• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 4,244 Views, 250 Comments

Extraterrestrial #51 - TundraStanza

The people being affected in the PonyEarthVerse are being shoved into the bodies of ponies left and right. However, some of them are being merged with slightly different creature archetypes. Follow the hectic path of this young man in a changeling.

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Side Ch.: Tale of The Suspicious One (or) Tale of The Red Lamp

A/N: Is it cheating to have an outside universe character? Erica and Reid had this dual-Phineas-and-Ferb thing going on. Markus encountered a Mass Effect character. Tony met a Sword in the Stone character. What exactly constitutes fair game right now?

Tale of The Suspicious One, or Tale of The Red Lamp

---{??? POV}


I found it kind of funny, yet sad at the same time. The dream about when I was dying was the best one I’ve ever had. Still… that dream was nothing compared to the real thing.


Many Days Earlier
Several Hours Earlier
My Last Stand

“You’re going through with this, no matter what?” my best friend asked me.

“As planned,” I reaffirmed his understanding, “All of the world’s hatred is focused directly on me. Now, all that remains is to get rid of me and finally break the cycle of hatred.”

I handed him the mask that started this all.

“People will be able to meet not for an exchange of swords, but an exchange of words. Mankind will finally be able to move forward into the future,” I smiled. For the first time in years, this was an honest smile. It was not one forced for a photo shoot or one held to save face for my little sister. I was genuinely happy.

“And that’s…?” he opened his question.

“Yes,” I nodded.


Whatever Day Today Was
About 10 AM
Who Knows Where

I should be dead. Yet, here I was walking aimlessly on some populated streets. Just my luck, I didn’t have any Refrain to at least experience some familiarity. Sure, everything had familiar shapes and colors, but the physical layout was completely foreign to me. It was almost as if I were on an alien planet. Several questions filled my mind. Yet for once, I couldn’t figure out a single plan to calculate the correct strategy of answers.

How come I’m in my casual brown jacket?

Well, if I was going to start somewhere, then it might as well have been the most juvenile thought. Though, even juveniles had good questions now and again. Why was I in my casual outfit? Before I woke up, I was ruler of the world and wearing an over-the-top white robe of the royals.

At first I had assumed that my assassination hadn’t gone as I had planned and that I had somehow been revived. But, if that had been true, wouldn’t I have been in some medical facility getting treated for blood wounds? I may have been public enemy number one, but even prisoners of war had some treatment. I quickly dismissed the notion as I had woken up in the backyard of some house that had at least one dog with a loud bark.

Then, I thought that I might have just gone to some personal hell. That would have explained the lack of any blood or puncture wound on me. But, that had its own set of problems. For one, hell should have a repetitive torture that dragged on and on for all eternity, never letting me escape. Yet, I had escaped the nuisance of a dog barking just by going through a wooden gate and closing it behind me.

Just as a test that I didn’t think would work, I walked up to a guy standing outside his residence smoking a cigarette. Frankly, I didn’t expect my power would work. But if this was hell, then there was nothing for me to lose by trying.

“You there,” I looked at him hard with my left eye, “Tell me as much detailed information about our location as you can.”

To my surprise, he took a very familiar, spaced-out expression as his pupils seemed to widen.

“Sure, we’re in withheld city and county, California,” he said monotonously.

“Uh… thanks,” I blinked, “That’ll be all.” I noticed that he blinked in confusion before I turned to walk away.

California? That was a name that sounded like it was from pre-Britannia history books. What was the larger area called again? Ah yes, the United States of North America.

But why a world so much like a time before I was born? Had the gods sent me back in time to try and fix the corrupt hatred of mankind? I thought that they had learned their lesson that mistakes can’t be fixed in the past or present, only in the future.

Suddenly, the alien planet sounded like a much more plausible situation.


11:30 AM
The Streets

Another pedestrian that I had casually used my power on told me that the day was “Wag-nis-day”. That was a rather unusual way to pronounce Wednesday, but maybe that was a property of this alien planet. Still, I wasn’t ready to conform my own vocabulary to this world just yet. I still needed to perform some reconnaissance, figure out more about the playing board besides the location and day. But, at least progress was progress.

Then, like all well laid plans, something had to waste this one. In this case, it was the gurgling of my stomach. That buried any chances of this being hell. After all, dead men don’t need to eat. I never thought I’d have to think about where I got my next meal. Usually, Sayoko was in charge of the shopping.

Shopping. That right there introduced another problem. The only currency that I had in my wallet was in yen. I had a funny feeling that the people of this world wouldn’t accept that. As I passed what looked like a lower-class burger joint, I saw the “$” sign on one of its advertisements.

Swell, I thought in discouragement, I never thought I’d have to use Geass for petty reasons.

Casually, I walked into the ever-lively establishment. I caught myself half-drooling at the smell of grease and salt more than once, though I managed to cover the instances as fake coughs. I glanced over to see one particular guy typing away on his laptop while his food on the table had so far been untouched.

