• Published 10th Nov 2012
  • 10,015 Views, 1,059 Comments

Peace and Isolation - McKnight93

Combine 40k, Halo, ME and MLP. Featuring Chief, Shepard, Emperor and everyone else in a war of epic proportions.

  • ...

Ch. 5.2- Brutes, Marines and Futtershy in between

Chapter 7

A week in Paradise-(Part 2)



"As an Astartes, one is trained to not to feel any emotion outside of righteous fury. Mercy and Compassion are concepts that are rarely demonstrated or seen, even amongst your battle-brothers. But, as anyone who has ever been around Fluttershy knows, it's almost impossible not to demonstrate these ideals. I had spent my entire life killing, but when I did so in front of her, it was the first time I ever felt shame."- Srgt. Longinus, on his dealings with Fluttershy

"Every race seems to have a special ability or trait. Humans are clever and resilient. Sanghelli are great fighters with a strong moral code. Asari are neutral and bang everyone. Eldar are reserved but powerful. And ponies… well, somehow they've weaponized cuteness. One can resist their charm the same way a snail can go FTL; you can't."- Capt. Cassius


+Day 3 of Contact

9:55 A.M.

Fluttershy's Cottage/ Forward Base Aquila

Thought of the day: A busy mind is pure mind.

Life was starting to get into a routine, the sense of awe and wonder settling down into a sense of normalcy and acceptance. Much of the base had been (hastily) assembled, and none of the Imperials' daily activities interfered with Fluttershy's lifestyle of peace and calm. Granted, it did take awhile for the meek Pegasus to convince them not to kill every animal that happened to pass by, to reassure them that she could handle any fauna problem, but with great helpings of reasoning, pleading and using the cutest puppy eyes that any of them had ever seen, they acquiesced to her conditions.

The whole situation was still rather disconcerting for the Imperials. Having to work with naive and cute little xenos on a daily basis didn't sit well with some of the more… devout members, especially the Chaplains and Confessors. Even though all of them had sworn to the Emperor to accept the equines, but it would be a lie to say that none of them thought, even for a minute, that perhaps the aliens put some kind of spell on Him, bending Him to their will. And if they were able to achieve that, who knew what else they could do?

But while the higher ups- from the Inquisitor to the Captains to the Chaplains- seemed uneasy about it, everyone else was slowly warming up to the ponies. Since all the animals now avoided the cottage like the plague, so Fluttershy had nothing to do but mingle with the big scary humans. She seemed rather at ease with the giants- even with the Imperial Fists, when they came down- but seemed to be closest with Longinus. And then, of course, there was Faber and Derpy, who had somehow became the comedic duo of the camp.

This leads us to what's happening right now…

"No, Derpy!" The corporal had shouted at the ditzy mare. "I don't want to go meet your boyfriend! I've got more important things to do than make social calls!"

"Hold up, buttercup," The Pegasus countered, flying around the trooper to look him in the eye (not an easy thing, considering her wandering eyes). "First off, the term is 'coltfriend'- we've been over this, words are different here. Secondly, Doctor Whooves is not my coltfriend. He's simply a friend, who happens to be a stallion. And thirdly, I just thought it would be nice if you two met. He always goes on about technology, so maybe he would like you too. Especially with your robot arm."

"Bah!" Faber snarled. "My cybernetics are not for show and tell! I think if I even let you touch it, the Magos would blow a circuit and have me executed! Speaking of which, why don't you just take him? The Mechanicus knows everything there is to know about technology."

"I'm not going to bring that creeper!" Derpy cried out. "He has been asking all kinds of weird questions about 'pony breeding', and watches us like a foal-fiddler. I'll be sent to Tartarus before I let him anywhere near my Dinky and Sparkler!" Many citizens in Ponyville could attest with that; you don't fuck with Derpy's family; as cute as she is, she'll break your legs.

"I wouldn't worry about that, Corporal." Longinus called out, again sneaking up behind them. "He went over to Pinkie Pie's house earlier today. Something about 'understanding the complicated nature of equine xeno genetics'."

"Good luck with that." Fluttershy spoke up. "Not to say anything bad about Pinkie- but, well, I've heard talking to her can be very… confusing."

The Astartes and the Pegasus were always quite a sight. It seemed as of the first day of settlement, some kind of arrangement or understanding was made between them, somehow making them "friends" if rumors and observations were true. The strangest part about it was the now Fluttershy was always riding on the Marine's armor, laying on the shoulder guard like a wolf pelt, almost like she were using him as a personal taxi. People would joke about it, but never to their faces (Guardsmen didn't want to insult a demigod, and the Space Marines were too professional to mind it).

