• Published 27th Nov 2012
  • 1,866 Views, 67 Comments

A Second Chance: Fading Memories... - Heavy Rains

A man from the 1920's finds himself in a world full of ponies!

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April 15th/16th.

-------------------------------Albany, NY April 15th, 1921. --------------------------

“Another balled up day is over… good riddance.” I had reached the apartment complex which I took residence, and not a moment too soon. “That bird Wilson can beat his gums with the best of ‘em.”

I spent my day off at a pub with a co-worker of mine; Wilson Ortega. I was a general foreman at the assembly line for Browning Munitions, as was Wilson. He invited me to a corner pub for a drink, somewhat of a lost cause due to the damnable prohibition movement occurring. Nonetheless I found myself in yet another situation where Wilson feared we would be laid off from the factory. After a few hours I was able to reassure the bimbo. With that we parted ways.

I open the door to my small apartment, removing my work coat and hat as I enter. I set them upon the rack behind the door where they would wait until further needed. I fetched the mail from the floor and began to sort through the bills. Each one beginning with the same formalities.

“Mr. Calhoun , Daniel C., Mr. D. Calhoun.” My surname brought dread to mind whenever I saw it. It wasn’t my real surname, but rather the surname of my adoptive parents. They were cruel and deserved their deaths, but even though they committed unspeakable torments upon me they were the only semblance of family I have ever known. I was orphaned as a child; my mother abandoned me upon a doorstep and my father was unknown. I am the child of a whore; and a bastard at that. I continued to flip through the postage until I noticed a letter penned by my supervisor at the factory where I work.

I regret to inform you that the government is shutting down the factory. They say that there is an ‘Unsafe environment for workers’. Until the situation in the factory is made to regulation we’re out of a job. The best we could do is transfer 200 of the assembly workers to the other factory in Manhattan. I’m sorry Daniel but you were not included in the transfer. I’m sorry Daniel I truly am. You can expect your severance package in the mail.

Regretfully, Edward Vanhoft Sr. Floor manager. Browning munitions provider.

“Damn it!” I throw the letter, envelope and all, at the wall. I walk to my den and collapse into the chair sobbing. My employment was all I had; soon I would be twenty-two and out on the streets once more. While the crash of the stock market caused all kinds of misfortune, it always seemed to affect me in some way. One would think that the Great War would end all the problems of the world. It only delayed more dire circumstances. I was pushed over the edge; I rose from the chair and walked to my bedroom. I considered writing a letter to explain the scene any whom found me would witness, but I quickly discarded the idea.

I opened my nightstand drawer to find my handgun from my past military service. An all too familiar weapon; the single action, semi-automatic, magazine fed, recoil-operated handgun chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge which I ironically produced at the factory. Jonathan Browning created one hell of a firearm. I decided to have a final drink in his name for creating the weapon that would become a messenger of my demise. I withdrew a bottle of cinnamon apple wine vintage: 1892. I savored the taste of the wine as it slowly warmed my throat. The flavor of cinnamon and apples filled my taste buds while the scent engorged my nostrils. I emptied the bottle within a matter of minutes before setting it upon the counter. With that said and done I walked to the apartment window to get a final look at my home town. The memories… the hurt… I sighed as I began to load the M1911 . I don’t know why, but I also grabbed an additional two magazines for the handgun. I then held the colt to my head and pulled the trigger.

And then there was no more…

------------------------------------->: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :<--------------------------------

I opened my eyes and was taken aback by the brightness of the area around me. I blinked a few times to adjust my sight. As the light dimmed I could make the distinction that I was on the edge of a forest. In the distance I could see mountains and what looked like a mass of clouds. I looked to find myself fully clothed and wielding my custom M1911 in my right hand. I picked myself off the ground and quickly toppled over.

“Bloody hell… how much did I drink last night?” I caught myself with a knee before I completely collided with the ground.

“And where am I for that matter?” Seeing no point in holding the colt, I switched the safety on and slipped it into my pants pocket. I also realized that I had two spare magazines in my other pocket.

