• Published 10th Nov 2012
  • 10,014 Views, 1,059 Comments

Peace and Isolation - McKnight93

Combine 40k, Halo, ME and MLP. Featuring Chief, Shepard, Emperor and everyone else in a war of epic proportions.

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Ch.1- VIPs, God-Figures and Redemption

Chapter 1: VIPs, Deities and Redemption


"In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future, there is only War…" -WH40K Intro

Year M.42.001 (11'000 years after Horus Heresy)

Solar System, Imperium of Man

Above Holy Terra, onboard Emperor's Wrath (Dreadnaught)

Thought of the day: From the smallest point of Light, Hope springs forth.

Miles below, in the mountain range once called the Himalayas, was the Imperial Palace, heart of the Imperium. In the depths of the Palace was the Golden Throne, which held the physical remains of the Emperor, Heart of all Humanity. While the body decayed, and the machine began to falter, His soul stayed trapped in His mortal form to guide mankind through its darkest hours.

Or so it was thought.

But now Inquisitor Creighton and every Astropath in the galaxy knew otherwise.

Approximately one Terran week ago, the Emperor broadcasted a message through the Astronomicon, which was sent out to every Astropath and Astral Choir, onboard every ship in the Imperium. The message was this:

Children of Humanity, do not be afraid. This is your Emperor speaking. Hear my words and take heed, for I bring news of great joy for all Mankind.

While my body on Terra has fallen to Entropy, I have found a way to avoid my eventual death. In the 10'000 years that I have been imprisoned, I have made contact with the Gods of a race of xenos unlike any I've ever experienced. These beings- who have reached out to me not with deceit or malice, but with peace and friendship- have helped me create a new body for me to inhabit.

And now, my body is almost ready.

I am requesting one ship -one ship, not an entire fleet, as you will want to do- to come and pick me up in my new form. The coordinates and path through the Immaterium are being given to every Astral Choir receiving this message. I await your arrival, Children of Mankind.

Now, Inquisitor Mendel Creighton, along with everyone else in the Inquisition, originally believed that it was a hoax; a lie by Tezeentch, the Chaos God of Magic, to lead humanity into a false hope. The one thing that proved that theory wrong was this: Every Single Astropath in the Galaxy had the same message, sent via the Astronomicon. Only the Emperor himself could do something like that, on that magnitude.

When the message was proven to be genuine, this led to another problem: Every available starship was volunteering to find the God-Emperor. Creighton sighed and rubbed his head, remembering the process of selecting this particular ship out of the thousands that offered. He'd rather fight off a horde of Orks than go through that again.

The Inquisitor stood about 5'9, with gray hair and dark green eyes. He wore the typical uniform for an Inquisitor Xeno, which always involved having a cape and a small adamantium sword. He had served in the Inquisition for many years, and it was his excellent record dealing with unconventional alien threats that made him perfect for the job.

After looking out the starboard window one last time, he decided to make his way to the bridge. He walked past several miles of long, winding corridors of the massive ship, past various servitor machines and slave workers who constantly maintain the ship, and past several tech-priests and soldiers who kept the workers under command.

In time, he entered the bridge, where every other VIP onboard was. There was the master of the vessel, Capt. Andromeda Lema, who was a veteran of Medusa V. Her graying hair and wrinkled face proudly held her 104 years of service (and, having been part of the Rogue Traders, she didn't have to be fused to the control chair to keep the ship running). Over by the control panels was Magos Kriel, the ship's representative of the Ordo Mechanicus. As with most senior members of his order, the cyborg was now more machine than man, bearing his new form in honor of the Omnissiah and the tech god.

Conversing in a corner were the three military leaders of the mission: Lieutenant Konrad Osburran of the Imperial Guardsmen (12th Cadian Regiment), Captain Gideon of the Imperial Fists (5th Company), and Captain Numitor of the Ultramarines (8th Reserve Company). Although all of them had the feel of veterans, the Space Marines stood above the crowd both figuratively (hundreds of years of fighting) and literally (standing 8-feet tall). While the Emperor didn't ask for escorts, no one would dare collect Him undefended. So, a small taskforce was made, with a regiment of Guardsmen, and 2 Companies from the most elite Space Marine Legions, to go along for the pickup.

"Captain Lema," The Inquisitor addressed as he entered,"What is the status of the ship?"

"Everything," Lema replied, "Is at 100% efficiency, Inquisitor. The Astral Choir is ready and eager to begin our quest."

"The machine spirits," Magos Kriel droned in his robot voice, "Are satisfied and content, and have all systems ready."

"The 12th Cadian Regiment," Lt. Konrad announced, "Have readied their souls for this."

"The Sons of Dorn and Gulliman," Declared Gideon, speaking of the Imperial Fists and Ultramarines respectively, "Are prepared for receiving our Emperor."