"Hey, Fluttershy," The gray mare chirped, "Have any plans today?"

"Why yes, Derpy," She promptly answered, flying off and landing daintily in the dust. "I actually have to AJ's farm to pick up some supplies. She's always nice enough to grant me a discount, if not completely free."

"Would you mind if I were to come along, Fluttershy?" Longinus inquired. "I haven't been to Sweet Apple Acres yet. The Inquisitor is always on us about 'obtaining intelligence' and 'doing reconnaissance', as if we didn't know how to do our job."

Fluttershy shifted awkwardly, trying to think of a good excuse. "Um," She stammered, "I don't think that's a good idea, Mr. Longinus. Applejack is busy with bucking apples, and she always wants to meet guests personally, so-"

"What about her siblings?" He countered. "I'm sure one of her family members would be able to talk to me."

"Uh, um… I think they're helping her with the harvesting. It's a family activity."

"No matter. I don't have to talk to them. I'll just walk around the property, see what I can see, and leave before anyone is the wiser."

Fluttershy was running out of ideas, save one. She didn't want to lie about her friends, and she felt that AJ wouldn't be happy about it, but they all knew the rules. The humans were not supposed to see each other.

"Okay, Mr. Longinus. I didn't want to tell anyone this, but Applejack and Big Mac are, well, rather shy. They don't always like having unexpected guests coming over. They are okay with me and my friends coming over, but if you showed up, you might startle them."

"And what would be so wrong with that?" The Astartes argued.

Fluttershy whimpered, a truly heartbreaking sound. Everyone near her felt quite uncomfortable. Derpy was very familiar with that sound; whenever the yellow mare made it, she was guaranteed to get what she wanted, not out of manipulation, but because it gives everyone in earshot became crushed with guilt.

Longinus had heard a similar sound come from her before; and even to this day he couldn't believe that the little xeno could affect him so…


Two days prior

Perimeter of Forward Base Aquila

Howls could be heard piercing the quiet of the night. The Guardsmen and Astartes recalled that it sounded like the lost 13th Company of Space Wolves. Fluttershy told them it was Timberwolves. Quite an intimidating creature, as she described it; twice the size of a pony, made of wood, very hard to kill. What was a nightmare for the ponies was welcome opportunity for the soldiers.

Finally, they get to shoot something.

While the Guardsmen stayed put to maintain the perimeter, the Marines went out for the hunt. The wolves were clever beasts, no doubt- but the Astartes had fought against the likes of Orks and Tyranids, and no animals were smarter then them. It had taken maybe an hour for them to slay over a hundred of them through the forest, a few techmarines and apothecaries taking a few corpses back for study (a living moving creature made only of wood- fascinating).

Towards the end of the night, Longinus had separated from the rest of the squad, looking for any stragglers. He found one. It was in a shallow ditch, growling at… Fluttershy? Indeed, she had snuck out in the night, and was talking to the beast in some weird language. As she spoke, the timberwolf growled louder, and took a few steps closer. The Pegasus retreated, looking very pale.

It was plain to see that the creature meant to kill the pony. That was something he could not allow.

Quick and silent as death, the Astartes rushed to the xenos, drawing his chainsword. Before anyone could even blink, Longinus stabbed the sword through the back of the timberwolf's neck, sending it all the way through the mouth. Pulling the trigger, the chainsword whirred to life, and green ichor splattered the ground and bushes. The blade came out; the body flopped to the ground, dead as a doorknob.

All this happened in about three seconds.

Fluttershy looked aghast, appalled at what she saw. "W-why did you do that?" She asked.

"That beast was going to kill you." Longinus explained, as if stating an obvious fact.

"No she wasn't!" The pony cried out, full of sadness and anger.


"She was a mother," She continued, her eyes getting teary. "She was running away from you because you killed her entire pack. She was pregnant with cubs, and was asking me to hide her."

The Marine was quiet, but felt a growing… unease. A strange feeling was welling in him, one he hadn't felt since he was a mortal.

Fluttershy was crying now, tears running down her face. "I was telling her that I would vouch for her, that none of you would harm her while under my protection. She was just a poor, innocent creature, and you just slaughtered her like a heartless monster!"

