• Published 10th Nov 2012
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Peace and Isolation - McKnight93

Combine 40k, Halo, ME and MLP. Featuring Chief, Shepard, Emperor and everyone else in a war of epic proportions.

  • ...

Ch. 5.1- Swords and Paramours

Chapter 7

A week in Paradise (Part One)

Rarity & Spike

"Oh yes, the first week with the Humans and their allies was quite stressful. Trying to keep everyone separated and secret, keeping track of who was from where, learning as much as we could from them, it was all rather strenuous. But the worst part for me? Having to keep my mouth shut when I saw the Imperials' garish outfits- they were positively dreadful…" –Rarity "Unicorn" Belle, Element of Generosity

"I had nothing but good feelings for the 'Ponyville Detachments'. Even before N'tho and I began training, I was just drawn to the way they held themselves, how they kept themselves ready for combat, but were always willing to show kindness and mercy. Perhaps it was a latent effect from my time among the douche-bag teenage dragons, and I still needed a positive male influence or something. Still, it seems rather ironic; I learned what it meant to be a dragon by becoming an Elite…" – Spike, Honorary member of the 'Vaddum Clan


+Day 1 of Contact

10:57 A.M.

Carousel Boutique

Everypony in Ponyville had some kind of activity going on that somehow included the visitors. Since they were going to be staying among the equines for some time, the ponies felt that they should show them all the wonderful things that Equestria was about. From giving them various treats and trinkets to full-on guided tours, it seemed like they were trying to spoil the soldiers with their niceness.

Twilight and Trixie went about interviewing and conversing with every high-ranking official among the away teams. Dash and Gilda observed the various technologies, especially those involving flight and space travel. Pinkie brought out the "welcome wagon" for each group (the fact that no one tried to kill her was a blessing in and of itself). AJ and Fluttershy oversaw the construction of the two bases. And good old Rarity was left to do what she wanted to do the most…

Learn about the fashion of advanced aliens. As if anyone expected her to do anything else.

She was in her central office, talking with her first alien guest while Spike worked in the background, tiding up the place from her work last night. She had been in the middle of filling out a particularly large order when Pinkie Pie had come in, babbling on about "aliens" and "robot people" and other such nonsense. She had convinced her to come out to the Town Meeting, where Twilight and Celestia's letter had confirmed Pinkie's words, which then led to Rarity returning home to begin prepping her home for the Extra-Equestrians.

"I must say," She began, drinking some tea, "That it is an absolute privilege to have you in my home, Ms. Lawson."

"The pleasure's all mine." Miranda replied, drinking in turn. Rarity was impressed at the etiquette and grace she displayed with her hands, something rather lacking among the dragons and griffons that she had met so far. "As much as people may downplay it, you can tell a lot about a species and its culture from things like fashion."

"Thank you!" Rarity exclaimed. "Finally, someone appreciates the finer things in life. You would not believe how frustrating it is when most of your friends think that 'dressing up' is simply wearing a hat, or a cape."

"I must admit that for someone like yourself, it must be quite aggravating that almost no one in this town is wearing clothes. No nudity taboos, I take it?"

"Well, I guess you can say that. Most ponies prefer to go 'naked', as you would say. Often times, they only wear clothes for special occasions or if it's necessary for work. So clothes are somewhat of a luxury item, I suppose."

Miranda nodded, as if it were a great revelation. However, she already knew this, as well as any other important bit of information the white unicorn could possibly give her. Last night, Garrus had given them a crash course on this world; what he knew about the locals, how the world worked, anything he could scrounge up on short notice. The Turian even dug up some fanon material- since Gilda and Trixie were back, apparently on everyone's good side, it seemed like this Equestria was non-canon, so a different approach would be needed.

Lawson remembered a rather funny conversation she overheard between Shepard and Vakarian…

("Hey Garrus?" "Yeah?" "I have to ask. You seem to know a lot about this… show. How often do you watch it?" "…You know how I'm always recalibrating the Thanix Cannon?" "Yeah?" "Those engines are a work of art. I've never had to touch them.""…Really? Every single time?" "I can't help it if you happen to walk up when I'm in the middle of an episode every time. It's a good thing you make heavy footsteps, or you would've caught me weeks ago.")

"… Ms. Lawson?" A hoof waved in front of her face.

Miranda came back to attention. "My apologies, Rarity. I was zoning out for a second."

"Yes, well. Anyway, I was asking about what other races you have in your galaxy?"

