• Published 10th Nov 2012
  • 10,014 Views, 1,059 Comments

Peace and Isolation - McKnight93

Combine 40k, Halo, ME and MLP. Featuring Chief, Shepard, Emperor and everyone else in a war of epic proportions.

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Bonus Scene- Lyra and the Space Marines

A/N: Over the course of Peace and Isolation, time constraints and chapter development has meant that certain ideas and scenes I couldn't fit in. Thus, "Deleted Scenes" is a repository for any and all scenes that I want conveyed, yet can't find a way to use in the narrative.
Peace and Isolation: Deleted Scenes #1

Scene 1: Lyra, Space Marines, and Pinkie Pie's party

Between "The Meeting" and "Preparations"
Astartes learn that some aliens idolize humans, and that not all lesbians are Slaneeshites.

Day 2 after Meeting
Town Square, Ponyville

"Its party-time, everypony!" A bright pink mare declared, starting the first ever "Coalition Get-Together". All the ponies had helped Pinkie decorate the town, and most of the troopers from each of the three visiting groups were invited and attending. Humans and aliens showed up, true enough, but there was a tense feel in the air, which was only partially diffused by a pony being present. Even after the rather spectacular events at the town meeting, ranging from the first contacts to the announcement interuniversal war via three cosmic deities, it was just hard for anyone to trust each other right off the bat.

But as Pinkie Pie knew, one couldn't make friends unless one talked to others, and that was why she created this little get-together. She felt as if it were her obligation to make these people, if not happy, than at least tolerating of each other.

She bounced around, going from group to group, listening to the conversations.


At one corner, Vasquez was talking to Kriel, discussing the different methods of conscription and augmentation between worlds.

"So your people don't use drafts anymore?" The cyborg inquired, his metal appendages fiddling with a UNSC pistol. "But how do maintain control over the systems?"

"Alot of things, actually." The Kentuckian explained. "First off, our army is strictly voluntary. While the numbers are not as high as they were during wartime, we're still talkin' 'bout a military of billions watching over 20 systems and growing. Human territories are again being run by the UEG, but the politicians have learned their lessons from before the war, an' their discretions and concessions are what keepin' the colonies peaceful and happy. Secondly, outside of an occasional Insurrectionist revolt, Flood outbreak or disturbed Forerunner Shield World, we haven't been in a state of war in more than 15 years. The Battle of Crysis- the one that ah fought in- was the first time in years that the Covenant Remnant risked an attack. And even in all the other cases, its nothing that one ship with a few teams of Spartans or ODSTs. The whole 'buildin' bigger ships' between us and the aliens is mostly for show."

"That is another point of interest." The Magos pressed. "Why do you work alongside the xenos, especially N'tho and Cassius? Did their people not commit exterminatus on blessed human worlds?"

"Well, with those two, I've fought alongside them, and I know I can trust them. With the other aliens in general, humanity had no choice but to get along with them. We had spent a generation fighting each other, and if not for the discovery of the Flood and the Battles of Halo, not only would humanity have died out, but the whole galaxy as well. Besides the further incursions of Flood and Forerunner stations, we were the only neighbors we had, and were both tired of fighting. Through diplomatic efforts, we both made an effort to live in peace, to- if not be friendly- than at least be cordial with each other."

The cyborg had disassembled and reassembled the pistol during the course of the conversation, and had inserted a clip of ammo to finish the task. Alan looked rather uneasy as the metal arms placed the gun in one of the pockets of the AdMech's robe.

"Is my mechanical form troubling you?" The Magos tilted his head in curiosity.

"Yeah. I'll be honest with you, most people from our world aren't really comfortable with full-body augmentation."
"Really? I find that hard to believe. I have observed your unit, and so far I've seen three individuals that have undergone limb augmentation, as well as several others with minor modifications."

Vasquez put down his drink. "Here's the thing, Kriel," The Sergeant explained, the Imperial unknowingly stumbling onto a sensitive subject, "While minor augments that don't replace body parts are fine- enhanced eyesight, hearing, stuff like that- the typical person back home doesn't approve of transhumanism. In particular, people find that replacing body parts for machinery for anything other than medical necessity to be dehumanizing and offensive. Those soldiers over there had lost their limbs in previous fights, but they are 'lifers' in the military, and are willing give up a normal life to keep the galaxy safe."

"But why do the commoners hate machinery?" The Magos was confused. "Don't your people have abundant machine spirits, as your fellows had informed me?"