"Excellent," Creighton said, "Then let us depart." He sat down in one of the command chairs, very much reminding everyone who was in charge (the Inquisition are basically given as much political authority as needed for anything, below only the Emperor Himself). "Onward and out, for the Emperor."

"For the Emperor!" The shout rang out throughout the ship, as the Warp engines began to activate. Slowly, the dreadnaught moved out of orbit, moving in the direction of deep space. Reality itself began to ripple around the ship, as it began to enter the Immaterium.

The engines built up, reaching the required level to break through to the Warp. Then, a large jagged rip of pinkish light tore in front of the starship. The Emperor's Wrath passed right into it, steady as you please. When the whole thing entered, the rip in space closed back up again.

And so began the ship's journey through the Warp, the Realm of Chaos. For in the Warhammer-verse, to go anywhere (even the supposed "heaven" in which the Emperor was), you had to go through Hell first…


"Sir, (I'm) finishing this fight." -John-117, "Halo 2"

"'They say that 'Spartans never die'. If only that were true."

-Dr. Katharine Halsey, Creator of the Spartan IIs

June 17, 2570 A.D.

E. Eridani, over Reach

UNSC Road not Taken (Marathon-class Frigate)

The atmosphere onboard was both excited and restrained. All crewmembers were eager to embark upon what was arguably the most important mission since the end of the war: The Retrieval of the Master Chief.

For Master Sergeant Alan Vasquez, the whole damn situation seemed to reek of Cosmic Irony.

18 years ago, on the very planet the Road not Taken was over, Humanity (and the Spartans) fought one of the last great battles of the Human-Covenant War. Humanity lost, and the Spartan was taken with the Pillar of Autumn, making a blind jump to the Halo. That set up a chain of events leading to the Battle of New Mombasa, the Covenant Civil War, the Battle of the Arc, and the Eradication of the Flood. The Master Chief was lost, left behind in the back half of the Forward unto Dawn when the last Ring activated. His sacrifice saved the galaxy, and they could only honor him in memory.

Until now.

About two months ago, listening outposts at the edge of UNSC space picked up on an emergency distress beacon. A beacon listed as the Forward unto Dawn.

Finally, the mortal remains of the Master Chief were located.

The only catch was that it was apparently in one of the most distant and dangerous sections of the galaxy: A place called "The Tempest". Dangerously close to the galactic core, awfully close to the Covenant Remnant, loads of Slipspace anomalies to tear ships to pieces. No problem, right?

So now, from the place where Spartans began, an expedition was being prepared to get the greatest (and last) of them back home.

Somehow, the situation felt a little like déjà vu to Vasquez, even though he hadn't been serving during the war. Hell, He thought, We even got the same aliens coming along.

That was the one last caveat to this mission: This wasn't a human-only venture.

Upon the discovery of the Chief, the Combined Allied Republics (CAR), the political organization for all the Covenant Separatist races, offered one of their ships to tag along. A token of goodwill, to honor the human who saved and freed them from the lies of the Prophets. Figuring it would help better relations, the brass of the UNSC accepted.

So, that was why the Road not Taken was in orbit along with the CAR cruiser Eternal Judgment. And also why Vasquez was eating and chit-chatting with an old Sanghelli comrade in the ship's cafeteria, along with all the other human, Jiralhanae, Unggoy and Kig-Yar troops and envoys.

"Ah, Alan my friend," The Elite, Commander N'tho Vaddum reminisced, "Remember that little skirmish we had on Crysis a few years back?"

"Yeah," Vasquez returned in his southern drawl, "And Ah had to save you from that Berserk Brute?"

"As I recall," N'tho countered, "You just took my kill, and I had to save you from being devoured by that swarm of Yame'e."

"Nuh-uh. Those Drones were a bunch of putas."

"'Yeah-huh'. There were thirty of them, and you had been needled in the arm."

"That was just a flesh wound."

"Wasn't what the medic said. It was the first time I saw a human vomit and not have it be alcohol-related."

A Brute Captain sitting next to them laughed boisterously. "You two both forget," The Jiralhanae boasted, "I saved both of you when I blew that Infected Megalekgolo up with my cannons."

"Yeah, yeah, Cassius," Vasquez conceded, "You had your moment in the limelight. We all did."

Alan, Cassius and N'tho had all met up 5 years ago on planet Caldari. The Jiralhanae world -one of the few Brute planets that left the Covenant- was attacked and infected by the Covenant Remnant and the Flood, and the civvies had to be evacuated. During the battle, the three of them developed an uncommon friendship (at least in this day and age), and were looking forward to having another mission together.

