bigger issues to attend to. Sigma... I've learned quite a bit while hanging around this human. One of those things I've learned is that maybe, just maybe... having emotions isn't such a bad thing. I could feel some liquid running along my right eye. And for every bit of pain I've taken out on you, for every right you have to be mad at me... I began trotting toward him.

S-Stay back! he hollered. It'll only take a second for me to contact Queen Mab and force your flank out!

... I'm sorry.

His jaw slowly moved down. By the time the jaw was done moving, I could practically see his uvula.

You... You apologized? He set his threatening hoof down. But, Fifty-one never apologizes.

It's true, I agreed. I never did apologize. But I think we can clearly see now. The changeling I was back then is not the same changeling I am right now.

I was right next to him now. He gasped when I laid my hooves around him.

I'm sorry. The tears flowed from my right eye more freely now. So very, very sorry.

This... This can't be right, he choked. These aren't crocodile tears. Your sadness tastes genuine.

I should hope so, I nearly chuckled, because I truly mean it.

I released him from the hug.

You're... not the Fifty-one I knew, he said after a pause. Who are you?

Someling that wants to save, I answered, as many of his allies as he can. Sigma, I want to save you.

I don't even know what to say to that. He shook his head. This human that you're bound to, what's his name?

I reached my hoof forward. Come with me and you can ask him yourself.

He looked at the hoof. But... I can't just leave. This new hive... what about Mab?

She is a mad ling that wishes the destruction of humanity, I told him bluntly, Nothing good can come from somebody intent on committing a species-wide genocide.

She never told me that... Sigma's eyes looked to the side.

I sighed and turned around. I understand. You don't have to make a decision right now, but...

I'm ready.

That caught me by surprise. I turned back to look at him. Are you sure? I can't guarantee that you'll ever get such a high ranking position ever again.

Hey, you've helped me out by reminding me of the changelings' original goal: to change.

I let a smile cross my face.

Hmm, maybe this Empathy Sickness isn't so bad after all, he admitted, Your happiness has a pleasant aftertaste.

We shared a chuckle at that.

All right then, I thought, Let's get going, Sigma.

Oh, stop that. He waved a hoof dismissively. You can call me by my real name if you really want to.




Chrysalis's Hive Mind

Huh, muttered Ninety-nine, I had forgotten how much more relaxing her majesty's hive was. It... feels like I've come home after a long, tiring journey.

In a way, it kind of is, I agreed as I allowed my thoughts to add an update to the overarching journal in which the hive mind remembered.

"Ah, welcome back, Ninety-nine. And you too, Fifty-one. Listen, I'm going to have to get back to you later. Some of these workers still can't get it through their thick skulls that they are not the real Applejack. Keep up the good work."

I don't recall her being so... erm, what's the word? Distracted.

I shrugged. I imagine she and her human are tied up with their own chaotic mess to deal with in this world.

Who is the human in her body?

I didn't quite catch it. The name escapes me, I admitted. L.J. something, maybe. Anyway, you wanted to meet the human attached to me, right? Let's go!

---{Cier's POV}



Cier's Mind

The weird thing about letting Fifty-one's mind wander a large mental landscape was that it left me in a semi-floating stance. It was almost like sleeping in a Kingdom Hearts drowning scene, only with less water. But I didn't have to wait long for my feet to 'touch' the surface.

"Hey, how'd it go, Fifty-one?" I waved at the incoming changeling. A second one was following right after him. "Who's your friend?"

Cier, this is Ninety-nine, he introduced. I walked over and took the newcomer's hoof in my hand.

"Ah, so the beginning of the rescue mission was a success. Nice to meet you," I greeted, "I'm Cier Dylan."

Wow, marveled Ninety-nine, He's a lot shorter than I thought he'd be.

I smiled nervously while trying to will an anime sweat drop into existence. "Shorter"? I had to lean down so that I wouldn't have to break my neck looking down at you.

Well, me becoming his new body probably didn't do him any favors, admitted Fifty-one abashedly.

I needed to change the subject from my Edward Elric Syndrome. "Hey, who's up for the video game corner of my mind?"

Ninety-nine looked perplexed. "Video game corner"? What's that?

Fifty-one smiled. Oh, you'll see.


A short, ascending guitar riff strung as the three, scrolling mats appeared on screen. Fifty-one had the microphone and I held the lead guitar.

So, when do I smack the red one again? asked Ninety-nine while looking at his drumsticks uncertainly.

"When the red key appears on your screen just before it escapes the bottom," I reminded him.

If all else fails, encouraged Fifty-one, go nuts!

"Well said!" I chuckled.

And with that, the song for our mental, virtual lives began to play.

"Get ready to rock!" declared the screen.

Author's Note:

I'm sure I've said it before, but I'll say it again.
Inspirational bursts are random for me.