I began to head to a small hill to get a better grasp of the surrounding area. Upon my arrival I could make out a village not far off from my position. Seeing no better options, I headed for the hamlet.

“I must have taken too much off the top of that giggle water .” I hold my head as it felt closer to splitting, the nearer to the village I became.

As I made it to the bridge to the small village, I could take the pain no longer and screamed at the top of my lungs. After the ordeal I collapsed to the ground flickering between consciousnesses.

I heard steps from behind me and a soft voiced dame call out. “My goodness… Are you okay?”

Then I was met with silence once more.

------------------------------------->: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :<--------------------------------
I awoke to hear some dame talking to some one.

“…Umm… are you… okay” Her voice is the berries that’s for sure.

“Yeah I’m ducky aside from the slight throbbing in my head.” I give a small laugh which further incited pain.

“…but…umm… you’re not a duck…” I should hope not.

“Horse feathers , don’t tell me you’re not up with the times doll?”

“…Um…sorry…I don’t… Get out much.” I began to wonder why I couldn’t open my eyes.

“Hey doll, how come I can’t see?” I heard a clacking of steps that nearly sounded like a horses.

“Well…umm… when I found you….you had a hole in your head….” What…

“I had a hole in my head?” I had to repeat the sentence to grasp what had occurred. I felt there was a memory escaping me as to what caused the hole but could not salvage it.


“Well how long until I’m able to see again?”

“…I’d say about a month or two… If... umm you don’t mind that is… I could try to…” I stopped her there.

“Its fine doc, I’ll just sit here in the dark I suppose.” I heard the dame let out a small sigh.


“What’s your name any way Doc?”

“….Fluttershy…” Fluttershy? Eh whatever there are worse names, like Calhoun for example.

“Well it’s nice to make your acquaintance Fluttershy.” I held out a hand before I felt something soft and furry meet it.

“Uh… Doc I think I might have a bit of nerve damage… your hand feels… fluffy.” I immediately felt her pull it away.

“Sorry…umm…what is your name...if you don’t mind telling me that is….”

“Just call me Danny.”


“So where am I exactly Fluttershy?”

“In my home… outside of Ponyville…” Ponyville? She’s yanking me…

“Okay… what country am I in? Cause I have a feeling I’m not in America anymore…”

“You’re in Equestria… where’s…America?” My god…

“It’s in the northern hemisphere on the West side of the Atlantic ocean.”

“…Atlantic… Ocean?” Yup it’s official… I’m not on Earth anymore…

“Don’t worry about it Fluttershy, I’ll get home eventually….”

“…oh …well…um…okay…. If you need anything… just call my name.”

“Sure thing Fluttershy…” With that I heard her walk off to somewhere else in her home.

“Two months of sitting in complete darkness in an unknown country….Great.”

I decided to go to sleep considering I could do nothing else…

-------------------------------Equestria, April 16th, 1921. --------------------------

I woke up with a loud ringing in my ears, probably from that damnable ‘hole’ in my head. I also felt something small jumping on my chest.

“Angel! Get off of Danny this instant...If that’s…okay I mean…” She is the exact opposite of assertive…

“Who is Angel?”

“He’s my bunny… he is not normally like this…he’s usually kind whenever anypony is over…” Anypony?

“What do you mean anypony?”

“Well… it’s a word used to group…” I decided to interrupt her there.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but what do you mean by pony?”

“I’m sorry… I forgot you are not from here… most residents of Equestria are ponies.”

“Ponies?” I asked again hoping to understand.

“…Yes… Pegasi, Unicorns, and earth ponies to be exact…” No shit…

“…and you are?”

“I’m a Pegasus… but I don’t enjoy flying as much as being on the ground with my animal friends…”

“So your hand was fluffy because you’re a pony…”

“…Yes, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner…”

“Its alright… better I find out now instead of two months from now.”

A world full of ponies…. This is going to be one hell of a caper….

AN: So this is my first HiE Fic, as well as my first fic with Fluttershy as a main character. Sorry if she seems a little OOC. At any rate thanks for reading and leave a comment on anything that you feel requires attention. -HR