This led to a conversation to the more than dozen races of the Mass Effect Galaxy, on their cultures and looks, on their interactions with humanity, things like that. As it progressed, Spike would come in occasionally to refill the teapot, bring in some extra treats and such, all the while eavesdropping and taking notes in the kitchen. Being one of the first in Ponyville to meet the aliens, he came early to give the fashionista a debriefing. He also stayed to "help" around the store, partly to keep an eye on her, and partly because he always liked being with his longtime crush.

At one point, the little dragon had cleaned up the table the ladies were using, and when he returned he asked obediently, "Anything else, mi'ladies?"

"That's it for right now." Rarity answered. "Thank you, Spike." She gave him a quick kiss on the top of his head, and the slightly blushing reptile went back to the kitchen.

"That was rather affectionate of you." Miranda observed. Perhaps the fandom was right on this "Sparity" relationship thing.

"Oh, yes," She sighed. "I'm afraid our… relationship is a bit, shall we say, complicated."

"How so, if you don't mind me asking?"

Rarity was silent for a moment, trying to find the right words. "Well- oh, how do I put this? Age and maturity is a rather finicky when it comes to dragons, I suppose. When dragons get a lot of possessions, their greed can rapidly age them to full growth, making them rather destructive. But under normal circumstances, Spike is very wise and mature for his age."

"Speaking of which, how old is he?"

"Uh… twelve." She admitted, almost embarrassed. She quickly amended, "But again, dragon age is different to pony age. He's actually around his teenage years, and from what Twilight tells me it's around this time that his breed starts bonding, in a romantic sense."

Miranda nodded, and gestured for her to continue.

"I've known that Spike has had a crush on me for some time. I received a real good look at his depth during his birthday, when he had an incident with greed and aging. He had turned into a mindless fifty-foot tall monster, and ravaged much of the town, even kidnapping me for his hoard. But, just as things seemed to be at their worst, he saw the gem he had given me some time before, and remembered what was important to him: his friends, his family, and me. He turned back to normal, and confessed his feelings for me."

"Later, he went on a 'journey of self-discovery', to find out what it meant to be a dragon. Of course, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and I had followed, to make sure he didn't get hurt. He became mixed up with some unsavory characters, and at one point they threatened his life. We intervened, and saved him- but more importantly, I realized that not only did he care a lot for me, but I cared for him too."

"We're now in somewhat… complicated situation. Anyone who doesn't know us would say we're really close friends. But it's more than that. We haven't done anything romantic, per se, but he's as close to a colt-friend as I've had in years."

"I believe the term you're looking for is 'Platonic Life-Partners.'"

"Hmm, I suppose so… But what about you? Do you have a special somepony?"

The human chuckled. "Yes, I suppose I do. Commander Shepard and I have an, interesting relationship."

"Oh? Do tell."

She sighed. "Well, for starters, it's not strictly the most monogamous of relationships, if you catch my meaning. Shepard is also… intimate with the Quarian on our ship, Tali Zorah vas Normandy. She had served with him on a prior mission, helped him save the Citadel from Sovereign's rampage. We brought her in because of her technical skills, but Matt may have brought her in for other things as well."

"After awhile, it became somewhat obvious that Shepard and Tali were… very close. Problem was, he was with me still. I'm not sure about relationship norms on this planet, but the galaxy tends to hold monogamy and fidelity rather highly. So, like anyone else would've done, I confronted them."

"But when I did, he didn't get all mad or defensive. Instead, he understood my concerns, and apologized for not coming to me first. Then, Shepard gave this speech about how 'Tali and I both cared for him, he cared for us, so why do we have to choose between us?' Looking back, I'm surprised I didn't call him out on it, slam him into a wall and wash my hands of that player. Hell, I was even expecting Tali to do the same thing."

"But you know what happened? ... We bought it. We bought it hook, line and sinker. From that point on, we somehow both became his women. You can ask anyone from the Normandy about it, and they'll chalk it up to the Commander having 'swag'. Honestly, it's probably true, because if it were anyone else I would never go for it. But it's because it's Shepard that it works. Does that make sense?"

Rarity nodded in understanding- or rather, a form of understanding. Thing was, with the Male-Female ratio at 2:1, monogamy was a rather uncommon thing. But maybe it was a common thing among these distant peoples, and it would be uncouth to criticize their ways. So she merely feigned comprehension and forced sympathy, and after awhile Miranda got a call on her omni-tool, asking her to come back to the ship. Rarity breathed a sigh of relief as the human finally left.

"I dare say that this little chat went well." She complimented herself, rearranging the outfits for the next guest. "Who are we having next?"