She flew away, her sobs echoing strangely in the forest. Longinus looked at his sword, then at the body, then back to his sword. He wondered aloud, partly to himself and partly to the Emperor, "What the Hell just happened?"…


Longinus had doubted that the creature was indeed sentient (and when one of his battle-brothers ate the brains of one timberwolf, they confirmed that indeed they weren't), and thus didn't care that he killed the creature. He would've done it a thousand times if the situation demanded it.

But it wasn't the killing that bothered him. It was the fact that he had shaken Fluttershy so badly.

It had occurred to him that what he had done went against what she stood for. Her talent was working with animals and creatures. She had been implementing that by trying to protect the pregnant monster, when he had come in and slayed her charge without a moment's hesitation.

Longinus wondered what was more discomforting to him; that he had traumatized their xeno host, or that he actually cared what she thought.

Either way, he felt compelled to "apologize" in some manner, or at least explain himself to the poor creature. Longinus had a talk with her, basically saying he was sorry for doing that to her, but that it was part of his duty to take out any potential threats. Fluttershy understood, saying it was her fault for not trying to stop him.

Point being, after that talk, it was an unspoken agreement that the Astartes wouldn't put the Pegasus through that type of trouble again.

So, as Fluttershy whimpered before him, he knew he really didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Fine," He sighed, "If it matters that much to you, I'll stay here then."

"Really?" The Element of Kindness perked up.

"Yes, its fine. You can go on ahead." He didn't have to check out the place now. Besides, if he really wanted to look at the farm, he could always sneak over and do some scouting from the forest and no one would even know he was there.

"Oh, thank you, Longinus." She praised, flying up and wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug. It caught him by surprise, and to a bystander it looked like he had grown a yellow and pink beard. She then released him, and flew off down the road. Longinus simply walked off to the landing zone; perhaps he could pick up some new weapons or something.

That left the familiar mailmare and guardsman on the road again.

"You sure you don't want to come along? There'll be muffins."

"Leave me alone, xeno scum!"


10:55 A.M.

Sweet Apple Acres

There was a clacking sound as two swords collided, again and again. The two combatants warily stared each other down, waiting for a potential weakness to exploit. Asides from an obvious difference, the fighters were –surprisingly- evenly matched. As they were watched, the swordsmen fought with a certain intensity not often seen.

The smaller one would jump around like a Yoda-impersonator, using his natural speed and agility to keep his opponent moving, even jumping over him at times. The larger opponent had much more reach and experience, keeping the challenger at a distance, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

The giant slashed at his opponent, missing as he ducked and weaved. The midget saw his chance, and leapt over his foe. However, the giant had been counting on that, and swiped his feet underneath as he landed. While he was on his back, the giant planted his foot on his chest, and raised his weapon to strike.


N'tho looked up. "How long was that?"

"Five minutes, twenty-three seconds," Vasquez informed him, "Twice as long as last time."

"Nice," Spike gasped out. "Uh, N'tho, your foot, could you please-"

"Of course." The Sanghelli lifted his cloven foot, and helped the little dragon up. No need to break the little guy's ribs after a little sparing with fake swords, right?

They were on the edge of the UNSC-CAR encampment, far enough away from the hustle and bustle to not be in the way, but still within the limits set with AJ and Trixie. Since the meeting at Rarity's, Spike had been coming over to learn about fighting from the Sanghelli and his buddies. While many troops thought it strange that the group leaders would accept this little bugger, N'tho saw something in the dragon. When he had been playing with the sword, he was displaying techniques and speed that he himself took years to master. Sure, he was clumsy and his footwork needed some fixing, but Spike had proven himself to be a quick learner.

Besides, Spike could provide a bountiful harvest of Intel on the natives, as he would often ask their opinions on all kinds of things. Alan noted humorously that Spike had taken to N'tho (and vicariously Cassius and himself) much like how the human had taken to his Uncle Billy. Apparently, father-figures were in short supply in Ponyville.

"Nice job, little guy." Alan complimented the dragon, giving him a canteen. "That's almost as long as mah time."

"Thanks." Spike drank greedily. "Still fell for the foot swipe, though."

"Remember to curl up and roll out when you land." N'tho instructed. "You're small and quick, play to your advantages. And keep working on your footwork. There were a few times that you crossed your feet. Even at a distance, I could've rushed in while you were off-balance and taken you."

"Still," Cassius pointed out, "It's rather impressive how quickly you have improved. It's been two days, and you are progressing through techniques that usually take years to understand."