Alan was only 9 years old when the Covenant was finally broken, and was part of the first generation that knew of aliens, but not of war. Raised on one of the few farms still left in the old state of Kentucky, he was raised as right as could be done in a postwar, futuristic setting. He stood 6'1, had yellow-brown eyes, and if he hadn't shaved his head would've had auburn hair. His face looked nice, except for a long scar on the left side of his face, given to him when a spike grenade gave him a quick peck.

N'tho and Cassius were fellow commanders in the CAR, and had worked together even back during the days of the old order. They had the good fortune to be in one of the few multi-species units that, when the Schism occurred, didn't collapse and kill each other. As the military got reformed afterward, they got promotions (N'tho got his red armor, became a Squad Leader; Cassius got gold armor, became a Captain), but they kept in touch. Point being, they were cool with humans and their style, and had no issue fraternizing with one. Somehow, the three of them made the perfect team, actually single-handedly held off a Flood Horde for 2 hours, long enough to get that FOB on Crysis evacuated, and make them decorated soldiers.

"So," Cassius asked after they finished eating, "Does anyone know where exactly the Chief is at?"

"Last I checked," N'tho answered, "He appeared to be responding either next to or inside a Slipspace anomaly."

"Wait," Vasquez interrupted, "Wait, we're goin' into a Slipspace anomaly? A freakin' tear in space-time, with no guarantee of gettin' in or gettin' out?"

"When you put it that way, it sounds slightly less dangerous than visiting a Halo Ring."

"Hey, Ah just wanna go back to Earth when we're done, is all."

"I know. You always say how lovely it is this time of year. I would like to see it one day, too."

"Likewise," Cassius put in, "You humans have the best booze I've ever drank. What was that drink you gave us after Crysis, from your hometown?"

"Jack Daniels?"

"Yes, yes, Daniels. Best I've ever had."

"Attention, crew and passengers." A feminine voice interrupted over the intercom (the ship's A.I., Juno). "We are preparing to make a slipspace jump in approximately 5 minutes. Please report to your designated cabins."

"Wort!" N'tho spat, "The hangar is on the other side of the ship. We'll never make it back in time."

"No worries," Vasquez told them, "The two guys for mah cabin caught some local disease on Reach, so they couldn't come. You could take their spots."

The aliens exchanged a look. "You sure that's a good idea?" N'tho commented. "It's a five-day trip."

"If you can sprint a mile through windin' corridors in under five minutes, be mah guest."

"Four minutes, thirty seconds." People around them began leaving, heading to their cabins. N'tho and Cassius were still uncertain. Vasquez sweetened the deal.

"Ah still have that old bottle and some flip music."

Cassius perked up. N'tho sighed, acknowledging defeat. Booze and modern rock seemed to be the way to win over most races, these days.

"Very well, human. Lead the way."

Four minutes later, while the three amigos began their first night of the cruise, the engines of the frigate turned to 100%, activating the Slipspace engine. In cadence with the CAR cruiser, they entered slipspace in dual orbs of bright light.

As they passed from one dimension to another, N'tho sighed inwardly, looking forward to a week of a tiny (for an Elite) bed, loud music, and drunken singing. But that's was what friends were for, right?


"They called it a suicide mission. We proved them wrong." -Cmdr. Shepard, on the mission to the Omega 4 Relay.

September 4th, 2285

Galactic Center, near destroyed Collector Base

(Normandy, Cerberus vessel)

It seemed that no matter how hard Matt Shepard tried, the universe kept on piling on the shit.

The Mission in itself went off without a hitch: No one died, the "baby" human Reaper was destroyed, and the Collector base was purged of life. The crew had saved the galaxy once again, and was about to head back home.

Then they discovered the two other Collector bases.

And then the starfighters showed up.

So now, here he was again; ship under attack, crew in mortal danger, light-years from any possible help. Just like the first time he died.

He definitely didn't want to go through that again.

"Joker!" He shouted to the pilot over the radio, "Get us the hell outta here!" Shepard and his team had just got back on the ship, and he was trying to get up to the CIC. The fact that the ship kept shaking violently from the hits on the shields didn't help at all.

"I'm trying, Commander!" Joker snapped, "But those fighters are everywhere, and there's more junk here than an Omega junkyard!"

"The Mass Relay we came here on has been blocked." EDI, the ship's AI, put in. "However, there appears to be another Relay on approach."

"I take it that it hasn't been opened before?" Shepard asked as he boarded the elevator.

"This is beyond the Omega 4 Relay. Everything is new and unopened."

"Can we reach it?"

"If we don't get blown apart, then yes."

"Then go for it."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Joker quipped, and began angling the ship to the Mass Relay. Concerns about breaking Citadel law would have to wait. The Normandy nimbly maneuvered around debris of destroyed ships and rocks, evading their attackers. When objects became too big, the Thanix cannon fired, blowing it apart.

