• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 6,344 Views, 142 Comments

Pony Never Cry - Gypsy

Dante, Trish, and Lady end up in Equestria after a freak accident with cultist.

  • ...


"Rainbow Dash! Wait up!" Twilight yelled as four other of her friends followed suit in their pursuit of Dash.

"Sheesh fine. You guys are such slow pokes." Dash said as she hovered in place, waiting for her five friends to catch up.

"All this running is getting my coat positively dirty! And my mane is frizzing!" Rarity whined as she tried to brush her mane with her comb.

"Where'd ya get that comb?" Applejack said confused.

"Well I always do come prepared for such things dear." Applejack only rolled her eyes knowing the fashionista was always prepared...To keep her body clean that is.

"Alright girls let's move on AND TOGETHER." Twilight said as she gave a Rainbow Dash a stare.

"Fine, Fine we'll go as a group."

A few minutes passed and the six mares had come upon a large meadow. Twilight noticed something in the distance and squinted her eyes.

"Girls look! Seems to be some ponies over there in the distance." The rest of the mares took notice of this.

"You think they also came here to find out?"

"Or they could be the ones that caused it." The six shivered at the thought.

"Well enough standing around let's go meet them and find out!" Pinkie began hopping towards the ponies in the distance.

"So here's the plan, if they start attacking I sling my sword at one of them and dash to the others and...Buck them?" Lady fachoofed.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves Dante, they just might be friendly."

"And what makes you say that?"

"Well this place, I don't know, it kinda gives off this, this happy feeling. Like everything is fine." Lady put one of her hoofs to her chin trying to think why she was feeling this way.

"Happy feeling? I have no idea what you're talkin' bout." Dante Tried shrugging but couldn't find the right movements on how to do it. "Fucking horse body."

"Be quiet they're here and please for God's sake don't act like yourself."

"Myself? You mean charming, handsome, and all around cool."

"You forgot stupid, lazy, and a smartass!"

"Be quiet women they're here." But before Lady could say anything more she was greeted by a voice that came from the group of ponies that mere inches from them.

"Hello there, Im Twilight Sparkle, this here is Applejack-"


"This is Rarity-"

"Pleasure to meet you."

"Rainbow Dash-"




"Sorry she's a bit um shy and lastly this is-"


Twilight shoved her hoof into Pinkie Pie's mouth to stop her from talking. "So hehe what's your names?" Twilight asked nervously as she sees the beige pony standing behind a very large sword.

Dante whispered in Lady's ear. "These horses names are freaking girly." Lady replied by shoving Dante away and took the initiative to be the first to talk to the group.

"Hi there, um my name is Lady and this next to me is Dante." Lady reached out her hoof to shake Twilight's.

"Nice to meet you Lady and Dante, Mind explaining why you two are out here?" Twilight didn't want to be so direct but she didn't want to get side tracked.

Lady caught off guard by the sudden question quickly tried to come up with an answer as why they were in the middle of a clearing. "Uh well you see me and my friends came out here for a picnic and well one of us got drunk and passed out but we didn't want to strain ourselves from carrying her and going back home so we just stayed here." Lady said mentally hoping they would buy it.

"And where 'xactly are the picnic things?" Applejack narrowed her eyes, catching wind of the obvious lie.

Lady cursed herself. Dante on the other hand had enough of the questions and wanted this to end quickly.

"We shot out of the freaking pentagram above us." Dante pointed out flatly.

Everypony but Dante were wide-eyed with mouths agape.

"What the hell Dante?!"

"What do you mean?! You two shot out of that giant rune?!" Twilight was dumbfounded.

"Yeah, simple as that. Now since we answered your question mind if you answer ours?" Dante said.

Twilight came out of her thinking. "Yes, yes ask away!"

"Mind telling us where the hell we are?" Twilight and her friends cringed at the language.

"You're in Equestria of course."

"What's Equestria?" Lady asked seemingly surprised this was some part of heaven or even hell.

"It's the whole continent! You're just a few minutes away from Ponyville."

"Pony...Ville? That's fucking creative." The six mares cringed again, Lady taking notice slapped Dante upside the head.

"Watch your language!"

"Anyways you said friend's and that implies there's one or more other than you two?" Twilight asked.

"Yes just one she's right here sleeping, I guess she must'a knocked out or something when we shot out of there." Lady led the mares to Trish who laid soundly asleep.

"So you three did come out of there, did anypony else come through as well?"

Dante and Lady froze remembering that they had been caught in the explosion with ten other people or in their case, demons. "Oh no." Was all Lady could say.

"Oh no? What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Oh uh hehe I just meant oh no just us, hey can you take us to Ponyville? That's where you six live right?" Lady had to derail cause if they kept asking questions things were bound to get ugly.

"I'd also like to ask you one more question Lady, why does he have a large sword? And what is that huge metal pipe thing?"

"This baby is my pride and joy! Handed down to me by my old man." Dante expressed his love of Rebellion. He bite down on the handle and threw it high into the air spinning rapidly as it soared through the air. As it came down everypony but Dante and Lady covered their eyes. Dante caught the sword at the perfect moment, the handle once again in his mouth.

"Show off."

"WOW THAT WAS SO COOL! The way you you threw the humongous sword and caught it!" Rainbow Dash flew around Dante.

"How'd he manage pick up that large sword let alone throw it and catch it?!" Twilight demanded, no pony could do what Dante had just done.

"Mr.Show-Off here is half demon so he posses inhuman strength and agility but honestly when you're as lazy and idiotic as him those things don't mean much." Lady explained.

"Half demon? Inhuman? What's that?" Twilight has never heard these two words before and when she tried pronouncing inhuman it was almost as if she wasn't meant to say it.

"You don't know what a demon is?"


"Tell me what's the dominant species here?"

"Ponies but there are also Griffons and Dragons."

"No humans?"

"Whats a human?" Again she had trouble pronouncing the word.

Lady thought about this but preferred to hold back on all the information for now. "Nevermind, bout this I'll answer your questions in due time but for right now let's head over to the town, I'm kind of beat."

"Oh of course! I'll lead the way."


Sorry took so long to get this out I was busy reading this Doctor Who / Firefly crossover, freaking 100k+ words really screwed me over more than I thought it would but it was worth it. I better lay off the non-pony fiction for awhile seeing as when I read non-pony fanfic I lose interest in writing ponies, scary.

Anyways Comment, Rate, Fuck, Shit, Stack.