• Published 27th Nov 2012
  • 1,866 Views, 67 Comments

A Second Chance: Fading Memories... - Heavy Rains

A man from the 1920's finds himself in a world full of ponies!

  • ...

Crossing Eyes & Crossing Paths

I struggled to stand to my feet, wavering slightly as I went. Once I righted myself I focused my attention towards the grey Pegasus... and her accomplice who was flying away.

"Danny I'm so glad you're okay, I thought I hurt you! You aren't hurt are you?" Ms.Doo then proceeded to prod me in several places with her hoof until she was assured I was fine.

"Might I ask what the bloody fuck happened? I was thinking on what to do when I heard someone scream 'Look out!' and the next thing I know I'm on the ground with my chest feeling like its ablaze and you staring at me. And who was your friend there?"

"It's not important what happened Danny only that everypony is ok. And that was Cloud Kicker I was able to get her to shoot some lightning at you..." Are you serious.... They knock me unconscious.... Then shoot lightning at me? If I ever need care I'm going to Fluttershy indefinitely.

"Next time can you go get Fluttershy if something happens to me? You're amazing when it comes to your kind I'm sure but she seems to have a bit more experience tailored to my needs... and... are... Are you even listening to me?" I waved a hand in front of her face for a good minute to confirm my suspicion.

"Huh...? Oh sorry Danny I sort of lost myself for a moment... You were saying?" I swear if these ponies weren't so kind I'd have killed myself by now.

"Never mind Ms. Doo... I'm just going to go back to the cottage an-"

"Wait!" What the devil? "Would you like me to show you around? I mean you've never actually been introduced to Ponyville have you?" She wants to show me around town? Why not? Better to scare the populace now and be done with it.

"Alright lead the way."

"Yes!... Follow me!" With that she began to trot on the path to Ponyville proper. Before I set off after her, I inspected my person noting that I had lost my harmonica and that there was a burn across my chest about 6 inches in diameter. It is quite amazing that the pain caused by it subsided... then again I'm probably suffering from massive nerve damage.

Who uses lightning to wrench a person from an unconscious state? I began to shake my head as the last of my thoughts processed. Not even to mention they burnt a hole through the only shirt I have...

"Danny? Are you coming?"

"Hold your horses... I'm right behind you." Did I really just say that?

--->: /)(\ :<---

So as my tour of Ponyville began it turned out the first stop was the farm I had come across last night. It didn't look any better in the daylight... nearly everything had been burned... the only exception was the area surrounding the barn. Ms. Doo had called it "Sweet Apple Acres". It has been owned by the Apple family since Ponyville originated, and remains to this day.

"So do you know what happened here Ms. Doo?"

"Sorry to say it but I don't. I was in Cloudsdale at the time on a delivery... It's such a shame too. The Apple family would go out of their way to help anypony..."

Does anypony know? Sheesh these ponies are rubbing off on me...

Further upon the path, we came to the edge of Ponyville. It was a much different sight from before. The ponies were out and lively despite the recent terror that plagued them. Even some of the scorch marks were beginning to disappear. It was surprising to see a community come together and...


...and crucify me before I set foot in their town... Well honestly I should have expected it.

"Calm down he's not a monster! He's my new pet!" What? I turn to Ms. Doo to find her winking and mouthing the words 'Play along'. I sigh and droop my head, hoping that this couldn't get any more awkward.

"Oh. Sorry for the mistake Ditzy."

The entire collection of Ponyville accepted that as an answer... has... has Ms. Doo done something like this before?

"Come on Danny I'll show you Sugar Cube Corner!" This is going to be a long day...

--->: /)(\ :<---

Hansel and Gretel... When we arrived at Sugar Cube Corner the fable of 'Hansel and Gretel' came to mind as the entire establishment was made to look... confectionary. Icing, candy canes, gumdrops... the only thing it lacked was a taste for human flesh.

As we entered the sweet structure, the Ponies inside didn't even cast a glance towards us. Too busy with their socializing I suppose. Ms. Doo went to the counter and waved me over. I sluggishly followed her command.

"This is Sugar Cube Corner! The Cakes own and run it with help from Pinkie Pie. You can find any type of baked good here! Muffins, cupcakes, turnovers, cookies, even pies! They can all be found here!" Turnovers eh? If I wasn't sure they used a different currency here I might be tempted to try one...

"Well hello dearie! Who is your friend here?" I must admit... this is a nice change of pace from being called 'Mr. Creepy forest thing'.

"Hi Mrs. Cake! This is Danny. Danny this is Mrs. Cake."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Cake."

"Look at that! He can talk and he's well-mannered! Quite a catch Ditzy." She gave a small snicker and a wink to Ms. Doo.

As she left I let my mind wander, focusing on recent events. Mainly to that... thing that manifested itself within my subconscious.

How did it know my name? Where did it come from? What was it?

Be patient Mr. Calhoun, the answers will come to you in time.

"Danny?" I shake my head to clear my thoughts before registering that Ms. Doo had said my name.

"I'm sorry?"

"I asked if you had wanted anything to eat while we're here."

"I could go for a turnover, sure..."

--->: /)(\ :<---

As we left Sugar Cube Corner, I wondered if I truly was going insane... What with the voice in my head, hallucinations, and the fever dream from before it seemed like a likely possibility. Honestly, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner... Actually... maybe it did. I mean here I am stuck in a world full of ponies... And I can't even remember how I got here. I mean if I'm insane I might as well enjoy it... Right?

Throughout the next few hours; Ms. Doo ushered me around the town. From the Town Hall, to Carousel Boutique. to Golden Oaks Library. It was quite pleasant once I came to terms with my shattered mind. Even the slight drizzle that had started couldn't kill my mood.

"Well Danny, that's Ponyville! I hope you enjoyed your tour and choose Doo services for all your needs!" She gave a small giggle as we began to return to the cottage.

"Ms. Doo, may I call you Ditzy? I appreciate you going out of your way for me today, and If I can ever repay... What the..."

By now Fluttershy's cottage was in view, but what raised my suspicion would have to be the two mares outside the door. One was a light gray with an admirably kept indigo mane. The other was pink coated, raspberry maned and... playing...a...harmonica...

Why are they waiting at Fluttershy's door?

Maybe they're Jehovah's Witnesses?

What? The voice offered no response to my question.

"Ditzy... Do you know who those two are? Over in front of Fluttershy's home?"

"That's Rarity and Pinkie Pie; two of Fluttershy's friends. Rarity is the owner of Carousel Boutique, and Pinkie helps run Sugar Cube Corner." One moment...

"Did you say Pinkie Pie?"


"No reason..."

Wanted to even out the wordcount...

Author's Note:

My laptop died while I was writing this so I had to rewrite from memory. Sorry for the short chapter, but what can you do when you forget to ctrl+S? Thanks for reading. -HR.
Why have you not read this dude's stuff yet?