Spike reviewed the checklist made the night before. "Let's see. Twilight and Trixie have Tali and Legion, Rainbow and Pinkie have Garrus and Thane, Gilda has Inquisitor Creighton… Oh, here we are; Rarity, we have N'tho."

"N'tho?" The fashionista sounded a bit skeptical on the name.

"I think you'll like him." Spike continued, sounding rather enthusiastic. "He's a Sanghelli. He's tall and has this really cool looking armor, and looks a lot like a dragon. Best of all, he's actually nice to us."

"Well, that's certainly good to hear." The unicorn continued tiding up.

The dragon was quiet for a moment, writhing his hands. He then asked, "Um, Rarity, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, darling."

"Well, all that stuff that you told Miranda, about me? Did you really mean it?"

"Spike, when have I-"

Before she could finish, they both heard a knocking on the door. Rarity sighed. "I'll get it."

Trotting to the door, she opened it, and was greeted with the visage of giant metal monster. It was more than twice her height, adorned in armor of shiny red and silver. On its sides were a two-pronged blue contraption with a line of connecting plasma, and a simple brown stick delicately and intricately designed. Its feet were cloven rather than hoofed, and its hands had two thumbs. Most intimidating of all, it wore a three-pronged helmet, which had held two glowing lights were the eyes should be.

Rarity just stood there, frozen in shock and fear. Spike saw the being in the doorway, and smiled. He waved to it, and called out, "Hey N'tho. Come on in."

"Hello, Spike." The Sanghelli answered in a deep voice. He nodded to the unicorn. "Lady Rarity, I presume?"

She managed to snap herself out of that little spell, and quickly answered, "Why, y-yes, of course. Welcome to Carousel Boutique. How uh, how can I help you?"

"Applejack sent me here." The alien told her promptly. "She said that you would take an interest in my armor and its technology. Or rather, whatever technology I'm allowed to show you that you can understand." He didn't say that condescendingly, and Rarity was thick-skinned enough to not be bothered even if he were.

"Of course, that would be lovely. Please come in."

She gestured a hoof, welcoming him in. The Sanghelli had to duck down a bit to go through the tiny doorway. His head swiveled this way and that, getting a good view of the entire store. For what it was worth, N'tho could see that she held a lot of pride for the job she held. Everything in the building had its own glow or feel, every piece of cloth or art felt vibrant and alive. He could imagine that many a human corporation would pay a fair sum to gain her services.

And amidst this living work of art, Spike stood and watched him. For whatever reason, the dragon had possessed the notion that the Sanghelli was a badass. Whether it was his height, or his armor, or the way he commanded his fellow soldiers, the Elite embodied everything Spike found lacking in himself.

As much as he liked being with his pony friends –both mare and colt- they didn't and couldn't help him understand what it meant to be a dragon. In his life, he had two experiences to what his kind was like; his birthday rampage, and his time with the teen dragons. The first time told him he had to be careful around his friends and material possessions; the other told him that his kind, on average, were a bunch of sadistic, phoenix-aborting, child-abusing Jerkasses.

Both of which went against everything he felt he wanted to be.

The daydream he had when he saved Rarity; that's what he wanted to become. He wanted to be a warrior, noble and strong, dealing out justice to the wicked and saving the innocent. He wanted to embody and protect everything that Twilight and Celestia had taught him to love.

Maybe he could teach him.

N'tho, oblivious to the dragon's thoughts, offered his weapons to him. "Hold on to these." He instructed. "They are very dangerous, and very important to me and my kind. Treat them carefully."

Spike took the blue gun and metal stick as gently as a pair of Fire Rubies, and gazed upon them with the same awe and wonder. The dragon responded with a "Yes, sir," and walked them both off to the backroom.

"Is there anything in particular you wish to look at?" N'tho asked the unicorn.

"Why not start with your helmet?" Rarity answered. "I'm rather curious on how your eyes manage to glow like that."

N'tho nodded, and began unlocking his helmet. When he finished, he placed the helmet on the table, and turned to face her. Rarity, for all her etiquette and control, couldn't hold back the gasp of horror that escaped from her mouth.

It wasn't the yellow snake-eyes that scared her, nor the large scar on the front of his head, or even the lack of ears that disturbed her. It was… it was…

N'tho noticed the fear on the unicorn's face, and tilted his head. "What's wrong?"

"Y-y-your," Rarity stuttered, "W-what h-happened t-to your…"

"Is it my mandibles?"


"Does the way they move when I speak terrify you?"


"Do you want me to put my helmet back on?"


The Sanghelli put the helmet back on, trying not to chuckle. The marshmallow-colored creature's voice kept on getting higher and higher as she cowered and spoke. It was rather cute, in an almost sadistic way.