The elevator opened up, and Shepard dashed across the CIC, to the front where Joker was. All the crew, who had just been rescued from the Collectors only a few hours ago, had gone back to the rhythm of work as if nothing happened, a testament to their skill and bravery. He reached the cockpit as Joker and EDI were busy tapping away at controls, blowing away smaller bits of debris.

Shepard looked out the window, and gazed upon the approaching Mass Relay. It was in many ways similar to the Omega 4 Relay: Larger than most, surrounded by wreckage, kinda foreboding, that kind of stuff. The only difference was that the Element Zero core on Omega glowed orange, while this one was pink (still different, as most Relays were blue).

"Starting our run," Joker reported, "Launching in ten seconds."

The ship was almost at the Relay. One last swarm of fighters had come right on their tail.

"Five seconds!"

A pinkish string of energy had reached out and encompassed the ship. The fighters launched their missiles simultaneously, hoping to destroy it before it got away.

"Launching now!"

With a mighty "pitchoo!" the Normandy was launched at FTL speeds to its unknown destination. The missiles passed by too late, exploding impotently on space junk.

Those on the Normandy breathed a sigh of relief, avoiding death for the umpteenth time. Shepard, however, had other concerns.

"EDI, when are we going to reach our new destination?"

"Calculations put us at around three days, give or take an hour."

"Great," Shepard said, "It'll give us time to repair and heal up."

"Yeah, sure." Joker deadpanned. "Never mind the fact that the Collectors are right behind us, and we have no idea where we're going."

"Wouldn't be the first time we've been without a paddle."

Joker shook his head in resignation.

Shepard then went back to the elevator. He was going to check up on the rest of the team before retiring to his cabin.

Everyone was well and accounted for. Mordin was in his lab, analyzing all the new data gathered from the base. Jacobs was repairing and rearming all their weapons and equipment. Thane and Samara were both praying to their respective gods, giving thanks. Miranda and Tali were more than friendly, looking forward to another good night with Shepard, now that the mission was complete. Grunt and Jack were both "chilling" in the garage, having done most of the action. Legion stayed in the AI room, repairing any computer damage that may have occurred. And Garrus…

Shepard's Turian friend was in the med bay, fixing a broken arm. He took a nasty shot from a Collector beam gun, but fortunately didn't lose his hand. He seemed in good enough spirits when Shepard came in.

"If I didn't know better, Garrus," Shepard told him, "I'd think you were going out collecting scars on purpose."

"Yeah," The alien retorted, "Scars make everyone look 20% cooler. But you already knew that." He was referring to the facial scars that Shepard had the first few weeks after being brought back from Project Lazarus and later lost (which was good, because it looked like he had a red spider web glued to his face).

Garrus, however, had an interesting design to his scar. By a byproduct of beam shot, medi-gel and stitches, it looked like a cloud and lightning bolt combo. Hell, some weird chemical reaction in the lightning bolt made it turn into a red-blue-yellow rainbow on his skin. Shepard had never seen anything like it, but it seemed kinda cool (in a girly kind of way).

"You know, if you want, we do have some cosmetic tools onboard. We can get rid of it for you."

"No, don't do that!" Garrus replied rather quickly. "I like it. It reminds me of… an old friend."

The way he hesitated made Shepard a tad suspicious, but just as quickly he wrote it off. Probably an old comrade or flame, something irrelevant now.

"Well, hang in there, buddy." He patted his friend's shoulder. "We're not out of this, yet."

Shepard left, heading back to his cabin to get some rest. Dr. Chakwas went to work on some of the other patients, those who received damage while in their pods. While they were busy, Garrus looked at his scar one more time.

He had been telling most of the truth when he said it reminded him of a "friend". His friend was an idol of his, and wasn't actually real.

The scar on his arm was the cutie mark of Rainbow Dash. Garrus would know that because he liked the old My Little Pony show, and was a secret Brony. Being the only Turian Brony in existence was his little secret, and it was a secret he was going to keep forever, if he had to.

He reclined himself into his medical bed, expecting a quick nap, but getting into a deep sleep…


"We can always fix the hole in the roof, but not the one you left in our hearts."

-Fluttershy to Applejack, during "The Last Roundup"

Ponyville, Equestria

+2 years, 11 months A.N.

1 month after "Canterlot Wedding"

The Mane Six waited at the train station, eagerly awaiting the next arrival.

Earlier in the day, Spike had received a letter signed by both Princesses, telling all of them that two VIPs were coming to town, and they were to greet them when they arrived. The mares couldn't say no, and Pinkie Pie never turned down an opportunity to have a welcoming party.

"So," Rainbow Dash asked aloud, lounging on a cloud she snagged for the wait, "Any ideas on who to expect?"