Spike smiled, and tried not to blush. It was rather unbecoming of a warrior.

As they headed over to the makeshift cafeteria, Alan asked, "Hey Spike, what's the deal with those tattoos on all the ponies' rears? Is it some kind of clan marker or somethin'?"

"Oh, those are cutie marks."

"Huh?" The aliens grunted.

Spike tried to think of the best way to explain. Cutie marks were something everyone on Equestria knew about, so it never really had to be explained. "Cutie marks are a representation of a pony's special talent. They get it around adolescence, and it defines what makes each individual unique. It's something that only occurs on its own, and only ponies and zebras get them."

The others nodded, understanding the concept. "So," N'tho questioned, "Trixie's wand and sparkles represent, what, magic?"

"That's what Twilight's mean, actually. Trixie's represents showmanship and stage magic, which is just illusions and stuff."

"'Kay," Vasquez countered, "But Applejack's represents her talent for apple-farming, right?"


"So why does Rarity have a diamond design when she makes outfits?"

Before Spike could answer, the gang heard a commotion coming from a nearby tree house. Apparently, the CMC were trying to explain the very same concept to a pack of Ungguoy. And they weren't getting very much sympathy.

"So let me get this straight." Corporal Digdug, the leader of the Grunts (and obviously the smartest) asked. "You girls spend all your time doing all kinds of dangerous and ridiculous stuff, all in the hopes of getting some magical tattoos and some form of validation?"

"Yep." Scootaloo chirped.

"Darn tootin'." Applebloom exclaimed.

"Absolutely." Sweetie Belle declared.

"… Don't you think that's a bit, I dunno, shallow?" The Grunt questioned.

The fillies scoffed, shocked at such an appalling accusation. "We are not shallow!" Scootaloo shouted. "You won't believe the crap that we go through at school. We get bullied, trolled, get all kinds of injuries looking for new talents- what are you doing with your fingers?"

"It's the galaxy's smallest violin, and it's playing for you."

"Digdug, be nice." One of the Grunts cautioned. "They just childrens. The big sisters, they beat us up if they find out."

"Its okay, Jimjim. Applejack and Rarity are not going to kill us because we set them straight. If anything, they might kill you 'cause you shot at them."

"I no shoot at pony! I shoot at bird! Why no one listen to Jimjim?!"

"That's my point right there, girls. You have no idea how hard it is to be an Ungguoy. We are always the first one into combat, the first one to die, and we never get any credit for it. My father got killed by a Spartan. My brother got eaten by the Flood. My sister's mate got launched out of an airlock on trash day. And for all that we do, none of the other races give us a second glance. So don't come to us to whine about the lack of a magical tat on your ass."

The fillies looked rather sad after their semi-scolding, and trotted away feeling humbled. Jimjim told his commander, "Wasn't that kinda mean?"

"I don't think so. Besides, they'll probably forget about it by tonight. Younglings have short memories. Let's go get some grub, I'm famished."

As the methane-breathers went about their business, Spike turned to N'tho and demanded, "Aren't you going to do something about them?"

"What about you?" His teacher countered. "The fillies are your friends."

"Yeah, but the Grunts as your troops. Isn't it your responsibility to discipline them or something?"

"They didn't say any lies. Their lives are that genuinely crappy, and it's not a bad thing to be humbled once in awhile. And if they were truly crossing the line, you would've felt compelled to intervene. Wouldn't you?"

Spike was about to argue the point, but it occurred to him that the Sanghelli was right; if Digdug was really being a dick, his sense of nobility would've kicked in, and Spike would beat the crap out of him. His hesitation was noticeable, and N'tho made a "there you go" gesture.

Unbeknownst to the others, Cassius was watching an interesting sight. As his friends continued to head to the cafeteria, he told them, "Hey, my Spiker has been acting up lately. I'm heading over to the Workshop, and I'll catch up with you."

"That's cool." Alan said. "We'll see you later."

The others walked off, but the Brute kept his eyes locked. On the other side of the farm was a little yellow Pegasus with pinkish hair, carrying a saddlebag. She had a little skip to her step and was singing a happy little tune, as if to say to the world, "I'm being adorable, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!"