"That's another thing entirely. Smart AIs are created from human beings, and had been essential to the old war. Augmen-to-phobia came mostly from the Elites. They've always believed that medical treatment and repair was for sissies, and that true warriors keep battle scars and wounds as signs of honor. While that didn't carry over perfectly to humanity, the attitude that modification for nonessential reasons made people 'less than human', and was taking away what made humanity special carried over."

"That's why you don't listen to xenos." The AdMech pointed out. "They know not the way of truth. You see, in our order, we know that by replacing fallible flesh with machinery, we remove any imperfection from us, and become one with the Omnissiah."

Vasquez didn't say anything about that. Religious ideals were always hard to argue against. To be honest, even though everything he had said was true, Alan himself was brought up in religious household himself, and had a thing against getting those kinds of upgrades. Personally, if the moment that he'd need to have robotic limbs would be the same moment he's dead. But rather than saying that and risk offending the tech-priest, he merely took a sip of his punch and nodded...


At another table, Samara and Jacobs were talking with N'tho and Spike by the cake table. They were discussing the rather... interesting biology of the asari.

"So," N'tho spoke, trying to understand what he had been told, "Your race is monogendered, yet you are able to reproduce by 'replicating' a partner's DNA, adding in any changes to the genetic structure?"

"That is an oversimplification," Samara noted, "But yes."
"And you are able to do this by syncing into another person's nervous system?"

The Sanghelli shifted his weight, somehow feeling uncomfortable about this. The thought of some entity joining its nervous system with his for "reproduction" seemed awfully similar to the infectious nature of the Flood. Plus, the concept of a race of long-lived females that bred with everyone and controlled much of the galaxy sounded even more ominous than the old Hierarchs and Prophets. At least no one was stupid enough to consider Prophets to be sexy. If the asari before him was any indication, all asari looked like very beautiful human women. And it seemed like many a Brute and Elite were "dishonoring" themselves with humans these days...

"You need not fear me, Master 'Vaduum," Samara said calmly, "As a Justicar, my code keeps me from throwing body frivolously at any suitor. And as for the rest of my kind, except for one particular... exception, my race doesn't harm its partners in mating."

That didn't change N'tho's opinion much, but it did allow the Sanghelli to relax a little.

"Do you guys form herds?" Spike spoke up, having been silent for much of the conversation.

Everyone looked at him like he was quoting the Koran. "What?" Jacobs tilted his head.

"Do any of you form herds?" The dragon repeated. "Here on Equestria, almost all races mate in groups called 'herds'. While dragons and griffons only breed with one mate, most races here have large groups, about five or six females to every two males. Twilight told me it was because there are so many mares to stallions, it was the only way for mares to get a chance to breed."

The aliens were quiet for a moment, but then Jacobs said, "Well, I don't know about you guys, but none of the races in the Citadel do anything like that."

"Actually," N'tho said, "Quite a few races in the CAR have mating rituals that are very different from human customs." Spike looked at his teacher expectantly, and so he explained, "Among the Sanghelli, its considered a taboo to know who your parents are, especially in the aristocracy. Children are raised on equal grounds, and positions are given based on merit and honor. Odds are my biological father was a exceptionally talented swordsman, as they are allowed to mate with any female they choose. And our children are raised all in the same group, taught by our maternal uncles on the art of war."

The humanoids stood quietly for a moment, while Spike watched his teacher curiously. The MEers were about to say something, but something else caught Pinkie's attention...


At the edge of the party, a trio of Marines sat and watched the festivities, while a certain mint green unicorn stepped closer and closer to them from behind. Ultramarines were not like their brethren the Space Wolves, who were known for drinking and cavorting in ways unbecoming of astartes. The sons of Gulliman held themselves up to a higher standard, and kept an eye over the meet & greet, looking for any suspicious behavior.

Longinus was with his battle brother, Legolas, and the Company's Chaplain, Apaulos. While Longinus was accepting of the little xenos, Legolas was merely indifferent, and Apaulos was having a crisis of faith. Here was the Emperor of Mankind, the Lord of the entire Imperium, saying that these adorable yet insufferable xenos were his other chosen people, and that all these other xenos and heretics were to be brothers-in-arms. Surely there was more afoot than this. Why was the God-Emperor tolerant of these aliens, new body or not? Surely he knows they will stab Him in the back the first chance they got?