"I hope its Shining Armor and Cadence." Twilight Sparkle said, referring to her brother and sister-in-law. "I've been meaning to catch up with them for awhile."

"It could be Fancy Pants," Rarity put in, talking about her friend from Canterlot. "He always wanted to come see a 'rustic locale' like Ponyville."

"Could be some kinda dignitary," Applejack mused, "A fancy noble from a faraway land."

"I just hope they're nice." Fluttershy whispered in her quiet voice.

"I already know who it is." Pinkie Pie declared.

"You do?" The girls asked, surprised.

"Yep. My Pinkie Sense went off today. It told me that two old friends were showing up."

"Who?" They pressed.

"Not tellin'. But I think you'll be happy about it."

As she said that, the train pulled into station, letting loose a cloud of steam as it came to a stop. All watched and waited expectantly as the doors opened. And all (except Pinkie) were surprised by who came out.

An azure unicorn and a griffon walked out of the cabin. The griffon had the blue jumpsuit and goggles of the Wonderbolts, though her goggles were put up to show her eyes. The unicorn still had her old cape and hat, but now also had a star-covered vest too. They both had nervous, shy smiles, and were slouching, as if to make themselves look smaller.

"Hello, Twilight Sparkle." Said Trixie Lulamoon, apprentice of Princess Luna.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash." Said Gilda of Ravenpoint, newest member of the Wonderbolts.

The Mane Six were silent, most of them not believing what they were seeing. Surely these two weren't showing their faces around here again, after what they did? The nerve of them!

Pinkie broke the silence. "Trixie! Gilda! How've you girls been?" She rushed them and grabbed them into a big bear hug. The duo could hardly breathe.

"Hey…Pinkie…can't…breathe!" Gilda gasped out.

"Oh, sorry." The party pony broke off the hug. The others, seeing that their friend had accepted them, approached cautiously.

"So, uh, gals," Applejack started, unsure where to begin, "What brings y'all back to town?"

"A lot of things, actually." Trixie answered. "But first and foremost, we wanted to apologize to all of you for what we did. AJ, I want to start with you, and how I'm sorry I tied you up in that rope trick."

The farm-mare winced at the memory, but said, "Its okay. Nothin' hurt but mah pride."

The ex-magician then turned to the white unicorn with the diamond cutie mark. "Rarity, I'm sorry for turning your hair into a green mess. Blue is your natural color."

The fashionista, ever the lady, returned, "Apology accepted, dear. Nice outfit, by the way."

"Oh, thank you." A small but genuine smile grew on her face. This was going as well as she hoped it would be. She looked to the cyan-colored Pegasus. "Dash, I'm sorry for putting you in that mini-tornado."

Rainbow, still looking at Gilda and her outfit, only responded with, "Yeah, sure."

Finally, she approached Twilight, her opposite. "I believe I owe the biggest apology to you, Twilight Sparkle. For causing so much trouble to you, the town, everypony. Had I known that Celestia's apprentice was living here, I certainly would've been more… well, modest, to say the least."

The purple unicorn was silent for a moment, looking Trixie up and down, analyzing her. Then she stated, "You're Princess Luna's new student, aren't you?"

"Why, yes." Trixie replied, the smile coming back to her. "She's been teaching me for about two years now."

"I figured as much." Twilight gave her own sweet smile, one that Trixie had wanted to see for quite some time. "Celestia kept on mentioning that Luna had one, but would never say who."

She took a step closer to her formal rival, looking her eye-to-eye. "Well, if the Princesses trust you, and you've truly learned your lesson, then I'll be the first one to welcome you back, Trixie."

"Thank you, Twilight." Trixie rushed up and hugged her former competitor. After a moment, realizing that the others were watching, she quickly released, blushing. "You don't know how much that means to me."

She looked to Gilda, signaling her to do her part. The griffon stepped forward, clearing her throat. She started with Fluttershy, who was avoiding eye contact and had her back to a wall. Gilda lowered her head below the yellow Pegasus, and spoke in a quiet voice, so not to frighten her unduly.

"I think," She spoke softly, "I owe you the biggest apology, Fluttershy. I'm sorry for snapping at you like I did, and making you cry. That was completely uncool and wrong of me."

Fluttershy looked down at the griffon, and saw the sincerity in her eyes and voice. "Its okay," The Pegasus whispered back, allowing brief eye contact, "I forgive you, Gilda."

Gilda smiled, but expected as much. Out of all the ponies, Fluttershy was always the quickest one to forgive (at least, that what she had heard from all the news and rumors that she picked up). She was about to move to Pinkie when she jumped up beside her.

"Gilda," The pink Earth pony spoke in her cheery voice, "You don't have to say anything to me. I can see that you're not a mean meanie-pants anymore, so we can be friends."


"Sure, as long as you let me throw you and Trixie a party." The griffon hesitated, remembering what happened last time Pinkie threw a party for her.

