• Published 27th Nov 2012
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A Second Chance: Fading Memories... - Heavy Rains

A man from the 1920's finds himself in a world full of ponies!

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April 16th. Cont.

------------Equestria, April 16th. 1921 Cont. --------------

“So Fluttershy, how did you find me anyways?”

“Well… I was on my way into town to get some medicine for a small otter I found; the poor dear was so sick …then I um… heard you scream…”

“I’m guessing that bridge led to Ponyville?”

“…Yes… um… Danny? If you don’t mind me asking… What are you?” What?

“I’m a human… Why? Are there not many of my kind here?” Please say there are…

“Well… none that I know of…” Damn it…

“Ah, applesauce…”

“Um…I’m sorry?”

“It’s an expletive just like horse feathers…” Should I be saying things like that? I mean they’re not curses but still…

“Oh… that’s… actually quite rude…”

“Sorry about that, whenever you find out you’re the only one of your kind you tend to lose sight of general mannerisms…” I could have said that a bit nicer…

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to upset you!”

“Hey you have nothing to be sorry about… It’s not like I ended up here because of you.” How did I end up here anyway?

I searched my memories in an attempt to recount what event led me to awake in this so called ‘Equestria’.

Let’s see… my name is Daniel Calhoun, I’m twenty-two, and my birth date is the… twenty-second of June. I…I…was a soldier… for the…United States… and… and…I…I…was… a factory worker for…Browning munitions...

“Danny? Are you okay?” I shook my head as I reentered the present.

“Huh? Yeah… I just lost myself for a moment…” My stomach decided this moment was as opportune as any.


“Uh… Sorry I guess I haven’t eaten since I got here.” I heard a small giggle come from the Pegasus.

“Um… what do humans eat? If you don’t mind me asking… that is.”

“Well humans are omnivorous, so anything really…”

“Okay… give me a few minutes…Unless that’s too long for you…” Really?

“That will be fine Fluttershy. And thank you.”

------------------------------------->: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :<--------------------------------

After a few attempts at stomaching hay, which I had no idea what I was ingesting at the time, Fluttershy whipped up some form of soup for me. It was not particularly pleasing at first, as it left an unspeakable after taste, but after the third or fourth spoonful my taste buds had adapted to its unsavory disposition. It was tolerable but not quite enjoyable. I decided it was best to lie through my teeth than to upset the person…err pony, whom was currently caring for me from her own kindness. As the last of the half-delectable broth was finished I decided to ask Fluttershy something.

“Was feeding it to me really necessary? I mean not that I’m not thankful for the help, but it damages the self-esteem a little…”

“Sorry but you have to wait until you get better Danny… um if that’s okay…”

“Alright… Hey do you think we could cut some slits in the bandaging so I may at least see?”

“I suppose…” Good enough for me; I’ve been dying to see what this ‘Pegasus’ looks like!

It took around twenty minutes to assure Fluttershy that I would be able to cut the slits myself.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy.”

“But what if you cut yourself? I’d never be able to forgive myself if that happens…”

“If I accidentally cut myself how would it be your fault, because you gave me the knife?” She began to answer but I quickly hushed her. “Listen Fluttershy, how in the world would I cut myself with a plastic knife? The worst that could happen is I poke my eye; which wouldn’t be a problem for a caretaker such as you.”

“Well…Okay… but be careful Danny…”

“I promise I’ll be careful Fluttershy, now may I continue?”

“…Yes…” Finally…

With that I began to make, painstakingly slow, progress. After a minute or two my retinas were finally able to welcome the light; which resulted in a temporary blindness while my eyes adjusted. I blinked several times in an effort to aid the adjustment process. As I did the world around me began to focus, specifically the butter colored blob in front of me. A moment passed before I was able to make out a pink mane, as well as cerulean eyes but what surprised me the most was her… wings. As I looked the winged-pony over I was oblivious to all my senses, excluding sight of course…

“Danny? Are you okay?” I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

“Yeah I’m Jake at the moment… you really weren’t spouting bushwa about being a Pegasus...”

“…Spouting bushwa?” She cocked her head as she said it… Adorable.

“It means…” How can I explain it without sounding rude? “…Lying.” That works.

“…Oh…” I was about to apologize for insinuating that she was a liar but there was a knock at the cottage door; as well as a voice to accompany it.

“Hey Fluttershy! Open up!” That voice is none too pleasant…

As Fluttershy turned to the cottage door I noticed a trio of butterflies imprinted on to her… thigh? What could be the purpose of such a marking…

While I pondered the adornment I failed to notice Fluttershy had brought a guest into her abode. She was a cyan colored Pegasus with a mane that portrayed the entire visible spectrum of light. As I examined her I also noticed a similar image on her thigh as well. It was a cloud with a bolt of lightning that, just like her mane, was prismatic in appearance.

“So Fluttershy, you want to watch me do some stunt flying? I have a new trick where…” I assume she halted her words due to the fact she noticed me lying upon the couch.

“Uh… Fluttershy… What the hay is that?” She pointed a hoof at me as she asked the question.

“Um…well…he’s a… human…” She began to hide behind her mane in an effort to escape the rainbow one’s glare.

“What the hay is a human?” That is all I needed to hear to assure the rationalization that humans most likely don’t exist here…

I guess I might as well introduce myself…

“From what I can tell, my winged friend, is that in my existence my species is the equivalent of yours or vice versa.” She stared at me with an open jaw for a small eternity. “My name is Daniel by the way Ms…?”

“Rainbow Dash! The fastest flier in Equestria, and future wonderbolt!” She then performed a few varieties of poses, from being in the air to balancing on her rear hooves. She is a gay one isn’t she?

“Any friend of Fluttershy’s is a friend of mine.” She extended a hoof which I firmly grabbed and shook.

“Hey Daniel, You want to come?” Before I could answer Fluttershy stepped in front of Rainbow and began to object to the idea.

“Danny needs his rest Rainbow… I don’t think he is ready to get out and about just yet…”

“Well that’s up to him isn’t it?” I wanted to state that I felt fine but decided to defer to Fluttershy’s judgment.

“If Fluttershy says no, then I have to take her word for it Ms. Dash.” She then gave the equine equivalent of what I assumed to be a shrug.

“Your loss, let’s go Fluttershy.” She bolted out of the cottage with a rainbow contrail in tow. Fluttershy looked back before exiting the house, I simply nodded and with that she left. The cottage grew languid with silence. I tested my footing before I attempted to stand, not wanting to fall and be turtle on the floor until the Pegasi came back. Once I determined I was able to keep balance; and seeing no better option, I began to search the room for any volume, tome, or book. To my fortune I found a rather large text about the founding of Equestria among all the sewing and animal care manuscripts. I was going to question the credibility of the author but decided not to judge a book by its cover… rather literally now that I think about it.

“Let’s see what this ‘Pinkie Pie’ can tell me…

AN: I'm quite sorry for taking so long on such a short chapter. I was at a Christmas party and ended up getting a little too smashed. Anyway this story will be filled with slang from the 1920's and meanings of words within the 1920's Ex. Gay meant happy or lively. Jake could mean great. Here's a link to the slang if you are confused about any and all slang. HERE. Also if anyone would care to give feedback on whether or not Fluttershy and Rainbow are out of character it would be appreciated. So thanks for reading. - HR