She was the cutest thing Cassius had ever seen. And she didn't know that she was being followed…


Fluttershy had finally arrived at the farm. She was happy to get out the makeshift camp filled with giant cyborgs and trigger-happy humans. But she certainly didn't expect a full-on military base on AJ's farm, completely filled with humans and multiple alien races. It was definitely a good thing Longinus didn't come along. He would've certainly, as he put it, "Commit holy exterminatus in the name of Gulliman and the Emperor."

She didn't know what "exterminatus" was, but it certainly didn't sound nice.

All the same, it was definitely a good day to be outside. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, even the slight roar of the Pelicans and hum of Phantoms added to the gentle ambience of the moment. She sang a nameless tune, and felt lighter than air as she skipped across the farm. She was wondering where Applejack was when she heard-

"Ay, Sheila, whatcha got there?"

She turned around, and saw that she was being surrounded by a trio of bird-like lizard people. They had creepy red eyes, with tufts of feathers spread about their bodies like a case of rabies. The aliens would twitch their heads and arms this way and that, and were circling her in a rather predatory manner. Overall, they were very frightening.

Fluttershy tried to keep a brave face. "Oh, I'm just here to get some stuff from Applejack. Have you seen her?"

"Orange horsey?" The one who spoke, probably the leader, said. "Nope. Don't know, don't care. She ugly." The creature sounded weird. There was an odd fletching sound to it, like there was two of them. She heard it before with Garrus, but he was always friendly and nice. This one, however, sounded angry, greedy, and strangely… lustful?

This was really starting to head south. Fluttershy started backing away. "Well, uh, okay. I'll just go look for her then, if you don't mind. You all look busy, and I wouldn't-"

"We no busy, Sheila. " The creature hissed, his companions getting closer and closer. "Why not come with us? We show you good time, right boys?" The creatures hissed, looking her up and down, appraising her. One of them was even licking its scaly, disgusting lips.

Before things could get any worse, Fluttershy got herself some backup. Not a mighty Space Marine, but a big ape adorned in golden armor.

The Jiralhanae walked over to them, roaring and swearing in an alien language at the Kig-Yar. The Jackals tried to act all nice and innocent, but their Brute leader wasn't fooled. With a roar and a pointed finger, the Kig-Yar got the point, and with an annoyed and disappointed look walked away.

The Brute grunted, and turned his attention to the Pegasus. "Those Kig-Yar didn't hurt you, did they?"

"Oh no." She told him. She didn't want any trouble because of her. "They were okay. You don't have to worry, they didn't do anything."

"Don't bother flattering them." He snorted. "Those Jackals would've robbed you of everything if they were being nice. You don't want to know what those creeps do when no one is watching them."

"Oh my." Fluttershy didn't think she wanted to know what they were capable of. "In that case, thank you for saving me, mister, um…"

"Cassius. And your name is 'Fluttershy', right?"

"Yes, it is. While we're talking, you wouldn't have happened to see Applejack around, have you?"

"No, but I can help you look around. It's probably better to have an escort you around, lest those Jackals try to make another move. Come with me." He turned and began walking, and the Pegasus followed.

The rest of the day, Cassius and Fluttershy were all over Apple Base, as it would eventually be called. They did eventually find AJ, and got the supplies Fluttershy came for. She also got a full escorted tour, meeting with his friends and commanders, seeing the various weapons and vehicles, the whole nine yards. She even talked a bit to Spike, who was looking more mature and defined every day. Fluttershy, who considered herself an excellent judge of character, found everyone except the Kig-Yar to be really nice and sincere, going about their jobs with a sense of duty and honor she'd rarely seen.

And Cassius… well, Fluttershy thought that he was to these people what Longinus was to the Imperials: Her protector. She would later find out that Jiralhanae had a stereotype of being warmongering, bloodthirsty berserkers. But she found Cassius to be quite the opposite. He was caring, smart, gentle, just a generally nice guy. Like Big Macintosh, only more talkative.

At the end of the day, she said her goodbyes to everyone, and went walking back to her home. As she strolled down the dirt road, she thought, I bet it would be really nice if Cassius and Longinus got to meet each other. They'd have so much to talk-

She stopped in her tracks. She realized that, while Cassius might not have a problem with other visitors, Longinus and his friends most certainly would. He had told Fluttershy of all the times she had gone about slaying filthy xenos, how ponies were, as of right now, the only aliens worth sparing from holy fire. If he met Cassius, or Garrus, or any of the others…

Fluttershy whimpered in the evening quiet. This was getting way too dangerous, too close to home. She couldn't bear to imagine what types of hell could come if things went bad…