• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 4,244 Views, 250 Comments

Extraterrestrial #51 - TundraStanza

The people being affected in the PonyEarthVerse are being shoved into the bodies of ponies left and right. However, some of them are being merged with slightly different creature archetypes. Follow the hectic path of this young man in a changeling.

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Corollary: What is a Draconequus?

What is a Draconequus?



---{Cier's POV}
{# 51's POV}

Were I to ever meet Discord face-to-face, I'd most likely be paralyzed in uncertainty. That or I'd be forced to stand still while simultaneously shifting position. I know that doesn't make any sense, but there in lies the kicker. That draconequus is all about not making sense. So, it would make sense for him to make my situation as nonsensical as possible.

Still, in a hypothetical situation where he's somehow forced to sit still and not say a word, I'd like to say a few things directly to him.

Discord: Master of Chaos and Disharmony. Such a proud title you hold. You bring pain, cause unrest, and stir the otherwise peaceful minds into disarray and torment. But you already know this. You wonder what an insignificant human such as myself can say that you haven't already heard. Well, too bad. You're about to hear more of the same.

You can't guilt trip me by fooling me into thinking that you have emotions. For emotions are driven by a soul. A soul is capable of showing empathy by understanding when someone, some pony, or someling else has negative emotions and feel a similar weight on its own heart. A soul is able to feel guilty for wrongs they have committed against another individual.

I have to wonder how one refers to a creature without a soul. I have searched Cier's memories and I believe I have come across the perfect description of you. Discord, you are a Nobody. That's "Nobody" with a capital "N". Like a Nobody, you are capable of imitating and exploiting emotions of others without actually having any of your own. Out of any actual emotion you act like you have when others feel negatively, you choose to imitate pleasure. A Nobody acts the same way. Although they are incapable of truly feeling anything, they often emulate pleasure and sadism in the face of someling else's suffering.

You are incapable of feeling pain. That is why you try to inflict it upon others. But the first act never truly satisfies you. So you keep applying torment and emotional turmoil again and again. Perhaps you hope to actually experience the feelings that you are devoid of, but that would be too orderly for a harbinger and manipulator of chaos such as yourself.

That's why you never outright produce or invent situations that guarantee a death. Death is an ultimate end of life. It is an absolute. Absolutes are pieces of order and you can't stand order because it bores you. So you keep your victims alive, but just barely. They are on mental thresholds. You want to see how far you can push your toys near the edge, without actually letting them impact with the ground. How many cracks can you make in a person's will? How much pressure can you place in a pony's thoughts? You constantly try to push the limits of how far you can rip their state of character without taking away their ability to live.

But I believe this makes you worse than a murderer or a common criminal. You are neither truly good nor fully committed to evil. You are a lukewarm entity that can neither be hot nor cold. Were God to give you judgment right here and now, he would spit you out of his mouth without hesitation.

Supposedly, those that walk the path of neutrality are anti-heroes. But you are not that sort of creature. For an anti-hero does things for his own benefit that ultimately nurture the greater good. You don't help the greater good exist, because you don't have anything that is good. Why do you think that your enemies refuse to end your life? They instead trap you because you cannot help right triumph over wrong whether you live or die.

Many people believe that you are meant to be a bigger and badder version of Q from Star Trek. Many admire you for this trait. To me, however, that just gives me more reason to dislike you. Is this supposed to be the comparison I'm making? If so, then I'm afraid you pale in comparison to the original, chaotic character. At least he served a worthwhile purpose. You on the other hand are just a copy. It's like the writers for your episodes just stuck Q in as an antagonist and hoped no one would notice how ultimately pointless your position would ultimately become. Novelty wears off and you've outlived your welcome.

My queen had a motivation for her otherwise questionable actions. I now realize that her plan was lacking in morality, but she was trying to provide for her subjects during her disturbance of the peace. You on the other hoof have no noteworthy motivation for messing up others' lives. You make people and ponies unhappy because it amuses you. You lack an ultimatum, an objective, an overarching goal.

At least Nightmare Moon had an appropriately paced backstory. A younger sister was driven to madness by being shunned by society and ignored by her older sister. That hits on so many areas that I can empathize with and I can therefore find her story that much more engaging when the conflict is resolved. In contrast, your backstory comes off as completely out of nowhere and could potentially be removed from the show completely without destroying anything else that happened canonically. Twilight could still learn that friendship reports don't have to be sent every week. Rarity could still learn the pride in her origin. Fluttershy could still learn the difference between internal and external conflicts. Rainbow Dash could still learn the fun in reading. Pinkie Pie could still learn how to take responsibility. Applejack could... well... still be the most mature friend of the group.

You mess up our worlds, draconequus.

You distort the fabric of life, Discord.

I will dutifully serve my queen.

I will find a cure for my mother.

And don't ever count me out!

---{Lelouch's POV}




It feels like I never left Japan. My outfit was different. The names of the people around me were all new. The mechanical capabilities were of a different variety than those of the Knightmare Frames. But the more I looked around, the more it felt like I was leading the Black Knights again. No one could see underneath my mask, but I smirked a little at the nostalgia of the situation that I was in now.

"We're all waiting for your announcement," Charline reminded me.

That woke me up from my state of half-awareness. I stole a glance at her before silently shaking my head out of stupor.

"Of course," I stated through the small microphone in my mask, "It's time for another miracle."

I looked on straight ahead. After a few days of studying the history of the United States of America, I was ready. It was time to show the world yet another one of my facades.

"Hear me, District of Columbia!" I declared with authority, "For too long, you have placed your own people under the foot of hypocrisy and corruption. Admirably, you preach against the wrongs of discrimination. Yet, you constantly placed the blame on people of opposing beliefs and ideologies. You sought to rid this country of its debt and yet you spend away collected taxes on projects that only digs America further into its economical grave."

The winds of justice understood my position and waved my cape as I held out my hand.

"We will not stand for this injustice any longer!" I cried out, "I am One... and we are the Knights of the Eclipse. The strong shall not reign over weak. Law will no longer be used to help the corrupt hold their desperate positions. All hopes and dreams will be given a chance except for those that dream of destroying the world from the inside out. It's time for a change!"

Pause for dramatic effect. Then, let my coattails of doom flap violently behind me.

"This land will soon be clean from its government filth and lies. Let it be known that it shall be called... the American Independent States!"


Author's Note:

Any and all Season 3 references made in this or any of the PonyEarthverse fics are not meant to be known by the in-story characters. So if it sounds like I'm forgetting "Keep Calm and Flutter On", that's why. Cier has probably at most heard rumors of the "Crystal Empire". Fifty-one probably only has a few days worth of knowledge about his own world just after the events in "Canterlot Wedding".
The original draft had Cier/51 go on to talk about peanut3423's "unoriginal villain checklist", saying how Discord shares the traits of many unoriginal villains. He boasts, monologues, laughs maniacally, and yells when defeated. But, that part seemed to halt any flow that this corollary chapter had to begin with. So I cut it out.
The newest addition to my character roster is still unofficial for now. I still want to see what the other authors are up to.