"I take it that your have a phobia of insects?" He asked as the lights in the helmet came back on.

"I suppose you could say that." She sighed, relived. "My friends and I had to fight off the Changeling Invasion a few months back. It left a few marks on all of us."

While the two of them chatted, Spike was in the backroom, inspecting the bizarre alien weapons. The blue pronged weapon was pretty dangerous-looking; a fly had buzzed by and touched the connecting plasma line, and was promptly vaporized. What peaked the dragon's interest was the strange metal stick.

It was rather basic, when you got down to it. It shone in the color of aged bronze, covered with intricate twirls and spirals. There were two thin strips on either end of it, and a small button in the middle. It was rather large, but he was still able to hold it in one hand. His thumb strayed towards the button, and then-


Spike blinked in astonishment. When once there was nothing, there were now twin two-foot blades coming out of the stick. They glowed a mesmerizing electric blue, and arcs of energy silently crackled and arched the span between them. It was then he realized that it wasn't a stick; it was a handle. This was some kind of magical sword, and he was wielding it.

Spike had seen many beautiful images in his young life; Celestia raise the Sun; Luna raise the Moon; a Sonic Rainboom; the Elements of Harmony at work; Rarity fresh out of the spa and Twilight taking a nap. All these things and more, they were beautiful moments, beautiful friends. But this sword, this Blade of Energy, was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

A distant part of his mind wanted him to touch it, but he quickly banished that thought. He reasoned it was probably plasma-based, torching anything that contacted it. Another, far more tantalizing idea came to mind. The baby dragon grinned. He slashed the blade through the air, and it made the most beautiful whoosh sound. Spike giggled. "This is amazing." He began twirling the sword around in his hand, spinning it rapidly. Then he began spinning about, twirling like a dervish, becoming a blur of green and purple and electric blue. The sword became an extension of the dragon, and he felt more powerful than ever before.

He cheered in his head, I am Lord Spike, Destroyer of Evil!

Slash! Crack!

Spike stopped, looking around. The sound came from a nearby table. Apparently, he had accidentally sliced clean through the solid oak furniture, and watched as it fell apart in two halves. The edges were perfectly smooth, not even warm to the touch. This sword was more powerful than he thought.

Behind him, there was a metal shuddering sound as N'tho decloaked himself. "That, Lady Rarity," He spoke to the unicorn in the other room, "Is what I mean by turning invisible." He turned his attention to the little dragon holding his sword. If he had eyebrows, he would've raised them. "What have we here?"

"I'm sorry, N'tho," Spike tried to explain, "I was just looking at your sword and it was so cool and-"

"Okay, why don't you stop swinging the sword while you talk?" The Sanghelli instructed. "It's not your pec- your tail. Just hold onto the button, and flick it." Was I about to call it a "pecker"? He thought. By the Forerunners, I've spent too much time with Vasquez.

The dragon did as he was told, and the blade unlit itself. When the alien gestured to get it back, he was slightly hesitant. The primitive brain inside him kept on screeching that it was his sword now, that he shouldn't give it back. Spike broke through that line of thought, and gave the handle back the strange four-fingered hand.

"I was just demonstrating the invisibility cloak my armor has when I saw you in action." N'tho continued.

"Oh, did you?" Spike was feeling rather embarrassed. He hoped that his new friend wouldn't be too mad at him for his indiscretion.

The Sanghelli was quiet for a moment, thinking of the right thing to say. "Spike," He told the little dragon, "I have been fighting for 75 years. I have seen every kind of soldier there is, and then some. As a Sanghelli, one can spot a true warrior by the way he wields his sword. And I must tell you, little dragon; I have never seen someone take to the sword as quickly as you have."

"Really?" Spike perked up, his tail twitching ever so slightly.

"Certainly." N'tho paused in thought, and continued, "You know, it'll probably be some time before the Chief is brought to us. I myself will have quite a bit of free time. How would you like to train with me?"

"Seriously?" Spike could hardly contain the glee in his voice.

"Sure. It'll be fun. You up for it?"

"Absolutely! That would be awesome!" It was all he could do to not jump for joy.

The Sanghelli chuckled; if only all youngsters on Sanghelios took to training so eagerly nowadays. N'tho wrapped up his business with Rarity, made an appointment with his new "apprentice", and made his departure. Spike felt like a little foal on Hearth's Warming Day, waiting to open his presents. Starting tomorrow, he would learn how to be a warrior. In his mind, he would finally know what it meant to be a dragon.