• Published 27th Nov 2012
  • 1,866 Views, 67 Comments

A Second Chance: Fading Memories... - Heavy Rains

A man from the 1920's finds himself in a world full of ponies!

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Before I set out on my mischievous plot; I wanted to make sure Fluttershy was asleep. So I cracked open her door to find the timid Pegasus lying underneath her sheets. Assured that I would make it out the door I turned to the stairs. As I neared the bottom step I heard the door open behind me. Shit…

To my surprise it wasn’t the Pegasus, but rather a small rodent whose name was inappropriate in most situations. Angel began to point at me then, I assume, Fluttershy and then signaled a thumb crossing over his throat. If I had to guess I would say that he was warning me to stay away. I raised my hands to both sides of my head and nodded. Satisfied, the small bunny hopped back into the room and closed the door. Was he implying I have a thing for Fluttershy? Or simply to stay away? The first I can only say that I’m not one for cross-species marital relations. The second, good luck with that. I doubt I could leave if I wanted to.

As I closed the cottage door behind me I breathed in the crisp night air. It burned my lungs slightly; but the feeling was welcome. I noted that outside of the dwelling there was a path leading to what I assume to be Ponyville, an open field with a silo of some sorts off in the distance, and a forest to my right.

Where to go first?

As I was going to decide I heard a cry come from the forest. Without a second thought I withdrew my M1911, flipped off the safety and headed inside. Not one of my better judgments...

------------------------------------->: ~~30 minutes later~~ :<--------------------------------

I skulked through the brush making sure to keep as quiet as possible. After all, I’m sure I wouldn’t want to create a scene such as me pointing a gun at a mid-coital couple...

Not long after the thought, I found a mare flying at an alarming rate. She and her pursuer didn’t notice me thankfully; but I noticed what was chasing her. It was… a chicken? No… It had a reptilian body… its something else. Unless chickens are defined by this here in Equestria? But why would she be running? It has to be something else.

I heard the mare scream again; I wasted enough time, her life could be in danger. I bolted out of the brush to find said mare in a fetal position hiding, herself from its glare. I sighted the creature’s head and squeezed the trigger not once but twice.


The sound echoed; sending reverberations throughout the wooden expanse.


The creature hit the dirt spreading dust throughout the immediate area. I ejected the clip and counted the remaining rounds. 4 rounds and 2 magazines left… I’ll have to use them sparingly. I was so engrossed in my task that I didn’t even notice the gray Pegasus mare that was now staring at me. When I finally returned my attention to her I took note of her eyes. They were crossed…

“I DON’T WANNA DIE!” She screamed out and caught me off guard making me jump and send a round flying at a nearby tree. The resulting dissonance silenced the forest.

"For Christ's sake..." I slid the safety back on and holstered the weapon within my pants pocket. I then took a knee and began to speak to the frightened mare.

“Please stop with the wails. I doubt it would do you much good anyway; we’re too far in the forest for even mortar fire to be heard outside its confines.” The mare then directed her eyes… I want to say at me.

“Please… I don’t want to die! Mr. creepy forest thing!” Creepy forest thing…

“Why would I harm you? I have no reason to. Besides, I doubt my current caretaker would approve of such an action. To think otherwise is baloney!” The mare was obviously taken back by my words as she just kept staring… near me.

“W-well W-what are you G-going to do to M-me?” It’s obvious that she still thinks I’m a predator of this habitat.

“Escort you back to your home if I can help it.” She gave a look of disbelief.


“You live in Ponyville… right? If you’d like I can escort you back Ms..." I trailed off hoping she would take the hint.

“D-ditzy… Ditzy Doo…” I extended my hand, slowly as to avoid another earful.

“I’m Daniel Calhoun, call me Danny.” She warily met my hand and pulled it away immediately.

“Shall we head on our way Ms. Doo?” I looked to her and received a nod

------------------------------------->:~~~~~~~~~~ :<--------------------------------

It didn’t take long for my companion to ease up at my presence. Even telling me about some of the adventures she’s been on.

“…and Daring Do happened to be much shorter in person!” I gave her a half-smile; mostly due to the fact that I had no idea what so ever of who this ‘Daring Do’ was…

“Sounds like you live a pretty exciting life Ms. Doo. I’d honestly imagine you to be more of a big shot with what’s happened to you.” As I finished the statement, dim light peered through a breakage within the foliage around us. I turned to the Pegasus and gave yet another smile.

“It seems you were right Ms. Doo. I’m glad we went with your sense of direction instead of my own.” With that said we both darted for the sliver of luminosity, breaking through to the stretch of land that formed the area around Ponyville. As a matter of fact we were just outside of Ponyville; it wasn’t but a five minute trek away.

“Thanks for saving me from that Cockatrice Daniel…” I was about to give her the genuine ‘your welcome’ but she seized me in a hug. And before I could rationalize what happened… She was gone.

What a strange mare…

I decided that going into Ponyville by myself was probably not the best course of action; especially at night. But I did chance a peek into the town from just outside its borders. It seemed that there was a fire recently as scorch marks decorated the hamlet. Seeing enough to establish that my nightly arrival would probably only cause civil unrest; I began to head back to Fluttershy’s cottage. Not long after I embarked to the homestead; I noticed the silo from earlier to my right. As well as burned trees...

Was there a mass fire recently…? No, that wouldn’t explain the unscathed terrain between Ponyville and this…farm?

I began to head towards the dilapidating building but I felt a force tugging at the back of my mind. It was a thought but it felt alien in nature, as if it wasn’t my own.


It repeatedly rang through my head as I looked at the charred remains of the plantation. Sensing the prominence in the situation I decided to leave the smoldered site for something more peaceful.

------------------------------------->:~~~~~~~~~~ :<--------------------------------

Peaceful was just the word to describe it. I found a small inlet to the river spanning around Ponyville, just about midway between Fluttershy’s cottage and the damaged farmstead. The light reflected from the moon displayed its refracted parallel over the water, seeming eternal. The silence gave me relaxation but even more of an opportunity to ponder on my situation.

Equestria… Hell of a lot different then Albany, that’s for damn sure. I wonder what Wilson’s doing right now… Probably playing the act of an Ethel to get some nookie from the dames... that cheeky bastard.

The thought of Wilson also made me realize I was the only known human in Equestria.

The only human… I need to find a way back to Albany, but what’s there for me? Some rundown apartment and unemployment, how grand that’ll be…

“What’s this…?” I felt something in the pocket opposite of the colt. When I withdrew it, a smile came to my face. It was a gift I got from Wilson awhile back. I gave it an experimental blow to see if it was still intact. I was rewarded with the melancholic sound I so enjoyed.

What the hell. I’ll play it, its not like anyone’s around anyways…

With that I began to create the melodic sound of an aging instrument.

"What are you?" I stopped playing to look at the stallion that had just happened to be passing by.

Shit... I dropped my harmonica...

Author's Note:

I know I know... harmonicas. I detest the instrument. And the only reason, the only Celestia-damned reason, was for kicks. Also in the instance I have to write something completely terrible that happens to Danny. I'll have a reason to. Fuck harmonicas. And Danny is way better than the guy in that video. but then again fuck Danny, he plays the harmonica.
I'll stick to this thank you very much.

Oh and go visit this AWESOME PIECE OF LITERATURE if you get a chance.