The green unicorn cleared her throat, although the astartes had known of her presence for quite some time. "Hey, uh, guys," the pony spoke sounding both fearful and... curious?

"Yes, we see you." Legolas answered her. "... Heartstrings, was it?"

"Yes," The xeno answered, "But everypony calls me Lyra."

"Right, Lyra. What is it you want?"

The unicorn looked down at the ground, scratching it with her hoof. "I was just curious," She started nervously, "I've read several books on humans. Most ponies thought that they were a myth until, well, you guys showed up. And having studied them, I've always been curious about one thing."

"Let me guess," Legolas cut her off, "You want to see my hands outside of the gauntlets, don't you?"

Lyra stared at him blankly for a moment, and then laughed. "Oh goodness no." She giggled, " I've known Spike and Gilda long enough to know how hands, claws and talons work. I wanted to see your feet."

All three marines raised their eyebrows at that. "...Why do you want to see our feet?" Longinus asked.

"There's a lot of things I can understand about humans. Using hands, making machines, not having wings or horns or strength yet still being kings of your domain, I can get all of that. What I don't understand is how you guys can walk, run and do all your crazy stuff with feet that look like yours."

"Why don't you go bugger someone else?" Apaulos hissed at the pesky unicorn. "You may not notice it, but we happen to be encased in battle armor. Taking off our boots isn't a practical or ethical task for us."

Lyra looked down, a bit embarrassed. "I'm sorry," She apologized, "I didn't mean to give you any trouble. I just-"

"LYRA!" A voice cried out. From across the hill, a beige/cream colored Earth pony with the ugliest mane any of the marines had ever seen came galloping towards them.

"Bon-Bon?" Lyra was surprised to see the candy maker racing toward them with a worried expression on her face. "What's up?"

"Lyra Heartstrings," Bon-Bon spoke harshly, her eyes narrowed, "Please tell me you're not doing anything to anger the giant soldiers?"

"Me? Course not," The unicorn answered sheepishly, "I'm not the type of pony to irritate others, right?" She glanced pleadingly at the astartes, who offered no such help. She had dug her own hole, she'd dig herself out.

The Earth pony shook her head, but smiled. "Lyra, you shouldn't be messing with these gentlemen. Its not polite to go asking folks why they've got strange cutie marks, or to look at their body parts... Okay, that last part came out wrong." The ponies blushed, while the marines just felt annoyed and confused.

"Oh, right, introductions." Lyra remembered, stepping next to Bon-Bon. "Guys, this is my marefriend, Bon-Bon. She runs the candy shop in town, and is my roommate, also."

A look of realization came across Apaulos' face. "Pardon me," He asked warily, "But did you say that you were her 'marefriend'? As in another female you are... together with?"

"Why yes," Lyra stated proudly, putting a forehoof over the Earth pony's haunches. "We've been a couple for two years now, and they've been the best years of my life." Bob-Bon looked aside, acting bashful and a bit embarrassed.

It took a moment for that intel to settle in the astartes' minds, especially with Apaulos. While it did, several things went through his mind rapidly;
1) These creatures were xenos. Even if they were Sanctioned, that wasn't a good start for them.
2) Homosexuality in the 40kverse was one of the many tools in Slaneesh's arsenal to subdue the righteous. Many Temptresses would appeal to whatever base urges of mortals- whether male, female or whatever- to turn them to the Ruinous Powers.
3) This "couple" just declared themselves to be gay, which in his mind also equated to Slaneeshites. Combine that with all their latent psyker powers, they were an open invitation for daemons to come in and raise hell. Thus, there was only one logical action for the Chaplain...


Fortunately for the two background ponies, Longinus and Legolas knew what Apaulos was thinking, and acted appropriately. As the Chaplain reached down to grab his sword, the others grabbed his arms, and held him tight. They were close, almost looking like they were in a group hug, but the looks on their faces gave away their true feelings. Lyra wrapped herself around Bon-Bon, angling herself in front of her lover for protection.

"Chaplain!" They shouted in High Gothic, "Stop! Remember our oath to the Emperor!"

"Release me, brothers." Apaulos snarled, his teeth bared, "These xeno cultists would bring the Ruinous Powers upon us with their blasphemous perversions!"

"Look around us, Apaulos!" Legolas hissed, "Does any of this looked tainted? Where are the signs of madness here?"