"No pranks this time?" She asked uncertainly.

"No pranks."

"Okay then, I don't see why not."

Pinkie Pie squealed, and ran off to go get ready. That left Gilda with Rainbow Dash, who was still staring at her.

"Rainbow, I-" She started.

"When did you join the Wonderbolts?" The cyan Pegasus interrupted, miffed because she had tried to get in for years, and hadn't been accepted.

"I've been training with them for awhile." Gilda answered. "The Princesses pulled a few strings, made me a trainee. I was accepted last week, in fact."

"Huh." Dash grunted, unsure to either be happy for her or jealous of her success.

"I got a free shot for you."

"What?" RD didn't quite catch that.

"I spoke with Soarin and Spitfire after the Wedding. They were impressed that you could do a Sonic Rainboom on demand now. I let them know that you wanted to be a Wonderbolt since you were a filly, and they've already set up an appointment for this Thursday."

Rainbow gasped, taking a step back. She couldn't believe what she just said. "You… you got me in?"

"Basically." The griffon turned away, but her blushing cheeks still showed. "It wouldn't be right if I were on the team without my best friend."

Dashie froze, and that she felt that familiar sharp pang in her chest.

"I know I did some things to you and your other friends, some really regretful things. Your friendship means a lot to me, but I shouldn't have been possessive of you, or jealous with your new friends. I really am sorry, and I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me."

Gilda held out her clawed hand. RD stood still, looking at her face and hand. She batted it away, but now with her playful smile back. "Strangers shake hoofs. Come here." She rushed up and hugged her old friend, hiding her face in the feathers so on one could see her tearing eyes.

Gilda returned the embrace, her own eyes stinging. She had wanted this back for so long, to be together with her Pegasus. And it felt so right to be back, too. This time, she wouldn't keep any fake, "cool" façade. If it was good with Dash, it was good with Gilda.

After that tender moment, arrangements were made for their housing. Trixie, being a fellow student, would be allowed to live in the Library, along with Twilight. Rainbow Dash still had an extra room in her cloud house, which Gilda stayed in last time she was in town. The unicorns would spend that night exchanging spells and techniques, learned from their respective teachers. The flyers would spend theirs catching up on old and new adventures, as well as training tips for the Pegasus's test. From there, the week went as well as any of them could hope for…


Up in Canterlot Palace, Princess Luna had finally managed to escape the ever-present bureaucrats and petitioners, finding rest in her private chambers. She had been making an effort to be more active in affairs after the Wedding, but there had to be spots where you draw the line.

The dark alicorn settled down in her bed, feeling a little ashamed about that incident. Her city had been invaded, her sister beaten by the Changeling Queen, the Elements defeated. Her people needed her, and where was she?

Having Trixie and Gilda doing research in the tunnels while she flirted with Adam.

Granted, "officially" she was down there to help track the Emperor's Wrath, and to learn how to navigate the Warp. But really, it was an excuse to have some alone time with Him.

It had worked so well, until Adam asked where Celestia was.

"Oh," She said nonchalantly, "She's heading Cadence's wedding. She has it under control."

Cadence? He asked, confused. Your 2nd niece, the pink alicorn?

"Yes, why do you ask?"

She and Twilight Sparkle are beneath us right now.


Apparently, Chrysalis the Changeling had replaced Cadence, and tossed her into the caverns below. While Adam listened, He learned of her plans, and felt the gathering army approach.

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" She complained.

I figured you already knew. You two are this world's gods, and you're both outside. You could see them coming. All I have is what I see in this room, what you show me, and what I can feel with my senses. Besides, I still can't get out of this bed. How could I help you anyway?

The changelings had already taken over at this point, so Luna stayed with the Human god as He gave a blow-by-blow account of what was going down. He gave vigorous detail when Shining Armor and Cadence used love magic to beat the changelings. Later on, He would say this would be very important, but not saying why. When things went back to normal, Luna excused herself and went to the party.

When asked where she was, she simply told them that she was fighting changeling attack in the caverns. Fortunately, she rarely lied, and most took what she said at face value.

But that was last month. Chrysalis was banished, Cadence and Armor were on their honeymoon, and Gilda and Trixie have finally returned to Ponyville. All was well in the world, and she could finally rest.

Luna closed her eyes, and let herself fall into Dreamland…


Luna dreamed her most common dream; The dream she had throughout her lunar exile, and the one she had when Discord came back: She dreamed of her early years with Adam. In particular, when they first met.

It began right after she gained her cutie mark, just having ascended the throne with her sister. Being a goddess of the night and the stars, she was given techniques on how to explore the universe in spirit. It was also a good way to avoid Celly when she wouldn't drop a subject, or was being annoying.