Well, I mentally chuckled, I guess it won’t be so petty after all.

I stood just next to his side, carefully watching him until he turned his head to face me. Gotcha!

“What?” he raised an eyebrow at my presence. This was almost too easy.

“You really need to use the restroom,” I suggested, “Don’t you?”

His pupils widened at that moment. Though, the rest of his face seemed blank.

“You’re right,” he nodded as he stood up and left everything. I allowed my lips to form the smallest of smirks before taking his seat. I took a bite of the lukewarm sandwich and ate some of the soggy fries before clicking on the internet browser.

Hmm, this guy’s home page is a news website, I noted, Let’s see… civil war in the Middle East, mass child killing in Connecticut, and… what’s this? “Person to Pony Phenomenon”?

The article described how individual people in several different locations were unexplainably turning into pastel equines from a cartoon called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Other details included how their supposed princesses were holding a meeting with six specific ones called the ‘Elements of Harmony’ in New York. Plus, some discombobulated nutjob under the apt name ‘Discord’ was causing mischief in the surrounding areas.

Are the news reporters really that desperate for attention? I wondered as I idly sipped from the soda straw. I looked up when I heard the door open to see… a small red horse and a slightly larger orange horse.

All of the liquid that was in my mouth quickly migrated to the window on my left.

“You know,” snorted the red horse with a woman’s voice, “You’re the second person I’ve come across today that’s done a spit take just by looking at me.”

“Sweetheart, he was obviously looking at me,” piped in the orange horse with a surprisingly baritone voice.

I looked at the example images on the article. I looked back at the horse couple. I looked back at the computer. I looked back to the right. I'm pretty sure my mouth was hanging open right then. In an attempt to save face, I quickly resumed eating my burger as if nothing was wrong. I even found a very intriguing ceiling tile to observe as I was chewing.

“Hee hee,” giggled the red one, “You’re funny. What’s your name?”

“Allen,” I replied automatically after finishing that bite, though I still averted my eyes from looking directly at her.

“Nice to meet you, Allen,” she responded happily, “I’m Charline and this is my fiancée, Kulugui.”

“Mm-hm,” I acknowledged uncaringly as I sipped my soda and actually swallowed the liquid this time.

“You’ve got beautiful purple eyes.”

I did a double-take at her choice of words. Why was she getting so friendly with a stranger? Although… that gave me an idea. I triggered my power on.

“If you two don’t mind, I’d like you to answer some questions,” I requested.

“Well, that depends on what type of questions they are,” responded the orange horse.

I couldn’t stop myself from letting out a small gasp.

He’s questioning the order, I thought, Does my Geass not work on these creatures? Quickly, I resumed my neutral expression, No, calm down. Maybe you can still work with this.

“Do either of you happen to know about this supposed ‘Pony Phenomenon’ that’s on the news?” I asked.

“Your guess is as good as any,” Kulugi shook his head.

“All I know for sure is that I went to sleep the other night as usual,” Charline added, “The next morning, I woke up with these four hooves and these.” A couple non-equine appendages wriggled for emphasis.

Wings? I wondered, What use would those be on a body larger than can be held up by that wingspan?

“Oh, I see,” I sighed as I looked back at the intriguing ceiling tile and munched another couple of fries.

“Well, we’re going to get milkshakes,” said Charline, “Maybe we’ll see you around.”

“Maybe,” I responded without commitment before muttering, “But I doubt it.”

“Later, Allen,” saluted Kulugi as they walked off.

My Geass didn’t work on them, I repeated the thought, What’s the real cause of this ‘Pony Phenomenon’? More importantly, do I even care?

The rest of my lunch told me that I didn’t care.


12:00 PM
On The Streets Again

I passed a couple more of those so-called ponies as I walked aimlessly. To reevaluate my earlier test of power, I tried to plant suggestions in their minds. The first one, I tried asking him if he could hop on one foot. He just raised an eyebrow at me like I was crazy (rightly so, I suppose). I requested the second one do a handstand. To my surprise, her eyes widened slightly before she monotonously agreed to follow the order.

What is going on? I wondered while continuing to walk, My power seems to work on any person just fine. But, it only works occasionally on these brightly colored toy horses.

Then, I stopped walking as it dawned on me.

Wait a minute… Charline… I never really saw her reaction. I only assumed it didn’t work because of Kalugi’s immediate rebuttal. Could it be that…? No, there wouldn’t be a point in trying it on her again. My power still only works on any given individual once.

I almost forgot about the half-empty cup of soda that was in my hand until I had crushed it. The paper folded and some of the remaining liquid dripped. Something about the feeling of the carbonated beverage running past my fingers made me smirk.

Heh, there’s no need to get so worked up. I’ve already got an idea of what I’m going to do next.

I chucked the cup at the nearest trash bin on the sidewalk.

I’ve been given yet another shot at life. This world will see a brighter future as well, or my name isn’t Lelouch Vi Britannia!


Author's Note:

Marked as an unofficial side-chapter until I’m told otherwise.