The Chaplain looked around. The harpist and confectionist were still embracing each other, cowering in fear. Elsewhere, other townsponies, aliens, and various groups of humanity were looking at them with growing concern. Here and there, he could see couples and families among the ponies, some of them with children, some with two mares, even a few with two stallions. Each of them had an aura of "purity", of not having the slightest taint of evil on them.

Apaulos furrowed his brows in confusion, unsure what to make of this. So Legolas spelled it out for him.

"Think about it," The astartes hissed, "If our Lord consider these xenos worthy, wouldn't that mean that these creatures have resistance to chaos, even with their eccentricities?"

The chaplain thought about it, then nodded. "My apologies, brothers." He finally said, his gaze staying low.

"Its not us you should apologize to." Longinus pointed out. The Chaplain looked at the still-cowering mares, who still hadn't moved from their spot. The astartes released Apaulos, and he stepped towards them. Even as they flinched away, the Chaplain took a knee, so he could look them eye to eye.

"My... apologies, ladies." He murmured, the words fumbling out like a foreign language. "I did not understand the nature of your, relationship, wasn't the same as one would be from our world."

Lyra and Bon-Bon looked at each other, and back at the giant. "That's okay, uh, sir." Bon-Bon said warily, not moving from her spot. "No harm, no foul, right?"

"Yeah," Lyra said, "Its all good. Hey, why don't you join us for a drink with the others? I hear Pinkie bought a flank-load of sarsaparilla, straight from Appleoosa." She tried to look hopeful and cheerful, wanting to break the tension between them.

"I think the Codex Astartes has a clause allowing that." The Chaplain acknowledged. None of the Marines mentioned the fact that the clause only applied to drinking with Space Wolves- it didn't matter at the moment anyway.

The ponies began walking to the beverage table back in the center of the party, and the Marines followed suit...


Pinkie kept on hopping her way from group to group, making sure everybody and everypony was happy. It did her spirit good to see all these different people getting along, becoming friends, laughing, having a good time. She would often hold parties for no particular reason, but it had been some time since she had a party that was as important as this one.

She came to a stop in front of Twilight and Trixie's table, as they were talking about special stuff.

"Oh, Twilight," Trixie sighed, "Look at this. We've actually got them to get along, I can't believe it."

"I know, Trixie." Twilight returned, leaning against a wall. "Pinkie, I really have to give it to you, this is amazing."

"Yep-yep." Pinkie said happily. "My parties always bring ponies-and people- together. Except that time with Gilda, but we're cool beans now."

It was then that Pinkie, the ever observant pony that she was, noticed how close Trixie was leaning to Twilight, actually resting on her purple friend. And how Twilight's smile seemed a bit bigger than usual. And how gosh-darned cute Trixie and Twilight looked together. And...

Pinkie smiled even more, when she made the realization. Of course the two smartest ponies in Ponyville would feel attracted to each other- who else could they talk to on equal levels?

"So," Pinkie took a seat next to them, "How've you two been doing, ever since you started living together?"

"Indeed we have." Trixie answered, levitating up a drink. "Twilight's library is just full of interesting books and essays, and its nice to have someone to talk to that understands them."

"And I love hearing your stories and travels, Trix." Twilight added, taking a bite out of some cake. "Its amazing to hear firsthand about places I've only ever read about."

"That sounds very nice." Pinkie said, giving a rather coy smile. "And by the way, I just want to let you two know that, well, I'm very happy for the both of you. If you girls ever need somepony to talk to about stuff, I'm always around, you'll always have my support."

"Um, thank you, Pinkie." Twilight said, feeling rather confused about that statement. Trixie quirked an eyebrow as the party pony spronked away to another table.

"Do you think," Trixie asked nervously, "She was implying that we were... together?"

"Um, maybe." Twilight conceded, blushing slightly. "That would be a bit silly, wouldn't it?"

"I don't think so." Trixie put a hoof on Twilight's. "I uh... I think we compliment each other quite well. And I've always wanted to be with somepony who was as good at magic as me, somepony like you. I dunno if you feel the same, but-"

"No no, I don't mind," Twilight said quickly, "I just uh, I need time to think. This seems s bit soon, I think."

"Why yes, of course. Another time."

Twilight trotted away from her, leaving both of them feeling rather vexed.

Author's Note:

A/N: And that was my first deleted scene. That took waaaay longer than I thought it would. But, all the same, I'm glad its done. This fic will be updated at a far more infrequent basis than Peace & Isolation, and is meant to be a complementary work to it.

The next scene- Fluttershy's part in the Battle of Appleoosa!