On one particular night, Luna wanted to see how far out she could go. In her astral wanderings, she discovered what appeared to be a hole in space. Being a curious filly, she decided to go through it. Exiting the other side was like entering a dark, foreboding jungle, or a stormy cosmic sea. She could hide herself from all the beings in this new universe, so she was in no danger. But all the same, Luna wouldn't forget the horrors she saw:

Arcane, obscene geometries that twisted reality on a whim. Castles and cities of diseased flesh, inhabited by grotesque creatures. Vast, unending orgies that fed a ravenous, androgynous god. And, most prominently, a huge, boiling lake of blood, surrounding an island made of skulls.

Each God of the Four Regions emitted an emotion that felt almost poisonous to the alicorn; Betrayal, Despair, Lust, Rage; emotions of such foreignness and intensity that she almost didn't recognize them. It was almost too much for her little mind to handle.

The only reason she pressed on was that she was drawn to the one bit of light in this abyss.

Luna deduced that this was somewhere in the middle of this new universe, as everything seemed to circle around it like a flock of vultures. From a distance, she could hear a strange, psychic chanting emanating from the light. Although it was bright, the filly could still see what was in it.

And it was almost as bad as all the other visions she had seen.

In the light was a massive golden throne, tubes running from it into a glowing vortex. On this throne was a weird creature she'd never seen before: bipedal, encased in armor, a small and squarish head. This entity- male, by her guess- had ice gray eyes, a long black mane, and an actual golden halo around his head. Luna would've found him quite good-looking, under different circumstances.

As it was, the being's face was marred, twisted in the screaming of pain and anguish.

This person was bound to his chair, struggling but unable to break free. His eyes were locked onto the vortex, where the chanting was coming from. Luna followed his gaze.

She saw dozens, hundreds, a thousand creatures, similar to the one on the Throne, tossing themselves into the vortex. They were consumed, turned into pure energy, which went through the tubes and powered the throne. The machine in the throne hummed with an eerie, mechanical delight.

Now Luna knew why this God-thing was screaming. His people were being sacrificed to keep him alive.

The alicorn child looked up, and realized that this god was looking right at her. Somehow, He had broken through her illusions, and was staring directly into her eyes. She had never felt more bare and… more naked, in her entire life.

Then, in a voice that was both melodious and thunderous like the mightiest storm, the God asked her: What are you?

Her nerves finally reached the breaking point. Luna fled, half-running and half-flying, across the vast horrors, out the space hole, and back into her own body. She hid under her bed, crying and shaking for the rest of the night and most of the next day. She only came out when Celestia and Discord (still a hatchling, without most of his future powers) came in to check on her, so she could raise the Moon again.

After performing her royal duties, Luna told her sister and friend of the vision she saw. They were equally frightened and intrigued by this new universe, but because her state, all agreed never to go through that hole again.

Of course, that didn't stop anything from that side from coming through.

A few weeks passed, and Luna recovered from her trauma. Indeed, she actually felt stronger after the ordeal. The thing is about ponies, they turn out to be quite resilient mentally- there isn't much that could traumatize them permanently. One night, when she regained her mental fortitude, she decided to go into astral form again.

Fortunately, she didn't have to go into it this time.

As she began preparing herself, she heard a strange mental voice calling to her. Hello? Can you hear me?

Luna looked around her chambers, unsure if Discord or her sister were pulling a trick on her. Who's that? Who's there?

Fear not, young one, The voice continued, and sounding calm, soothing… and somehow familiar. I mean you no harm. I just wish to speak with you.

Who are you, stranger?

I was the one you saw on the Golden Throne.

The little alicorn froze, the vision coming back to her. It baffled her that someone who was in that much pain could sound so calm now. She tried to regain her mental composure as she spoke: W-what are you, then?

Those people you saw are called humans. I am their Emperor.

What happened to you? Why do they slaughter themselves for you?

The Emperor answered with old sorrow and guilt. That story is long and full of sadness, little one. I would prefer, if you wish, to learn a little about you and your people.

Luna felt a little hesitant about talking to this "Emperor", but she had been raised to act like a lady, which included being cordial and polite to strangers.

Well, sir, my name is Princess Luna, and I am an alicorn, a Goddess of the Night.

An alicorn? The Emperor asked, What, pray tell, is that?

Oh, we're God-Ponies; We look like winged unicorns.

Ponies? He sounded a bit skeptical.

Yes. You know; Earth ponies, Pegasus ponies, Unicorn ponies. You've seen them before, right?

Can you show me?

From then on, the conversation turned visual. Luna showed Him images of the pony races, their abilities and achievements, their culture. She showed Him the other races of Equestria- dragons, griffons, zebras, etc.- and much of her understanding of magic. The Emperor (who wanted her to call Him "Adam") would occasionally send images back, showing His equivalent in His knowledge (Luna actually laughed when she saw His images of a "pony" and a "unicorn", looking all stupid and dumpy).

This continued on for some time, until Celestia came in, unknowingly interrupting their long-distance conversation.

"Luna," Celestia asked, concerned, "You have been staring at the Moon for two hours now. Are you well?"

"Yes, sister," Luna responded, "I have been having a lovely conversation with my new friend, Adam."

"Adam?" The Sun Goddess was confused. Her sister was too old for imaginary friends, but there was nopony around.

"Adam, can you speak to my sister as well?"

Greetings, Princess Celestia.

Celestia had the same reaction Luna did, much to the Emperor's amusement. The white alicorn was quickly brought up to speed on their conversation, and for her part actually handled it very well.

At the end, Celestia asked, So, Adam, why have you decided to contact us?

I come to you two now, as I hope that perhaps you may be able to help me.

Help you how? The sisters asked.

The Emperor then began to show them His plight.

He showed Himself many years ago; tall, mighty and fit, leading His soldiers and people across the galaxy, giving them room to grow and prosper.

He showed Himself among His children; the Primarchs, each a demi-god unto themselves, taking their Legions to fight in their Father's Name.

He showed the Ruinous Powers- those monstrous visions that Luna saw- corrupting His favorite sons, turning them into their slaves, causing heresy and civil war.

He showed the Battle of Terra, where the fate of humanity was in the balance.

He showed the slaying of Sanguinius, His mortal wounding, and the Ultimate Death of Horus.

He showed the fillies His entombment on the Golden Throne, and the 1000 psykers a day necessary to keep Him alive.

And then they saw all that followed; the stagnation, the constant war, the rise of Chaos, the Necrons, the Tyranids. Humanity was slowly heading on its way to extinction, just like the Eldar. All because of His failures.

When He stopped, the alicorns didn't realize they were crying. It was so sad, so horrible, to live in a universe so grim. So dark. So hopeless.

Oh, Adam, Luna finally asked, choked-up and teary-eyed, How can we help you? How can we stop that future from coming to pass?

The only way, The Emperor answered, That my people can be saved is if I can come back and save them. At the moment, I can only lead them in spirit, for my body is broken and dead. Therefore, I ask you, if it's within your power, to find a way to heal and restore my body.

It was a tall order, that one. Full body restoration and resurrection was no small task, even for alicorns. And over long, galactic distances… downright impossible. Luna was about to respond…


The dream sequence stopped, as the Emperor broke through it like Pinkie Pie breaks the Fourth Wall. They were no longer in Luna's chambers, but in the vastness of space around Equestria. And Luna was no longer a filly, but a full-grown mare, wise and strong.

Luna, Adam announced, There has been a rather massive development.

What is it, Adam? Luna asked, unsure of whether His entering of dreams was a good thing or not (for her, at least).

Come and see, my dear. The Emperor gestured outward, and the Night Goddess looked around.

Far off to the "North", where the space hole was, a massive, gothic vessel was fast approaching. This ship was surrounded by daemonic, monstrous entities, trying to find a way inside it.

That was the Emperor's Wrath, the ship coming for Him.

I don't see what the problem is. Luna told him.

Look around you, Luna.

Luna turned to her right, to where the "object" was. Looking out, she saw a strange blue object, coming even faster than the Wrath.

What is that? Now she was confused and concerned, unknowingly backing up to Adam.

I honestly don't know, He admitted. It's not like anything I've ever seen.

What do you mean?

It's not using Warp, Webway, or any other FTL method I know of. But its definitely not one of mine.

Luna frowned, a little scared. She then glanced to her left, around the Emperor, and jumped a foot into the air, squeaking in fear.

Two more ships- or at least, ship-like shapes- were approaching too. The thing was, she could barely see them. They were invisible, save for when they passed by stars and refracted the light. It almost seemed like they were beneath space itself, and what she was seeing was the ships going under the stars, like rats going under a carpet.

Adam, look! Luna pointed to the bulgy blurs. The Emperor looked over, and complimented, Good eyes, Princess. I was only ever able to sense them, but you could see them right away. And before you ask, no, they're not mine either.

What does this mean? Luna felt a chill run down her spine, fear starting to wrap itself around her mind. Adam, seeing her deteriorating condition, put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, in front of her wings.

It means a great many things, Luna. The Emperor admitted. But one thing is undoubtedly true. I hope your world enjoyed its peace and isolation, because all of that has come to an end…


Luna awoke from her dream, still feeling Adam's hand and the spike of fear. She turned herself to face the window of the night sky. Three new stars had appeared while she had slept.

She shuddered, despite the summer heat. Her oldest friend was right. Whether she liked it or not, starting tomorrow, the world as she had known it would end…